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D. Qramer and tamil; leare Baturday tor the Wortd's Fair. A. I. ChappeU, of Trinidad, Tul., is a truost of J. E. r.cni and famlly. E. O. Avery. of Alpena, was in the city last week Thursday and Trida y . Mr. and Mre. Jay Kcith. of Dexter, i-itisl Ann Arbor friends la-t Thuraday. Dr. -T. W. Morton hopea to be able to go to Detroit the latter part of t weck 't o rcniain for a tita.1. Miss Allee Cramer will lic a-sistant to t!ic superintendent of schools a1 Ishpeming next year, at a salery of $700. Uev. B. B. Pope. D. D.,former ]ator of the M. E. chnren in tliis city. greeted oíd Wenda in Ann Arbor la-t Friday. Mrs. a. M. Doty be expected home from MJmneapolia to-day, accompanted by her daughter Mise ciara, who hos been H wlth typhotd tever. Mre. B. ü. Lewle lef( Monday lor California, to make hc-r home jiermanently wlth lier danghter. Mi1. Lewla wlll not le;ive uut il fall. Eev. II. TaöOCk, Iïcv. Mr. Duff, H. .T. l'.rown, E. Treadxvell. and Prof. Geo. W. l'atterscm are in Detroit atbending UM animal oonventlon ot the Michigan Diocese. Mrs. Dr. Hnrtley left Monday momIng for Milwaukco, where Bhe wlll attend the American Medical Assoeiation. Sbe wlll ppond ;i week at the World's Fair on her return. Mr. and Mrs. C.eo. W. Millcn returned home to Detroit Monday evenlng aíter apendlog a day or bo with Mrs. Millen's sister, Mrs. Dr. J. W. Morton. Mrs. Thcda I'.eardsley, whO has been visiriníí her daughter Mrs. E. A. Keith, for somc time, leaves to-day tor Ilowell, to reinain a few days, aml from there goes to Detroit. Mrs. G. II. Gray, of Alpona, acc(inipan;ed by her daughter Marión and sou C.eorire, is visiting her sister Mrs. Kuiiene E. lieal and Otter celatives and iriends in the city íor a few weeks. Mis. Margaret Boiver and Miss Eraran Boivcr -uere in Detroit Saturilay. Trof. E. Baur returned from Huron county last Friday. He says the farmers up in the thumb are ltetter off than their southern county neighbors. The fruit prospecta up there are grand, especiaUy for applea. Wbeat is looking fine, and the spring crops though later are In excellent condition.


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Ann Arbor Courier