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Council ('haraber. A mi Arbor, Juno 5, 1898. Recular Bession. Called to order by Pres. Watts. Holl called. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Taylor, Fillmorr _'. The journal of the last session val approved. Pres. Wat ís appointed Aid. KltSOU temporary chaJrman of the Bldewalk commll tee. PJtTITIONH AND C0MMONICATI0NS. A petltlon signed by Fred Scott and thirty-right other residents oí city oí Aun Arbor, aaktng tliat a sidewnlk lie ordered built on tlie north sido of ruller s,treet from State to Detroit Btreets. Referred to Committee on sidewalks. On motion of A!d. l'rett.vman, Represrntative Kline and ex-Ald. "Wines w-re invited to a inside 1 he railIng when attendlng the council meetIng. A petit ion signed by Samuel Krause and eleven others, residents and property holders, of the 2d ward, asking fe ir a grado to be established, and to do the necessary grading on W. 3d street bet ween Liberty and Hurón .streets. Referred to committee on streets. A comimink-ation Bigned by Frederick Schmid, president of the Ann Arbor Fuel Gas Company, statins iliat a questton lias been raised toucliing the validity of their gas ordinance recently paflBCd nnd request the council to repass said ordinance. Referred to committee on ordinance. REPORTS Of STAND1M. COMMITTEKS. OKDINAN(i:s. The third reading by sectlons, of "An Ordinance Relative to Tres])assers," after which, the ehatr liavinu istated the question to be "Shall this ordinance pass?" The yeas and nays beding called, the ordinance passed as follows : Yea.s - Aids. Schairer, Wajrner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, l'rettyman, Kitson, Pres. Wette- 11. Nays- None. The lïrst reading by title of "An Ordinance to Amend Section One, of An Ord'.nance Entitled, An Ordinance Relative to Fire Limit and Fires." On motion of Aid. Manly, the rules were suspended and the ordinance given a second reading. Second readimji by sections of "An Ordinance to Amend Section one, of An Ordinance Entitled An Ordinance Retative to Fire Limita and Fires. Aid. Taylor at this point, arrived took hfe chair. The first reading by title, of "An Ordfoiance Relative t-o the Closing of Saloons. Hars in Resturants and Elsewhere." On motion of Aid. Manly, the rules ■vere BUCpeaded and the ordinance given a. second reading. Second readjng by sections of "An Ofdinance Relative to the Closing of Saloons, Bars in Resturants and Elsewhere." IiEPOKT OF STREET COMMITTEE. To tlie Common Council: Your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of certain persons interested in lands on Brooks street asking for grades and grading on such street, and a certain resolution asking for an appropriation to grade Gott street, and a certain communication frorn the 15oard of Public Works asking for an appropriation for the grading of East II uron street and Thirteenth street, and a certain petition of property holdeis on Depot street objecting to the laying of a spur track along Depot street croasing Fourth avenue, and a certain petition of residents on Monroe street, asking for a grade to be eslablished, and to grade thej street to the grade, respectfully report that they have had the various matters under consideration, and would recommend that all such matter be disposed of as follows: That the petition and resohition from Brooks and Gott streets be granted, and an appropriation made of $250 lor the grading of Brooks, Gott, and Summit streets. That the sum of $500 be appropriated from the street fund for the grading of Iluron street, from Ingalls to Thirteenth streets, also Thirteenth street, from Iluron to Ann streets. Tbat the petition and protest of laying a spur track along Depot street, crossing Fourth avenue, be denied, and the M. C. II. K.Co. granted pennission to lay said track, and to plank said Fourth avenue crossing 32 feet in width. That the Board of Public Works submit memorandum for a suitable street grade on Monroe street, and that the suin of $50 be appropriated from the street fund for the grading of said street. That the petition from residents and property owners on First street be referred to the Board of Public Works, witli power to act in the matter. Respectfully submitted: Cheist. Martix, H. G. Prettymax, W. G. Snow, A. P. Ferguson, D. F. SCIIAIREI!, Street Committee. On motion of Aid. O'Mara the report was accepted and filed. REI'ORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your committee on Fire Department, to whom was referred the communication of the Board of Fire Commissioners relative to equipping a fire company in the Oth ward, respectfully report that they agree with the board, that it would be inadvisable and inexpedient to weaken the department at the central station. The board estimates that it would cost $3,97-5, and that the matutenance after the lirst year, the company would costannually $2,250. While this seems to be a large sum of money, nevertheless your comrnittee deem the establishment of the company in the 6th vvard necessary for the ampie protection of property in tbat ward, and parts of the 4th and Ist wards. We would therefore reeotnmend the appropriation of $4.000 for the establishment of a company in the (itli wai d and its niaintenance for one year. Respectfully submitted: .1. ÜMara. A. J. KlTBON, Fire Department Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved tbat the report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be laid on the table. Adopted. REPORT OF BOND COMMITTEK. Aid. Prettyman, chairman of Committee on Bonds, would respectfully report that they have examined the following bonds of liquor dealers; and would recommend tlieir acceptance with the sureties named: Principal. Snretles. I.awrcnce .1. Damm Solomon Banmgartner, Ii tel Brown. Kapp & Ardncr Moses Lajoie, Brnest Bebberg. Henry MeNally .feremiah W. Walsh, Herman Hardingliaus. Kauschenbei ser c Kapp. Mathaeus Lutz, Ailolph Keuiper. DKUGGISTS' BONDS. Goodyear & Co Toe T. Jacobs, C. G. Darlinff. Mana Bros Henry Man n Frederiek fehmld. John Moore H. J. Itrown. E. E. Calklns. H. J. Brown John Moore, E. E. C'alkiiis. E. E. Calkins John Mooie. H. J. Bi'own. Bassen & Mason John Moore. Leonard Ifassett. Aid. Prettyman moved that the bonds be accepted, adopted, and approved. Adopted as follovvs: Yeas- Aid. Bchairer, Wagner, Ilerz, Martin, Snow.O'Mara, Fergusou, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 12. Nays - None. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. F1NANCE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommeud their allowance at sums stated CONTINGENT FL'ND. W. J. Miller, salary $M 66 E 1Í. Norris, salary 25 00 Mrs. Jacob H. Stark, janitor 0 26 v. .T. Miller, committee expenses to Lansingr--- 38 20 John R. Miner, examinmgTreasurer's and Clcrk's books 25 00 Beakee & Curtiss, 24 books for taxrolls 50 50 .1. A. Polhemus, horse and bugsy 1 00 Chas. H. Kline, certiüed copiei charter amendments - 8 00 P.O'Hearn,. salary (May) 83 34 J. O. & W. W. Watts, 3 Mayors badges 21 00 Wm. H. Mclntyre, exp. to Detroit, of committee 6 00 Richmond& Backus Co. .supplies 5 80 Eugrene Oesterlin, juror 50 Geo. F. Lutz, " 60 Fred Brown, . " 50 Frank O'IIearn, " 50 Jos. C. Preston, " 50 Michael Clark, " 50 Frank Campbell, witness 48 MiKs B. Gelston, " 48 O. Pray. " 48 II. S. Dean, " 4S Paul Schall, constable 1 25 Elihu B. l'ond, Justice fees 7 40 Wm. G. Snow, use of hack and horse and buf.'i;y 3 50 w. J. Miller. suppUee 2 85 Kobison& Howlett, use of hack 2 00 Mieluel Stabler, coal 15 00 Ann Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., Street lijrhtiiiKv "'-" 25 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , oflice ligrhts 2 00 S. Wood & Co., tile on S. State Street.. 15 89 Patrlck McCabe, labor " " .. 36 11 AJbert Mead, " " " .. 22 i Israel clark, " ' " .. 12 OU Fred White, " " " .- 13 13 P. O'Heain, assessor services from Maroh :) to AprU8G 84 00 Artliur J. Kitson, repairs at 6th ward engine house S 00 Frederirk J. Sclileede, binding council prooeedlags 7 20 Total Ï1.10O 19 CËMKTKKV rDHS. Nicholas Kline, labor 7 50 Jacob Kalambach, labor .- 6 00 EliS. Manly, labor 7 50 Maihew Luippokl, labor 7 50 Total 2s 3.1 STREKT FUND. FelsonSutlierland, salary, 06 66 Geo F. Key, salary 6i) 00 Willis Clark. Ittbor 2 45 Orvil Safre, labor :. :;:, Amos Drake, labor 125 E. J. Suinnii'. labor 1 25 Ubarles ColyrovO, labor 15 36 James Nelson, labor il 40 Bmanuel Beek, labor - ;:. Albcrt Bchoenman 18 00 John O'Grady, tabor 6 00 Karl Joermit, labor 7 50 Michael O'Mara. labor 75 Augnst Bonke, labor 10 ís Chrlstian Jotter, labor 84 73 Miehael Williams, lalior 89 00 Wil Ham Colegrove, labor 3 00 Richard Zebbs 18 S0 Karl Knlbe, labor - 75 George Darrow, labor S2 August llettich, labor 7 60 Charles llintz, labor Frank Duüdale, labor.. 28 50 Jacob Stelnke, labor 5 40 Frederiok Kadke, labor iT 76 Qnstave Walters, labor 'Jr Ml Jacob Mlohelfelder, labor 27 90 Lawrence Hughs, labor 17 .V Ilarry Kajuske, lal)or 2! 40 Edward Itainett, labor 32 40 Carlos Bill, labor 18 90 Barney Langer, labor 83 88 Frank Sohutz, labor 30 75 Wllliam Kuehn, labor 18 90 Wm. Uoeencrans, labor 7 80 N Sutherl;ind, horse and cart 83 38 Clinton Snyder, team labor 1 T J. F. Lnwreni'e, team labor i :.." E. A. O'Neill. team labor 58 10 I. W. Robéis, team labor 40 60 Israel Ciark. team labor 49 98 Daniel Crawford, team labor 39 48 August Oupsloir, team labor 44 10 Martin Natfle, team labor... 24 90 Richard Banu, team labor liii :i.-) August Dupaloff, team labor 14 00 Qeorjre Weeto, teamlabor ." ■'. John Malilke, gravel 19 50 Schuh & Muehllgr, suppllea 53 Cuspar Rlnsey, -alt l 00 Michael Stabler, supplies 16 00 Byorafl Bweet, teaming 5 25 Esllnger Bree., repairs 10 95 Jacob Keise, labor 17 40 .T. H. Allmaiid, Si trees xQ K. ,T. Rokers, supplies 1 80 John Cairos, labor 2 86 Hembert Jones, labor 17 86 Total ï 1,100 84 BRIDOE, CÜLVERT AND CROSSWALK FÜND. Herman Bucholz, labor 11 25 LAwrenoe HukIis, labor 10 05 P. L. Uodmer, lumber 22 77 Wllliam Keuhn, labor 1155 Harry Hammond, labor lii 74 James Tolbert, lumber and sewer pipe 61 23 Total 13861 PIRE DEPARTMENT FÜND. Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 60 00 Henry McLaren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, sal;iry 50 0o Charles Carroll, salary 45 00 Max Wittllnger, salary 45 00 Frank Kapp, salary 40 00 Alben West, salary 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 00 John Kenny , ealary H 00 Shui McLaren, salary 8 00 Win. Rettich, 8 (O Mrs. B. Keam. wasbing 5 00 tairs. Backhans, maklng plllow cases., i 75 Bach ft Ko:ith, supplics Swathel, Kyer & Petergon, om 21 00 II. J. Brown, medlolne.. w Fred Chapín, hay 25 52 Dr. J. A. Dell, treatlng horse .... 2 CO Heinxmann&Laubengayer, ollmeal.. i 75 Total $ 4S0 M POL.ICS PniCD. James II. Murray, salary 65 00 David CoUlns, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 .lohn Kenny, special pólice 4 00 James Smalley, bury mg dog 50 Total $ 1B9 50 POOK FDND. Fred Slpley, salnry ]0 00 Jobn Gilmore, wood 15 0Ü Pred Stpley. frelght on wood IS 00 Mrs Arm Evans, aid 6 00 John Elgele, groceries 4 411 John Goetz .1 r , r roeeries 0 7fi Goodyear & Co., medicine 35 .1. Henne. procedes 4 00 Williain F. Lodholz, groceries 7 54 Williain H Mclntyre, groeeries 11 92 O'BaraA Hoyle, grocerieê 2 94 Cas par Ilinsey, groceries 1 1 42 llmspy & Sealiolt, groceries II :_'( Si'hairer Millen. clothinf! : i7 G. Fred Stein. meat.. 2 00 Wm. Stinisim. grocerle 6 00 Wm. SiUver, groceries 4 CO Wahr MUler.shoee 4 Total $ 128 09 RF.CAPITULATION. Conting-ent Fund 11,100 19 Cemetery Fund tg M Street Fund 1,100 84 Bridge, Culyeri and Oroeswalk Fund. y.ii SC Fire Fund 480 54 Pólice Fund IM . Poor Fund 128 0!! Total 13,141 25 Kespectf ully submitted. W ALTEE L. TAYLOR, WlLLlAJl IlEHZ, Finance Com. Aid. Martin moved tliat the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the sums stated therein. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Ilerz, Maltin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, l'rettyman, Kitson, l'res. Watts.- 12. Nays- None. SIDEWALK COMMnTBB REPORT, To the Common Council: Your committee on sidewalks, to whom was referred tlie several petitions for sidewalks now on (ile, respectf ully report that tliey have had the subject matter of said petitions under consideration, and flnd that the grading and construction of the following sidewalks are all necessary public improvements, and would respectfully recommend that the following sidewalks be ordered graded and constructed, viz. : On Cattaerine street, along the nortb and south sides from Ingalls to Clark streets. On Forest avenue, along the east side from South University avenue to Hill street. On East University avenue,northerly and westerly sides, from Ilill to Packard streets. On North State street, along the west side, from Kingsley to Fuller streets. On Snmmit street, along the south side, from Detroit to Beakes streets. We herewith submit resolution ordering the same. Respectfully submitted. Arthcr J. Kitson, C. H. Manly, J. O'Mara. WlLLIAM HERZ, C. W. WAGNBR, Sidewalk Committee. On motion the report was accepted and filed. [Conclitil'il uu Etghth page.] COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. OFFICIAL. I [Cfl Tn the CV.' ï'our committee on sidewalks would respectly report that thej have had the folfowing sidewalk erades under consideration, and would recommend that such grades lie adopted and approved: Washtenaw avenue, northeast sii !e from Wilmot street to South Uiiiversity avenue. Washtenaw avenue, northeast side from .Soutli Uuiversity avenue to Hill streel . HUI street, south side, from University avenue to Tappan street. ïSeeoiid street, west side, from Madisou to Jefferson streets. Second street, east side, from Madison to Jeiïerson streets. Main street, west side, from Liberty to Williams streets. Packad street, south side, from Fifth avenue tollanover square. Ashley street, east side, from William to Jefferson streets. Cburch street, west side, from College street to Washtenaw avenue. Summit street, north side, from Main to Spring streets. Gott street, west side, from Miller avenue to a point 528 feet north of Summit street. Main street, west side, from William to Jefferson streets. Gott street, east side, from Miller avenue to a point 528 feet north of line of Summit street. Brooks street, east side, from Miller avenue to a point 528 feet north of north line of W. Summit street. Brooks street, west side, from Miller avenue to point 528 feet north of the north line of West Summit street. South University avenue, south side, from East University avenue to Washtenaw avenue. South University avenue, north side, from East University avenue to Washtenaw avenue. We herewith submit resolutions establisbing the foregoing grades. Respectfully submitted, A III HIK J. KlTSON, C. II. Mam.v. .1. O'Maba, Wii.i.iam IIkk., C. W'. Wagxeh, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and filed. On motion of Aid. Ferguson :i recess of five minutes ni laken. After the expiratiou of five minutes ■the council re-a.ssembled. Chairman Ferguson, of the office building committee, made a verbal report and submfftcd the following : Ann Arbor, Mii-h., May 3]st, '93. To Messrs. Ferguson, Schairer und Kitson, Committee: Gentlemen: I propose to build and construct a three story brick building for the use of the city on my land fronting on Fourth Avenue, south of my brick store, corner of Fourth Ave. and Huron street, according to the plan submitted to you. Tlie iirst Hoor to be fmished, the whole building, to be linished in Xorway pine, wiüi snitable vaults in basement and first Hoor, ill to be completed according to plans and completed for occupancy on or before September lst next, which 1 will rent to the city, including whole building and basement for the 8um of 8860 peranmim, pavable quarterly, and with vaults on all iloors, including basement, for the suni of $100 per annum. Tours respectfully, David HiÑsey. To Tour HowmMt Body. The Oommon Cotcncit oftiu City of Ann Arbor: I, the undersigned, have submitted plans and specilications to the committee, appointed for the purpose of accepting a building erected to be occupied by the city officers, and sucli cbanges suggested by the aforesaid committee have been complied with. I would most respectfully submit the following proposition: The entire upper floors to be leased to the city of Ann Arbor for city offices at a rental of $350.00 per year. Further, any additional rooms needed by the city will be furnished at an additioHal rental of 10 per cent upon the cost of sucli required rooms. I would most respectfully draw your close attention to the the plans, specifications and location of the building to be erected, in comparison with any other competitors. Should there be any further suggestions from your honorable body, I would be pleased to receive them. This building can be erected in ninety days f rom date signingagreementto occupy same for city offices. Yours most respectfully, C. A. GliEENE. May 31st, ")3. On motion of Aid. Munly, Mr. Greene and Mr. were allowed the floor. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, That the proposition of Mr. Greene be accepted by this coun-ii in accordance with plans and rpecifications to le approved of by the building committee, subject to sucli cbaagee aa iald committee make iu said ]ilans. Aid. Schairer moved an aniendment that botii plans i., re-referred back to building committee, and tliat liis honor, the mayor, and city attorney be added to the committee and they have power to act. Lost as Tollow.s : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Taylor, Martin, l'rel tyman- .". Naya- Aids. Ilerz. Saow, o'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Kit.son, l'rcs. Watts - 7. Aid. TCagmer moved that the matter Ihí Jaid over to our üext meeting. Aid. Manly moved that the motion of Aid. Wagmer be laid on the table. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Ilerz, Bnow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, l'rettyman, Kitson - 7. Nays- AlLs. Schairer, Wagner, ïaylor, Martin, Tres. Watt- 5. Aid. Prettyman niuvod as substitute that the wholc matter be re-referred to the committee, Mayor Thompson, 'ity Attorney Norril and Prof. M. K. Cooley. Aid. O'Mara moved that the subKtitute of Aid. Trettyman's be laid on the table. - Adoptad is folio ws : Aids. llcrz. Snow, O'Mara, Fergnson, Manjy, Kiteon, Pre. Watta - 7. Naya- Aids. Schalrer, Wagner, Taylor, Martin. I'ret tyman- '■ On mol ''■!■ Wagner, Aid. Jrer was allowed the íloor. After whlch the original mot ion was caUi 'l adopted a.s folYeas- Alda. Herz, Snow, O'Mara, ii. Manly. Kiteoa, Tros. Watts - T. Naya- Aids. I Wagner, Taylor, Martin. J'rrl tyman- Ö. Aid. Schalrer wae excuBed trom the meeting. IKTS OF i i I V OFFICBBS. CITY TREASÜEER'S REPORT KOR THE MONTH ENDINO HA! 81, 1893. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arhor: fialanee on hand as per last report " lo,0W.10 MONKV IHBTBIi Street Fund- ( mintyof Washtenaw... 413 Oemetery Fund- EliS. Manly 12.50 Contingent Fund - W. J. Miller, licenses .... 13.50 A, A Sav. Bank, interest lli 65 Pólice Fund- Murray. feee 4 70 Pond, fines 3.00 Total í 150.48 115048 MONEY DISBDKSKI). Contingent Fund 11,436.94 Street Fund 693-36 Firemen'B Fund 517.27 Pólice Fund 167.00 Poor Fund 72 86 Cometen Tumi 11.25 Hridire, Crosswalk and Culvert Fund.. MMJt Soldiere' Relief Fund 28.0U Total Dtatnmemcnti. Total on l.and 10.08605 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Kund, overdruwD 3,391.61 Street Fund, overdrawn 1,10 88 Firemen's Fuud 4,177.27 Pólice Fund 1.180 88 Poor Fund 1,089.02 Water Fund 8,1 i Oemetery Fund 269.92 Soldiers' Relief Funrl . 1,016.60 L'niversity Hospital Aiil liond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 1,400.81 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, 4 DogTaxFund luu.uo Total I Ï 6,358.24 Total on hand Ï 10,086.05 Kespectfullysubmitted, Geo. II. POND, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, May 31. USB. Ann Arboh Savings Bank, ) Ann Akboh, Mich., June ó, 1893. ( T the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: This will certify that Geo. H. Pond, has on deposit to his creilit as City Treasurer, the sum of Ten Thousand, Ninety-Three and 100 Dollars, ($10,093.05). Yours Respecifully, Chas. E. Hiscock. Cashier. The monthly reports of the city Clerk, city tre.'usurer, city marshal and jKjor superintendent were read and oordered ïiicd. By Aid. Kits, ,11: Resolved, That the board of fire commissioners report to this council at its next regular meeting, the numter of hydranta that need raislng and the cot of same. Adopted. By Aid. Prettyman : Reaoived, That the water eommittee be instructed to purchae a water graage to be placed iu the engine boon for the purpose of registering the pressure on thé city malos. And further. that the chiet of the lire partment bc instructed to have at least live readiugs per 24 hours, including one ïninnimuin reading, recordeil i 11 a book to be kept for that parpóse. Adopted BN DoClOWM : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Fergumn, Taylor, Mianly, Prettyman, Kitson, Tres. Watte- 11. Nays - None. MiiTIOXS AM) KESOI.UTIONS. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That do hydrantc after date, be placed unt il the city engincer sluill have given a grade. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Wiiereas, in the opinión of tbe Counci' the grade of the stdewalk on the north side of South l'niversity Avenue ought to be ctmnged and tixeii and establlshed, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Baolted, And it II hi-reby ordered that the grade of the aldewalh on and iloug the north slde of South rniversity Ave. from east line ut East Universtty Ave. to west line of Waihtenaw Ave. be, and the sanie is hereby clmnged, fixed and establlsbed. so that the grade of aald Bldewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to wiy: At the n. e. Cor. of E. Univ. Ave. and s. Univ. Ave 870.8.3 ft " n. w. Cor. of Cbureb wt. and S. Univ. Ave .872.41 ft " n.e. ooi Cbnroh st. and b. Univ.aveM72.76 a "11. w. " Forestave. " ' ■ " 877 12 ft " n. e. ' " " " '■ ' " 878.03 ft ' 1W 11 e. of n. e. Forust ave. and S. . ave 87800 ft " 270 ft e. of n. e. Forest Ave. and . Univ. ave _ 675.45 ft " n. w. cor. of Washunaw ave. andS. Univ. Ave 673.29 ft the elevaUon Elven betng above the official clly diiliini and Uoug the center line if suob walk, and the grade line tooonsisi of straight line.s between the sevenii poihU ur stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kit son: Wmkrkas. in the opinión of the Oooncll tbe grade 01 ihe sldewalk "11 the wresi shle of soutb Main st. ought tobe changed and lixed and eeutbllsbed, to the end thal such streel may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore And it, is hereby ordered that the of the sidewalk 011 and along the west Blde of South Main st. from souih line of Liberty st. to north lino of Wil Ham, and the saine is hereby changed, rtxeil and that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that Is to say : At s.w. cor. Liberty & South Main ut. 836.80 ft " 154 ft, s. of s. w. cor. Liberty &"South Wallist. ... ...836.80 ft 'n. w.cor. Villiam&SouthMalust.Si7.i8 ft the elevation given being above the otticial eit.v datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whekeas, in the opiuion of the Councif the grade of the sidewalk on the west side ol Second st. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel therelore ' Ketolml, And it is Hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side ofSeoond st. from Dortb Une of West Madlson st. to sontb line of West Jeffenon slreet, be, aud the same is lierehy changed, llxed mul establlsbed, so that thn grade oí said sidewalk n and along tbe Btreet aforesaiil shull in: as fOllOWB, tilHt Is to s;ty: At il w. cor. W. Madlsou Beoond si. 827.18 ft n from n. w. cor. W. Madlson & Second st 8:20.00 ft ■■ 26 I n rrom Q. W. mr. W. Madlson & cond si. _ SKi.M ft ;i from n. w. cor. W. Madlaon t Becoud .-t 81661 ft idiii i), w. cor. W. -M:i'ís' nd st „_819.13 n ■■ s. w. oor. W, Jefferson A s eom tile t'levaliou Elven iuillt; : olty datum and along tbe center line of sucb walk, and the grade linos tocotnslst of stn liuesbetweeu ueveral poluts or stations above statid Adopted. By Aid. Kiteon: Whbbkas, in the opinión of the ivuncii Lhe grade ol Lhe sldewallt on ühmm-imJi i s. Ashicv si ougbt tobe ciiangeil and nul ei :■■ end na: bucI) naay be made suitable and safe for public i raveli therelöre ini it is hereby ordered thal the grade of the sldewalk on and along tb of South AsiiU'.v st. from sou tb line of W, Wllllam st. io north line of W. Jefferson si. be, and the same is bereby ohanged, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk ou and aloug the street aforesaid sliaii be as follOWB, llial Is tO süv : ai i.e. cor.W. Wllllam 8. Aahley st Stó.21 ft ■ LTl ft soutli of s. e. cor. NV. Wllllam ,V S. Ashley st ,s"7.i!0 ft ' n.e. cor. W. Wllllam A s. Ashley st. 8U7.00 11 the elevaUon glv6n being above the otflolal cuy datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade liues to consist ol straight lines between Uie several puints or stations above slated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whkhkas, Iq the opinión of lhe L'ouuci' the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of Second street, uuglit to be changed and flxed and established, to the end thal such slreet may be made suilable and saie for public travel, tberefore Setolma, And it is hereby ordered that the grade ol the sidewalk on and aloug the east side oí Second si. from north line of W. Madl son to gout h line of W. Jelferson, and t same is hereby changed, fixed and that the grade of said sidewalk on and aloDg the streel aforesaid shall be as tollows. that is lo say: At n. e. cor. of W. Madison street and Becoud si S2Í.43U ' 135 ftfrom n.e. cor. of W. Madlaon st and Second t. 818.50 it " 'M 11 from n. e. cor. of V. Madisou and Second st 815.65 ft " HiO It from n. e. cor. of Vf, Jladison and beoond st 816.61 It " 53u Itfrom n. e. cor. of W. -Madisou and Second st 818.13 ft "s. e. cor. ol W. Jellerson A Seiond streel . ___ 819.46 ft the elevatiou given being above the official olty datum a&u aloug the center line of uch walk. and the grade lines to couslst of straight luien between the several points or stations above slaled. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whekkas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the north east side of Washteuaw Ave. oughl lo be changed and fixed and established, to the end that Buch street may be made suitable and sale for public travel, therefore Reiolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade ol the sidewalk ou and along the nonh east sideof Wasbteiiaw Ave. from east line of Wllmot st. to north line ol S. L'nlversity Ave. be, and the saine is hereby changeo, flxed anti established, so that the grade of said gldewulK on and along the streel aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At. n. e. cor. Wilmot st. and Washtenaw Ave 878.80 ft " 15U fl from n. e. cor. Wllmot st. and Washtenaw Ave 876.25 ft " 250 ft from u. e. cor. Wilmot st. and Waghtenaw Ave 874.30 ft " 350 fl from n. e. cor. Wilmot st. and Washtenaw Ave. 873.75 ft " n. e. cor. s. University Ave. and Washleuaw Ave 873.75 ft the elevaUon given being above the official city d turn and aloug tbe center line of Booh walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines betweeu the several points or stations above itated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: WHBltBAS, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of Ilill st. ought to be changed and tlxed and t'stablisht'd, tolhe end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore .''"'"', And it Is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the south side of rlill st. from west line of E. University Ave. to east line of Tappan st. be, and the ■ai. ie is hereby changed, ilxed and estahlisheil, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the streel aforesaid shall be as follows, thal is to say: Ai s. w. cor. E. L'niversity Ave. and Hill st KJ7.41 it " 135 ft wesi of s. w. eor. E. University Ave. and Hill st 867.91 ft " east line of Tappan st bl-:. II the elevaUon given being above tbe olh'clal olty datum aou along the center line of sucb walk. and the grade linea to cousist of straight lines belween lhe several points or stations above stated. Adopted, By Aid. Kitson: WiiEHKAS, iii the opinión of the ('otiucll the ? nuie of the sidewalk on the soutu side oí S. niversity Ave. ought to be chauged and flxed and esttlhlished. to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Mctolvcd, and It is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud along the south side of S. University Ave. from east line of east University Ave. to west line of cast Washteuaw Ave. be, and the same is hereby changed üxed and cstalilighed, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At s. e. cor. of E. Univ, Ave. and S. U niversity Ave. 809.35 ft " s. w. cor. of (Jhurch st. fcS.Uulv. ave.871.39 ft " s. e. ' 871.52 ft ■ s. w. " ■' Forest Ave. " " " 875.97 ft ■' s. B. " " " 876.73 ft " 150 ft e. of s. e. cor. Forest Ave and s. Univeraity Ave 877.211 ft " 270 ft from s. e. cor. of Forest Ave. &. ü. University Ave ...873.85 ft " s. v. cor. of Washtenaw Ave. & S. University Are 873.29 ft the elevaUon given being above the official city datum and alone the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight liues between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kiwson:, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side 01' (Jott stnet ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may Inmade suitable and safe for public travel, therefore ",.and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk 011 and along the west side of Gott street from north line of Miller avenue to a polut ;r2a feet north of the north line of W. Summlt street be. and the same is hereby changed. tixed and established, so thut the grade Oí said sidewalk on and along the Btreet al niú shall hens follows, that is to say : Atn. w.cor Uilier ave. anduott st 839.0J ft " angle In ijottst 843.32 ft " a. w.coi .1 scock Bt. aud Gott st- .860 08 ft s. w. oor. W. Suinmit st. and (iott st. stil. 95 ft ■ u. w. eor. W.Muiimit st. and Uott st.86&56 it ' 538 it. imith 01' north line of W. 8uml"it St 879.53 ft elevaUon given being above theofficial city datum aud along the center line oí such walk, and the grade liues to consist of straight Unes between the several points or statious a stated. Adci]ii iid. By Aid. Kitson: WiiKUKAs, i 11 the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of Brooks street ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Rasolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of Brooks street, from north line of Miller avenue to a point 528 ft north of the uorth line of W. Summlt street be, and the same is herebv changed, fixed and establisted, so that the grade of said, sidewalk ou and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At n. w. cor. Miller ave. and Brooks st. 848.31 ft " s. w. cor. Hiscock st. and Brooks st.S54.0s ft " MM ft. north of north line of Hiscock st . - H59 42 ft centre line of W. Summit st 875.00 ft " 528 ft. north of north line oí W. Summlt st 891.83 ft the elevaUon given being above the official city datum aud along the centr Une of such walk, and the grade lines to cousist of straight unes between the several points or statious above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whibkas, lo the opinión of the Councll tbe grade ol the sidewalk on the eaal side of Qott streetought to be changed and Hxed and!. n 1 1 1 ■_■ end that sucb street maj be made suitable and safe for public travel, thereforo and it is berebj ordered that the 'Mi and aloug tl i ii line of M lllei polnt 628 it. liorth of north W Summi I I id same 1b 1 i the ralk on and aioiiL.' the st reet At n. e. cor. Miller ave. and Uott .-' Ie In Gotl st 843.32 n ■ n. e. cor. Hiscock st. and Gott si -M '.17 n ■■ b. e. c ir. W. Suiumil -i. and Gol " n. e. cor. W. Summlt st. and '■ 528 ft. imrth öï nortb line of V. ftuinmit st 879. e official city I be centre . i walk, and thi raight Lines ral ihhhu nr stations .-■ pted. By Aid. Kit VVhebeas, In the opinión of the Councll the ol the sidew alk on theeast sldeof ti streel ought tobe changed and fixed ai tabllshed. to ■ thal Bucb street may be made Bultable and safe for public travel, thereli 1 IX' Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the easl side of iirooks street, froni north line of Miller avenue to a polnt 52 feet north of the uorth line of W Siuiimit street lie. and the same Is hereby changed. Bxed and established, so that the grade oí said sidewalk on and aloug the street aforesaid hall be as follows. that is to suy : At n. e. cor. Miller ave. and Hrooks Bt.-847.81 ft ' s. e. cor. Hiseock st. aud Brooks st_-86tL9U ft " 24 ft. north of uorth line of Hiscock et - 58.47 ft " s. e. cor. W. snm mitst, and Hrooks stWu 92 ft " n e. cor. W. snmmit st. and hrooks st 873.42 ft " 528 ft. uorth of north line of V. Summit st .889.83 ft the elevatlon given beiug aboye the oflicial city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade liues to cousist of straight lines between the several points. or stations ubove stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Vhi:i:i:as, in the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk on the south ilde of I'uckard street ought to be changed and fixed and established. to the end that such street niay be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Ketolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aiid along the south side of Packard street. f rom east line of S. Fifth aveuue to west line of Hanover square be. and the saine is hereby changed, fixed and e-tabUshed, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At 8. e, cor.S. tiltil uve. and 1'nckard st-851.71 ft ■ 160 ft. e. of s. e. cor. S. Fifth ave. and I'ackard st 855..ri7 ft west Uno of Hanover square -868.46 ft the elevatlon given being above the oilicial city datum and along the center line of such walk', and the grade lines to cousist of straight lines between tlie severa) poiuts or statious aboved stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Wiiekeas, in the opinión oí the Council the grade oí sidewalk on the west side of Church st. oughi to be chauged and fixed aud established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel', therefore Retolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou and aloug the west side of Church st. from uorth line of College st. to south west line of Washtenaw Ave. In. and ihe same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so tbat the grade oí said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At n. w. cor. College st. aud Church st. 877.98 ft ■ n. w. cor. Washlenaw Ave. i " ■■ 881,67 ft the elevatlon given beiug above the oilicial city datum and aloug the ceuter Une of such walk, and the grade lines to cousist of straight lines between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, iu the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk ou the north side of W. Summlt st. ought to be changed aud fixed aud established. to the end that such street may bc made suitable and safe for public travel. therefore Retolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud aloug the north side of W. Summlt st. from w. side of M.Maiu st, to east side of Spriug st. be, and tbe same ishereliy changed, lixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the streel aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At the n.w. cnr. of X.Main & Summlt st.77:; 85 it " 22U ft from n. w. cor. X. Main A: ■■ " 7s7 21 II ■■ T. & A. A. K. R 79Í.4I ft " angle in Summlt st S27.51! ft - n. e. cor. of X. First st. & Summit flt. 889.94 it " n. w. cor. ■ 84'J ;i it ■■ n. e. " ' Spring st. " .xó: ;r ft the elevatlon given beiug above the ollicial city datum and along the ceuter Ilneofsuch walk. and the giade lines to cqnsist of straight lines between the several points or stations taled. Adopted. By Ara. Kitson: the opiniou of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side Of S, Main st. ought to be changed and fixed aud established. to the end that such street may be made suitable aud pofe for public travel', therefore Retolved, and It is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud along the west side of South .Main st. from south line of Williatu st. to uorth line of W. Jefferson st. be, and the the same is hereby chauged, fixed and established, so that the grade oí said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At s w. cor. of Willia'm st. & S. Main Bt.887.6] ft " 300 ft south of s.w. cor. of William st. and S. Main st 836.83 ft " 45U ft south of s.w. cor. of William st. and S. Main st. __ 834.89 ft " n. w. cor. of West Jefferson st. & S. Main st. - 827.69 ft the elevatlon given being above the oflicial city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines betweeu the severai points or stations above stated. Adopted. Aid.. Pret t y ma n moved that the grade of Washtenaw ave., from South Unlrenaity ave, to Hill st., be referred back t the city engineer. Adopl cil. By Alderman Martin: WHBEIAS, in the opinión of the Council the nade ou Gott street ought to be changed and fixed and establlsbed, to the end that Buch street may be made sultable for public travel and traffic. Therefore Retolved. and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Gott street, from Miller avenue to a point ó4 ft. north of center of W. Summlt Etreet be, and the sanie is hereby changed from the present grade mui fixed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At north liue of Miller ave .".839.00 ft ■■ angle in (.ott st 842.82 ft ■ center of Hiscock st -818.67 ft ■ center ol W. Bummit st tio.ió ft ■ S'.H north of peuter of W. Summit st.iffiUJO ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and iilong the center line of said streel, the roailw av to conform tnereto, aud the grade t nereof to consist of straight lines between the several polnta or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Retolved, that the grading and eonstruction of the sidewalks Gereinatter ïueutioned is deemed and declarcd a uecessary public im■neut TiiKiiEFoKE, it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded. built and constructed on and along the following stretts and iu front of the following property iu the city of Ann Arbor, viz: Ou Catherine street, along the north aud south sides, from Iugalls to Clark streets. On l'orest avenue, along the east side from South University avenue, to Hill street. On East University avenue, northerly aud westerly sides, from Hill to Packard streets. On Summit street, along the south side, from Detroit to Beakes street. On North State street, along the west side, from Kiugsley to Ful Ier streets. That all such sidewalks be graded, built, and constructed in the manner withiu the time and of the material prescribed by the proyision of au ordinance "Eutitled au Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," and ou the grade to be established. Adopted. By Alderman Martin: WHBBIA8, in the opinión of the Council the grade ou Miner street ought to be changed and fixed and establlshed, to the end that sncb Btreet may be made suitable tor public travel and tratiic. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered i luit the grade on Mlner Btreet, trom center of v. s u in in i t Street to the center of Feleh Btreet i and the same is hereby ohanged from the preaeut grade and Rxed and established, so tlmt the grade on and alongsuoh Btreet sha! 1 be as tolïoivs, that is to say : At center of v. Hummlt Bt. 870.24 ft ■■ tsentei ol fcliscock st 851.90 ft ■ center of Felch at 886.12 ft the elevatlon glven being above the official city datum and along lire center line of aald Btreet, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to conalst ( straight linea betweeu the sct'ia] pointa or stations above Btated. Adopted. By Aldermaa Martin: Wherïas, in the opinión of theCouneil the grade on Brooks street ought to be changed and Bxed and establlshed, to the end that such street may be made suttable for public travel and trafflc. Therefore Bitolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Brooks street, lroin Mlller avenue to 5U4 ft. uorth of center of W. Suinnut street be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed And established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At uorth line of Stiller avê M7.81 ft " center of Hiseock st 868.40 ft 294 ft. north of center of Hlscock Bt-857.97 ft ' center of W. Siiminit st 873.42 ft ■■ :y.n ft. north of center of W.Suramit-fcS9.UUft the elevation glven being above the official city datum and along the center line of said stn-ci, the roadway to conform thereto. and the grade thereof to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and l'iïty dollars ($250.) be approprlated from the street fund and expended in the grading of Gott, Snmmit and Brooks streets. Adopted as follows : Veas Aids. Wngner, llerz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Maniy, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres, W;ills-ll. Nays- None. I'.v Aid. Martin : Ki'solved, Tliat tlie suiu oí live liundred dullars ($500.) be appropriated from tlie street luml and expended in the gradtng of Kast Haron street, trom lnii.ills Ki 'l'hirleenth streets, Thirteenth st., fro-m Huron st. to Ann street. Adopted as follows : Yeas Alils. Wamirr, llerz, Martin, Snow, (l'.Mara. Feriiuson, Taylor, Mauly, l'rettyman, Kitson, Pres. Wal is- 11. Nays- Xone. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, Tbat tlie uni of fifty dollars i.S50.) be appropriated from Btreet fund and expended in the (Trading of Monroe street, at tlie west end of such street. Adopted as followt;: Veas -Aids. Wanner, Her, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Wal Is- 11. Nays- None. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, Tliat the clerk be and is hereby authorized to have printed all ordinanoes after their first readiilt, for üie use of the oouncil. Adopted as follows : Yeus- Aids. AVagner, Herz, Martin. Snow, Otara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. Aid. Martin moved that the bids íor for printing the council proceedings be now opened. Adopted as follows : Yea.s- Aids. Wagner, Herí, Martin. o'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, I'rettyman, Kitson, i'ivs. Watts- 10. Nays - None. The followlng bids were reoeived and opened : The Register and Democrat, joint bid, ÜO cents per t housand etü to cacli paper ; pamplilot, usual Kize, L'5 cents per paso ; Ann Arbor .Courier 30 cents per 1,000 ems, pamphlet 25 cents per page ; Ann Arbor Argus, 30 cents per 1,000 ems, pamphlet 25 cents a page ; The Argua and Courier joint bid, 20 tent.s per thousand eins to 'each paper, pamphlet form tbe ffame size as last year, tor _'." cents per page. Aid. Ferguson moved tliat the joint bid of Ann Arbor Oourter and Ann Arbor Argus be accepted and adopted. Adopted as follows : Veas- Aids. "Wagner, Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, I'rettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Nays- None. On motion the council adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Courier