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AnMlXISTRATOIt'8 S.M.I.. EEAL ESTÁTE FOB SALE- State of Michi,, i oiiiny if Waahtenaw, ss. In the inatier of eetate of Jennje . ifimctt. deoeased. ■ is bereby ■.'ven tbat In pursuau 'f ui order grauted to tlie underaigued admlntstrator of the ed. by tne lïon.Judge cif Probate for the Oounty oi w ashti'iiaw.on the secoud day of May, A. D, there will be sold ut Public Veudue, to the I bidder, at the east front ol Court House, In the City of Ann County of Washteuaw, in said Duesday the twentietb day of June, A. D. 1"" ten o'clock In the forenoon of that daj (su to all encnmbrances by mort(rage or ptherw Ise ixlatlug al the time ol the aeathof sald deI, sel Ibed Beftl Bátate, i li thatcertain parcelof land sitúate In the Towushlp of Salem. Couutj "f Washtenaw, State uf Michigan, and being sub-diviBion min) )- tour (4) accordlng to ene plat ol the isioncra ou partition of the estáte of Joseph Benuett. deccased. and bounded as follows, i.: i 'ommencing in the north line Ion fifteen, town one, sonth i Beven est, tweuty-three (28) chatns nd eight (8) links weel of the north quarter part ol Bald : with the north and soutli quarter llue "f sald neet ■ tast and west quarter line of said s c thence west sla chaina and thirty-threi link-: tbence north parallel wlth '; tlie nortli line oi ; henee i e ■ chaina and thirty-three (3S) links to the place of beginiuing; coutalnlng twenty-four acres, excepting about oue nu'l one-hali acres, tnereof, conveyed bj said Joseph L. Bennett in his lifu tiniü. , . 2. The umlividiMlonoïunrtii P0 part oí subdivisión number one i i aocording to the plat of the comml88ioners ín partition oí said estáte of Bald Joseph l. Bennett, deceased, being a part ol said sectlon number flfte.en,and aescribed an tollowa vlz: the east eleven (11) and forty-two (42) links in width otT from and acr i Bide ol the north-west fractional quarter ol Baid section number fljteen, contwlnlng (orty-ei(tht i-."'-'-';-1. .1..,l:!.'uiFRANK llï'.NNfcli. Dated May -2, 1898. Administrator. A MEDICINE THAT MAKES GOOD BLOOD GÏLMÖRE'S AROMATIC WIHE Will completely change the blood Ín yoursystem a three months' time, and send new, rich blood coursing through your veins. If you feel exhausted and nervous, are getting thin and all run down.Gilmore s Aromatic Wme, which isatonic and nota beverage will restore you to health and strength. Mothers, use it íor your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments peculiar to woman. It enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. It is guaranteed to cure Diarrhoea, Dysentery and all Summer Complaints, and keep the bowels regular. Sold by all druggists tor $i per bottle. GUCOLOI I CURES RHEUNIATISM. IÍ one bottlo does ynu no good, don't fctiy another. For Snle by KruïüiBt, er Bi:ut postpaid uq recetpt of price, tl uu. BURDSAL MEDICINE NI'F'C CO., Masonic Templo. CINCINNATI, O, E. E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Company. LUMBERl LUMBER! LUMBER! If you coutemjilate building, cali at FERDON'S umm ïai i Corner Fourth and Deiiot Sts.. and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER! We manufacture our owu Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PR1CES l_ Give us a cali and we will roake it to your inu-rest. iis our large and wcll graded stock fully Bustaine our assei-tioa. Telephone Counectious w ith ollice. T. J. KEKCH. Bttpt. JAMES 1OLBERT Prov 5ÜTHMA? SCHIFFM ANN'S Aslhma Cure Never fails to give instant relief in the worst c&si'S, and tlft-i-t i-uri'H wkera atken tuU. Trll tacka FICEE of DrureU or hj ÜaiLl Addrw DR. R. SCHIFFMANNT, SL rol, Blan. ■I ■■■■■■■ The bert HUtonr of tlio nrlT TT nT nni ""-■ '■ tro1" th? dU■ II lUI n i covery of America to wrsr3 % CQLUMBIA Fot special tiTins applyatouce to PALESTINE PUB'G C0., Elkhart, Ind, E. ]ST. BILI3IE, TEACHER OF VIOLIN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Belin, Germany. Cnn to seenl Tuesdaya and Fridaya nt bis rooms, ál N. Main Street, Aun Albor 0 Company'a Bloek.


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