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Mrs. J. I!. Grant, of Manistee. Ia a gueet ol Mi--. '■ E. Beat Wkb Anna J.niz has gons to Riehmonil. ind.. to vi-it friends. W. 1!. CUdart of the BtOCktWidge Sun. ka in the city to-day. oilhert H. Rfoodee is al home, ili vitli pneumonía In a mild form. Mrs. and Miss Wade fíive B reception to their Friday ]i. m. M:-s May Oooley gaw a yery large receptaan Laat l'ridny aftérnoon. Mr. E. I!. l'ond ka in Adrián, called tbere by the Berioua Lllneea ol a ni cr. Dr. Harry Nteklee, ol Moatpelter, OhlO, is visitini; hls o!d home for a few days. Mrs. B. F. lias been entertainlne Mis.s Lena Allen, of Wist Bey city. Gearge ('. Cooper, who has been Tteitlug his o!ii borne at Howell, retnrncd Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I). D. Travis, who have been vtelting thelr chIWren tere, leave for home to-day. A. E. siiaw. of Olivia place, is entertatnlng lus motivar, Mrs. L. A. shaw. ol Ma8achue1 1 s. Mr. and Mrs. ]'. H. Qniek leave tomorrow for Branch county, to remain a íew weeks witb friends. Mrs. Dr. E. L. Drake, of Uarquette. s in the city. vlaltlng lier mother Mrs. Gregg, on l'onntain Bt. RolxM't Staebler was up from To!ed(i to visit his ]iarents Mr. and Mrs. Miehael Staeliler over Snnday. Mrs. George Vandawarker has been entert a ininu: her sisters Mrs. Dr. !'■■!- ry and Mrs. [rteh, of I'ontiac. Mrs. W. K. ('liilds is entert aining ber bi-other Knfns CJate, of Detroit, who will rcniain tor several days. Prof. F. 'M. llaniiltnn is home from BucjTUS, oliio, for a few days, on liis way to the WOCld'8 Fair. AValter I.athrop lt'ft thi.s morning for OhiloagO, to visit his sim Roy, and inciileiitally, of conrse, take in the big sliow. (Jiilie S. l'itkin, of Petrolia, (Int., has leen at home for the past week or eo visiting his motlier and otlicr relAtlvee. üln V. Mills lias moved hito the redonbtable 4th ward. havin rented a reatdence of Mae LeBeau, on N. et, Mr. aod Mrs. E. J. Hall, who have been vi.sitinu; I'rof. I,. D. Wlnes and fainiiN'. have retnrned to thelr home in Iliinalo, N. Y. Trof. and Mrs. E. Dcraglass Adama are at OW MJaslom wbere they wlll remado (or several weeks, oeeupying Dr. l'.reakey's cottage. .1. . A. ScssiiMis and wlfe returned Sunday cveninj; írom a two week'fi t:iyai dhfcago. Be haen't worde to expresa Une great alghta fco see there. Judge A.-ii'du y. McAlvay and family wiM-r iu 1 lic city Sunday, cal] ni bere by 1 1 1 ■ death oí Wtas. McAl:iy's íather, Jacob I'.ass-er oí Anu Arbor towm. Tbom. s. I'.wiim-, dent. '86, non ol Loe Angelíes, cal., and eugaged In in ihc íiankinu' business there, has bren the glieSt Ol ! J. Iiabenrk, durag the week. n Munday Mrs. (liauncoy Orcutt, accompomted bj br daughter Mrs. Beasie V' i i t i.-i i-k . and also .Mrs. JoM'pii Whltlark lefi tor the White City oí FaJry Land. Mr. and Mra .1. I.. Babcock and nniilicr expeci to leave thlí cok íjr Uw World'a l'air, WauUesha, Wis., and western pointe and to be absent for the Bummer. Jollil E. Travis of the ( oaricr forcé, expects i o leave Prlday to explore ilu' W'inid's l'air grounde. lie Wlll hv i.cninip.iiik'il by Mt8. Travis and al80 by 'ais íailicr and niollifr. Cashicr II. W. Newktok, ol the !;- ter Savinge Bank, accompanled by Mrs. Newkirk, ís in tbe olty yberday to atteüd tibe funeral oí Aldermao Fillmore, wlm was a cousin ol' bis. County Treaeurer Suekey and wííleft la.-t evening for Chicago to attend the AVoiid's l'air. Mr. Snekey lias bees invited to nuike a speech there upom the occasion oí Cernían Day, June lütli. Mr.-. Uabel K. Pond leít for Jackgon tliis a. ni., to remain a day or two witli Irie.nds. Míe as aecomiiauied by her dcuighter Bésele and son Kennel Ii. who wllJ go frotn there to Noble, J'.r.-uirli county, to í-emain during tlie vneation weeks. Mrs. Sopliia 'Ewing, widow of tlic late I)r. Alex, Kwin.íí, oí Dexter. is vi.-Itkng relat ives in the cotinty. Slie hae becm spendíng the winter at Los Angeles, (al., and js mi her way to New Vork. liere i-lie resides Wlth her oldest son. Di'. Wm. A. Kwing. JutUre ]hirriinan says ir is worth a trip to ('hicaiío jut to seo a sunset on tlie World's J'air Grounds. Those great buUdlnga are then transíormed iaito palaces oí inarbie and silver. and present a sijíht inore beautiíul t ha ii any pen coold cver convey to the maid. Miss Mattle Drake íeturned from Obtoago and the WorW'a l'air last Satunlay, aíter a two week's stay. !:- Drake is very eoatbjuslastic over the great exhibition, and tliat ilie reporte abOUt exhorbitant cbargee are all Falte. That any person may go as economically as Ihey clioo.M', or be as free wlth their ilioney as they choose. There are accominodalions of all kinds, suited to all pui'OOe, and rhether it costs a person tí littte or .a great deal dependa entirely upon the perBon.


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Ann Arbor Courier