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Michigan ( Central " The Manara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (REVISED) MAY 28, 1893. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. I ó .. . ■ : : : 4 := i : '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ ' :í = -í' j.i : : i i I ! : i L '. - i - "- ■"- V ■ nTTlis g Úé :::: B 5 =■:::::= 4 Áé ' : é siüi?: :fiS 88 ja ; : : ■ A - - - I a 15 i .M i I i - Í9RI -Ssi " !8SS ;SS3: M é=:- =S-S 6 2:: : : : 6 - 6.4 1 = - m :::: - sq :sgscsafi 3 ga ;? ■ iSS 5 sá i éé = Mji . dJ ■ xéa i i : S82ÜJ :88aS8 S %rM : i :?? giiM :üf: t "SS ' ' '- '" á BBi; isa ---= S d : : : : :i . : 3 ss : : :S : isa A S?S?S :???? 27; : : :íí : :-g -j gSSSfi :=■ m S : : : :Ê6 m BS j j i i S B i : : : M ; ; ; ; i S5 : : :3G :SS 2 SS :82 j =53 as ■ '■ '&a ;='- 5 - ;í si é=::: :iss s = j ; i i ! b 3 'a : : : ; : J i i i i i oí gs i : ia : :SS S9. : :r i : :?.? : : : : :L: 8 -S „es ; b '■ m s ; i a L auge Í8Q89 i 'S SS -S? i i ? a :.x;-; :;-:.:-:i' ! o :::o ■ ■ ■"■ sé i _, ja "iïïïïïïw'nnïïnf - Iffl - f n 5 1 i i 1j I MilliiS B isijii s s : : o : :=_ï : . : z '-'■'■ :=■=- : o ■""'ai : ' = o Illsislli! =IllBll3i G. W. RUGGLE8. H. W. HAYES, G. F. ifc T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Anii Arbor . TOLEDO pv I) yJ noRTH MICHIGAN) T vL3y RAILWAY. L-J ' tí S" "d OLE DÓliri-, 1_' 'M TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT S"CTiT=.-2-. 2vL.-2" 14, 1893. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 6:45 a. m. I ia: 15 P. M. 11:45 A. M. 4:15 p. M. 9:00 P. M. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. W. H. BESSETT, G. P. A. K. S. Greenwood, Aqt EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T a -rvTITCS TRY DR. LE DUO'S "PEJ_lAJ-lÜlÖ KIODICAL" PILLS from Paris France. Established in Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, IrregulanUea and Monthly Derangeinents. A reliable monthlv medicine. They always relieve. Any drugglsi, . American Piü Co., Proprietors Spencer. Wa. Robert Siephenson fe Co., Wholesale agents. and all other drugStisU in Ann Arbor. These pilla are warranted to brineon the " chanp-e ." GET A TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entitled to a cholee of TheHorue Instructor, the Life of General Shcrraan, or the Life of P. T. liarnum (free). when cash purcliase to the amouut of $15.00 has been niade. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR, LARGE OCTAVO, 47S PACES, ILT.ISTRATED. compendium of useful knowledge necessary fort he practical uses of every-day Ufe. A complete and perfect guide to life In public and private. THE LIFE AND DSEDS OF GEN, W, T, 5HERM CROWN OCTAVO, 56S PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphlc narrativo of hls boyhood and jarlv life educatlon, career In Florida and california, military achievemeuts, Ufe as a citizen, last sickuess aud death; with flne steel portrait. TEE LIFE OP P. T. SAENÜ1C, The Worldfteaowned Shovmu. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTBATED. Hls early llfo and strusales, bold ventures and brilllünt success: his wonderrul oareer. hls wit, genius and eloquenoa, li Ufe citlïen.etc- to which is addedhls famou book, "The Art of Money Gettlng." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & G BROADWAY. 1692


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier