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Resolutions Of Thanks

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Passed by Welch Post, No. 187, G. . II., at its regular business meeting, June 9, 1893. Whkbeas, Tiic Post feels onder special obllgatlona to uil (especlally the autliE of the (Jnlversliy, for Uie u - ■.! rm cr-üty Hall.) who ni klnrtly asslsted thcm in tbe n irial Day, thi yeax, lt offers li. ■■ rolluwlng : VVHEREA3, nu the ocoaslon of oiir Memorial Services, on tbe eveDlng ol Memorial Dny al Universlty Hall, we wcro favored wii li Blnglng by Ine glrla and boya f our public scoooIb, in ;i tuanner vhicb refl upon all who look part, especlally to Mlsfl Lacy K. Cote, teacher Of maalo in the pnbllc schools, througb wbose eflbrls such gratlfylng resulto were attalned, (we oonate ii' ecbool board In bavlng tlio - of so efHclent b teacher.) fore be i: "', Tlmt e extend our gretefal ao kuowlddgmeni lo Professor Perry for bis Interes! In gatherlng tbe oh lid ren for Instructlon in our patriotla longs; to Miss Anna D. Boblngon for valuableasslslancs; lo tno boys and :;irls for Uu' part tliey lonk I n gtving ns bucTi oharmtng uloglDg; aml to i ii" leaober, MKs Cole, we are unuer - obllgatlonsand Irut thnt she muy ivo lüiig lo graoeour Alture meniorhil oocaalona. "W thnnk ihem one and all." Aml be it further 1 1 1 at we tender the thaDks nf tliis l'"' i" the Minea Mingay, Anspacb, and Ihe yoang ladies of tlie Fililí vrard tor Llio manneroi dellvery aud cboloe of recitations rcnüereil by Lbem. Aml be It Betolved, Tbatwe,aa ■ l'nst. extcml to the teachers of the flfth vard school, (especialiy Miss b'lora C. Uimdnle) and the scholar of the aame.oar heurifell thanks forthepairlotIsrn displayid In preparing and performlog tlie muHical exereises of Memorial Day al Korest HUI as well as the liflh ward ceiuetery. And beit further Raolved, Tbat we, as members of Wolch Post, No. 137. Grand Army of the Kepublic, lu regular Misión assembled, desire to tender lo Kev. Augustlne s. Carinan, pastor of the l'irst Iiaptist cliurch of Aun Arbur, our sincere and unstinted thanks for the masterly, historical and appropriate sermón, delivered before us on Memorial Sunday, May 28, (as well as for the other courtealee extended lo us as a Post, on thut occasion.) And be it still furthur Retolved, Tliat, deeming the ald production of such intrinsic value, we do hereby uppoint a eomniittee to cali on the Rev. Mr. (arman and secure, if poMibie, a oopy oí the nhove mentioued sermón lor publicallun in oneof the most widely circula ted newspaners of tlie city. And be it also '■' ■ ■'. That we tender our sincere thanks to the Common Councll, Ann Arbor Killcs, Co. A, I,iglit Infantry, ilie . of V.. Woman'a Kclic-i Corps, and to the oittzens generally, lor aislsllng us in the obsérvanos of tliose soiemn such an impressive manner, tliereby Instllllng the prjnciple ol patriotisin Into tlie minds of the risin;; geueration, and tlms ureally assisiing us in dolng our duty toward our departed comradee. And be it linally Tliat a copy of these resolntlons be spread on the Proceedlngs of tnts Pott, and also tliat copies of the same be farnlsbed to the different newspapera oí the city for publica tion.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier