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WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS From Ann Arbor ure respectfully invited to make note of the Following Facts: 1. It i.s not desi rabie to have a room near the entrence to the Fairgrpunds, on account of the noise of the cabmen, fakirs, teamsters, newsboys, etc, who throng the streets in the iieigliborhood of every en trance. The dust rlying in the air in that neighborliood renders Ufe miserable to one who bas any regard to cleanliness. 2. The pricea charged in that neighborhood for rooms, board, and most otber articlea of necessity or comfort, are at least doublé those charged a mile or more west or north. S. The langer from fire is mach greater on account of crowding so man; people into a single house and a lhnited district. At all honra of the aight there are men and boys about ili place, some working and gome carousing, and almosi irapossible to sleep with any degree oí comfort or security. Hotel Winchelsea, is a largo building a mile and a half uorthwesl from the grand entrence to Midway Plaisance, in a qniet and respectable neighborhood, between 48th and 5Oth streets, on Indiana avenue. It is built of "stone and brick-, containing lus rooms, constracted for permanent use as llats, tlireo stories high, with a bath room for everv suite of rooms, all new and newly fnrnisbed. The 5lst street station of the Elevated R. It. is ouly two blocks distant which takes passengere into the ground, or to the business center for 6 cents. Carriages and busses run regularly between the house and the grounds for the special accommodation jf guests fare to Midway Plaisance ten cents. Kates to guests for room without board, from .l' to Í5 a day, which may be divided by two if two iersons occupy the room. A First-Class Resturant is open in the same building, where a good meal may be had for 50 cents or leas. Kuil information may be obtained by i addressing S. R. WINOHELL, IÖ37 Indiana Avonue, Chicago, stating the time room is wanted and price one is willing to pay. II ULEY C. WINCHELL, ' Clerk. THEJHERMOETER_SAYS_ BUT SUMWIEB UHDEBWEAR ? Weadd,"Buy it ofus." "Why?" you ask. Because we have the most complete line of Summer Underwear n the city. Every price ; every style. Prices commence at ioc, or 3 for 25c, white. 98c buys as fine UNION SUITS as sorne dealers ask #1.50 for. Crisp, Clean, Cool, and Comfortable. Such are the words we apply in describing our Charming Wash Fabrics. If coolness is desirable, look them over. $1.49 That is the ridiculous price at which we are selling a 26 inch Gloria Silk Umbrella - in Navy Blue - Paragon Frame- Natural Stick- worth Dry Boods and Carpels. 2O Ta,in Street. Estáte op Caroline il. Chapín. State OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw. ss. At :i sesslon of the ProbateCourt for the C'onnty oí Washtwnaw, holden at the ProBce In the city of Ann Arbor, od Monday,the5tb dayof .lui:., in the y.-.-ir one thou,elght hundred and nluety-three. Present, .1. Wllllard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In tlie matter of the estáte of Caroline H. (. hapin, deceased. Charles 1!. Chapín, the administrator of estáte, comee Into court and represeuts thac he is qoh prepared to render hls flual account as Buch Admlnlstrator. Thereupon il ia ordered that Prlday, the soth daj oi June inst.. at ten o'clock In the forenoon. be asslgned for examinlug and allowiug Buch account, and that the heira at law of sald deceased, and all other persons Interested in sald estáte, are requjred to appear at a sessiou I oourt then to be holden at the Prol Olhce In the city of Ann Arbor. in said County, and show cause, iï any there be, whv tne said account shonld uot be'allowed And i't Is ftirther ordered, that said Administrator giv notice to the persons Interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearIng thereof, by causing a copy of this order to bit publllhed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a i!cs,,;1,,t.r prlnted and cjrculatlng in said county, three saceesslve weeks prevlous to said day of heftrlnR. J. WILLARD BABBITT. Atruecopy.) Jüdgb op PkobateW m. O, Dol v. Probate Reirfster "CLEVELAND TO BUFFALO WHILE YOU SLEEP" Cleveland & Malo Transit Co, Magnlflcent 816e Whee] Steel Bteamen, "State of Ohio," and "State of New York." DAILY TIME TABLE. (Sundaya Innluded.) L've Cl'v'lmid. 7:13 p.m. 1ve HnfTitlo. 7 :45 e M Ar. Buffalo. 7:3Oa.m. Ar.Cleveland. S:00a.m. (Central Standard Time. ) Special Saturday Night Excursions to Niágara Falls. Take the "C. & B. LINE." And enjoy a pleasant and refreshing Iake ride u luMi enroutt for TlIE THOUSANE IsLAHDB, EA8TBBN BüMHRB Rïsobt, ob wv Eastbbn. New Eiígland (ík CaNADIAM POINT. Wrlte forour tourist pamphlet. H. R. ROGERS, W. F. HERMAN. Gen') Pan.Agt tien'l Agt. T. F. NEWMAN. Gen'l Manager. CLEVELAND. O. i Scientific American l&éfF OESICM PATENTS, MUNN & CO., 361 Bkoadway. New York. Oldest bureau for necurinB patcits in AmcrW .herí,.PílUV'aakf" OUt by "8 is "rouKhtbltore tie public byanotico giyen íree oí charge In the f úmtiüt mimu Lantrest clronlation of any sclcntlflo paper in the world. Splendidly illuatrateü. No "ntclllVent man should be without it. Weckly sa o vcar; $1.50sil months. AddresÍMN A CO tU3LIsnEKS, 301 Broadway, kcw YOr tj.


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Ann Arbor Courier