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ÖÉel's Water Back ! A very important inverition which will be hailed witli delight by every body using a stove or range for hoi water circulation. After years of ex perience we have ourceeded n pro ducing a simple and perfect, WATEH BACK It overeóme aü he present trouble: of extracting lime and other sedimenis which acoumulate in watei backs, often making them useless and in great man y instances beconaing dangerous. The outiay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No hcusehold using a range can afford to be without it. No more troubie by using city water tor hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges foi sale at C. Eberbach are provided witb our iraprovemenr. EveryboHy cali and examine thif lisera] inventior. HUTZEL & CO., Phjmhera and Steumfittfr. ANN ABBOB, M1CP. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, s C2 o MONUMENTAL ... GEMETERY H o .BUILDING _ GO I i W ____________ Also, Stone Walks. - Estiniates cheerfully rurnlsbed. , Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts.,ANN ARBOFt, M1CH. Nervej. Blood ir wjit BMdHlVaNr descriptivo SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of ihis Great Cough Cure is ! without a parallel in the liistory of medicine. All druggisls are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successlully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at au c-normous expense, are placing a Sample Bottlc Free into every home in the Uniled States and Canada. l( you have a Cousjh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Couyh, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease ! Consumption, use it. Ask yoar Druggist for ! SHILOH'S CURE, I'rice 10 ets., 50 cis. and fi.oo. If youi Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets. Unlike the Dutch Process i IKo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Bato & Go.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble, It has more than three times the strengih of Cocoa mixed with Stareh, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than, one cent a cup. It is delieious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTKD. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester.Mass. Why Suffer ? When you can be Cured Thousands are suffering with Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indigestión, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Livcr Invigorator is a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands every , year ; why nat try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator? Your Druggist will supply you, A DMIKIRTRA I ';' S l l:. REAL E8TATE FOK SALE- State oí Miehil;i 11, fiuiu - ni" Washtenaw, --. ín hr ü.ütiér uf the estáte oí Jennie N. Bennett, deceaaed. Kotlce le bereby givcn tliat in pursuanc o( un order grauted to ihe undercigned admlnlstmtor ol tbe estáte "i -ai'l deceftsed, bj the Hon.Jndge oí Probate the ÜoXiutf ol Washtenaw, on the Becond day í ia. . í. there will be so-M at Public Vendue, to t lie hlghesi bidder, al the east front door oí t he Courl House, in the City of Ann Arbor, In the County oí Washtenaw, in sftld Stab day, he twentleth dayof June, A. D. 1898, al ten o'clock in the forenoon of tlmt day [subject u all encumbrancea bj mortgage or otnerw s? extatlug :it the time " the doath oí Baid tl1ceasedj followiug descrlbed Real Estale, to wlt : 1. All thatcurtain pincel of land sitúate in the Township oí Salem, Uouutj ol Waebtenaw, Btate of Michigan, and belng sub-dlvlslon number fonrili according to tfie plat of tin; commlaslonera on partltion of the estáte ii 1. benuctt, deceased. and bounded as rollows.vlz: Commencing in the north line of section fifieen, town one, south ra seven rast. twenty-three (28) chaina and elght (8) links west of the north quarter pari if d sectlon: thence soutb parallel with the nortb aud soutli qirarter line of said section to the east and west quarter line of sald sectlon; thence west ix chaina and thlrty-three links ; thence nortb parallel with flrsi line to the north line of said Bection; thence east six chaina l thirty-three (SS) links to thep of beginlniug:. contalnlng twenty-four acres, excepting about oue and one-half acres, thereof.conveyed by said Josepb I.. Bennett in his life time. 2. The undivlded one-fonrth ('4) l'rt 01' -"''- división nnmber one u; according to tin: plat of thecommissioners in partition oí said i - of said Josepb L. Bennett, deceased, being a part of said sectiou number flfteeu.and described as followa viz: the cast eleven (il) Chalas and forty-tuo '4-'i links in width On f rom and acrosa ct Bide of the north-wesl [ractlonal quarter of tid Bection number fliteen, contatninK forty-eighl IS acres of land. FRANK BENNETT, Dated May ■_. L89 :. Admini, trator. A MEDICINE THAT MAKES GOOD BLOOD GILMÖRE'S AROMATIC WIHE Will completely change the blood in your system in three months' time, and send new, rich blood coursing through your veins. If you feel exhausted and nervous, are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore s Aromatic Wme, wnich is a tonic and not a beverage, will restore you to health and strength. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments peculiar to woman. It enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. It is guaranteed to cure Diarrhcea, Dysentery and all Summer Complaints, and keep the bowels regular. Sold by all druggists lor $i per bottle. GUCOLOID CURES RHEUMATISM. 11 one bottle does you no good, don't fcuy another. For Sale ty Drug iHta er ent poetpaid oa roceipt of pnce, tl. 00. BURDSAL MEDICINE M'F'C CO., Masouic Temple. CIXCINN ATI, U, E.E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Company. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LUMBER YARD ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., aud get our figures for all kiuds oL LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES Yb-Give us a cali and we will make it to your Interest, as our large aud well graded stock fully sustains our assertiou. Tclephone Conuections with oflice. T. .1. KEECII, 8up. JAMK8 TOLBERT Prop MTHÜA? SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Curo Nover fails t jive instant relief in the worst oasen, and cfTi-i-U curtM nli-i- fulL TrUI i'ntkc lliKE of DrugLU or lij lalU'. Udfw DR. B. 8CHIFFMANN, St. Pnl, Mlnn. H ■■ ■ ■■■■■■ The best History of the nilT TTln TlTTn 'T 8. from the dUlill i V n N l"VLry of America t0 ■UlllwUrf '"e present Urne. "üsr C0LUMB1A For special terins apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Elkhart. Ind, TEACHER OF VIOLINPupil of Emil Sauret, Belin, Germany. Can bi) scTiii Tueidayi and Frldays ut bis rooms, SI N. Main Street, Aun Arbbr Orgau loxnpany's lilock.


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