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Forty-four studente wlll gradúate trom tlif medhsal department this year. There a - among Um studente Jus! aow: Examinabloos . ah the senior dents go1 through tMs year and wlll gel thelr dipluinas. The usual coiumemcement weather seenis to be breedlng. Very pleasani but very warm. The law claes ol '87 propose to hoiil a reunión at the Lamont House Chicago, July lat. Thoee who èxpect thi ir párente here the comtag week, are getting them Belvee up to shape tot the cv. -in. Work in the Uterary department - luniiirrmv. The professionals have already completed thelr work. E. .1. Ottaway, oí the lit. graduatlng olas:-, wlll Uu the city editor oí the iviu.-kry Dniiy Reaorter thls summier. The !:'. ]aw defeate 1 the '94 lita Saumlay by the hand.-ome score of 10 to 2. They feit very jolly over vivtury. John W. Foliey, medie '94, nas been appodmted ome of Dr. Martln'a clinlcal asstetants. Bekig successlul om i.i ! appWcamte. Prof. M. E.Cooley has been appointed consnlting engineer for the new engme, boiler and heatiüg plant ;it the Kalamazoo Insaue Asvluui. The 1'. of tí. has the honor oí gradaattag the largesi (and aoteelest) luw clase that ever graduuted l'rom any _'e ildi the world. M. 1!. Hammond, lit. '91, who haa attendJng the Dnivewlty of Wisconsln durlng tiio paat year, wlll Btudy in Genna-ny next year. Trof. W. H. Honey, lit. '80, for ■al years a1 the nead oi the Monroe schools, has accepted the snperintenilcncy of the Plint schools. Dr. I'. Miiton Greene, medie '81, of Grand Rápida, haa au article in the July number oí The Physieian and Snrjjeon, entitled " Foreign bodiea penetrating tlie oye." Dr. Collins II. Joiiiistnn. lit. '81 medie '.1:í. Wlll have a:i article in the July l'hysician and Burgeon entitled - OOOJ Bath 'J'reatiaent oí Tyihoid l'ever." Tro;'. A. W'. Tressier, lit. '91, superintendent oí the Marine I Ity schools for the past year, ie in the city. He wlll gu to Mom-oe as superintendent of schools, ji"t year. The l'si 1'. base ba il team havlng won the inler-fraternity league chainpionshij), nave a very pretty banquét at Nickles' Hall, last l'riday even Ing. II. 13. Sh lemakrr iü. '91, law "J2, of the University oí Colorado, at lionlder, has beca vdsltiirg hls alma mater dnring the weck, and left Monday lor the V.'hite City. Prof. Tiin-. r. Moran, lit. '7, who has been at .t. dood, .Mimi. the paal year, returned home on Baturday Uuat. He lias decided not to take cliarge oí the schools there uiotlier year.- Manchester The '03 1iv.s. having won the clasa baso ba]J ciiampioaiship last Saturday, taok the usual quiet(?) way of the law 6tudents on Saturday evening of lettimg the people of the city know they were happy over something. The Wrinkle, the new U. of M. college iKiper, will be issued twlce a montli, and contain 12 pages ;ill inches in size. It is expedid ihat wrinkles will neyer come to the readers oí that journal. D. A. Allen, lit. '78, is manager of the AVrndsor Beacn Hotel, located at the curner of Hond ave. and 7 ! t h nt. and he -Meiids a greetlog to all the alumni and D. of M. studente, and would be pleased to have them slop with liim when in Chicago. The "oíd folks" are coming into town on evi vy ti-ain. It will li" aliini.-i ae pcoud a moment of their live to .-■]■ theiir gons and daxtffhtere marcb up and receive their diplomas, nest week Thursday, as t wlll be i.e acata and öaughtera themerelves. Dr, E. K. Hagler, wh i asini to Ir. Cbjtow In the Universiiy for Boune time, lelt Ann Arbor Mbnday lor PhiLadelphla, at whicb pLace ;■■ i i i" unfted Ln marrlage (Vednesday, wïtix Mise Dunlap, a gradúate o the U. oí Pa. The couple will inakc their home in Springfleld lUinöls. oí the Fra t ernH y Congreee t o be hield lo i he halla ol ih" Art Institoite, In ilie Lake Froni Park, ai the fooi í Adains Bt., Chicago, July 19 and 20, will be al lnteresi tu ïnany of OUT Mudenis. Il -vill include a specla.1 meeting ol trateraity editora, on I tie 19th, at - p. m. MTni:iry ol liis cuiutc-s is GreÓrge A. Katzemberger, U. ol M. law '10, wliu.-i' ;i iluri - Ie 95 Clark st., Chicgao ; anil ii puil the eiecutire eommittee are MIbb Miirmie il. Newby, Ut. '89, and Mi-s Ho-nta Smalley, llt. '88. The yotmg triends oí Olal Peterson Burprieed hiai last Thursday, on the occasion ol hts 15th birthday, at Une home ol hJe parenis, on Mlller . and all had a pleasant time. A store was broken open in Dexter night, and forty huís ,í bI stolèu. To-day the officere here arrested fonr trampa who were found wearing new shoes. A new tinii' tui -h' weni into effect on the M. O. R. K. last Sunday. The changea are nol great. (i'jiüu' cast the North Shore Special passee here at 6:08 p. m.t instead of 5:5&; and the Detroit üight exprese at 5 :40 a. m., instead of 5:43 a. m. Going west the mail oea at d:Si a. ni., instead of il :.';7 ; and the Grand Rápida accommodation ai 6:08 i. m., inatead of 6:13. It will be wei! tu note these figures it you expect to take any of these trains. In the July Century (asirge Kennan wiü reply to the artlcle in deol tii.' RuoBlan government, reci'iniy publdabed by the Becretary of the Kussian Legation. An article wiü ateo lie coQtrlbuted by Joseph Jacobs, Becretary oí the Russo-Jewteh Oommittee in London, on the attitude ol i lic Russian government to the .lews. ironi the standpoint of the latter.


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Ann Arbor Courier