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Death v.;n foüow the ase ol L!quor, Morphiime or Tobacco with the w certaimty nlght follows day. Il you are addlefed to the use oí any ot them, you ctuo cure yoursetf In a few d.-iys and nol experience the leaal aiscomfort. HlU's Doublé Chloride ol Gold Tableta are guaranteed to cure Drunkennese, Morphiae and Tobactít HabM wü ii', ui the least effort on. the part of the patiënt. The price te but $1.00 per package and a c of any one of tlie&e habite la worth a tbouaand times Umi amount. Do ■'■: : gel e pai Irom yuur druggit. li he iimi't keep them and refuses to order liicm for you, , Ohlo CfaemicaJ Co., Lima, Ohlo. '-. will eend you full pari Iculare ESTATS OF CAROl i - . !■: I!. Ci lp,N. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty l QHw.89. ai i sesslouof the ProbsteCourt foi :".' of Wa I idenat tbe Pro1 Ree Ln the city of Anu Arbor.on Mon. day, the 5th day oí i!. thousand,elght bundred and nlnety-thrce ut, J. Williard Babbiti. Jndge' of ProIn the matter of the estáte of Caroline i ( h api 11 Charlee B. I hapln, tbe admlnistrator of estáte, comes into courl imi repre .'aJ;:;:;';.!,;;:,--"""-""11""1- euponil is ordered that Friday, the 80th day of June lust., at ten o'clock in' noon, ti for examlnlug and allo Buoh account, and that the hei rs at law ol ed.and all other persona int. said estáte, are required ..-,,„ of said court thep tobe holden at the Pn in the city of Ann Arbor. in Lounty, and show cause, If ai. y there be, why ! account should nol beallowed: ai. dít is further ordered, that said Administrador glve nptice to the persons interested insald , oi the pendencj oí said account, and ing causlng a copy oi order to be published in the Ann Ai Ier n newspaper printed and eirulatlng in sáid IU",I!VV' llllVl ■ --■ previous tt aid day ei hearing, , . . WILLAED BABBITT, A truecopy.) j, DGB ,,,, pbobatiwm. i.. Doty, Probate ReRister. i:i mi; of Elizabeth H. VVises STATE OF M Ii IIK.AX. County of Was naw. ss. Ai a session of tl. e Probate Court for the County 01 Waehtenaw, liolden at Probate Oï the City oi Ann Arbor, on Tuesday. the thirteenthdayof June.ln the vear one thousand elgnt hundredand nlnety-three Present, .). Wlllard Babbltt, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte oí Ellzabeth H. Wlnes, deceased. NancyW. Hadley ezecutrlz ol the last wil] and testament ui' said deceased, comea into court aud represent! that she i now prepared to reHder lier ünal account as such executrix Thereiipon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the elffhteenth day of Jnly next, at ten o'clock m the forenoou, be assigued for examiniuc aud allowing sucli account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs-at-law of said deceased, aud all other persons interested iu said estáte, are requlred to appear at a sessiou of aid Court, then to be bolden at the Probate Office, 111 the City of Aun Arbor. and show cause, if auy there be, why the said accouut should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said executrix give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing ibereof, by causlng a coi, y Of this order to be published in the Aun "Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and clrculated in said County. three successive weeks previous to said day of heariug. J. WILI.AUD BABBITT. (A truecopy) Judge of Probate. W . G. Doty. Probate Register.


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Ann Arbor Courier