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Contractor Daxt, Superintendent Covert, Engineer Sasse and Col. Ainsworth were held responsible b.v the coroner's jury for the death of the Ford theater victims in Washington and the governraent was r.cnsured for carelessness. An incendiary fire destroyed the business portion of Tillamook, Ore., leaving many parties destitute. Loss over 8100,000.' Philip Graveb, a retired market man 54 yeara oí age, whose estate is valued at $150,000, commltted suicide it i'ittslmrgh, Pa. JSo cause knovvn. A i'i. ín oí celebra tion has been conceived by tfie committee in Chicago in charge of the Columbian liberty bell whereby on July 4 all the bells in school houses and churches of the land will ring simultaneously at noon. Joiix J. Haqgbety while drunk jumpeil from the Brooklyn bridge to the river ou a wager of a pint of beer and was not injured in the slightest way. The explosión of a kerosene can caused the destruction of the home of L. Van Dusen at Madison, Wis., the death oi one child and the injury of another. Theresa Rink, a servant girl, was fatally burni'd. Tkn g-overnment inspectors in the state of Washington were detected in aiding in gmnggUng in Chinese by means of fraudulent certificates and in permitting opium smuggling either by j connivance or otherwise. In a row at an eraancipation day celebration at Flat Prairie, Tex., four negroes were killed and many others wounded. WEST Vn?GlNiA"8 building on the world's fair gTOUnds was dedicated, the tlay being the thirtieth anniversary of the birth of the state. Thomas Cobdwat and his sister were murdered at their home near Logansport, La. Robbery was the rootive. A 8TEADY improvement in the condition of labor is shown by the report oí a subcommittee of the United States senate committee on finance on prices and wages for fifty yeara. Forest fires were still raming in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The line of fire in Minnesota extended 50 miles and included eight new mining towns, four of which were totally destroyed. The fire in Wiseonsin was seattered in patches frora Michigan to Minnesota, ;i distance of 90 miles, over nearly 8,000 square miles of territory. Corneix's freshman crew defeated Columbia at New London, Conn. The 2-mile course was covered in 10:08. A portkait of ex-Gov. S. J. Kirkwood was unveiled in the governor's office at Des Moines, Ia., and speeches were made by many prominent men. TnE American Railway unión, a new society to embrace every brancli of the service, was organized in Chicago with Eug-ene V. Debbs of Terre Haute, Ind., as president. At a fire in a New York dyeing establishment ten men werebadly burned by explosivos. Lizzie Borden was acquitted at New Bertford of the ch:irge ol her ! father and stepmother at Fall Uiver, ., on August 4, 1893. By the terms of Edwin Booth's wil] ! his daughter will receivc the bulk of his estáte, which is estimated at f605,000. Enlisted Indiana had a flgtat with other Indians at the Cheyenne apfency in Montana and five of the lAtter were killed. Fire in the barrel works at South St. Paul, Minn., eaused a loss of S100,000. The University bank and City [ ings bank closecl their doors at Los Angeles, Cal. A train on the Long Island railroad upon which were about 1,000 pi returning from Bheepshead Bay races wasderatLedinatunnel Parksville, N. Y., and nine persons were killed and twenty-six others were injored, some fatally. Eobebt E. Phillips and Arthur Mead, prominent members of the Piston chamber of eommerce, were drowned by the upsetting of a boat. Fisher Brothers, cloak manufacturers in New York, failed for $150,000. Ax earthquake shock nas feit throughout North and South Carolina and Ueoraia. By an edict issued by the school commissioners all married teachers in the public schools in St. Louis have been dismissed. Pona persons were burned to death in a lire that destroyed the Bunnel bloek in Diilut'n, Minn. Four banks closed their doors in Los Angeles, Cal. They were the First national, Southern California, Broadway bank and Bast ide bank. At San Diego the Consolidated national bank and the Saving-s bank suspended. The collectiona of internal vevenue for the eleven months of the current fiscal year amounted to 1145,682,390, an increase over the correspondingr period of the last fiscal year of 17,457,403. Francis Spies, vice consul for Honduras, committed suicide in New Vork. The Ctah Clothing Manufacturfng corepany at Salt Lake City failed for flUO.ÜÜO. A Cyci.oxe that paseed through AiLliamstown and the surroumling country in Jefferson county. Kan., killed twenty persons and destroyed thirty houses and inany barns. The Duryea l'.)i-tland Cement company's cement plant near Montezuma, N. Y., was destroyed by tire, the loss (12.1,000. t'HAiu.i-.s E. .Mkttoxav and his horse nd forty head of cattle wereburied out of sight in quicksand near Winimac, Baird & JiRADi.EV, real estáte dealers in Chicago, made a voluntary assignment with assets estima tod at $000,000 and liabilities al 1400,000. Sdperiob Jitdqk Qbant decided in favor of Sacramento and against San José in the California capital removal case. Banks closed their doors at Santa AnnajCal., San Diego, (ü., Poraona, Cal., Ontario, Cal., Greenvílle, Mich , and Hidgeway, Me A cyclone passed throug'h Adair j county, la., and Lake Cootrary and I Conception, SI). At the latter point three persona ntre killed and great damayc was done. FBED l. Kk.nt. eashierof the Pirst national bank of Kllsworth, Ale., wassaid to be a defaulter in the sum oí 119,000. l.K.iri ninií struck a circus tent at River Falls, Wis., and Beren persons were killed and thirty injured. John Hahiuson and wife, of Leadville, Col., drew 81,500, their savinfis of years, from the bank, and the raoney was stolen the same day. Charles Kellkr and his wife and John Steinbaug'h were killed by the cars at a railway crossing ncar Lima, O. Tuk national convention of Women's Amateur Musical elubs met in ChicaffO. Neab I'iialanx, O., l'reston Osborn, his wife and two of their ehildren and a man aamed Ileintzslman were fatally poisoned by some ingrediënt that had liecn üiixed with their coffee. The affair was shrouded in mystery. C'ii.i;i.i:s P. Whales was sc-ntenced at Janesville, Wis., to twenty-five years' imprisoninent for the mnrder of Gerald Spauldintf. A xvMiiKR of exhibiters at the world's íair met and recorded themselves as being unalterably opposed to the opening of the world'a fair frates on Sunday, not only 011 moral jjrounds but from a finaneial Btandpolnt as well, and decided to enter suit for an injunction to have the ga tes closed on Öunday. . The Methodists have decided not to withdraw their world's fair exhibit on account of Sunday opening', but it will be covered up on the Sabbath. The church eommittee adopted resolutions in which they declare that the act of the directory in tui-ning asido from keeping its pledge of honor to the congfress and people of the United States will be conspicuous in the future as an act of perfldy beclouding the business Integrity of the citizens of Chicago which years of shame will not remove. 1'ivk men were instantly killed by an explosión of gas in a mine at Nanticoke. Pa. Tuf, Columbialiberty bell, the tribute of many to the shrine of independence, which will ring in Chicago for the first time July 4, was successfully cast at the Clinton & Meneely bell foundry in Troy, N. Y. FOHEST fires in the western part o: Pueblo, Col., were doing enormous damage. Jacob IIajaneki, of Akron, O., fatally shot his wife and then stabbed himself fatally. No cause was known. Tiirek men who were put in jail the evening before a tire at Virginia, Minn., were burned to death. The big armored cruiser Maine, which has !een building for nearly four years at the Broolriyn navy yard, was suecessfully launched. B. T. Kiiea & Son, grain dealers at Niishville. Tenn., failed for $100,000. Davk Kk.miai.l and Frank Tempelman while working in a well near Morehead, Ky., were overeóme by gas and both were killed. Tin; National Assoeiation of JFaster Mechanica in seasion atJamestown, N. Y.. eiected as president John Hickey, of St. l'aul. During the weekended on the the ■;:;,! leading clearing' houses in the United States reported exchang-es amounting to l,088,809,882, against 81,031,864,627 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 18Ö3 the deerease u-as 6.6. The re were 287 business iailures reported in the United States during the seven days ended on the 2"d. In the week preceding there were i!13. and durinfi tlie eorrespondingf time in 189"J the number was 190. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boillot were fatally injured at üeatrice, Neb., by being- thrown from their carriag'e. liAi.Ti.MORE pólice claim to have discovered an organized band of anarchists whose purpose was to levy blackmail. A i.oxe robber boarded the express car of a Rock Island train at Virprinia, Xeb., bound the messeng-er and robbed the safe f '■ 1!. .1. DOBAN, a pugilist, killed his little boy at Rochester, N. Y., with poison and then took his own life by throwing himself in front of a train of cars. ATTiy;.NEv GENKBAI. Oi.nky says the controv rsy over the opening and closiiii-r "f the world's fair on Sunday is ended so fur as his department is concernid. Thb store of Charlea Piellas íh Lansiug-, Mich., w:i robbed by two men oi diamonds valued ;it f160,000. . otclone swopt forflfty miles acrosa mnties abi ive Atlanta, ra., ing njany buildings and ruiniuff crops. Ka i.ruKs were reported of the Columbia bank at New Whatcom, Wash., State bank at Minneapolis, Minn., First national bank at San Bernardina, CaL, People's home saviags bank at S;u; Francisco and the Cataract bank at Xiagara Falls, N. Y. Tuk business part of the rillage of Mount Sterling1, (., was destroyed by fire. Lbroy 1'ayxk, one of Chicajfo's oldestliverymen, failed for $250,000. The tnaple sugar erop of Vermont the past season was 6,769,763 pounds, and the bounty vll be ÍTO.OÜO. Thb new directory of Brooklyn, N. r., prives that city a popnlation of over 1,000,000. PBIHCB8S EüLAIJA saileil from 2few I York on the Bteamer La Touraine for Spain. The business portion of Leonax'dsville, Kan., was destroyed by flre. Thk well-known Btallion Arrival, record 2:24K, for whora hia owners refused H8,000, dled at Gardiner, .Me. Thibtkbj contract laborera wlio arrived In New York from Oermany were told tliat they must return on the same stt'mcr. ÖHERIDAN & Btbhb, JSew York builders, failed for 9225,000. Thk supreme council of the order of United Commercial Travelers met in j sixteenth annual session at Columbus,-O. MBS. Richard Smith, a young raarried woman living near Rome, O., was asslsting her husband to hoe corn, when she was bitten on the hand by a copperfaead snake and dled in terrible agony. The supreme court of Ohio, in tho Deshler will case, has decided that brothers and sisters of full blood inherit bef ore half brothers or sisters. This adds ncarly a million dollars to t hu wealth of William U. Deshler. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tihí Iowa republican conventiou will oseet at Des Moines August 15. Aïteb a Short Lllness Mareseba] José S. de Oliviera, president of the lirazilhm world's fair comraission, died in New York. Mabgaekt Makïon Merrill, anoted lecturi'r and newépaper writer, died at her home in New York. Lei. am) NTAXi-oitn, United States senator from California, died suddenly at liis home in Menlo l'ark in bis TOth year. Ileart disc:ise was the cause. He leaves a wife and property valued at 150,000,000. R II. BlDGELT, of Kentucky, has been appointed consul to Geneva, Switzerland. Wii.i.iam McCot, American ministor to Liberia, died at Monrovia. ]h was from Indiana and appointed by Mr. Harrison, and was the fourth minister resident to die at Monrovia during tha last twelve years. Rev. Db. Sajiiet, Hart, of Burlington, has been elected bishop of tha Episcopal church of Vermont. Mi:s. A.(,i.uK DkmabRIE died at Chippewa Falls, Wis., affed 121 years. Wii.i.iam Mi'iciH.KH. democratie member of conifress from the Eiffhth I'ennsylvania district, died suddenly of heart disease at his home in Easton. FOREIGN. An explosión of benzine in the chemIcal works at Odessa, Russia, rsulted in the burning to death of sixteen persons. Tijif.ves raised an alarm of flre in tho church of Romano at Borisoglebsk, Russia, while t was crowded with pilgrims, and in the ensuing panic nearly 200 lives were lest. Paul'S malt house and granary at Ipswich, England, was destroyed by firo, causing a loss of (500,000. l'EAKAXTS in various parts of theGerman empire have lost the greater part ot their crops by drought. Sarah Bebnhakdt was robbed of jewels of the value of 300,000 francs in Rio Janeiro. Edward Kelly and J. N. Clothier, law students, and Edward Rivard and Camille Maguan, medical students, were drowned by the upsetting of a boat at Toronto, Onu Investigation of the bomb explosión at Madrid has developed a plot embracing anarchists in several European countrics. IU:ports received from Mecea show that in five days there were 830 deaths from cholera in that city. It was said the scourge was rapidly throughout Russia. Hr.H ma.íksty's great twin screw battleship Victoria, ñy'mg the of Viee Admiral Georg-e C. Tryon, K. C. B., commander of the Mediterranean station, was run into by the battleship Camperdown and sunk in 18 fathoms of water off Tripoli, and at least 400 of her offlcers and crew, including the vire admiral, u-ent to the bottom witli her. LATER. A FKKIGHT train on the fíistern Mini u-as wreykcd by a emv ;■■ ar Partridjje, Wis., and Enjfineer an 1 Brakeman MeNanny were killed and Fnvmm Reilly and Conductor Hal! v.ore f&tally injured. Tho property loss was Slou.uOO. Pibb (iostroyed John Jf. Wakefielcl's lumber yards at Onniha, Neb., causipif a loss oí (800,000. The Red Biver Elevator company of Paul, having a line of elevators through Minnesota and North Dakota failed tor 1494,000. A carriaok was strnck by a tr.ün at Avondale, N. .1.. and Mrs. Williams and three ehildren were killed. Foütv-oxe persons have heen accidental ly killed on the world's fair ffrounds sinee the eonstruction of the building1! . .1. Mk. P. T. EUrhis and a danghter 10 years of ac were drownued in the Rio Grande river near Del Norte, Col. A MoxrMK.vr in meroory of the eiccutetl anarchiste was unveiled in Waldheitu c imetery in Chicago in the pres1.000 persons. The ■ th anaiversary of the birth of Henry Ward Beecher was commemorated at Association hall in Brooklyn. Twkxty men were killed and score wounded as the result of refusal bv a ■;ite to pennit the . bration of ;i Mohammédau festival at ion. .1. S. Newmver, a operator at Dawson. Pa., failed for ;- . ■ i.ÓoO. By the brcalcing1 of a lovee near Ascensión, La., some fiftoen sug-ar plautations were ruined, the loss beinfj f ,- .!iix C. ECoch, tlie republican candida te for mayor of Mihvaukee, defeated Garret Dunde, denaocrat, by 3,500 1 Tuf; funeral services of Senator Leland Stanford were held on thcprounds of Stanford university at Palo Alto, Cal., and the remains were placed in the family mausoleum. Thi: American Derby, worth $50,000 to the winner, was eaptured in Chicago by Boundless, owned by J. E. Cushiug-, of St. Paul. The time was 3:36. Goi.DKBRoVGir, Mort & Co., bankers at Melbourne, Australia, suspended payment with liabilities of L2,500,000. The percentag-es of the baseball clubs in the National leag-ue for the treek ended on the 24th were as follows: Philadelphia, 03S; Boston, .OÖS; Brooklyn, .609; Cleveland, .54S; Pittsburph, ..":;i: New York, .490: Baltimore.. 489; Washington, .478; Cineinnati. .4ÖS; Chicag-o, .483; St Louis, .423; LouisTÜle, '227


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