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Gov. Atgeld--the Heathen--believes

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in "turniug the rascáis out" One of 'President Cleveland'a grea.1 jokes: The áppointment ofHokeSmith jecretary of the interior. It is asserted that pensiona of Uniou reterana canceled at the rate of fifty per day. Hoke is a hummer. Tammany has auffered some embariment through the fact thal th tion ui Fourth of July orator doeen'l : ■. any patronage with it. PrBident Cleveland has called an exession cii Congn s to eonvene Aug. . to have the Bnancial sitOAtioa viewed or reviewed that body. iin.'. The citizens of Detroit, irrespectiye of ■ , will tender Wm, E. Quinby a mblic reception al the Cadillac to-night. 1 uinVy wül sail within aicwdavs lor the Hague, to assume tiie duti minister forthis governtnent. fhe farm laborera of Kansas, encourI ! thfir populist employers, are about ti) organúe and make a dernand This will donbtlesa demanda apon the govemment tor financia! aasiatance by the (armera. eording t a Maryland paper, one ceunty in tbat state has fouud aproíit in Btrawberry raising. 600,000 quarta were Bbipped from Caroline County, netting the growers i::o,()iJO above all expi Jt evidently is the early berry that Catches the tnoney. esident Cleveland 's man Blount, at Hawaii nol only refused to attend a etingof Americana to arrange fora 4tli of July celebration at Honolulú, bui declined to bé present at the celebraron. That's the sort of a hairpin Blount 8. He doesn't think much of the United States anyway. His love of country 1 at Appamattox. Phüadelphia Times : "It is a blisterach ujiüii the uation to issue a l dollar, stamp it as a ilollar, declare it a legal tender for the payment of debte and emblazon on it the impious 'In God we trust." It luis done Dore to ondermine American credit thronghout the world than any other one cause, and we are now face to with the issue oí retnrning to honest rooney or suffering greatly in botli pubind private credit." i a ropublican congrega had been elected in 1880 the preeent Silver law vould not now be in Éórce. Ainajority ai republicana in the House voted last 'ijiter to repeal the law. The demoi ■ saajority oí 1 16 rtood in the way., if a repnblican Congresa had ■'■''■ d in 1892 the distresa and anxiery in tlie business world would have heen avoided, becauae there could have been uo doubt about the attitude of a repnblican majority toward silver. tt is distrust which is at the bottom of the present troables. Never was a rraver mistake made than in the pardon of the threi I rchista. The apreme cour( I with grave deliberation. That no( a nacked court. Gov. Altgeld made a big blunder.- Adrián Press. A " blui Itogether ton mild. it was a delibérate outrage upon the people of this entire natiou. 8ome of " i Gov. Altgeld that are being hung in Illino in the governor himself.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier