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A tornajk) ai üakley, Kan., deBtroyed thousa ' worth of property. A strip of country 1 mile e uinl i; nil' Long was swept clean, every building' in ita path being tora into kindling ti 'J'ir; 'i, ion of Union City, Jnrt.. v: destroyed by flre. Monetaby stringency caused the assitrniii' ■ 1 1 T, in Cincinnati of Bennekamp he, inruil ufacturers, and the Louis 8n; ma Paper eoinpany. Tbe lili ' I company in Chicago, i 8 of $150,000 and liabilities oí (100,000, has been driven to the wall. G. i'. Harbington, a private banker atEdinburg, 111., failed for 1200,000. bugot Jinvhirii were Mrs. Inholsen and three children was struek by a. train in ( nd two oí the i nüdren were killed and the other íatally injured. IINB NeUMANN and her three children, aged 2 ), l" and 12 years oespeetively, ;■■ Bamws that deBtr vi'd tbeir home in Saginaw, Mich. Julia Forcé, on trial at Atlanta, Ga., for the murder of her two sisters, wu daclared nut guilty ;:nd wül be eonfined in an in sane ■:■ yium. Tiik principal part of tlie town of Lexington, O. T., was destroyed by fire and two men perished in the flames. ÏHK St. Paul and MinneapolÍB Trust company suspended at Minnespolis on account of slow collections. The Second national bank of Ashland, Ky.. and the American exehange bank of Minneapolia, Minn., closed their doors. At the annual meeting1 in Boston of the Society of the Army of the Potomac GeD. Nelson H. Miles, U. S. A., was elected president. The Bedford (Ind.) Stone Quarries company, the largest producers of oolitic limestone in the world, made an assignment. H. H. Wyi.lib made the 1,000 miles from New York to Chicago on a bicycle in ten days and four hours. Jacob Lyons, a farmer at Ottawa, O., fatally shot his wife because ahe refused to live with him and then killed himself. Pietro Ferraro and Edward Angelo, ltalian bankera in New York, disappeared wtth more than f7.000 -belongïng to members of the ltalian colony. Thk cowboy race to Chicago which was begun at Chadron, Neb., June 13 and pursued 1,040 miles through three states, was won by Berry, who made the distance in 13 days, 15 hours and 35 minutes - an average of 77 miles daily. Three convicts were shot dead by guards while attempting toescape from the prison at Folsom. CaL The Sagamore hotel at Lake George, N. Y., was destroyed by fire, the loss being $-00,000. The Broadway bank at Los Angeles, Cal., that failed recently, has resumed business. The Milwaukee & Northwestern railway has been completely absorbed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul company. At a meeting in Cleveland of the cabinet of the Epworth league of the United States a resolution was adopted which instructs the withdrawal of the league's exhibit at the world's fair because of Sunday opening. F. O. Pierra & Co., shipping commicsion merchants in New York, failed for $100,000. Eiöiitv persons feil 15 feet with a temporary flooring in the building of the color department at the world's fair grounds and eighteen of the number received severe injuries. An attempt to hold up a train near Breckinridge, Tex. , resulted in the killing of the fireman and capture of one of the bandits after a hard fight. The catch of the seal poachers off the Alaskan coast is expected to reaeh 70,000 skins, a larger number than ever before. An explosión of gas in the Green Ridge colliery at Mount Carmel, Pa., killed one man instantly and fatally injured two others. After listening toan address by Prof. Walter Sims 2,000 citizens of Duluth. Minn., resolved that the presence of Mgr. Satoili in this country was a raenace to their liberties. In thirty counties in the west of Kansas the wheat erop is a failure and Gov. Lewelling has been appealed to for relief. Wii.i.iam H. MOOBB, editor of the Augusta (Ga.) Evening News, dropped dead in his room. He had been on the street flfteen minutes previously. A 8TATUBOÍ Admiral Faragut wasunveiied in Marine park, Boston. Jim Anpkhson, a notorious burglar, who has committed crime in every largo city in the state and alwayB escaped conviction, was sentenced at Columbus, O., to five years' imprisonment Two of the business portion of Augusta, Mich., were burned over. Thk Hartly bank atJericho, Mo.,was robbed by burglara of $12 Tuk number of prev.dential post offices in tho Dnited States is now and the ag-gregate salarie.-, paid to the ppstmastera for the past year was 16,665,000. Tuk doors of the State bank of Lockhaven, Pa., were closed. Tuf. Union Trust eompany of Sioux City, Ia., asked fora receiver, with liabilities of $850,000. Ar the convention in Saratqga, N. Y. , of state republiean clubs (ieorge B. Green, mayor of Binghamton, was chosen president. Nbarly a million Columbian j mr half dollars were hcid at the mint in Phüadelphia owing ■■ the opinión of Attorney General Olney that no more moncy oughi to be paid to the Illinois Corporation known as the "World lumhian Exposition." 1H tirsl national i:i:i!c of Provo, Utah, closcd its doors, with' liabilities of $60,000. A' rainstorm, folio wed by hail, passed over a portion of Iowa in the vi damI "ps. The American and European oopper producers have formed a trust, the proporties affected being ralued ai over 200,000,0 ). THK Muskerron (Mich. J Iron iV Steel company went into a receiver's hands with liabilities of $150.000. Willie I i red 8, and Gi i e. years, were fal plosión at j HamiH q, 0. Job i atv, a negro, waa Bhot t Wilburton, [. ... by order of the eourt for murdering hia wife and mother-in-law. DuRlNQ the months of .May and ■ the tota] paid attendance at the world's fair was 3,783,1 At í ion of the Epworth league in Cleveland a report was adopted askin? the world's fair commissioners, on 1 C of more tlian a million people, to close the exposition on Sumí The total government receipta during the last fiscal year b expendit 0, .eaving a surplus 00. Saji WttSOX, the lone bandit ivho : robbed thi carof the Mis few v. i-r!ed at St. .'misto fifteen years in the peniti n I a"7. smarketfor silver in New Yovk ly derooralized by the stoppaj - : i ■ - coinage in India. John Seaman, for more than fifteen i :■ of Willshire, O., was to be a dcfaulter to the amount of ibor V. Stagb, of Painesville, O., was missing, together with a certiflfor 110,00 and a certified check for 11,500 belonging to the city. IAN 1 SbCBBTARY UkvN'OI.DS, of ■ the interior department, says that I women who niinistered to wounded soldiers during the war are entitled to pensions. IIkpkuhkxtativk mining men met in Denver and decided to close all the smelters, milis and silver mines in Colorado un til such time as silver is ! ciated at its proper worth. Mus. Gkn. Grant and Mrs. Jefferson ! Davis met at Cranston-on-the-Hudson. X. Y., and enjoyed a long talk upon , reminiscences of their own and their j husbands' active and eventful careers. Ei.i.sworth Goshkn, uffed 9 years. was sentenced at St. Joseph, Mo. , to twelve years' imprisontftent for wrecking a freight train. Owing to trouble between the students and faculty of the state normal school at Terre Haute, Ind., the entire j class of 1893 refused to gradúate and the commencement exercises were declared off. The Women's Christian Temperance unión has inaugurated a crusade against the saloons in Fort Scott, Kan. Dartmouth college at Hanover, N. H., held its 123d eommencement, the graduating class numbering bixty. Threk tramps were eaught at Owensboro, Ky., by the employés of the Texas railway plundering the freight taris and the thieves were strung up and given twenty-five lashts. John IIarvey. alias Arling, one of the most noted expert confidence men and all-around crooks in the country, died at Xiagara Falls, Is'. Y. The annual convention of the Epworth league met in Cleveland and Gov. MeKinley and Mayor lJlee made speeches of welcome. A drop of two cents in cash wheat in Chicago took the price to the lowest point for many years, sixty-two and one-fourth cents. In accordance with Attorney General Olney"s opinión the $570,880 worth of souvenir coins still in the Philadelphia mint will not be paid to the directors of the world's fair. Dr. C. E. Simmons, of New York, has been given $40,000 for professional attendance on Samuel J. Tilden for eiffht years. He sued for $143,'OO. The Pine county bank at Hinekley. Minn., and a branch bank at Sandstone, owned by W. H. Grant & Son, closed their doors. S. J. Walling, Jr., cashier of the City national bank of lïrownwood. Tex. , was arrested on the charge of embezzling $70,000 f rom the bank. Pietro BUCCIKRI was hanged at Reading, Pa., for murdering Sister Hildaberta in St. Joseph's hospital on June 23, 1893. Thk reappearance of cholera in Enrope does not cause any alarm among treasury ofiicials in Washington, and they expresa the opinión that it will not reach this country. MBR .iLi.irs C'or.i.i.vs, of Oak Cliff. Tex., administered poison to herself and three htlle children. Povertj' and a dissipated husband caused the deed. VVhitü caps burned the d welling, barn and outhouses of llenry Queer, a well-to-do ranchman near Leroy, Col., Uiiled two of his horses and gave him warning to leave the state within ten days. Nu cause was tnown. Citizens of Naperville, 111.. hv (ov. Alf-geld in efftgy forpardonini Chicago Anarchists. Mits. Gus Waluin. of Burlington, Ia., died so suddcnly that B examination was held and it was discovered that the heart, although per fectly healtny, had been burst by - tremendous emotion. Thi;re were 884 business failures reported in the United States during the seven days ended on the :!tuh uit. In the week preceding there were 217, and during the corresponding" time in lS'.ii the number was 190. Por tlie six months of 1893 the failures aumber 0,401, uring ll'.e same period in 1893, showing in increase of 898. The liubilities in the first six mo of 1898 are f108,000,000, while the sume period in 1898 they were showing an increase of i!!i Düring the week ended on the theSOth ■ uit leading in the i 1 States reported exchai amounting to 1936,117,887, 13,309,822 the prerioua week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1893 the deerease 7.4. !'iNKNi:v and Daniel Karb'r. both colored, were executed at Marlboro, Md., for the murder of Frailéis M. Bowie, a wealthy farmer oi Prince Gcorge county, tbe evening of i Ma re li 26 last. S' uit Wike, of Illinois, has been appointed assistant secretary of the treasury, and James F. Tillman, of Teunessee, register of the treasury. Th;-: Bank of Clear Creek county at Georgetown, Col., made an ment with liabilitiea of f338,000 and assets of t897.00% Lightning set flre to the prairie f n Hodgeman county, Kan., and three : nouses and raany head of b and cattle were burned. Pbesidknt iJ.i:vi:],AMi lias issued a amation for the convening of congress i;i extraordinary session on August 7 to consider the fi iiuatlon. Oüs Albkbs (white) was hanged at New Orleans for the brutal murder oí Mis. Wiemann, a widow lady who liad vcï'v frêq n friended Hini. Johü I'.kkk'i. the cowboy who was the flrst Id arrive in Chicago in the great-raee from Chadron, Neb., was awarded the first pvize of $1,0 l. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. John Budbon, a pioneer of southem ligan, died Qear BatUe Creek, aged 101 years. The Ohio prohibitionists Ínstate convciitioü :it Cleveland nominatcd thi lowing ticket: For governor, Rev. ideon 1'. Machlin, of Germantown; lientenant governor, S. II. Kllis, of Warren ■i-er, Abram Ludlow, of Springfield; attorney general, S. K. Young,of Portage; Bupreme court ju .!. A, Gallaher, of Bellaire. The platform adopted favors absolute destrucof the liquor trafile, Indorsei woraan suffrag'e, the granüng of libera! Densi'ins, the revisión of the immigration laws and the election of president and [Jnited States senators by direct votu of the people. James Shkaklky, of Alaska, has been appomted governor of that territory. Êx-Congrebsmaïj Wallach died ;it his home near Yorkville. S. ('. II e representad the state in the reconstructionist period. Gkn. RoSKCKASS will be succeedeil as registrar of the treasurer by T. A, Tighman. of Tennessee, a prominent Farmers' Alliance leader. Anthony' J. Dkbxkl. the I'hiladelphia banker and philanthropist, died suddenly at Carlsbad, Oermany, of apoplexy, ajied 67 years. A low estimata of his fortune places it at fi(J,üüO,OOO. FOREIGN. Thr deaths from cholera at Mecca, Egypt, were averaging 600 a day. India's action in stopping free coinage was believed to give a death blow to íilver as a lejfal tender. A desperate fight occurred on the Island of Minduao, the largest of the Philippine group, between natives and the Spanish garrison, and the natives lost eighty-seven killed, including the tulten. Qi-EKN Victoria unveilad astatue of herself in Kensington gardens. It is the work of Princesa Beatrice. The drought which had prevailed at San Luis Potosí for the last five years was broken by one of the greatest floods that ever visited that section of Mexico. Two srpposED insane prisoners in the penitentiary at Puebla, Mexico, killed three fellow-convicts and wounded seven others with shoe knives. In the Iiritish house of comn;ons Mr. Gladstone 's resoiution that the homerule bilí shall be reported by Jul5' 31 was carried by a vote of -'M to 2ü7. LATER. TiiE public debt statement issued on the ist showed that the debt decreased $1,317,268 during the month of June. The cash in the treasury was ?T45,004,801. The total debt, less the cash balanoe in the treasury, amounta to ÍS38,969.47Ü. Robkrt P. Porter, superintendent of the census, tendered his resination. The ofiicial report of the loss of the British warship Victoria oiï Tripoli shows that 22 officers and 380 men were drowned. K. E. 1'kahy's ship Falcon left New York for the Arctic ocean. A BTATKMKHT of the tfovernment bureau of statistics shows the value of merchandise imported for the world's fair was (13,160,042. A coNVKjmoH of the advocates of free coinage will be held at St. Louis July 17. T. J. Wood, until recently cashier of the Xinth national bank of Dallas, Tez., wu.s arrt'sted on the charge of embezsling f339,000 of the bank's money. The Madison ('ar company of Edwardsvüle, 111., made an assignment with assets of $1,108,000 and liabiüties of $918,000. The gold reserve in the treasury at Washington on the lst was 195,485,413, or 1486,778 more than a month ago. Bkcaubb she refused to marn' him, Lee Henderson shot and killed Leona 1 1 ;t Belona, Tex., and then committed suicide. Ha VABD won the college baseball championsbip. Alexandkb Carky, a miner aped ti3 . killed his wife at Oskaloosa, la., in a quarrel over money and then took hi own life. Seven thousand men were thrown out of work by the shutting down of the iron milis at Youngstown, O. . lives were lost by floods from a crevasse at the New river basin near New Irleana Clipford Cai.veri.y walked across the Niágara gorge at Niágara Falla on a three-(juarter inch wire cable. Efe also wheeled a cooking range out on it and there lighting a fire in it coiked several dishea of food, whieh he ;iti'. "Orajtoha" Lüti bal, of Astoria, 111., ' eelebrated her lOlst birthday. Tuk percentas't's of the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the lst were as foHows: Boston, .660; Phüadelphia, 642; Üi .642; Cleveland, .668; Pittsburgh, .500; New York, .481; lialtiinoiv. Cincinnati, .481; Washington, .444; St. Louis, .404; Chicago, .404; Louisville, .200.


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