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Walter 8. Hicks leaves to-dayforNew York. II. (i. Van TaseeU went tó Chicago, Monday. Geo. Allmendinser went to Jackson yesterday. Prof. Alex. Ziwet went to Chicago Saturday. Miss Ethel Thompson went to Chicago Saturday. John V. Bheehao went to Chicago Saturday. Miss Alta Parker wliiled awav the. 4 til at Chelsea. Dr. Vaughan goes to Indiana to-niorrow on business. Cari Warden lelt last Satunlay niorning tor (' Martin Belser is spending the week at Cavanaugh Lake. Master Roy Fall is visiting liis grandmother at Albion. Knss Granger went to Petoskey Mon day for the summer. Chas. E. Hiscock left Monday for a few (lays at the fair. Dr. John William Keating went to Detroit laat Saturday. Mayor Thompson expects to go to tlie great Fair nexl week. W. W. Watts fired lii.s flre crackers a Zukey Lake yesterday. E. V. Hangsterfer and wife leave for Chicago néx) Monday. Miss Anna Robinson weni to Chicago, Saturday to see the Fair. Miss Kate Cramer is expected homo frora Chicago this week. Dr. W. B. Smitli un. I Mjs. Bniitll leaví to-day for the White City. 1'.!. SeyliT v,( ut down tu Detroit Menday to rc'Uiain OJ : ■':■■■ tth. Mr. and Ms. Theroti Qoodsjwèd Lefl Friday evenirig for Chicago. Miss Flora Vapdawarker went to Detroit Monday íui a few days. INI iss Ruth Durlieim is home from hor school dnties at Menoffiinee. Prof. W. W. Beman leayes Monday lor a short stay at Bay View. Geo. B. Dygert, '93 lit, is clerking at the Hotel La Pinta, Chicago. Mrs. E. F. Johnson troes to Willshire, Ohio, to-day, to visit friends. Tlios. A. Bogle, Esq., went to Chicago Monday, to see tlie big show. Mí$, ('. B. Davisnn and cteoghtor Nina, returned from Chicago Saturday. Lieut. Hollis, of the I'. B. X., ie visitiug his frieml Prof. M. K. Cooley. Un. Dncatt, of Church st., andfamily went to the Worid'a Fair Saturday. Geo. Schlimmer, oí Akron, Ohio, is visiting his párente for a few days. John Pack and family went to Zukey Lake Saturday, for a few day'e stay. Bert Stoll and wife, of Stockbrid:, are guests of ]lrs. Catherine Reyer. Miss Louise Pond is in Chicago, the guest of her brothers, I. K. and A. B. Miss Luella Moore, accompanied Mrs. G. S. Morris to Oíd Mission Tuesday. Prof. J. G. Pattengill, wife and daughter, left Tuesday tnoming for Chicago. Mr. and Mra. D. Cramer anddaughter Mise Alice, leave for Chicago. Col. J. D. Uvan expects to go Saturday to the great Exposition at Chicago. J. F. LawrenCe and D. J. Loomis have gone fishing at Strawberrv Point. Miss Mary Rinsey, who has been visiting Detroit friendfi has returned home. Miss Christiue Lilly went to Oíd Mission Tuesday, with II. J. Brown's fainily. The family of Fred II. Belser went to Caranaugh Lake Saturday for the summer. The family of I)r. V. C. Vaughan left Tuesday for Oíd Mission, for the summer. Chas. F. Stabler went to Omaha last week, called there by the illness of his wife. Mr. and Mis. W. I'. McGee returned last week froca b week's Btay at Chicago. Mrs. .7. W. Cnighl and daughter Mis. Clark wenl to Albion Saturday to visit friends. Miss Mamie Ilill returned from a Btay of two or tbree weeks in Chicago, on Saturday. Mrs. Rosa Haehule and lira. Apfel, left Monday íor a few week's stay at Chicago. Miss Birdie Chute accoinpanied Mrs. Dr. ":ui'_'haii and family to Oíd Mission Tueaday. George Hendrie was home from Sajjriuaw, E. S., visiting his mother over the Fourth. Win. Eldert, wife and family have returned from ;i visit of aome weeks at Saginaw. Miss Eniily Marsbke and Miss Bertha Feiner wenl to Chicago Monday tojee the fair. Trof. .1. M. Bchaeberle, of the Lick Observa tory, Cal., at lióme visiting liis pareóte. Mr. and Mrs. Greo. Allmendinger returned Monday from a few dayg stay at Deafl Lake. Misa Emma Hayley went to Jackson Monday evening, to remain a day or so witli friendfl. Mrs. John Btorkg, of Council Bluffs, [own, is visiting Mr8. John Sehmid, of W. Hurón gfe Dr. and Mrs. i'. B. Rose and family have gone into sumrner quarters a( Porta) ■ I rake. unty Sehool Comrnissioner CavaI) lefl Monday night íor a short stay in Cbii Misa Mii' A. '..mi leavea the city to-day foi Flint, to remain during tlie siiuinur vacatíoB. Martin EiaUernd wife, and Miss Emma feindi i-, expi el to leáve Súnday night for "Chicago. Mi-. Win. Condón, Miss Anua Condón, and John and W i 1 1 Condo, leít TiK'sdav for Chicago. l'nii'. and Mrs. F. ('. Xuvv upiit to Ghteago Satiii-ilay ti visit rrFends and see tlic great show. Prósecuting Attorney Keanirv went to Cliicago Friday to sec the show and atti'iid his class reunión. Mis. Chas. M. Hurd has gone to Duluth to join hér lr.isliand, and will rcniain thero pernuincntlv. Saín Lañgsdorf, J. R. Miner, Ed.Eberbach, and Z. Roatíi, have srone toZukey Lake for a two week's stay. Mrs. II. J. ind Mis. S. '. Beakes have returned trom the Exposition leliglited with wliat they saw. Mis. I)r. Palmer loaves Ann Arbor daring the weck for i season's stay at the eastera sea-side resorte. MissTiHie Mutschel starts for Chiago to-day in company with a number of teachers from the Normal. Mis. N. B. Beers, who has been in Florida, Cuba, etc., for several months, s visiting friends in thn city. Dr. C. G. Darling and family made a miatake on the date, and wil'l ik.i go o the fair until ncxt Monday. Miss Mary Btierle went t. Saginaw Monday morning for ;i few day'e viail with her brother and hts family. Mr. (i. S. Morris and family leave tolay for Chicago, from where they wil] go to Old Mission for the aummer. Ed. I. Taylor, of the P. O. force, left Hondav nigbton theM. O. H. IÍ., west. Ie will stop in Chicago a weck. Will Traub, who has been with liis únele, G. Josenhans, for several weeks, ■eturned home to Detroit, Saturday. Aid. Chas. W. Waftner went to Wequetonsint: last Thursday with hia famiy who will reuiaiu for the summer. Rev. and Mis. .1. M. Gelston lelt Monlay for Chicago. They expeci to be ibsent from the city aboul fonr weeks. Mrs. Henry Schneider, nee Walz, of Detroit, has been spending the week vith her parents, l.imis Walz ainl wife. l'rof. Peckham and daughtere, Mary and Anna. of Geddea Ave., returned roni the W.irld's Fair Sunday evening. .Mis. Col. II. S. Dean left Tuesday for )ld Mission. Her daaghter Miss Lizzie, vlio is in Chicago, will juin her there. Misses Addie au.! liessie Stevens, of his city, and Bert and Emily Comstock, of Ypsilanti, left Friday for the White City. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Howlett and amily left last Friday for a stay of some reeks at their cottage at Cavanaugh ,ake. Miss Maggie Van Slyke, of Miller ave., bas gonL to Manistee to spend the ummer with the family of Judge McAlvay. Trof. A. C. McLaughlin and Mrs. Mcaughlin left Ann Arbor Sanday for Jew York, and will sail to-day for En;land. Dr. and Mrs. ,T. W. Morton, of E. Ann t., left Saturday night for Co noord, to i.-it Mrs. Morton's párente for a week or so. President Angelí, Mrs. Angelí, and their niece, Miss Caswell, of Philadelphia, leaveThureday for Chicago to do the fair. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Tatlock and family expect to leave Ann Arbor, Thursday, for a stay of sotue weeks in the cast. They will first visit their tonner home in New York, and thon go to the seaside. E. J. Ottway left Monday evening for Pqtoskeyto take a place upon the Petoskey Daily Resorter. He was accompanied by his motber Mrs. W.J.Ottoway and sister Edith, who will stay there during the summer. Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Carman will leave in a few days for the east, to be absent severa! weeks. They stay in Rochester, N. Y., a greater "portión of the time, but will visit Boston and other eastern cities. Mr. and Mis. Henry G. Bennett left Saturday for Chicago, after visiting in Ann Arbor a few days. They wUI return to l'asadena, Cal., after taking in the World's Fair. Mr. Bennett, who is a native "f this place, and siem his boyhood days here, recognizes many changos in his old home city. .Miss A.) icé Curtía is visiting íi-iends iu Hudson. Prof. A. A. Stanley s on a business tri]) to Chicagi '. I1'.. !'. Johnson go e to Toledo, to-morrow on business. .lames .1. Quarry leaves Saturday for the Wbrld's Fair. Mis. Dr. E. L. Drake and í.-unily liave returned home ti Marquette. S. E. IIÍlíiis lit. '85 is vNitinjí at G. W. Bullís, for severa! weeks. Mrs l. F. ínglea, of Gibbon, Neb., and son, aro guests of Mrs. ('has Kose. Mr. Cannichael, of Boyne City, is visiting liis miele Winh'ekí S. Baufield. .Mis. Farnsworth and daughter of Crested Butte, Col., are visiting (rienda in the city. Miss Olive I.illie Wiiies. daughter of Prof. 1.. D. Wines, is visiting at Ilowell, with friends. Miss Carria Heaton, lit. '92 of Charlotte, has been visiting Ann Arbor friends during the week. Prof. T. B. Bronson, lit '81, of the Lawrenceville, X. Y. echooi witit his wii'i' were in town last week. Mrs. E. Bannister returned home to Saginaw Monday, after spending some davs with Ann Arhor friends. Miss Violet D. Jayne, lit. '87 spent a few days in tin1 city attending the reunion of the Gamma Phi Heta Society. Misa Maggie Ryan, oí E. F. Mills et Co.'s, coinmenced her two weeks' vacation Monday. Slie went to Jackson for the 4th. Ed.Mingay and niece. Miss Nellie Minpray, went to Toronto, Canada, Monday. Nel lie u il! remain there for the summer vacation. Mmk Rev. J. Hildner, of Detroit, visiieil her brother, ;. Jnsenhans, and other relatives n the city-dnring the past week . Miss Manan Gray, of Alpena, whohaa ■ isiting relativos in the city í time, goea to Flini to-day' to remain a few weeks. Qr. Lichtenfelt Hnd Prof. FinWter, the Germán Fair Commissioners, ltt Ann Arbor Saturday, evidently pleásed with their vi-i; . - tíellie.'Gaffney, of s. Tbáyerst., Igft Monday evenine fsr a ímir weeks' Rtay with frieiuis at Mt. Pleiwant and Wiliteville. MiS Mmi-v Clcnieiits Ulives in a few days for Chicago, wheee abe will lie the puest of Mrs. Dr. Alien, fonnerly of Aun Ajbor, Mr. and Mrs. (ípo. Jnvcox, of Covíiil:ton, Ky., are in the city íor iho .uniiner, stopping at their father's resí.leüce on 10. Hurón st. Willjam Wallaee, Georga Sanzi and Henry Schlaaderer, leít for Chicago 8unday evêpina tp Bpead a week at the Worjd'a I'air. Fred C. Brown, of the Daily Times, accompanied hy Mis. Brown, expect to join tlio State Editorial party in Cliicago next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Mingajr went to Flint Monday evening. Mrs. Mjngay wil] stay fnr BOme time, bilt Toni returned to-day. The addresfl of Mr. W. ir. Dellenbeck will beNo. 164 La Salie st.. Chicasro. He will enter upen the practico of hia profession, law. Mrs. Jennie Pulse and Mrs. Electa Lañe, of Plantsville, Conn., who had 1 visitingal D. Cramer's left Monday for Chicago. ■ Mre. II.. T. Brown and Faruilyleit Tueslav inorniDg for Old M'ssion. Tliey were i ompanied by their friend, Misa Skinner, of N. Y. Miss 0 wen, of New York City, who bas been stopping witli lier uncle. Dr. W. F. Breakey, for si. me time, left Tuesday for Old Misgion, Mrs. Huil, of Sall r.ake City, Utah, and Miss Mattie McKinnon, of Saline , have been visiting their sister, Mrs. O, I.. Robison, of Ilill st. Prof. Wilkinson and family, of Chicago, will occnpy thé P.eiij. Brown homestead nu State st., during Miss Brown's absence this summer. Mrs. E. A.. Rathbone, accompanied by her daughters, Mrs. McPherson and Miss Josephine Rathbone, leave in a day or so for Chicago, Mrs. Paul and family, of Montreal, sister of Mrs. Judge Ki'nne, wil] occupy the rectory during the absence of Rev. Mr. Tatlock and fainily. Miss Elizabeth Sessions, who has leen visiting her cousin J. l. A..'Sessions, left for Massachusetts to spend the summer, last Saturday. II. Randall left the city Sunday morniiiLT. 11e goes to his old home at Wareham, Mass., for a time, and then visita the eastem watering places. Prof. Sclimall sails Thursday from New York for Germany. He will spend the summer in rest and travel in Europe and return here in October. Miss Miller, of Boston, and Miss Ohristine Bronson, who have made their home at Geo. M. Henion's for the 1 year, left Saturday for Chicago. Miss Bertha Baur, of Cincinnati, O., visited her parents, Prof. and Mis. E. Bauer, last week. She eame to see her brother, E. F. Baur, gradúate. Miss Josephine Cook, who bas been living at Dr. Morton 'fi for some weeks, left Saturday for her home in Detroit. She will not return to Ann Arhor. Mr. and Mrs. Stonewall O'Brien, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting at Edward Duffy'a on N. CTniversity Ave. They are on their way home fio'm Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. O. Wilkinson, (formerly Miss Virginia Law), of New York, are puesta at Avctiis Dunn'a for a short time oii their way home from Chicago. Chas. K. McGee and brother Ed., accompanied by their mother Mrs. C. A. McGtee, of Jackson, are enjoying the sighta at t,he great exposition this week. M. II. Hammond, lit '92, was in the city for commencement. He sailed on Saturday last from New York for a stay of a year or two in Germany perfecting his edueation. Miss Matilda Brown, of State st., expects to visit Séneca Falls, X. Y., and Oil City, Pa., after visiting the World'a Fair in Chicago, and will return to Ann Arbor about Oct. lst. Miss Hattie Keith, of Dexter, who bas been visiting relatives in the city for some weeks, left Mouday for Mt.Clemens to visit her brother J. A. Keith, editor of the Mt. Clemens Press. Miss Emina Bower, of the Democrat, goes to Detroit to-morrow to accompany the editorial excursión around the fakes to Chicago. John Duffy will care for the columns of the Democrat during her absence.


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