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CODHCIL CUAHBEB, ( Ans Ahhok, July 3rd,lS93.( Regular sessioii. Callecl to order by Pres. Watts. Koll called - Quorum present. Al. sent - Alils. Bchairer,Wagner, Herz The journal of the last session approved. Pres. Watts appointed Aid. Kitsou chairuiau of the Bidewalk committee. (IIMMINICATMNS llünl III 1" MAYOH. To the Honorable Common CovncU'. Qihtlkksn: I have the honor to return to you without approval aü ordluance pasaed by the cuinmon council ou the l'Jth Instant, entitled " Au ordinance relative to closing saloons, bars In restaurante and elaewhere, for the reaaon that said ordinance permita the platiea designated to reintiin open dnring the monttu of July, August and September, muil half pust ten o'clock in the afteruoon. I ii my Judgment all plaees where intoxlcating liiiuors are sold as a beverage shoulri be closed not later thau ten o'clock Standard time. which means of course half pust ten suu time Nearljr all the work of tlie World If formed by ineu who are in beil at tliat hour. And it is sute to say that any person who Ie not williiiR to leave a saloon at half vast ten and ;o home ought to be, and tluit the cha are be would be, if hu had not airead; remalned there too long. I regret that there bas been a mlaundentandinvus to my view upon tuis questlon. For auch mlsanderatandlnjff I am in a mannerresponslble. My attentlon wa.s culled to this matter by the chatrman of the committee ou ordinaiK'es in the city attorueya office at the tlmethla ardlnance waa belng draf ted, and 1 stated then that 1 thought there was no Objec tion to au extensión of the time of closiug during July, August and September. 1 bav aoi Bpoken to the chairman upon this subject siuce. I saw the city attorney, however, soou afterwarda inl told bim that auch :i mensure iraa not defenalble and requested bim to notify the committee. 1 saw him a aecond time upon this same subject, and aupposed that my poal tiou would not be left in doubt. June M, 1898. 1!. M. TH0MP80N, Mayor. The chair atated the question being apon the at-tion of the conncil regardiug passing "Au Ordinance Relative to Cloatng Sa!, in ns, Ban in Restaurant and elsewiiere," be sustainedj the Maym's veto aotwithstanding, the question was lust, two-tuirds of the aldermen elect not voting therefore, by yeaa and naya as followa : reas- Alda, Martin. Snow.O'ltara, Ferguson Manly, J'ret lyinan, Kitson, Pres -8. Naya - None. PETinONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To f" '"iunii Council: The Board of Public Works would recommeiid aud ask for the following appropriation of $130.00 to build two cross-walk., on the south slde of Waahlngton atreet, ut the alley between RinseyA Beabolt'a and Krank Burg's stores, aud at alley in the rear of the Hangaterfer block. We would ask that your honorable body give this your immediate attention, as such cross-walks are a necessitv. l!y order of the Board ol Public Works." w. j. MILLKR, Clerk. Keceived and filed. Tntlti HonorubU Common Counctii Your undeMlgned petltioner respectfully reguests that permlaslon lie granted to erect a frame dwellliig-houae on lot 3, block 3, uorth range ). eaat, city ol Ann Arbor, sald lot la lolated on North Mam street, between Catherine street aud Kingsley street, and your pet tloner will ever ]irny. Dated June is. 1Ü98. SAMUEL M. BEAUN. Aid. Manly movod that the petitlon be granted. Adopted. ,i tin Honorable Comwton Couneíl ƒ the City o A nu Ayhnr : 1, the underslgned, beiu informed that a tumi ipringoi water exista In close proxniity to the property ptirchased by i hr -ity, at ie uorth interseCtlOD of Pontiec and Detroit commonlj descrlbed as a Flat-lrou olnt.and the sanie purchased by the city tor ■arpóse of wldenlng and bcatiiying that seciitn as described. I wcmkl. after ln-ing advised by a comraittee omlnated by your honorable bodyi tliat the ow of buco Bprlng water is perfectly pure aud bundant, to erect a handsome mul uitable rinkiiii; fountaln for man and lieast at the ■oint of the aforesaid location. The same to e coustrueted of stone, artistically designed nd inscribed.and uot to coat lese thai ■ tv tomake the proper eonnectlons for eeding and draining the same. 8uch fonntaln ompleted and presented by me as a gift ,o the city of Aun Arbor, withiii une yearfolowlng the date of acceptance. Julv 3d, 1898. I.AY GREENE. aecepted and referred n water conimlttee. [BADQVASTBBa 1IakL'i;aki 1 Mabnnkrchor, July Srd, 1898.3 To the President and rnember of the Cominun ('tiuncil uf Aun Arbur: Gt-NfLOHN - In view of the fact that on uiy h H, !i :, uur society wlll celébrate uulversary of American Indeperdenoe, and Igo Uie dedlcatlon ofour ure i! .ertty Invited to particípate in -saul festiviYours etn dially, uto. B. Schwab. Jonx Mayek, Special Committee. President. Aid. Prettyman moved that the invitaion so extended le, and the ume is tereby accepted. Adopted. A claim Bgainst the city trom Fred rauas, of tlie city of Ami Arbor, to the niniint of $12.05 v;is read aud referred tí the iinance committee. A claim ut' $2.00 againet the city from leury Smith, of the city of Ann Arbor, was read and referred to the nuance ommittee. iFriCB oí' the Ank Akhor Street Ky. Co., ( July 3rd, 1803. i "o the Comintm Counctl: Oenti.kmex- At a meeting of the Ann Arbor Streel Kailway Coinpany, it was voted o exteud our streel railway system, for tlie benefit or tlie public al hirge, and so have caused to hedrafted two ordinances, and we isk your favorable consideration of the saine. Kespectfully your, Ann Ahiiukstkekt Kailway Co. The ordinances ven received and reerred to the ordinance committee. BBPOKTS OF sTANDIXCi ((IMMITTEES. FINANTE. To tlie Cornmon Council: Y our Committee on Finance respectully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance t sums stated CONTINOENT FÜND. W. J. Miller, salary Í66 66 E. B. Norrie, salary 25 (K) '.Ü'Hearn, salary 'S3 'M Mrs.T. H. Stark, ealary, Janitor 2t John K. Miner, Board of Kev'w, 9days, 18 U0 CugeneOesterlin, " " 18 00 lamen Kearns, " 1H 00 üeo. H. Pond, " " 18 00 Thomas Speechlv, " " 18 00 E. H. Scott, " " 18 00 O.C. Khodes, rubber stamps 4 25 Arthur Brown, court fees 4 00 Charles Hewitt, 678 ft. cement walk at englne house 122 04 Charles Hewitt. 440 ft. cement doorways at eugine house lr5 60 Beakes Uurtln. uriuting i") 95 Ann Arbor Gas Co., gas utclock tower 6 months 15 30 Vnn Arbor Gas Co , gas at Firemen's Hall, 6 months 103 80 Ann Arbor Gas Co , gas at Council Chamber.ö months 9 30 Ann Arbor Gas Co., fuel gas at the Clerk's oftice, 6 mout lis 3 30 Williain G. Snow, horee hire 1 OU Geo. H. Pond, 2 mos. salary, Treaj.,.. JB (iö W J. Miller, supplies 130 Kiclimond, backus & Co. justieo uocket in Fnuik Duirdale, labor ou S. Statest-6 68 Anton Spie-, ■■ " .. 1 50 Krank Hot henhacher " " - 3 00 Williain Krwlou, " " " .. 3 00 Alhert Steffln, " " " .- 2 25 :harle hlntz, " " " .. 6 70 Barney Langer, " " " .. 11 25 Edward Karnett, ■' " " .. 4 95 Carlos Hlll, " " " .. 12 75 Richard Zebbs. ' " " .. 4 2o Frederick Kadke, '■ " " .. (i 75 QeO. Si-liliiuuief, " " " .. 7 9.) Lawrence Hushes, " " .. 11 25 Patrick MoCabe, " " " .. 7 5u Kobert Leonard, " " " .. 4 ." leo. Bohaible, team labor, " .. 9 00 Richard Burns, " " " 22 90 Wm. Allen. " " " .. 26 90 I'. li. Eogers, " " " 19 40 Michael KuBterer, " ■ .. 2000 Chauncey Thompson, " " .. 88 40 Schalrer Milieu, suppUea 3 10 Ann Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., Street lUThUna SU 85 Anu Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , office lights 2 00 Total $1,4U7 Vi WATER KL'ND. Aun Artior Water Oo., ti mus. rental of hydrant 12,692 W STUEET FUÑO. telson Sutherland, salary, $ 66 68 (oei I'. Key, salary 60 Ou Alfred ParaoD, labor 3 do H iraní Kitredge, team labor 7 00 Emanuel Berk, labor 6 no Iliram KJtredge, team labor 14 tío Mat. Si-lineaiíy, leamlng 2i', 411 llir;im Kltredge, team labor 3 u Cnaunry Dumlale, labor 3 uo Lawrence Hughea, labor 10 50 Uobert Leonard) labor i 50 James Netton, labor 1 SO Edward Barnett, labor 16 50 George Scnlimmer, labor j: mi Albert Schoenman 18 ;n Frederick Kadke, labor In 50 Wllllam Kretlaue. labor 9 ou Crank ttothenbacher, labor u ou Albert Steffen, labor fl uo Antón spie. labor c, 00 John Pommeiiag, labor 900 Mlchael Hession, labor Úñ John MíIIit. labor ;i 4f Wllllam Blrd, labor t; (i Karl Joerndi, labor 75 Antón ütty, labor 18 45 Mlchael üenny, lalior :i 0ü Frank Dngdale, hibor 1:.' ii Mlcbael Scnneldèr, labor H 00 John Ki't'iian, labor :nju John Vankf y. labor :i oj Qeorge w. Week, labor - '7, Gustare Hint, labor 3 00 Charles Colgrove, labor J uo Chrlfl. Jetter, labor SI t Henry Oltmeyer, labor 2 26 Jacob Mlohelfelder, labor 10 96 H-.-uik Hchultz, labor 21 mi Harry Kiiyuskc, labor ltt 05 1 nrli-N Mili, labor 19 :;u EUohard Zebbs, labor ío 2."i Charles Hhjiz. labor 15 uo Patrlck Moi abe, labor 2125 Hlchael Wlll'ams, labor 'M :0 Charles Stler.e, labor .1 uu Wilfl Mlley, labor ] (15 Kembert Jones, labor 7 2.1 Aujíust Dupaloff, leamlabor ; 5j Ellas Sadli'i1. team labor 1:, m Thomas Hannon, team labor 29 40 Clinton Snydi-r, team labor 3 50 John Kettlo, team labor :v, w Nelson smherl.iud, horse and cart '.ri 90 Qeorge Bobalble, team labor 4 60 KiL'liard Kuriis, team labor :t ■'-, Martín Naide, leam labor SS8 9U Israel Clare, team labor 6T 90 Mlchael Herey, team labor " 8Ï 76 e Timer, team labor 21 00 Antón llraiim, gravel ü 50 K. .1. Uogen, tuppllee 4 ;u Essllnyer Uros , repairs n # Martin Na'le, team labor. 33 '0 1'. W. Hogers, team labor 'M 25 Tota' F 992 03 I1II1IIGE, CUI.VERT AND CROSSWALK TUND. Etlchard Zebba, labor { 450 Charles Hintz. labor n 25 Albert Schumann, lalior 4 50 Qeorge Sclilimmer, labor 150 Lawrenee Hnu'lies, labor Harry Kayuske, labor Barney Langer, labor B 96 Edwanl Barnett, labor 10 tí Frederick Eadke, labor lu 20 Frank Dugdale, labor 1:, 1;, John Poinnieriiijt, labor ", l'.'i Gustave Walteri, labor 1:190 Antón Spies, labor ; 7-, Jacob Micheltelder. labor tí 75 Frank Schnltz, labor 11 ;u John Baumgardner, stone slab 9 EO Seorge Boott, cement 1 00 Wood & Son, sewer pipe 20 83 J. P. Judson, repairs on crossings -s 60 Jamos Tolberi. lumber. 1" as Charles Hewitt. building sidewalk.... 25 00 Total Í 235 70 FIKK DKPARTMEST FUND, Fred Sipley, pulnry 00 00 ca. Kawards, aalary so oo Hi'iirv Mcl.iircn. snliuy ■"'" "' Louis lliid.lf. galary WOn Charles Carrón, suhtry 47 50 Max WlttUngw, salaiy 46 00 Crank K:i, Milary 2 60 Alberi West, salary M 80 Herman Kirn, salnry S 00 Morgan Williams, salary K 00 John Kenny , salnry t1 00 S:iin McLaren, salary 8 00 Win. Kettloh 8 '" Allmendlnger & Schnelder, bran 4 00 . Campbell, imts Mrs. ü. Haam. washing Í 00 H. Rearas, horseshoemg 8 S0 Total Í 468 00 BRT Ff.M). las Kline, labor i 50 Kii s. Manly, labor 7 ISO John McNalley, labor i [ I Total 2250 POOI! ITTND. Pred Siiiicv. alary l 00 K. C. Bradford Se Bro., wood Jl ü Fred Slnley, f relvht on wood Edward Duffy, grooeries 2 00 John Bisele, erocerles 1 08 Mrs. Ann Bvans 5 00 Jolin Cifiet. . ri'oceries íi í9 James B. Harklns, stove I "" Wllliam r. Lodholz, grooerles - 87 William H. Mclntyre. proeeries t 88 ('a-par Kmscy. vrroceries 9 18 Hinsev S Beabolt, irroccries 4 07 Cí. Fred Stcin, ment 40 Wm. StiniMín, grocerles 0 00 T., A. A. A N. M. K. it.. one ticket to Darton, O., paid by Fred Sipley 6 05 Total 90 40 PÓLICE FITND. James K. Mnrray, salary 65 00 David Collins, ealary 50 W) Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 0. Frank O'Hearu, speci;il pólice 12 00 Total ï 1T7 00 HKCAPITUL.ATION. Contingent Fund Ï 1,407 04 Street Fund 998 68 BrldRe, Culvt'i-t and Crosswalk Fund. 2:Jó 70 Fire Fund 4BH OJ Pólice Fund 177 0J Poor Fund !0 40 Water Fund 2,692 76 Cemetery Fund 22 50 Total 6 140 03 Respectfully sirbmitted, Walteu L. Taylok, WlLLIAM HeRZ, FInance Comniittee, Aid. Manly moved that the report be aceepted excepting $5.00 of Mrs. Ann Evans for aid, and $12.00 of Kichmond & Backus Co., for justice docket. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Alds. Martin, Snow, O'Mara, FerguBon. Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.-9. Nays- None. Aid. Prettyman moved tliat the amount of $5.00 be allowed Mrs. Ann Evans. Lost by a vea and nay vote, a majority of the aldermen elect not voting therefor. Yeas - Alds Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts. - 6. Nays- Alds. Martin, Taylor, Manly.- 3. Aid. Martin moved to reconimitbill for justice docket to finalice comniittee. Adopted. REPORT OF STUEET COMMITTEE. 'ƒ"" tl ffonOrabU 'omturnt Council: Your conirnittee on streets to whom was referred the pelition of J. F. Hoelzle, askinj; perniission to build a cesspool on the west sideofhis store on Fourtli ave, would respectlully report Ibat the subject lias liad your coumiittee's best consideiation, and your comniittee would recomniend lliat the petltloner'g prayer begranted; the petitioner ugrees tu keep and put the street in good and salisfaetoiy coodltlon, and iis soon as the sewers are built he wlll connect witli such sewers, and dispense with the use of the cesspool. Tliis cesapool is to reci'ive the water ïrom a water motor only. KespecUnlly sabmltted, ('HiiisriAN MABTIK. .Street Couamittee. AM. Manly moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Adopted. RBPOBT DF BOND COMMITTEE. Chairman Prettyman reported that the Bond Cominittee had examined the liquor dealer bond of Jos. E. Dennison, principal and Ernest C. Kitsou and Henry A. Kitson as sureties; would recomniend the aeceptauce with sureties named. Aid. O'Mara moved that the bond be accepted, adopted, and approved. Adopted. BXPOBT8 "I SPBCIAIi COMMITTEEs. To the Cotttitiim Council: Your t'ommittee on Building would respectfully suhmit the followiug report: We have procured a contract with clny Green, for the construction of a building for city ornees, and herewith lubmit the saine with the plans and specifleations for such building, and would reeommeud tliat Bucb contract be approved and dlrected to be executed by the Board of Public Works, all of whichts respectfully submitted and a concuri-eiice with our recomniendation is reqnestëd, A. P. Ferclson. aktiii'k .1. Kitson, Cominittee. Aid. O'Mara moved the report be accepted and filed. Adopted. To Uu Common Council: Your commlttee appolntéd tn meet with the Soldiers' Relief Comniission, and in conjuaction witli Mirh oommlsslon to determine who oueht tu We placed on the List of persons entltled in have mi. il recelvesid f rom the soldiers rel lel fnnd respectfully report that tbey have met uith such cominissiou and would recommend that the followlng be the list of persons entitled to recelve the suin set opposite their respective uames.until the further order of the council, iz. : Mfs. Sophla Schall iö.OT Mrs. Thomu Kearns iö.oo Mis. Abbie O'Klley $5. OU Mrs. Clara HaTWOOd $o OU Mrs. Brldgat McMabon ö.oo Mr. Isaac Greenman $5.00 And we further reeonimend, in accordance with the order and resolatlon of such eommlsSlou that the name oí Daniel Forbes be dropped and stricken from such list. All ol ' which is respectfully submitted and your comniittee beg to be dlscbarged froin the further consideratiou of the subject. A. P. Fekmusom, C. H. Mam.v, H. U. Pkkttyman, V. t;. Snow, Cominittee. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be aceepted and adopted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Alds. Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson Taylor, Manly. Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watt! Nay- None. 11EPORTS OF CITY OTOICXB8. CITY TREASUUKIl'S KEPOUT KOU THE MONTH ENDINO JUNE 30, 1893. 2b tlie Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report 1 10,088.01 MONEY RECE1VED. P. ■. Buekey, Co. Traas llquor tax 7,984.85 Jas. Murrayi lees 52ü N. Hutherland, Btreet fund :7 5ii w. .1. MlUer, Uoenses 7 00 l'red Blpley, building permit 2.03 Total i 18,122.10 118,122.1 MDNF.Y IISBL"RSED. Contingent Fuud ïl, 104.2:1 Street Fund 1.061.18 ireinen's Fund 465.19 olicc Fund 189-8 ' oor Fund 103.76 Vniitcry l'liml Í8.Í0 loldlera' Relief Fund B6 5 iridL'1, Croaswalk and Culvert Fund - - 104.54 Total Disbureemcnts $;j,(K!.4l Total on liiin. 1 15,038.69 ISALA.NCK US ÍIAND. iontingent Fund. B,48S,61 )tre i Kun.l 8.5Í ''ireuien's Fund .'{.711 Ofl 'ulice Fund 1,016 58 oor Fund B8fí ■ .■; VhUt Finid 3.178.21 iemetery Fund _':u 4-: Soldiere' Belief Pand.. WS9.U8 Fniverslty Hospital Aid Bond Fund )eilnquent 'J'k Kun.l 1.400.81 Iridge, Culverí and CroBSwalk Fund, 4,69a.7O DogTax Fund 100.00 Total. í 19,048.01 ) ÍJ2O7.32 Total onb&nd ï i Respectfullysubraitted, (i K(i. II. POND, City Treaaurer. A.nn Altliolt Savi.mis BAKK, ) AkhAbbOB, MlCB., Jiily 3, 1898, To lite Cominon Councü: DKAit Sik: - This will oertlfy thai (Vo. II. 'mul lias un deposlt to ln eredli aa City "reasurer thc sum of Bfteen i housand, thlrtyIghi dollars and aeventy cent (tlfi,088.70.j Chas. H. Hibcock, Cashler. Tho monthly reporta of tlie City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Jlarsliíil, and l'oor Superinteudent were rea! and urdercd iled. MOTIO.NS AND RESOI.UTIONS. By Alderman ü'Mara. Betolved, That the ron of oue hnndred mul j birty dollars beapprourmted from the Bridge, Julvert and Crosswalk Ftind, nnd expended n the constniction of two crosswalks on Washington street, oue in the rear of tlie iftniïsUTfer block.and one betweon the stores of KiiiM-y A Seabolt and Frank liurg's. Adopted as follows: Yens - Aids. Martin, Snow, O'Mara.Ferguson. Taylor, Manir, Preityinim. Kitson, Pres. Watts -9. Nay - None. By Alderman Kitaon. Resolved, That the slim of $300X0 he approiriated from the Bridge, Culvert and CrOBBvalk fuiiil to buihi four crosswalks at State t., Tlmyer st., Ingalls t., and Twelfth st. Adopted as followa : Yeas - Aids. Martin, Snow.O'Mara, Fergnson. Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Wntts -9. Nays- None. By Alderman ü'Mara. Reanlved, That the contract of Clay (reene be acccpted, and the Board of Public Works be directed to close sueh contract at once. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Martin, Snow.O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman. Kitson, Pres. Watts -9. Nays- None. Bv Aid. Ferguson : Whereas, ('omplaiuts are made that the Ann Arbor Water (Jompany is, and bas been siipplylng to consumers water taken froni the river, and not suitable for domestic pnrposes, accordlng to the terms of tneir iranihise. Thereiore, Retolved, That the water commlttee investí ;ate the sanie and report at the next regular meeting of the council. Adopted. By Aid. Mauly : Resolved. That the gum of JlöO be appropriated from the Street Fimd. to ent down and otherwise improve Broadway. Relerred to Board of Public Works oi' l'nrther estiuiates for such improvemeats witli grade. Bv Aid Martin : i:, solved, Tliat there is need for a light at corner 01 Fiith Avenue aud Huron streets, duriug the whole iiight, that the llghtlng oommittee do arrangc ior lighting gas at such point, if lame cau be procured lor the ram of ten dollars per y ear, aud that such light be cared ior by the fi're departmeut. Adopted as follows : Vt-as - Aids. Martin, Snov,O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 9. Naya- None. By Aid. Martin. R, ioIvi 'I. ïhat the Board of Public Works be requested to report to this couucil, the conditiun ol' the Fifth, Street culvert at our next eouucil meeting. Adopted. Bcêolvtd, That seventy-flve dollars be apurolriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Cross valk;Fund for thelpurpose oí coustructing a cross-walk at the junciion of Volluud street and Washtenaw avenue. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Martin. Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitsoii, President Watts.- 9. - Naya- None. ■ By Aid. Taylor : Whekeas, The present system of collecting garbage thronghout the city lias proved a failure, therefore Retolved, That the Board of Health is hereby Lnstructed not toemploy ascaveuger froiw this date forth, until further notice froin the Couucil. Adopted. By Aid. Prettyinan : tUaolvtd, That the Bum of flfty dollars be appropriated froin the street fuud for the purpose of grading Forest ave , south of Hill st. Iieferred to street committoe. By Aldennaii Snow : Whereas, A vacancv in the office of Aldermau of the Third Ward, In tlie City of Aun Ar bor, exists, occuöioued by the death of AJdoruiau Ariel II. Flllmore: Therefore Resolved, And it ia hereby ordered that au electlon lm held on Monday,the Sist day of .luly.A. D.,l93,jQ the said Third Ward.for the purpose of tilling such vacancy in the oiHt'e of alderman, as aforesaid. That such electlon be held in the basement of the Court house in saul Third Wurd, and to be couducted pnrsuant to Law. Resolved, Furthor, tluit the City (lurk do certify this resolution to the Inspectora of electlon in and forsald Tblrd Ward, and i!s. itie notice of the saldeleotion hereby ordered aocordlng to taw. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned.


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