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Prof. Harrington Vindicated

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Dnder tibe above tltle the Washington Part f -liiiy Bá, givea tflxe following artlde whièh tbc many friends of Prof. H.-m-ington In this city wfll be glad to read : "Prof. Harrington, chlef of the WYatiMT Bureau, has onr congratulatlOOS. It must !).■ saiil t.liat a oareful exnniination oí the Charges ageimsi blm, and of the evidence brnualit forward to sustain t hem. had quite prepare} tw Tor rewilt, but o( coiirsc rm i'xoiicü-ation by liin official superfcor is at more Importanoe in i'ni:'. Barrington than any quanüty of unoffteial conjecturea conld xissibly be. ■■It rematas to be said only that Prof. Harrlngton has borne himseH wlth remarkabte dlgnity and moderatlon undcr circinnstanci's t niight well have extorted siicns of irritat.if).n froni a les.s comjjletely balancea subject. The accusations were conSpicuously irivolous, and the manner and tlio torm in wliich they were patwod wuiild have excused, even if thcy (lid not justify, a much greater (lemonstration of re.sent inent that he deijrned to manifest. Prof. HarringtOJi. however, contentad hirasieLf with a very températe policy oí defense, and tlvis lia.s only served to emphasize and strengthen his vindication. Tliere are to be radical and elianires in the organisatlon of the Weather Bureau, we hear. It is poaalMe that these chaoges will Involve Prof. Harrlngton. But, in the üght of the events to whlch we refer. Prof Harrington will retire, if at all. without a stigma or suKpieion upon lvis record. He will take with him into any new field of usefulncss lie may comclude to enter, the respect and confidence of the country and the untarni-hed prestige of an honorable name."


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Ann Arbor Courier