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The Coming Hippodrome--congress

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The edbtoff of the Oomgreeeional Record ba Baarpeming uj liis steel. WJren Midi men u Altgeld get into power ih' llberty of the pooplo is in BerJona danger. Don't aU t-pcak at once- democratie aspirant inr the (jubernatorial nominatlon in Ohlo. Xt] cal prloea win ! followed by wild rat currency iï the southorn tdea ol state banka s adopted by coni MAchlgan Aeeociatlon ol BolAera amd Sailm-s will omlt tbs anima] ('ncani])iiiciit this yar. Too rmich AVoiiil's Pair. Illljidis prodnoed one greal American tanncr. and wiu'ii tin1 1 i arrivés to atti'iul ii Grov. AJitfield's liiilo that slat wUl be eqoal bo the cnicrcy.- Washington Poj . The tatesl way of refei-ring to a bank faJtnre i.s : "Another bank gone democratie," and thore seems to be more trutli tluui imagination in the expresaron. - Burlington l'ree Press. Cheap mooey, chenp wool, cheap wheat, free trade, bursted bankg, closed factopics, idle workmem. All costly resolte of democratie vlctory. Do you want any more of t, dear reader. The Cleveland Leader beUevea thai it citlier ought to 1m more diffieult tot people tn firt mai-ried or more iiifficuit to gel Beparated after they are marrted. Divorcies too numerous. Louis Ölobe-Bemocrat: "The ehief business of Pension Examinen onder the presen! administration is to umi pretexta for ceeping ney in the treasury t hut belongs to Qnion veterans.'1 Suppostag U-ver is luw in pnce ? Sn , u lie.a atd WOOl for the farmers, and cottoo few the planters. And there are thon.-ands more of them to suffer tliereiiy tiian there are of silver minera. W'hirii was th worst ? Pardonlng the ïiioody anarchiste, or appointing tiie entogtet of the aaaasaaln .1. Wilkeg Booth in un Importe.n1 illploinat politlón? What's ycHir opinión on tiiai jubjeci ? Secretary Carliale and liis son Logan, have not lelt a sufficient onmberof republican employés in the treaaury departmenl to hoist the. Stars and stripes above the building. Noy is the time for them to send tor Blount. Ex-Senator Palmer, preatden.1 o! the Worid's Commtaton, is baadling the members m' tiiat body who favor snnday opening, without gloves. He saya lie mtemda to keep up the figln until the l'air is ck)9ed on Sundays. The inUleiiiuiii s certainly approaehdng. Read this trom the Atlanta Journal oí receñí date: ''There ras in Atlanta yestenlay a Mear su. -li as s sejilom witniessrU anywhere. The Cato City Nattanal Bank, Whir!! rln-r,i , f,,,,,. mOnths ago, w.-.s ready to pay in fuu all Ita depoettore. Many were paid and the llllMiey . ,,n , .,,,. ,,, pfty ajj (]l(, PB." Never, ín the htetory of this nai. has there been Buch a rare opjHirtunii y tor t li c display ol statesnia.n-hip as there wlll be at the gpei-ial aesBioo ol congress. Will the gtoatesmea to the occasion? It inSenator Done v. il 11:11. (ií New York, liad come om .!- a i xite. Herei b haa been a very shrewd man, bul ahirewdest ol politica] trlcksters stub and tumble occaalon;illy. It ;- awnounced fchei teveland aiiNimis to gel the money question out oí tlir way bo tliat he can ttack fche McKSoley tariff. Baving partly wrecked the country be waai - to mala' jii complete. - N. Y. The Chii go tl tei ' uean very sagely retary Carlisle gives Dotice that we will have free wooJ within six nioutlis. Mutton will be cheap. Ahstralian wooJ growers can kül oflf American slieep and then iut the prici iselves." Ooi. William K. Uorrteon says lie ian'i lou'Od anybody favo-rlng the propotetl income tax who thinks be ■wi'l hiin-eli bare to pay Qoythlng. A ü ïiKiny peopbs endure with fortltudti tli.' taxatkxo oí thelr oelgbbors. s.iit Lake ll( ralil. i-'il wiager aon apple agalost a jack-kniic that the coming special Beesion oí cóngress il accompllBb iiofhúiir in the way of reUeving the matton from ü- preoeot ttnanclal dlstreas. Tiic trouble with that body is it te nol built rlght. There ba ju-t as much contldence as there was before Cteveland was elected, bul it ie of a different kiüd among bualneea men. ]t is conaoe dow tna.1 it we a blgmtstake to etect tlw democratie camdldate last EaU.- Buffalo Oommercial. "Win congreae take the government crutchee out from undet the silvor dollar and lel the white metal stand or fall (Mi its owu worth? Or will it keep u ïuakiii.ii tin' peoplie offer tiiis brasem prayer : "In (od we trust ;■■ tot the other 40 cents? And Mrs. Frank J.csüc s golng to blOMOni out witli a fifth husband ! 'l'liis time it is to 1h' a Marquta - pronounoe it mtirkee, pteaee. Bhemay not f i nd it so easy getting rld of this fellow. His full COgnomen is given as Marquta de LeuyUte. Bbe'a a tiger-es. The Washdngton Star, Independent, boleta tiiis ticket foc ls'.É : For l'rerfilt-nt- (iov. Altgeld, of Illinois. For Vic President- Cov. Pennoyer, of Oregon. Platform : W'c're agtn the goveroment." Tli Boston Journal says : "That is ui tntereeting statement of yoang Bprecklee, tluit he leít Honolulú there waa a 'dmonsl ï-ation," and and Uw people cheered the ol i're-ident Cleveland and claus Spreckelis. Thnt was a siirniíicant combinat;o.n." The EnglUb niul ('anadians are up ti tlieir old tricks naln of harrassiiig our fisJuermen. Tliey knew better tlian to fooi wjtb them whcn Harrison was president. They tfalnk now tbat a íree trade president wfll not broolde tbem any. Whether he wili or not remaiiLS tol neen. Every man now employed in the naval records -office at Washington s a democrat, and every official engaged in compiling tlie naval records of tbe rebellion ia a Bouthemer, soniè of whom are exeonfederates, with Becretary Herbertat their head. Hou valuable do yoo suppose tliose records will be? There are 3,000,000 baehelors in tlie T'nited States, There must be a lioljday in lieavon if tliat's where niarrtagee are made.- Augusta Cbronlcle. wc nol toW th.-ii ii s ii ■ - continua] li did.iy in tliat place? (ut tie old bacfae'e there and it would rerarae l!i" nature oí t cntircl.v. Tney h.itl a Mg timr In Honolulú on the 4tii of Juiy, and a grand celebra tion even if the Treason-Stained Blount diii refnee to be present', and did iiaui down the American (lag. The Am.-ncans there .-ut patriota, wh:i are nol to lic ornehed by the extreme pompostty f "my commlBeloner." Had the repnbUeao party been suei easftt] last November, and the sound fiuaiH-iai and commercial poUcy of tiiis govenuneat been aamired, tor the nïxt four, does any one think for a nioiiH-at iliat the preaeol coramert-ia] dfetruel and business failures and dlstreea wonld have happened? Not niuch. Ëx-SenatoT Eustjg, ol Loulalana, is the new ambassador of the United siai.s ti I'rauce. On tlie 4th of July he drrüncii to hoid the regular official receptton in bonot o; the blrthday of the nat ion li' r(]ircscnts (and once al tcmpti-d in dcstroy) g-iving some trivial excuse as a rcason. The American colony al J'aris wei-c much cnagrtned and mortlfled over lila unpatrtOtie act ion. It s ooi surprising tha1 uch men shonld do guen fleede.


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