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World's Fair Beauty Show

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More i lian 5,000 people vi.-it the "Beauty show" ai the WorWs Fair every lny wheo the weather la tine. If tota ral lo te kep ap, and there M'cins bo i1 no reason to expeci tha1 it vU not be, the ntunber ol visltors wiil Burely raach 10,000 bo L5.000 a day wiicn the crowds that are contidently eounted on put in their appeairance ai tin' Fatr. The "Beauty Bhow," as i s aimiL-t UHlversaUy called, Ie one oJ the dot1 ;.iul attractlve f the special ïraiui-cs n? tli" Expositlom. These special attracthma are Bltuated on liuih si. les OÍ Midway l'!ai-a:i:-c. a portlon f the Expoeition gronnds, 600 teet wide and extemxling from the Womoa'g building westward tor nearly a niilo. in this strip oí territory vteltora may aee gathered together a .urca atunber oí (üííci-cnt nat ionalil - añil more .iiirty ot strange th.ings than can be íniitüi asscnibicil anywhere i Ise on earth. Everyone who goes to the J'air tak. 's in the slghts on Milway. lt is the chance oí a liíetiinc, and aliniist as inst ruct ive and j I .i ; uiii'-i' ae a cmiple oí ycars oí [or(s.uii travel. r,in to retara to the "Beauty Show." That. liy the way. Ie not the teclinieai name. lt le catalogued as "International Dreae and Costume r.Nhihit." and to this name: its nianagen have added "Wocld'a Coogress oí Beauty." A a beauty show, it far tran-ccnds anythfing ever before attempted In t !iat dlrectron, and. it Mcvrd, is tiie íii-st exhibition oí ilic aori poeeesalng genulnenesa in the i -iMiin ui being internat lonal. It took t'aith on the part of the Hnanr:;!i backen ol tin' Onterprise to carry it out, lor the exhibil as it stands to-day, represente an expendiiiiiT ol iiviT $50,000. J'.ut the result sliow sllmt they kiK'w wliat they were a Hout. Thue lar 110 other Midway atlraction ha drawn as well ae this. jt oátche the crowd, both ui' meo and womeo, and all wIki aee it c-ommend it to tlieir ïriends. The "Beauty Show" oecupiea a vhiile building by ltself, and lia.s p-teasemt surrousdinge. iiic building s 18x145 fcot, two itoriea high, fuid is eovered wlth stat'f like all the other Expo.ition buUdinge, liaving the apiieaianee of btins built ol white marbte. "What do the beauties do? WeU, the principal tliing they do is to be looketl at. .Some do ïanoy work oí one sort or another, some read, Kome spin, makc embroldery, or engage in other Hgbt occuratiaii, such as they are accustomed to at home. Nearly all chat frecly witli visit-ors, and answer thee many qneetfcMUa whlch are propounded. They are paid a great ïnany compWmemts, of coime, and Únese they nwivc graciousïy U they are offered courteously. Occasionuiy a dnde or lü-manmered peraon receives a squelehiiig, which general]y causee hiin to make trom the vjcinity. At the end of the hall, opposite the entrance, ,s a oriental or harem mane in which th-eare are five darkeyed beautics toimgijig on divans or othecwlae disposed in accord with the languid habite of the far East. The cos turnes of the orientáis are exceediiigly gOTgeow and rich. Tlircc of the g-irls- an English, French and Anifrican - wear Wortli gowns. Xbeee jiaturally exeite the enthusiastic admir-atiom of all the visitors of tlic gentier eex. Tlip gowns cost from $1,000 to $1,500 eacb, and are the fiinest that the iaraous Paris costumcr could make. The material waa made csji( ially (ot him ajid conld not be dupitoitted elaewhere. Tiii.s is Wurlh's oii!y exhibit at the Fair, He haviing declüied a pequest from the French Oommkaslon, and ateo one from Mr,-. Potter i'.iimcr, preaUent of the Board ot Lady Managen, to make au i-xiiihii in their departmenta.


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