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J. F. Ki wreiKT was fcn Detroii Monday. Mica Basle Duítan is ii t i:iir Fllnt irielli]-. iM:t"i' i'. C. Browm was in Detroit MiMlllll.v. T. ). Keni-ney has returned brom ilii' World'e Fair. Mtee Etbel M. Thompson la vlaltB ! h.voli-. I;i. Miss Jennte M. Geaoe Is ííiímü: ii-icnils at Detroit. Prof. ü. A. akDsdale left Monday f or a trip tu Chicago. Alvali 1'raver, ol Jackeon, -. a In the city yesterday. tijm Ni'tiir Latean, oí Tecamseh, was in the city Monday. Mna. Marg-aret Slater la al Chlcago tor a eoupte of weeks. lliiiili Gfiarwood lias u to l'.ay bew to speud the slimmer. Ulaeea Belle aml Cai-rir Sperry have gone to Chikaago tnis week. A. L. Noble and iainüy are at Cavooaugti Lake lor two weeks. .Mr. and Mi. Martin Halter leit tor bjcagv Bunday erealug. Mr.-. Dr. (ianviiiiil teft Monday to vliedt pelativee at Maosfleld, o. Mre. s. W. ('lai-kM.n ai Chjeago vJewlng the Worlil's l'aif tliis werk. M-s Meta TroniaiiH'. of Cleveland, is visitinji hOr sister. Mts. ,1. R. Bach. l'raiik, of Jackson, epent Sunday tii iiis párente in Webster. W. I'. BdwardB and lamüy are visItimg at iheir home at Nllee. J. J. Strok, of Couneil Bluffs, Ia., luis Iwwi the guest oí John C. Schinid. Miases susti and Sara Whedon lelt for Chdcago and MUrwattkee Mondar. Jen Qroner and Fred Arnold went in company to Chicago last Thursday. Mm. Kdfíar Drury, oí Ypelt&ntl, was gneeA oí Un. .!. W. Benaett, Monday. iUee (raer Moore te&srea tii weeb for a visit at Detroit and Port Hurón. . Geo. M. O'Connor, oí Detroit, waa tlne gaeet oí Geo. Vandawarker, Snnday. Ii. C. -McAilastcr. of MUw&nkee, Wis. speni Smiday tii hle párente Id thi.s clty. Mn. (race Clark rctnriicd Satur(lay íroin a visit at I.ansing and lonja. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Brown loít Moaday niR-ht to sjiend a week at ChV oagio. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cramer and Miss Alicc Cramer, leít Tnesday for Chicago. Mte8 Amánela Reyeff wem tu Chicago, Mcnday, to view the WorLd'a Fair. Mts. .). Seeley nul bob Fred have moved to Detroit for permanent realdencc. Bobert WeWemnanu, of Xcw York, fe Aisitijis ïiis sister, Mrs. B. H. Kempf. Prol", and Mi's. T. C. Truebtood have gone to Chautauqua, X. Y., for tho summer. Dr. and Mrs. Flemmdog Carrow returiiod Sunday erening froin the WorWfl r.-iir. Mr. aml Mrs. Joeeph ( 'l.-irk ezped to start to visit the WarJdVs Fair. I!. W. Itoberts. di ( hicago, who hafl beea In the city for a week, left for home Simday. Wee Zadie Jihudrs. ol the Xorthsáde, ím Iioiim; from her school dutiee at Mamtetdque. Prol. llaiiiütim and family, alsi Mts. sius(Hi, are vlslting thcir mother, Mrs. Ci.nover. E. H. Öcott and laniily returned Sunday ïrnm i u cek's recrea I inn at Ca auaiifih Lake. riias. M. Jjewfe, of Kansas City, Mo.. i.s his mother, Mrs. Ármamete M. Lewia. PTot. and Mrs. Calvin Thomas lett Saturday ior N'esi ]!raiu-li to spend 1 coupje of weeks. Un. Mary Koitz, of St. CatherJmes, Ont., is vifiitinjí hei ]i,u'ciits, Mr. and Mrs. ciiristian Eberbach. , MSm 1,011 i. Giles leaves loe Detroit Satnrday, to remaiu 1 ooupie ot weeks wit relat ns Mr. and Mr. Charlee Mnunt are vdcdting trtendi at Bay City andvlciaity lOr a eouple of weeks. -M ;-. Caere and Nina Doty, acconi]an;(Ml by Wlrt Doty, of Detroit, left Bat-urdoy for Oiicago. Mr. and Uim. B. I!. Hall and son I'hilip, left for ChtCMgd to sjicnd a Hipte ol weeks, Sa t urda. . ïimotliy Kenncy, of Tjnwnhig, was in the city Momlay, the guost of liis dan-lilcr, .Mrs. i]. K. Banger. John Mooro roturncd Monday from Port Horon, wltere he visited hla daughter, Mrs. II. J. Robison. Hon. J. T. Jacobs, U. B. Indian CommlBBloner, left Baturday for San Frani, 'al., on official business. Mtra. C. M. Monroo, of the 8d ward, leaves Ihis week to Aisit lier Uaughtei- M'i-s. L. 1). Hulibm-d, of Saginaw. Mm. Oatherirae Webber and Otto, otf Foresl avenue, leli Tuesday i" in.-iki' re&idence in Detroit. Mr. and Mis. M. C. Peterson return( il Battirday aghi trom a visit at ( 1 ■ ti,-; 1 1 1 1 ,-uii! other Ohilo places. .Mr. ;.nil Mrs. Wm. A. Ziminer, of Mam&tee, are vteiting Mrs. Zlmmer's parents Mr. 1 Mrs. E. n. Eberbach. Mrs. Victoria Morris and h il dren returned Monday Djlgh.1 fi-om ChicajfO and teft thaa iiKMii iiiLi l'or Old Mi.sion. Dr. aml Mi-. Oarrow, Dr. and Mrs. Freer and Prof. and Mrs. Bolfe compuM'i a Worid's Fair parij daring tbe reek. Mrs. Gtoodriieil and l.iu.-rlu er, Mrs. J'l.vir.,.1 on, Mrs. I wne, and Miss Mara.n bave been at the Wortd's Fair tiiis ireek. H. Whdtlark and iainüy who have been visitiag relatlvee aere, left tor home in Washington, Monday evemlng. ('. E. ttlBCOCk, Z. Ilnalh. i:. 11. i:i.orbaob and s. Langsdori are spending iln' wreek ai the Keysboste Club at Zukey Lake. The Miases Lichtenberg and Ulsa Kalchan, o( Detroit, who have !j?eu vdflltlng Mrs. s. ÜDsfiiilialvr, peturned home Saturday. ArtUur e. Tagge, prtncJpal oí the Monroe Wugh Bcliool, j.s vleit ing liis mothcr and ateter, Mrs. Mary ïaggo and Mrs. W. J. Millcr. Mis. ]r. Ilarth'y lias returned to ilir i.. an extended visit, and s again ready to attcnd to the wants oí lier [i,ii rone and ïricnds. Dr. D. (.1. Ooollidge, oí Ottítige, Mass., who lias beea the gyest of Mrs. Lena Dnrhrun tor the jia-t two weeks, réturned home Monday eventng. Mrs. (has. J.i-Sucr, who lias been spendlmg bhe past weck wlfh her stoter, .rrs. e. j;. Davisoa, returned to her home in Toledo yisnrday. Mr.-;. j. K. Wyman and daugbters, ni Krooklyn. N. Y., uid MrB. T. B. Preston and son, oí loóla, are visiting fcheir mother, Mr. Wm. Oanwell. J. H. Wade, H. Soule, I'. Schínld and H. Beeve were tlic jruests, oí T. F. Hntzel at tile Ana Arbor Sporting Club Hira-i' at Zukey I.ake FrJday. Mrs. Clara Ames aiid dausíliter, MUas Aairic A. Ames, oJ Cleveland, 0., havr been vlaitlng .Mrs. Ajnes' brothci-, Jobs i:, .linrr. dnrlxig the ]ast week. Mrs. Ilenry St-lnieiiicr. oí Detroit, who han been v4ltlng her párente In tila city, retumed home Saturday. She was acconi])an('il by Mi. S. AV. Millard. Mrs. "Walter MlUer and dauiíhter, i l'alo Alto. Cal., who have been PtoitiQg Mr. and Mi-s. S. (í. MHler, tef1 saim-day (or Racdne, s., to visit relat iv.-. J. ]). líyan, James Quawy, Fred Mconiber and Jas. E. Duííy co-mpoaed a party that left Saturday lüght to view tlie World's Fair and the s;hts i) Chca.i;o. I'rof. H. C. Adama a.nd i'aniily and Mrs. J. C. Knowlton and daughters leave to-morrow for Charlevoix, to spend the. rommer. Prof. Knowifln will follow in a week or SO. Mrs. W. H. Do-bMo ;iil(1 daughters, of Fasrport, N. Y., and Clarence Dobb;m, of Boston, are pending a few d.iys on their return from the World's Fair, with SUr. and Ml. W. J. Milk-r. Mr. and Mr. Wm. G. Fowler, of Detroit, arrived In the city Saturday. Mr. Fowler returned Sunday evening, and Mrs. Fowler will remain several weeke wi-th her parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Seyler. Mr. Aiva Dibbte, ii California, Miss Julia, principal of Harriaon School, MUmaeeota, and Miss [da, teacher in Iiuin School, Minnesota, are visiting a t t lie resiiidence of J. W. DibUle, on. Detroit st. öeo. II. Pond, city editor of the ('ourier. accounpanled by Mrs. Pond, lelt S.-Uimlay for 41 week's stay at the Cbioago Expoaittoia. They joined the M ichijïa n Editorial Associat nu t ht-re Munil.-iy. Mayor Thompson left on Monday twtoago, to isii Worbd's Fair. I ï t - will return Mond.iy evening, and during bto abeeace the arduons duïles ol mayor win be performed by the ini'-idi-ut ol the COKLHCÍ1. Ktv. nuil Mr.-. W. W. Wetmare and Mfesea Anna, Nllie and Flossie Wetmore, Miss Flora VaaxJawarker and E. I,. Seyler moke np a Wortd'a Fair party th.u rtartc tot Chicago tomon'Ow mornin.ii tO slay ten days. Xlr. and Mrs. S. W. Beakea left Thursday for Detroit, whore tliey atti-nd'(l the auniuil meotüig1 oï tin.Michigan Editora and joined the exi -niiMi party around the lakos . Thin weck ttoey are dodog the Expositlon.


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Ann Arbor Courier