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THE BLUE RIBBON RACES ! All Meetings Fa,! e Bencath j Detioit's Entry List. Ore BSO Are nnicil ( Slnrl for the f4B,0O0 Wlii.h the Club Givea - o MeeiliiK on Record to Compare Wltta It. The classic race course of the Detroit Drlving Club where, long before the war, trotters, paters, and runners fought tor what in those days were muuiflceut pureea, v. ill, on the week of Ju;y 17, be taa scène of a race meeting which promlsi eclipse anythlng In the hUtory ot the trjtting turf. Weeki aso the culi went down the line to score up for the annual Blue Ribbon Meeting, and from the sponsea whlcb pourea m upon the Becretary it is evident that nobody was misw d, The P;i Iflc ïlope has .sent on matchlesa ■trlngs o( harneas hordes that will come in the st.ibles of the Sm -Mateo, Fleasan:'alo Alto farms, baalde the lla lot piloted by the veteran . From ihe Rocky Mountains have come the Dubois horses, and from the intermedíate stat 's the splendtd Btables of George Starr, Huid Doble, Bob Stewart, D. Raybauld, and V. L. Bhuler. New ' State contributes the trled campalgners of the Vtllage and Jewett farms, and John A. Goldsmith and Pennaylvanla Bends the famed doverdsl trotters, and Gil Curry' 'ast ones. Last year thsre were 108 enttif-s. TMs year there are over 230, and in some classes the fields will be the largest which have ever faced the starter. Even the succeses of Independenee and Terre Haute pule beneath the flattering response to this year's Detroit races, and next week will flnd the City of the Straits the rendezvous for all who admire the harness horse. The meeting lasts ttve duys. and the opening brush will be between the 2-yearolils. rollowed by the 3-ycar-o!d r - ■, with fifteen and ten entries respectlvely. Then comes a royal battle in the 2:27 class, with eighteen entries. The best of It is that all this is Riven the peop'.e for nothing, no admlssion being charged on the lirst, or Blue Ribbon Day, July 17. Tuesday finds a card beyond ciiti ism. First come the 4-year-olds, the fa;-t"st of their age, and then the great il. and M. special race for the 2:24 class, guaranleed value $10,900. For thts seventeen ire named, and there is every indieation that all will start. The closlng race of the day is the 2:21 pace, with twentythree entries, and prospeets of wholeeale tccord breaking. Wednesday begins with a race which will laat all the afternoon. the 2:22 trot, there being tw-enty-thre-i entries, aml all of thfm likely ones. It will be followed by the 2:15 pace, with hfteen entries, and then comes the great trotting freefor-all. In this are those turf stars, Martha Wllkes, Mark Slrlus, Llttle Albert. W'alter K.. both Nitchtinííales, Lord Cünton, and Alvin- by odds the best free-forall field in history. Ther wili be two class races and a novelty on Thursday. The 2:15 trot and 2:18 pace have more entries than ever before. and will be followed by the ?:20 novelty trot, purse $T,000; this will be rme of the features, the entries being of the best. Kriday starts with an enormous neld In the '2:18 trot. and after it comes the free-for-all pace. The entries include the champlon, Maacot, Hal Pointer, Guy, Manager, Dallas, Flying Jib, Major Wonder, and Blue Sien - an incomparable field. The last race n ill be the eonsolation for those starting: In the M. and M. race and not winning any part o! the main purae. That the efforta on the part of the Olub whichjhave been so liberally recognlzed by the 1 orsemen will in turn meet with favorable response from the peopie there is ittle doubt, and the closing Blue Ribbon Meeting will eclipse anythlng now In the books. both as regards extreme speed and attendance. The Summer Tours of the Michigan Centra]. 'The Niágara l'all.s Route," are unrivalled in tlicir varietv, pirt urt'Mitii'iicss, and oomiort, embracin.ji the bemi routea to Petaakey, Mackinac Island and Mic-iiigan resorts, Niágara rails, Thoiisand Islands and the St. Ijiivreoce Rlrer, the Adirondacks, Green and AVlii t-e Mountains, ('anadian Iakes and tbe Now England Sea Cotist. A copy will le sent upon application to H. AV. Hayes, Ticket Ag't., Ann Arbor. Aug.- 10. Why Waste Your Time Travelling by roundabout routes ? If ycra are go ing to the Pacific Coast, Ntake any of the Lámiited Trains to Kansas City, Omaha or Sioux City, go tbeoce via the Union Pacific, the Worki's Pietorial Ijine, to Portland or Saai Francisco. Superbly equlppel BOthJ vrstilmH'd trains. EsTATK (IF Kl.IZABETII H. WlMKS STATE OF MICHIGAN, of Waehtenaw, S8. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Wasutenaw, holden at Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the thirteenthdavof June, in the vearone thoüsaud eight huudred and ninety-three. Present, J. Willard Babbltt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Elizabeth H. Wines, deeeased. Naucy W. Hadley executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court and represente that she is now prepared to reader her final account as such executrix. Thereupou it is ordered, that Tuesday, the eighteeuth day of .luly next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assigned for examining and alloulng such account, and that the devi.se1-. legateefl nnd heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. aud show cause, if any there be, why the said account should uot be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said executrix give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearIng thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arl.or Courier, :i ut'wspaper printed nnd circulated in said rounty, tnree successive weck jprevioua to said day of hearing. - J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atruecopy) JüDOI or Pkobate. V. t;. Uoty. Probate Iiegister. I'.STATE OF JkXNIE N. BkN.NETT. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteaaw, ss. At a sessiou of the ProbateCourt for the County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Satur(lay. tlu; I s t day of July, in the year ouo thouaand.elght bondred aiid nlnety-three. Present, .1. Wllllard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Jennie N. Beunett, deceaaed. Frank Iiennett, the administrator of said estáte, comes into court nnd representa thut ne is now prepared to render liis flnal account as such Administrator. Thereupon itisordered thntTliursday.theSth day of August ten o'clock in the foruoon. bc assigned for ezaminiug and allowing BUOb account, and that the lieirs at law of said deeeased, and all other ])ersons interested in said estáte, are required to appear al i Bessiorj of said court then to le holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. in said County, and show cause, if any there bc. u hy the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said Adm i uist rator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Aun Arbor Courier, a newapaper printed and circulating in Raid county, three successive weeks prevloua to said day ui hearing, J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atruecopy.) JüDOÏ of ProbateWm. a. Dott, Probate lictrister. wantëd" A. gituation ;s Matron of Club House, or as managing house keeper. Mrs. Ella F. EfarrÍBon, Box 366, Paw Paw, Michigan. 73 A MEDICINE THAT MAKES GOOD BLOOD GILMORE'S AROMATIG WIHE Will completely change the blood Ín yoursysíem in three months' time, and send new, rich blood coursing through your veins. Il you feel exhausted and nervous, areíjeuint?thin and ail run down, Gilmore 3 Aromatic Wïne, which is a tonic and not a beverage, will restore you to health and strenpth. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments peculiar to woman. It enriches the blood and gives lasting streneth. It is guaranteed to cure Diarrhcea, Dysentery and ali Summer Complaints, and keep the bowels regular. Sold by all druggists ior $i per bottlo. THE LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'5 FAIR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the Floating Palaces of the Detroit Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers have iust been built for this Upper Lake route, costing $300,000 each, and are guaranteed to be the grandest, largest, safest and tastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 50 hours. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petoskey and Chicago. Daily trips between Detroit and Cleveland; during July and August doublé daily service will be maintained, giving a daylight ride across Lake Erie. Daily service between Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. First-class stateroom accommodations and menu, and exceedingly low Round Trip Rates. The palatial equipment, the luxury of the appointments makes traveling on these steamer thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illustrated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. A., Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co., Detroit, Mich. SAFETV DEP0S1T BOXES TO REKT, Ab-(!uir!y Flre and BurgLar Proof. CALL AN'D [NSPECT THKM. JAY C. TAYLOR, Tensi Sclcist - A H D- Teach.ei of tlie "7"oice. Studio, 51 South Main stnvt. Aun Arbor. E. IJBÏLBIE, TEACHER OF VlOLlNPupil of Emil Sauret, Be"!in Gerrnany. Cau be seen Tueedaya and Fridaya at Us rooms. 51 N. Main Street, Ann Arbor Ornan Gompany'a Block. THE ANN ARBOR . . T. H. ELECTRIC COMPANY are now prepared to furnish motor service, the new generator for this purpose havinti been ing talled. Apply to or W. P. Stevens, Supt. A. L. Noble, Sec'y.-Treas. AFTER JULY 4th WHAT? Aell! A Suit Sale. Every Spring Suit in the SM CLQTH1 HOUSE At a Reduction. Nothing Reserved. OUR SHIRT SALE CONTINÚES Remember, worth - $1.00 Former sale - - - ócjcts Now i Shirt - - - Ó3cts 2 Shirts - - $i.2r 4 Shirts - - $2.35 SIZES STILL TJNBROKEN. A. L. NOBLE, Leading Clothier and Hatter.


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