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The World's Fair

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A i rip I o the WorM's Fair, la a very f íjio tiiing to take, bul tor a peí ron to wrtte a descrlpi i ín oí the great expositíon la a tbing almoat inip ;ii ! to accomplisto.. Words are [uate in teil ot the many i eautlíul, wc oulerful and grand s:s Ai i he oratsel there te one thing ahould '!'■ spoken abont. i citlzea, w'ri can poasiMy a sufficieni Bum to take hi tgo, - 1 ) . 1 1 1 fall to attemd thla World'a Pa)tr. II lea patriotlc duty tor ("in' i!''iii i; i an edueator for amotluer tUng. Thta wlll never be iiii]i!:c;icl !n I he líc-l im ol any 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .- 1 s i being nu iiic face o the ■ to-day. No otiier atty Im t!i world bu t Obicago i-ouid ralee ten more ínill'.ons of dollars for sucib a purpose. It ! aet-ontehtaig liow the minde of men coiiid have eonoeived th! marta íaíry laad, on bo gie&ni soale. The wildest vístaos porti by Alladin with hls avoiiderful ï.-iin;). did nol ereate .-i scène llke öhiB. The brUliamt Imaglnlngi ol Ajntodae Oalland, wiho wrot the Arablam Nlglri, haa been thoroughly outaone n reaUty. Oorald that Imagioatlve wriicr gaze apon tbia wonderfulïaii-y city by t greal Inland Bea, he wouldölgli i"i' hie bis; reputatlón, ,. 'ir never rèaohed in h vlsiona whai has i n prodnced a1 l'ark. nH' i■ sroes wi ; lieago wi.U dn wcil to mafce lus Hre1 vlslt to i by boet. Tak;1 the i w haleback steamer wh'ch iDÍ ■■]■: ;■. wonderful ftight, and aai] down to i grounde. (rom ihc lake is an impresslve one aaid w4U never leave your memory. After reacMng tbe groante yon can w.-iiiiVr anyWbere and have til" s 'ii-i' ot ajgbi gratlfied by the beautiful scène, and the nxtod'e Btorehous knowiedge angmented ttoereby. The abrnpbesi ïnlnd can aot but be benebeneftted by wJnat is to be aeen. A practical person will procure an i, fficial guide. i-tuily the plan OÍ tlie grouttds, íind where th' exfclblta are n wh:.-h be ]a taOBt int en 'rd and visit ihem jirst. Uniese he doea thla he s quite ipt to go away and no wiiat be naosrt deatoed to, lor the dlsiiiay 11 every Llae oí labor and límuüht te so complete and wonder(ul alter one geta Btarted he om as ;: eocbanted, and lost to cvn-ytiriin'. imt time keeps moving on faster th-in enn 1h' reallzed. '"D the houre could only be extended into days," was the espresslon of one siuht-seer," and the poweïB Oí liody and ni i 11 t made to correepond, then wc would wan; to i-cmain hre Bevei-ai moatns to thorouarhly see and exaiii:nc all tliinn exhlblted." The days are all Hui sliort, and niü'it (diñes too soon. After Oinc lias seen the special ■■ hibits in whlch lie s most interested, then lie ehoDld t abe has book and vlsil each parí oí the jiro'.inds Bystematic;illy mi that too lunch tíjne i nol lost 'in uroinj; trom place to place, for it' is often i lonir distance to travel between imiidiims and pójate deslred, and one beoomee i-j tired by continua] walki.n tliat it is difficnlt to ínlly appreolate and enjoy the sighte. A very gOOd Uling to do is to take the Intraniural railway at the "Soatta loop," and ride its entire lennih. Bj i-o doing you get a good view of tlie Imiidiims and an idea of tohelr locaUon. You will ive laoded at thc ■'north loop," aniong tlie íoreign buMUogB, every one of wiiich yon will wani io aee, bnt probably not expend much time upon. Then you will keep OO among the state buildnus. nearly all of which are interestiiiir, I'ennsylvania. with its Liberty Bell, Virginia with its reproduction of Washingtou's home at Mt. A'ernon, Xew York, Massaclinsctt s. Illinois, Idaho, Washiington, etc., too many to enumérate. In many of the eaBtern btúUlings are very interest ing liistorical relk-s, whilo the western states have exh']l:t that are rare an.l worth seeing. The Michigan buhïing la n good rin . and la used as ,-i head-qunrters i'or M'.'irü.üi people. Here Mi-lii■j- ii peopte are mad ! to teel a : home. are pleaeani partora an 1 reception rooms In wSitob to rest II you are tl I coo] drinking water- a hlesBed bhdng for thirety peopli - ('..■mu au 1 nlce Lavatory facllltiea and ctosets ; a place to get your parcele cheekeá, and a place i o mi ■ ;■ lunch i' yon llave one. M'.chigaa'a imililinir (perihaps nol as grand as gome oí the others, bul it is a-lways opea, and Berree a better purpoa tlian most of the state building?, ior it provWes a eomfortable resting place tor Michigan people while on bbe gröiukte, and Ie nlftejy managed. The Air buMölng Is near the stato builldlngs and to that you wlll want to !evolc coiisideraliV time. Most peopte get tit-ed ui looklng at these works at jn-t alter a few hours, In wSHidh case ome caa go to the Ilsh- buLidlage ui' peih ips the woman's buíjdíng, and irive the (orenoon of the nest day to the Art building, and 00 On uittJl yon lia ve se.-n all yon care to i-ee oí it. Olí" ínter - iiiiii! .■■!: ■■■:-i!y s]M'inl a week heve. Passümg thruífli the vcman's building, x!!:c:i i 1 the ladles are efazy over, you oexi come to the Hortlcul- tura.! hall with lts display oí fruit s, ■ . i!-iwe[-s etc. 'liiN can lie corad na í'oiv li jars, ií desireí!. Nexi om the ■■ out iiwaril couree Is the Ti portation building', ahowlng all the od conveyance (rom the lays of the ox-cart to the present rapld transit englnee, nKytors, etc. Thls Is a very Imterestlng ïiuüiliivu-. and an en! re day irr i'Itii bOüger could 1)L' proiitably speel here. .lust east is snticing dteplays in tlie Mines and Mining building, includlng the gi silver statue (tor whicli Adah was t he uodeli si a on a pedestal of gold. is ia the Montana exliibit and attracta many people. Thero are thimga bo see here that woiild keei) yon days Í time permitteil. thror.iiii the artlstlc General I!. !:. Station, in which are clocks represt'nting the time at ajl the principal eilies o-i the woTld, taking 1 - o'clock nooii. in Chicago as the bals. Ttnese are all run by electrtclty and corrected hourly by obaervtitory tline. Yon can enter the Mechanic Arts or Machliiery Hall huildinv; next south anl lie ïo-t in wonder at the ingenwity i"' man, I'or hours and days, and 0.13 .inie iind Bomething new. To fee the different work, the printing ])ie-ses, the type-settjng machines, tlie looms i'or weavrlng ribbons, silks, dre-s gOOdS, carpets. etc.. tile labor m.'vSng niai-hines tor a',1 deiartmciits of work ; tJw; monstrous englnw, dynnmoes, and so on rmtely, glves on perbaps a better eoocep-tion of the of man. and the progresa of inventivo Ingenulty thaii any other building apon the groumds. ïou nu-t wiiii constant surprises and eometlmea nlmoet doubt jour eensee. An cm page u-' paper would le requlred to enumérate Uve exhtblt ot ïmi'díog, alone. Smit!) stül farther ba the oll exïi.bit .uid the i-aw mili exhiblt, and tiicn -.i!iics the Immense stock exhibit with a pavllli'in 280 by 440 lVct in aiie n whk'h t slmw llicin ofl in. ii:i;im f:i-i 1 1 mi i lien1 through the wind mili exhiblt and agrfcultural tanptemeotB ol vaxtons uinds im' oomee to ttoe OUSt DweUera and the ruüos ol .in an'.i'iu tempte in Central America. (lili Dwcllcrs will CO81 yon L'." -mt-; extra, lint t is mnncv v.-e expended. ïou leorn in' a wonderfuj people tliat eslsted here centurles befare Columbas dteeorered thie eomttoent, and wtoo as orchdtecta and builden ivnT kngeoloue and enllghteine-d. From i-csca relies made. it is thongirt that the race mnet nave been extinet fOT at least a t lumsand years. The Alaska Indians have a village here. wjth totem polea erected in front oí -ach lint to keep off the e il spirits. It is interest iiifï to journey aiuosiii these and note their cnstoms, dress and inanners. The hasty viitor wil) walk through the Anthropolog'icul lmildini;-. the dairy exhibiT; and pass int o the rust ie forestry building with its exblblt of y,mh-, etc., where he will deaire to bake a Uttle slower pace. Passing oni "■: i be aart he wllí Btep into Mie ertructure eantainíng the Leatber ■ :;li ii t . .uul if there la anyUrimg in this Une nol shown here, either Ln leather, its producís or maniwr oí manufacture, gome one eould obtato 'ii chronio by producing it. Si Ul mocto o; this are the Indian Sohobo building and Une greal Gerinan KJrupp gun exMbit. Yon should happen !nto t he íatter aboui 4:00 ck p. ni., ■mil .--ce Ii'jw these greal eng-'.nes o! war are operated, belng ,! aboui . rateed or Lowered quicky and eaally. StlU northward bollad a l'.ttle walk atong tibe lake froni briaga yon to the Mi;ií oí .a Rábida, 'i'his le anexad reproductie oí ttoe BpanMb convent ln which CoLumbus sought refuge and encouragement, and who-c prúest r.-iíiicr De Marctoena, oaed ble bnfxaenM jsfully wltli Queen i-ai-:ia. Bere, to tibe krver ol reltes, a mi aneiteni art, i a vcritabic booansa. Mué qnaint otó place te Btaotly vislted by bhiousande ol peoCtrmi'.ing bo tibe betratjfu) Peristlle yon havo made a complete clrctüi ii.' tihe groumds, provildlng yon enterad íi urn the take. Now tlicrc te lelt íor yon to sec the greal buiMdlnga oí tlie grounds. W wül paaa '■ a :ul g-o throngli t.liü AgrJcuiltural building, witli Ita ..i.iiTíiii exiulblte oí cereals and all other producte oí the cartii trom every uatjiii on wliicli san dotb shine. Some oí bbe statee oi the UadOD liaw exütbite, eaftecially cereaís, arrnaged iu an eitrenoeíy aitarotivo maniicr. lowe seema to have ecured Üúe be1 arttei for this j)ur. ttwufh Oblo, Ind'.ana, Illinois, Louiladana, Washington, the Dakotas, and otben ore not lar beíilnd. M;ciiiij,an's exhibit ln tliis ]inc la very good, but not w!i.-it it ought to bo. Uhere Ib an almosi endlesa amount io be sean here, but ií yon do the groiiinde ;n e weei os ten daye, yon w iil be torced to teave many thlnga en. Leavdng here by the western enti.ui'c you paee on ti tlir Oourt oí Honor, waiuk'i1 through the beautiíul AdMi;iti-atioii building ií you e, Looife .ii.out a time on the wondi-ríui ícone of beauty on every Ulr ; tli'' lagoon upon whlch are gOAdiing gondolaa and electric lauiK hii ; bbe towerlog inomnnrins and heraje Btatuary ; tfee delightlul íouiitaius ; the graoetn] bridgea : the grand whtte buUdlnga in all thelr magnltlcence, and yon stand entrañei'd. and wonder all llie time how the niind of man conceived all tliis, and the logennlty of man carried il 1o jienVetion. Alter yonr -yrs Ott this BCene yon wiU pass over one ol the graceflll bridgea and enter Uiu largetrl building ever evected In Uw world. devoted to the Manuiact nies and Liberal Arts. Here are thirty aeree ol ground floor spce and 14 oí -jallery floor, every inch of vhidi is oecupted by fxhibits. Xo one .sliould att'mpt to go over this building in teflH thui three daye, and tlenyoii will nnly eateh a gllmpse Oí many tilines and lose a siniit oí many others. The g-alleries here are quite as beantiful as thé mala Hoor. and iIcmtm' a e ireíul oliservat ion. l'oivmost the exhibits are those of Germany, l'rance and (reat ltritain tlionuh there is Bcarcely a na'.nu on earih nnreiiresenteil. Aitir devotiog all iiie time posslble here yun have the Eüectrielty and D. s. Government buildings vet to see. The Electrieity exhlbil yon -11 w ;i il I to see by niüht, and it is a pretty atghit, too, it is quite startüniï simetiines to s"e lijjlil ninu.' eliasbog all over the building, but as it in kept eoniined to wires and various colored lampa it need jiot be ïeared. The Bdteon ooiuinn in the center oï t.h hall is a thinií oí beauty that will teave its iiipress upon yonr inind pernianently. In the O. S. t;o eminent building is an exhibit that will cause a thrill oí pjeaeure to course through the veíais oí every true Ainerioan, for In-re are to be wen the original manu[Coiüliini'l ,,n FJilhth Pagt. [Cont Dectaral ion oi i-.uU pendre li:-,u-:c:i! pap Ol prlcelees vairxe. e merlcltiíen I I i gettlng out ol ttois e 8 '"■ Ai I hita p i ai you li.iv wU want to see. 1 h ■ Puck ImildIng, in w lileh thal pup i :r;nt,'i!. ba Ini i a - v. eil aa TJw aild' img s a beauty, and well wort'b i i door to the Puck Xh. : . : lie qualut H tte Btrueture cOntadniag I ;ai;' ■ Marine Hospital; the We - hall ijHj ; New Bngland I lam I a-ai Hall, Cltílüren'a Building, and man] To " i'.n We 8hp Ulinoia would be tn i' iai deal. H te iiio lake ahore eaa) ol the fo ïiuiuiiiuis, and il keep you busy for Theo the greal Pennsylvania R. B. cxiiibit ai the western Bide ol the grounde, and Bhe New V. il: Central :. K. exiUblt, tlw Transiioriiitioai are aU Interesting. Tow will deaire tó eroea Mie beautifui wooded i.-la.iui and take In the Japaaeee vtHlage m tlie way. By a!l Dieamfl Btay on the grounds umil 9 oi 1" o'cloct in. The rth1 ;u the evenlng ta eharmlng. In the .vciimir la Uw best time to take a e apon the etectric (aunen or In a góndola. Ibealghi te one that worda are Inadequate to describe. One wiuoOe day :- nol sufficlent to ote tö ttoe Midway Platoanee, but i ,-an make II In a day i f you hurry. Hcre you make a trip aronnd ihc worid U reallty, and flnd ti"' peopie oí (ill nattona speaking all languagí i, Ireacdag Ín aU sorta ol costumee. It BometWing that no stu(ít-ní nor any penon tntereeted In Uie harnea famtiy can afford to pasa by r.niiotieeil. Tlie Ferrls Wheel Da locatfl in a1 tbe ..■ntcr otthe Ptoteance, and the pereon who taita to take a trip in it iiKikw a místate. The halt - ïar tiiat it costa is oever regretted. Uhe uinvcmriii oí the wrhee] i.Bteady.and Lte magnitude so great tiiai uu inipicasani seusatdon Is and wben you an-ivo at a jnjint 250 iect ;u the air, the panorama spread out betere you one ili.n no brosh ever tranaferred to canvas. It wiil be (liïficuii tu enumérate the öeelrabie alehte ol the Plateance is tiiis ariii-'.c ïmt another time we wlll ■ive onr readers a ii.-i oJ cihose it wlll p.'iy to - Out adv; ■ ■ I everj om po to the teil and se ■ all I hal M s poBBible see oíteff g 1 1 ing ttoere. Board amd ro n an be obtalned at ,!(. ratee. oly really oxpeixivc placea are mi restaurants mi the groonde. Die wtee people are . . . Lumchea wlth them. .;n outatde aay olí li;' gatea you can parábase íreeh fruifa and .■álables, , -MM cbeaper than y.iu eau in Aiui AxbOT. l'rovidc yoUTs-!i willi i sui.-i'l bOS auil (il il l1fore ( atering I he grounds, U you lesii-e t live eoo&omioally. By bo do: you win surprleed at the smal! amonnt of mowey you can gel along Vi1ll. The fatal lire wiiicii occurred on the grounde la.-i week Moiiday. cauaed by the burnJDK ol the OoW Btorage lmiltliiiii", i wliieh BOme score of liu■iian iive uere losi, lias been tbe sub; of ïuueh t-[iecalati-ou as to the deoger Erom orowds getbtag panlc stricken in case oi a coiillajtrat ion In any ol greal buildings. Xbere :s no daager trom tlrie. Probably iiine-teiilhs oí the exhihits al the Wdrki's Fair are m located that no í;r-, liowt'wr mdden and extenslve, could prevent 1 he eaag escape uto the upen air oí kurgeei jidhíble crovU ni Htgfat acora. grea.1 ímlk of the f-iiow is on tlic ground íloor, in ovory building, and the aisles and doon are Ule and numroua iniiimh to rendei tata] delaye almosi impsoMÍblo. Many Ol tlif siah'ua.vs from tiic gallerlec are broad and Btraigbt aad toad dlrectly tu ampie loorvays bclow. Morcovcr, I he wiudows are nuiiicrous, large, aad eaey oí accc-is, and Mu' d:si .uici' [rom the ground íh oot m greal aa to render eaoape by tha.1 meam oí exli Imposs:.blc. It may íairly be Kaiil thal the only places wfaere vflaWors to the i'oiiimWan Expooltlon would !■ exposed to (serious pvil in case ol Hre, are eertalS roof restaurants, ookouts and towcis. The oniy place wtoere Uien' couM liavv 1h'mi any KriOUB danger was on tbe roof promenade of the liberal Arts (m'ldin, and the authorities prohibitod peopte trom Koing there a day or ko after the fire, so that liuman Kife is aaie anywhexe on the grooadl now, trom fire.


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Ann Arbor Courier