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Tin: banking house of W. F. Thornton & Sou t Sheibyville. [11., made an assignuifiit ith liabilitiea of föOO.OOO, involving tmndredsof business men and farmers. Dubing a Hfftal a.1 a picnic near Mascoutah. 111., twenty-flve men ere hurt, one fatally. Thi; issue of standard sllver dollars from the mints and Hices during' week ended .luiy 8 wa for the eoiTesponding period of L893, Che total gold reserve fund of tha1 di r,28,101. jív a . . . , , 54 to 0 the world's fair national commission put itself on record in favor of closing the exposiüon gatea Sundayi President Palmer said the gatea were open on the Subbath in defianee of congress, in deflanceof the commission and in defianee of tho wishes of employés. .!. s. Conoveb vfc Co., manufacturera in New a rs in opon fireplaces, grates and tenders, wood manfailea for 00,000. The in the United - and Trinada for June last was (16,344,950, ' ia June, 1832, Tb '' ioss for tin' flrst six months of i ' ' agaibst I ast year. Fibe destroyed the factory of the perior Mineral Paint company and adjacent buildings at West Buoerior, Wis., the Loss bêing $100,000. Jamks Corbktt and Peter .lackson have signed articles to fight ncxt June for a purse oí $20,000. Mits. C. !I. Yana;;-m u.;:. ayvl wife oí the leacling dry goods merchant s, Neb., and Mary Hogenieldt, her servan t, were burned to death by an explosión of gasoline. ; stv-kiyk persons were killed by the recent cyclone at Pomeroy, Ia., and many otners were left destitute anil in urgent need of aid. Thb Terre liante (Ind.) Car company failed for S2T0.00. Ébee 0. Van Bbocklin, secretary oí the fire cominissioners and one of the bestknown men in Buffalo, X. V.. was arrested for embezzling $60,000 Erom the city. Thb Kangas City Safe deposit and saviiüis l;inlc. one of the largest Institutions of its kind in Missouri, made an assignment, with liabilities of 1,700,000 andasseta oí ;,000,000. The North Galveston (Tex.) Land & Improvement association was placed In the hands of a reneiver with liabilities of ?500,0ü0. Tkn more bodies were tliscovered in the cold-storage warohouse fire ruin on the world'a fair grotmds, raakin? twentv-three in all. Misses Cabrik and Pcarl Plant (sis Iers) Rtarted to walk from Mnskeon Mich., to the world's fair. The private bank if John D. Davi at Auburn, Ind., made an aBsigTxmen and the Holt county bank at O'Neill, Neb., closed lts doors. The funeral services over the remains of the late Justice Blatchford, of the Dnited States snpreme court, were held atNewport, EL 1., and the bnrial took place at Greenwood cemetery in lyn, N. V. " Fbkdeiuck .!. of Philadelphia, the contractor for the state asylum for thechronic insane :i1 Wen vilk', failril with liabilities oi A üam.stop.m destroyed 1.0,000 acres rain In the vicinity of Wheaton, Mimi. Mks. Charlks Gollmbb, of AHon, 111.. tjuTe birth to hei twenty-se child. 'rwKN'iY-FiVE families comprising eifrhty-three persons were poisoned iv eating bad cheese at Mansfield, O., and twelve of the sniferers may die. Thb Hercules Iron Works company of Chicago faíled for $300,000. An engine rin into a herd of stetírs at St. .losrph. Ma, and after killing ten of the animáis was deralled. The engineer jumped and was fatally inju red. Amoho the indicted officials of the l'lankinton bank in Milwaukee, that failod recently, isJudjre Jenkins, of the United States circuit fourt. Tüf. tiny ship fiiim Xorway, a íac siraile of the one in whioh LeU Erickson is claimed to have touched upon American Bhores 4U0 years I Coltunlms sailecl frotn the harbor i Palos, arrived in Chicago. OSCAB NEKBB, the anarchist recently relcased from the Joliet (111.) pehitentiary by Gov. Altgeld, was married in Chicago to Mrs. EUza Hepp. Neebe's flrst wife (Hort whlle he was in prison. Tuk liank of Commercc at Spring field, Mo., closed its doors with deposits of m7t;,00ü, mul the l'.ank of Garnett, Kan., stopped business v. heavy liabilities. The is ïiieinbers of the Kreider family raurdered at Cando. N. D., wi're buried at Elizabethtown, Pa., over 15,000 persons attending the ceremonies. Yoi'Ni nomen trom fifteen states met at Lake Geneva, Wis., for the Young Women's Christian associatioo sutnmer schooL Twf.i.vk business buildings at Maxwell, Col., were destroyed by au incendiary fire, the loss beins Y100,000. Two min were killed, two fatally injurrd and two baüly hurt by :in explosión of tfas in a coal mine at Wyoming1, l'a. Thb valuo of the exportsoi cotton trom the United States difring tho month of June last was 16,866,165. The total value of tlie exporta of domestlc breadstuffs durlng the same time was 15,912,751. A FinF. at Prineeton, Ind., destroyed two cnurches, a hotel, bank añil man.y business housi-s, the total loss bcinp f300,000. GeORQE II. Eaton A Co.s large factory at Stontíham. .Mass.. was burned with all its contPiits. Loss, f 100,000. 1UE postmaster general ñas aeeuieu to abandon the thiee sies of postal cards now in use and to substitute one bize for both single and reply cards. Kei. i.v and l'eterson. two laborera, were instantly killed by libtning1 at Cedar Rapids. la. The National Ketail Clerks' nion in session at NashviHe, Tcnn., decided to make Chieafro their permanent headquarters and elected F. P. Fitzwillianis, of Nashville, as president. liAíiitis BBOfl., dealers in (flores In New Vork, failed for (100,000. Fivr. men liurt and two horses killed by the fali of a rotten bridge at Cleveland, O. ( naiii.ks M. Babnks, a wbolesate seller and stationer in Chicago, 1 for $113,000. Isaac Mrrciuj.r, and his daugbter Ada died at Charleston, S. C, irom arsenical poison pi leed in water and e other members of the family were critically ill. The inain oí the packing house of John Morrell & Co. at Ottumwa. Ia., with its contents, were burned, auvin.r a loss of 600,000. II. C. W, METKB was arrested in Detroit, charged with poisoning no less han five j'oung vromen - each of vvhom ie representad as his wife- and one nan, for the purpose of Becuring Ufe nsurance which he had taken out on thcir lires. J. K. AbmSTBONQ, of Tipton, ).. ionnty treasarer, was salA to be $25,000 in hiB accounts. Ilis term lires August 1T. lsíi:. 1'iji liesof twonnknown men were f ound in a dense thicket on the Rav farm near West Newton, Pa, The business section ot Luckey, .. ■ was u'.most complètely wiped out by fire, the loss being f100,000. : the tirst time in the history oí the trade every plate-glass factory in the United States ia closed, and tbat Bnitely, and fully 10,000 men are ■ Overproduction is the cause. The Nebraska savings bank at Lincolnclosed its doors with liabilitiès ol ,000. Tin; total number of original pensión certifleates öi all kiads issued during the Bscal .var ended June 30, 898, was 121.038, against 222,287 during the preir. Tlie net increase to the rolls during the pust fiscal year was 91,828, against 199,808 for the year be Thomas Cbaio and William Shantwo well-known explorers. were drowned by the capsizing of their boal in Kainy lake, Minnesota. Anna Wagneb, the Indianapolis servant of the Koesters, has boen ini for poisoning five of the family. Five persons were killed and ;i ■ more injured by au accident to a West Sbore express train at Newburg, N. Y. Thbbk highwaymen rode into Mound . Kan., bonnd the cashier of a bank and Becnred 1600 in money. ROLFB N., with a record of 2:26, valued at 110,000, dropped dead on the track at Saffinaw, Mieh. Applicants ior pensions must hereafter file their military and medical history, aceordtag to Commissioner j Lochren'a order. Wiiu.i: drunk WUliatn Cook, of Pemberville, ()., made a min sault with a club upon his four children, injuring three of them fatally. Annib Morbis has been masqueradng as Frank Blunt for fourteen years. Her arrest at Müwaukee revealed her identity. Tin; third annual meeting of the Baptist Vonng People'B Union of America cotnmenced t Indianapolis with neariy 5,000 delegatea and visitoi-s present. Ik:,iv IIowahd, i farmer near Pueblo, CoL, 60 years oí age, was murdered for his money and liis body t.hrown in a well. lie ivas unmarrieil aml a hcrinit. Ix a frelght wreek at Henryville, Itul.. Qeorge Shirley, enffineer, and Brakeman lírookbank were mortally woundefl. Otto Reínkck, Tillie Vuliams and Annie Wataon, a noted Chicago gang ol thieves, were sentenced at Denver to ton years each in the penitentiary. Al.I.EX BüTLEB, a wealthy colored man of Lawrence oounty, i ml. found hanging by the neek dead near Vincennes, and it was believed he was hanged by a mol) for performing a criminal operation upon a young white girl. The National bank of Kansas City, Mo., tailed with liabllitieu of il.OüO.OOO and assets of J3,000,000. The failure I the Pranklin saving-s bank of the same city to close its doors. AsTtciPATlHQ a raid by robbers ofliciala of the Missouri, Kansas & 'l'exas road placed armed guarda on trains. i: . a vote of 34 to 4 the local directory I of fche World's Colnmbiaa exposition passed resolutiona resclnding th tion of the meeting of May 16 and ordered the g-ates closed on all Snndays h.e t6th. The head chiei of the Sioux tiation of Indians, [lorses.dropped dead a1 Neweastle,Wyo. [t was reported at [shpeming, Mich. , that the Schleisinger syndicate, the opera ors in ore in the vvorld, had railed with ïnillions of liabihties. Bubirkss failuras to the number of 874occnrred in the United States in the Beven da-ys ended on the I4th. Diiring the week previeras the failures numbered 824, againsí L68 in thecorrespondinft time in l''1'-'V. II. Bübh and X. M. Tabor, lesees of the I'.r.iwn Palace hotel in Draver. made ■nmout with liabilitiea placed al J650.000. Exea k.NGE8 amounting to H,000.390,077 were reported by olearing-houses in United States during the seven ended on the Uth, affainst 1,051,402,382 the precediag Beven days. The increase, compared with the correspondillg time in 1893, was 12.5 per cent. Two PEBSON8 were killed, over a dozen Injured and mach property destroyed by a cyclone wiiieh passed over Stillwater, Mimi., and vieinity. Mis Si san Lawlki:. aged 21, of Fair Haven. Conn., and Carleton (Uover, 18 yearsoldjof Branford. were drowned in the river while bathing at the latter place. Til i: bank of Hay & ebb made a generfd assignment at Cavini, IU.. with Liabüities of il7C,000 and assetsof -216,003. At the annual meeting in Indianapolisof the üaptist Young People's Union of America John II. Chapman, of Chicago, was reelected president Ueorge Grandin left New York to walk to the world"s fair. He carried no money with him. Sxeak thieves stolc a tray containing nearly $10,000 worth of diamonds from the jewelry store of T. V. Dickinson in Niágara Falls, N. Y. Six deaths from sunstroke and a largue number of serious cases of prostration were reported in Chicago on the 14th. An' army of .-rickets v,-is dfivastating Wyoming of every sort of reffetatlon. Tuk report of the worH'a fair auditor shows that the total receipts of the exposition up to Jnne 80 were 821,261,816 ■ and the total expenses wore f20,610,160. A.nnii: GEARy, Oged 17. and Mary Schireber, aftedS, wereburned todeath at their home in Port Clinton, O., by an explosión of pasoline. Two ROBBERS frora officers 1 at Westfleld, Pa., jnmped down an emcment on a bed of rocks and were killed. Two mi-.n' while flgbting at lVlhamville, N. J., were run dowd by au express train and both were killed. Tuk statement of the condition ol national banks throughont the country shows a startlinf? decline iu deposita. I'ivk knights of pythias were injure;! in a wreek at Vincennes, [lid., oue of thein fatal ly. TnK United States grand jury ;t TaI coma, Wash-, ie, of theCanadian l':u-;:i rai ':is for violatinir ' law. PERSONAL AND PCLITICAL. Ij,, :. of Ea -' a, i'a-. was nominated as the democratie cantress trom the Eighth district to iül the unexpired term of his father, the latu Wil liain Matchier. (,:. Eiï 8. Pabkkb, last survivinj? if the six natior.s of Indiana, vvlm was on Gen. Grant's sta-ff durinff the war, was stricken wlth pnralysis in Xi'vv V.M-';. The Massachusetts repnblicans will holitheir state convention in Boston on Oelober T. 'ui: [owa state league of republican clubs will meet in í)os Monies on August ].". (,,:%. VV. II. Esochs, congressman froin the Tenth district of Ohio, was found dead in bed at his home in Ironton. James McCobmick died at Darwin, I!l.. ;i u-'-d 1 10 years. FOREIGN. HundreDS were tiyin;r daily from cholera at Mecca, Eypt, and the road between that uity and Mouna waa strewn with corpses, it being impossible to bury them. JOSIAB Stonk. United States consul at Nogales, Mexico, died in that city. Tuk villaje of Fairville, a suburb of St. .lol-.n. N. I!., was almost destroyed by flre, and eighty families were left homeless. DUBISQ the seven days ended on the 18th thore were 1K9 deaths from cholera in various jiortions of ltussia and 4ü:5 new cases. Ar a disreputable resort in the City of Mexico three women became involved in a quarrel whicli resnlted in a battle with knives and all three were killed. In r battle witli French gunboata on the Meinam river twenty Siamese were killed and fonrteen wounded. LlEUT. I'f.ahv and party, on board the steamer Falcon, sailed from St. John's, N. 1'.. for Grreenland b3' way of Labra LATEI?. Mus. Adam Allis añil lier son and elaughter and Wfllie Boyee were drowaea in a stremn near MUI Creek, IikI. Mrs. Allis und her daugb ter lost their i i ves in tryiny to save th; two boys. Thk army bill passed the Germán reichstag by ;s vote "f 201 to ; ■ A train ran óLE the tack and ent over a high precipiee near Bilboa, Spain and ■ were killed and thirty eriously injur A VC1.O1 over the town o O.,Tinro ing n qj buildings and doing other dai i Lrt-A SCK8 [CH, a capitalist and rainer, shot and killed hia wife at Los Angeles, Cal., and toen killed himselt Jealousy was the oausi'. The John KauiTmun Brewintf company in Cincinnati went into the hands of a receiver with iabilities of $150,000. V. F. Wbrnbb, sheriff and tax collector of Crittenden coanty, Ark. while en route to Li'ulo Bock was shot and robbed of nearly S1Ü,OÜ by persons un hnown. The iHen house at Glen Station, N li.. w;is burned, the loss $100.000 Geobgb Fond. aged 4: Albert liut teroux, Eiged 16, and Willie Clawson aged t;. were drowned while bathing i the bay at Galveaton, Tex. Clement Mii.i.kk and his wife and baby were fatally burned by the explosión of coal oil at Columbus, O. Mbkedith Lkwis, b ! of the charge of murderini his wife, vas id near Rosolaud, La., by unknown persons. As a result of the closing of silvemines a reign oi terror bas been inaugúrate I in Montana b.v die men. The Northern bank, oldest ; ■ i ... ! nstitution in Kansas City, Kan., I its doors with assets placed at ,.d liubilities amouatinfc to I 000. I;i;ak Aimii;al Earlk Eholish (retired) diod at his residence in Washington, ajred 89 years. Kichard P. Kouohtojt and Frederick T. Rawlins, prominent citizens of Sandersville, Ga., killed each other in a strooi duel. 1'iKF. in the Fresno flourinff milis at Fresno, Cal., caused a loss of f100,000. The percentages ot the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the lfitb were as follows: I'hiladelphia, .6(V2; Boston, .640; ! burgh, öTO; Cleveland, .559; Brooklyn, j .547; Cincinnati, .488; St. Louis, .482; New York, .440; Chicago, .446; BaltimOre, .429; Washington, .399; , ville, .327.


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Ann Arbor Courier