Note a chaiiíje in the time of the motor Une road. A mtoe shower last .Sunday inade the face of nature amttB. The rush to Chicago continúes right a&ong wltib. little abatement. A lamli with sis legs aal eight jwmI a-liíiLf feet, has leen on exhibition iK'ic for a few days. It is expected that the real estáte tramsters will be in such shape tliat they can be publdehed ogeAn next week. The two diremen "vlio were so badly üijured cm the 4th 7f .luly. Frank ECapp and ('lia-. Carroll, are getttog .1!' iitlt nicely. Quite a ni Aun Arbor peoüiok advantage iA iiie, iow rate excursión on the M. C. R. R. to ('hii tuba monaing. Peter Bgenoít tried to ump oü a M. '. trato Suaxday, and luid a part of -his clieek taken off. It was sort of an off day for Peter. S. O. Hadley, of Sylmn, lost a liouse, bani and one liorse by llghtnlng, Snnday night. Insured íor $1,250 I(a the AVaslilenau' Mutual. A BOD oí Mr. Hanimel. who lives on tho garaTei road, waa kckei by a h'Oreie Sunday tind quitte badiy injured. Dr. Kapp sewed ap the wound. Tbe raspberry season is now at its prime. The berries, both red and black, are very iinc tliis year. Over 200 bushe'.s wort' shipped by expresa Monda y. A locomotivo and several cars -vcrc ditched din the T., A. A. & N. M. R'y - Öumöay cvenniLT, and a WTeCfeDg train liad to come from Owosso to help tJieni up agate. About íill tlie itonis possible to obla in now-a-daye are ttue departorea for the Worid's Pair. The wrlter wishes it -vere possible íor every perBOm In Ameriea to visit tlie fair. A. W. Hamilton lias coininenced relniiiding one of lus houses dostroycd by Ore recently at Hamilton park. lt wSÜ be ready for occupaney by Oot. lst, if the oootractor ;ive.s np to lii.s agreement. :. .i. Van Hora, (ii'incKTiii, has bees appcttated poBtmaeter at Pittstield n iitin' af E. '. liriiwn. republican, resSgmed(?). Thos. B. Gtoeentag1! a tonner Ann Arbos1 student and resident tI Lyndon, was married reeently at 'l'onawanii.i. Pa., ti) MlSB Anua Wlict'T, oí that place. The ):iM'ii;i'i' braJHc mi the railïnads is vci-y Hjfht. No "IK1 Wlll be -r )(!i-ii toi room in golng to Chlcagfo, uii'c-s a dktfterent pollcy la adoptad bs the rallpoads. in Buoday aftemoon, chas. Harpte, (il Auiiiista. liad a ni'W barn, f í 11cii uit ii h.i' and graln, etruck by Idghtnlng and dcstniycd. Ho al90 lost a s])an oí lioi-scs añil a quantity of (arm tM)H. Thr ofiirc oí the city treaurer is in tilue CourR'r ofHce, corner of X. Maiiii and ('ntharine sts., and 1aes wi:i be recelved from !) o'clock a. m., to 4 O'clock p. ui., up to and ineludtag Ans;. ïr.ih. As l'.ii' 08 heanl from thcri' are no candidatos oñ either Bidé tor the al(lcrin.-niU- vacancy in Une 8d ward, luí ;u-f matcCng i hustle for it. There ai-e mmt.iI in botli parties, Tiiiurvcr. whn are wilitnsf. Tin' Ladics' Society oí Betblehem churcli wflU mect with Mrs. Chas. F. Sclmlz, mi Spring 9t., to-niorrow aíternoom. In tibe eveaing the young I..nl:rs' Society mccts with Mrs. lloíístetter, on W. Uberty st. Tbe wrtter al tliis Item bbw fiftytwo Aun peo])!' on the ExpoBtfciotn grouade l.ist week, ;it Cblcago, .1 mejorlty beLng met at Uie Michigan buUding, wiiicii is a pleaeaní [quartera for Michigan people. Xoiwithstnmliiin' the con-tant building di' residenees In Aun Arbor, there doea n:ii ci jj-íi to 1' many deslrablie bouees tor rent, and new taces are akready appearíng apon oar streetB. Strtuagera axe moving in. Yesterday was held a reunión oí the fainüy of Mr. aml Mrs. Hcnry C. A])fcl. the occasion beiniï Mr. Apfel's .V.ith birthday. Mr. and Mrs. l'rederlek Apfe], of Anderson. ('al., and lIYnry, of Dulut.h, Mimi., were pre- ent. The arMeffie taken from the Adrián l'ic.-s. democnatic, pibLilied on the 24 page of tbie paper, would raake most cxcviicnt readtag for Secretary Hoke SmMli. He onght to llave a COpy of il scrvel upun liim. It might do hini ffOOtl. The reimbl'tan caucue for the 8(3 wnrd, to norainate a cnndUlate for alderinan, to i'ill vacancy, wil] lft held in the basementT of the court house, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., on Friday, we uuiicrstiuul, tlmuiih not officially noti':r In that effect. Tiiie c:ity treeanrer reeeived ?7i-'!.15 in taxes last Monday, that belng the l'iast d.iy for the reeeptlOO of city taxes. '1'iiat amouaf as about $100 ia esceae oí Une first day laai December hIiimi nii the taxcs were eoüected at the same time. People Wtoo object tO bicyrlc ridinn' uu tlic sidcwalk liave got on to a sohcme tliat etires it more coiupH'tely than a policeman could in a liife time. Thoy sprinkle a íew taeks on tJie walk for the benefit af the ïmeumat c 1 re. One cnr on the M. C. R. B., it 9:00 o'cloek n. m., Tnesljiy, contained 42 cli (Ir, n. irom the Home of the Frlendteae, In New York City. 'l'liey were on tJiew way -est to be adopted in families wanting children. They were all bright little ones. The speeinl electlOO in tlie 8d ward to c.lHiose en ;ilderman in the )laee oí ihe bate A. H. Pailmore, wiU bc held on Monday. .Tnly 8l8t, m the lia.-ement of the court house. RegieIration for this pnrpoae will Ik' held ín the same p'.aee (in Wednesday, July 26th. Tht' AJSftts copies jBJgely trom the Adrián Prase and n return tor th COinplinM'iit llii' i'rexs sa.vs : "Vity littlc nows di the day getfl :uv;iy from the Aun Arbor Aigaa." A eort of "yon ticklo me and I'll tickle yovt" cnmiMfition appeara t cxist between the two. Tlierc were more births returned trom the towDBhJfi oí Freedom laei year than from tie whóle city of Ypsiianti, viz : ;!7 from Freedom, and 30 froni Ypeüantl. FVom the 2d tltetriet of Ypsiiauti thcre were only two birthis retarned and they were twins, or there wouid probably have been but ome. A yiear ago Laai ïfoanksgiving tbere as stoten trom t lio Aun Arbor Sporting Club house at Zukcy I.ako, a deer's head tliat was prlied very highly by the owner. Ottteer M. C. Peterson. of tbáB city, got on scent of the Stolen property and 011 Monday went to Ovid where he found it in the freight depot, liavinii been Bhlpped that day by a party there. He too-k poOBCSBloo of the bead, just the same, and returned it to its owners. Then he went to Pinckney and arreated a man by the name of llicks, aml in seaxciüing bia tronka, ïound some silvwr mare that luid beeo stolen last simimcr from the Keystono Club !, nt the sanie lakc. Hlckfi was baken feo jaii at HoweU, to await trial, ciharged with both thefte. There s e natura] curloslty gtoyri 11 ü on X. Malo m.. oppoelte the home of (has. Kayser. In the crotch ni a Larg Ioimi si tree a btrd al ome t:me drnppcd ;i white ciirraiH geed. Th:s eeed grew, finding sustenance in iiic crevlce ol iii' tree to uatain lifi". Il is iiow a lar.ui' liush. and t.his r.ir bore a considerable iiii"iitity ol wliilc cui-rants, tlic ilavurol vii:-h ivm' deüeious, aml said to uiucii eweeter tli.it those gTown in tlii' srround. IChvard Duffy lias just elosed B (Matrad wit h the state to Bupply t lic State troops at ls!aiul T.akr. ,-it Uirir ainniai encampment, commencon t'he lOth of Aimust. with all Bupplles. As tiiis meaos trom $,7000 to $8,000 worth of goode, it vi:l cause oor wlde uvate frteod bo u:rt a luist;' on him, as the exprewioo is. 'Hiis contract embraces everythlng in f3i' gTocer's Uae, inclodlng all nieats hut fresh meat, wliich item is iurnisheil 1 v Armniir of Cblceg'O. The boys ca ii depend upon glit edued service, tor Mr. Duffy always does everjUnIng ve!l t ha t he attt'mpts. At a meeting of Arboc Hlve !.. O. T. M., last eveoing, Miss Emma Bowcr was enected delégate to the Ki-en iiivt'. whicli is to meel In Grand Ra] ids Sept. lL'-l.'i, and Mrs. Mary lia1 clin-e ii altérnate. In thjs connec bh it wmilrt nut be ui i o! place to meni boa t be tad 1 ïi.i t Mies Bowe ba a candida ti' ttue poeition o Greal Record Keeper oJ tbs T. O. T U's. the presemi tncumbeni .Mi's. Ad,I. Jolmson, oí Sarina v, dectlning i re-elecbion. Mitee Dower la in ever; way wcU eqoOpped ior the positioi she geekB. tílie is n thorougrb busl in - i woinan, and the order would 1m r'. t rcnii'ly oct il na t r 'm seeurlng lir ,-iT:ces. There are 110 recommend ihat Miss Bower could oot secure trom the lnishu'ss or social people ol A nu Arhar, and it is lioped that lier i-andidacy will be succe.ssfnl. By au accident in Dexter last S;iturday p. m., John H. Murdock oitliat vjllage, loet hJs Ufe. As neair aa we can team t!ie particular werc about like this : A heavy safe was leing moved from the postoffice to the store oí Allrcd I'.cal. When opposite Mr. Murdock's store, he Btepped out anti cautiomed the men to be care ful of il trap door idi the walk yhich lne considerad a danurroais place over wJiich to move th' aafe. He sug gested tJiat instcad of using crowbars to liitch it along, that all hands take liold and push it over the place. Tlii.gnggeetton was acted apon, bnt wini tihe tra p-door ivns reached, the sldewalk gave Avay. and Mr. Murdock not bering quite quick enoug-h, waa caugbt and oruslied by Ite welgixt bo that Ik' livcil only a short time. Mr. Mardode was au uinuarr'cd man. bul mnOí Une must í-rspivlrd ni' Íli-tcr's liu-;iiess men. beiDg a jfurlrr, bflTlng oiwitiiuH'd the imsiness lett by hls latinee whi'ii lie dicd. He lived with b3B widowcd inotlicr and a sister. T)he sad has caissed a ieellng (if frloom im Dexter and vicinity and the iamiiy have the deep iympathy of the commu.nity. As a Cltlien and a maji tlie deceased was in every v;iy a model. Educational oliunis - Schoolmate-. "A dark borae" - The black charger. Slumld be B i'luirch i-on.-dlida tion- Marriaui-, MeJcee the moei ol everyth'ng - The mk'i'oscope. A liold over- The nmhrella. A deer little t hiiiii' - The iawn. Mcat's liis (ate- The butclier. Make tJieir mark - llliterate men. Mr. v:'r..ini m. Springer, wh ,-isp'i-t's to a rc:ii(i(iiil inent as ehairhi.tr oí the Wtiys aml Mcans Coiuruittee. coafeseea u a painpMet he has ]rc]tired oa t larifí, that iu 1871, hen a member oí the lower houae oí tii" ÜHInoiB i.i-uisiatui-i', be prepared ■i.iii i offeretl a resolufclon declaring i he i "a U K.vst eme oí i a sa i Ion toe irotection and a'l claaa legbBlation and Quonopoffitos are WTong Ín principie aiul contrary to fcbe spioril oí tree insbltutdooB." AVliat a hardened oíd free bnade Bimoer he le, feo 1k sure, if Mi - be i roe. Tin oailly ronder is that oane lio took that eaad twenty-two ycars ago iiiouid continue to show sur'i monumental ignorance of tlie Bubjeol tibia tote tu Ufe. But then Borne men never learn anytülng urnas thcy grow oíd. I,u.st winter ihe general belief was that the World's Fair summer would be .-i t-c.i-nn of good business and more ih;iu mmal proeperlty uniese ohotóra siiouiii become epidemie in America. Feai of peertiléoce was oearly aa oommon aa conQideace that with c-liolera lu-ld at hay tliori.' would be good iinirs (nul plenty oí money to spend. As ererybody bnowB, there bas been do troable uit h cholera, not ven jm tlic countrics of Western Europe whirii are our beet ioreign customers. Oa {fie mlicr baad, the liealtli of the nat ion has boen remarknbly good. Yet business conditions ]i:im' been woree taan at any time In .-,'vnal years. aml llie linancial Bituat Ion lias boen as bad as the sanitary onilition of the country is satisfactory. Xations, ]ikc Individuals, often umi that the unexpei-ted is that wliich happens.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier