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Ttoere ara Uiree ol aa Llrls ; NeU jane and i. Nciiic is the ol -; : Just : Bisteen, .-11111 tihe beauty ol the iaiuily. (at least, Uxa.1 is whai people s.-iy ; ! oever i !■ Mi'iii '. her very pretty, nij-M'iü and Jame ta eigïit, an i baby. Accordtag to the story hr. ig ï'm not the beauty nor r,i cüuhi to i) pl lU(1 br:i oud be a grea 'llc wa-vBu1 the older 1 y,mw the la cUaj ,,■ it. 1 hate to a mi wit me to üi-üimictk- I caa't draw, I ■ aídmy ■"'■ on ran away witb i ;u ,,, uiv,' n;i writi Mis' Per . whea thouuht 1 iï Bheep ol oax {amUy. I i t aasn't so, bul thJnklng it over eincc, aod I hiuil:ln'! w..:i l M WB tbe black -wiiat I I a bout, you kaow. "It" coüimeaice i i n a Bunday, I was a:i alome ta the Uouse. Surnlay va rol am alone, .,,.. , miv hol&j lour, and oí papa and mamma w go i" ■ ■'.mri-ii every week, an - i Neland I take turna - We Uve a ways trom the stre -t. on a by-rood, and tv apt to be a Uttle lonesome when Sunday comes, and you're all alone, and don't teel aa i! yon'd o-.iii.ii c to play, or run, or make mlnd ir nruch, aa Long aa Vve Bomethdng to read. Tlw Sunday "It" eommenced I Blttjng cm the veranda, deep In mtleroy," wlien 1 Ing at the r. I dldn't roally want to open t, but I ut shut my I and said, "Now, Heten, don't be BiUy," A llttle old womao, beni over almo1 doublé, in b "' na ódd i . ni ood i "Ia mammy at home, Üttle -kod. Tin nüt u;ed to being calleo I :. ii if I was a baby at I weli X j,1M Bi itoea and sald 1 was alone In the house that day. Was re unyihiin: I could do for her? She dUIn'i know. slir'd got a Bdck cliiiil. and he was golng to asi a íittlr nr.ik for It, and gome bread añil nicat. : t'1"1 momey thai day, and perhapa 1 vvould nu. t fee] li&e tru( - m' maininy waan eme o) i ■ w l-chopper's wi-ves, down to tbc cabln, ain't yo 1 aeked. I tiinuie, becaus people wb w ; down I !!■!■■ tin-v go and su mucli. I Cl : oute ;i-; 11 Bhe w.,. d that Bhe wtw. I aidn'1 really lnuv whether to lel her have the na ■ ai tirst, but I thougtol ol ter Blek boy, and litiw bad oít she sa4d he wa, and ,1,,.,, i g.o [t, and 1 he bread anu meat, too. "Pertoape your mammy won't llke w bal j "n' ! I'"1 a Btramger," saya Bhe, alter Bhe'd taken tibe things. Bul gurely she won'1 ever maas a drop ol mllk for mj baby, ;m' ;i morstí bread. Bhe wimldn't ere know 'twaa gone, on . you toW U"i'. ui,l i I was yon. I wouWm'1 s.iy i word aboul II 'till I bring you t 'm ■ inoiicy. You s-liall hnw 11 Tu8day, and then. there won'1 be m ih'irr mr he i 'i freí about." I aaíd a word, tor l didn't llke her looks while Bhe was balking to me. Slis st-arted olf th a, bul when a tlif veranda, she turncil round ■.mil t-;iiil : "' (iinl-liyi-, my pretty Oear. IVIay your atar o! luck always shíne aa brighl aa your beautiJu] cyes," and hobbled away. I'd heard people baile aboui iuy beautilfu] ïou see lt's oaturaj m waai to say e to mamma about all hei chiliircM ; su when they bave called Ncl'a beauty" and Jane "- p sn' :uid mamma saya, "Thiís la my o Uier daugMer, Flora Helen," 1 1 h name), they ti y t ■ ig to jjrajse 'm n hing there vvortt tooking ,-it s my eyefi, and m thcy alwaya gpeak trf tliem. But tiiat waa the rery Hrs1 time I'd ever been oalled pretty, and I bsgan thinking how the pdd woman -uil it.. sin; luid a real odd volee. At Rest 1 tliuuuiit ii soiïmled .-i II was nmkdmg it, ar trylng in talk Uke etee, luit fu. mi i remembered all the wood-cíiopperi wrere Oaaadian l'ri'iich, aud it might have been the accent. She had wint e bands, I'd iintUrii, ihat booked youngec tban ber (ace, and i:;í brawn eyee, and 1 sat down and began in mppose niu' WBjm't au old lady al all. luil that sIm1 was youni; and hcaut iiul. and d '.- tniteed in gel away trom her guardián, wlio wa golfig t" make her mavry a man t-hc hatcd. I'm always thlukins thiiifis that oever are bo ubout everybody. Mamma naya it's a bad habit. t h.i i comea ni too mucb ]i-adinii. and I giK'ss 'tvi tho Buppotsmir in my compoaitioii that made teachers say my Lmaglmation r&n away WÏth mj ju.l-moni . I doa't thimgB saW about me, ro now I keep my Imagüiings all to mcli. Whcn mamma iít tome and asked if nny ome had been thens, I fcoW her ,1 tüO ohopper'a wiivefl, atter mlik ;li,:l some lwead; and atoe saiü she u-;ad 1 ga u'r sii.Mi Bot a Bick boy, bul she dld ,„,, ,-,„,-,■ w JimiI. and slicl-iir'.vslRMl mevet I ivay" The nest week there came another clwipter of'it," Uioagh I didntknow ■ th.'ii. Minn5e Ei ad I back oí „.„ lum-,.. taüJttag. Mlnnie Is mj rriiend, aad jusi as ftlc 1 I ■ ap my 111:11.1 y,-in!ay 1 wCHUdnM havo a b . ptece. ynat l m 1 la afrald. WeU, while bug theré, I wr'.l reed, Utonie irav.' a Uttle lump. -Oh, keep qaiet, Hel 1 ! I'm rore I l,,-;inl i Suppose ■ !; M"Norton'a gol ■■ here." ." I Baid. I alw.-iys do ■'M '-y'1' tt'a tha1 .,; gol aw Barmiin's íiK'i1 I thought I ■ oí oouw i -■■■ wm ' rlght oui rryi.i-. and lumped up, ra running down b and BüllO : "Oh, come om, Hel a. Qul k, before he hears y' i fcnow it'a ir.m- . iiat il you make me come iri away mirante, til go -L you." .-v, a, tben," i s-td, and gol ttoe words out o "■■'■ "How allly B ■ :hl"I'm glad I'm brave," and )oe1 then I heard the rufttUii ! waan'1 frlghtened- thai :-. not very m _but- well- somehow my h julnped riiilit up Into my throat, and my hand ehook so ii cllcked the bang1,. ..i my wrtet. Bul ifwasn't- I don'1 thlmk 'twae- becanse I waen't ;.,l. ron Bee i tod Uw malaria In spring, aad I gueaa I hadn'1 gotti'U (ivcr it. crackliag carne ágata. It ,y! Uie eteps, and 1 liappened p-jik tlmt if the I ear ras ta n miiíhí be starved b i; would amytbJtng, and I w i Irom tUe h.m-o t wouldn't do m any gopd to run. An;l 1 ni.-.! ínto the -n ; Ing onder. 1 glad, tlien, i could cltmb trees, l w rui way np iiü o the tap top, tor I . : 1 1 - 1 teil whether it was b or Avoiv; tl climb, and I BgUl I wooldö'1 aggravate alm, sitting uiü'iv li.1 ■ :u)'woy. and aearer ttey carne the barder it waa treatbe, tdjj [Uiallj ar 1 ciMiian'i breethe al all. Unen out lato the clearing came the little old w onum !'l seen Sunday, and B big, tall llred man with ber. l'i'i' a mtoute everythlng wen1 mu al niy head, and 1 knew fust ■ii iny eyes and ding hold ol the tree. Tii.-u shows 11 as male n't 11 ? The HttlE old woman wu tali ,.n!.'. apmebow 11 dddn'1 sound Hke hier volee. ■■'i'hcy won'i peacb," seJti Bh. "ThiaaikB to Uw Blcl's hint, we are wood-chopperfl aow, Öur French ;u-done the wcxrk. They tMnk we Sfe (iwn folks, been bothoring DucCie saín on dnty a llittle, perhapsj amd they'll to anythlng we want." ■sh - , speak "uw," growled the man. "Does niy rig look all rigb.1 V" "Ttp-top. ConMn't be better. Wha.1 do yon think oí i, Be lfiughed. "Pinky hiniselt mi. r:n:ie aimij; 11IIW, EUlU cnullllfl l'illd yon uut." Aml tiii'ii. liiMii-e I got over til ■ Éttzzimese enough to open mj eyes Coi amotaer Look, they pi ■:ilt. apon as 1 feil w ell en (i.mUc'l down oirl oi I and wut borne. They asked me wfaere t'd been, and I i oíd tin-m up ii i he tul I d'.dn't -ay any mare, 1 knew they wKraidn'1 :i'ci iiuci-rsicii In tlne woodpper aml iis wtle, aml they mlght ak me wtba4 I gt1 up Ln i!:1 tree U 1 wasn'i aíra!d ot the bear. And i thougtat, perhapa, they mlghi !i A andei 1 and mj on. li wsta as iiiurli as two weeks after before "It" was timishied ap. When papa camr iu (mi' day aml sald tWO detectives, one an oíd Irlend " Iiím, ut comtDg to uur Ihium' to gtay nrr oight, and wonld be there to ■upper aml breakfast, w were a Kood dea] tutereeted. I"1 never seen a dettrl ivc. in uiy Ule, aml [ wn so airaiil they'd t.hhik I was a stupid soit o1' a liirl. ilial I askcd papa all alinut tbe "oase" they were worktng np, . i iui mote down tbe answers, so as id íiavc Bometiüng i" talkabout wiiüc they were bere. I must say il scemed ratlirr di-y. A safe siimewherc (I lil know all the name] lval ltoeii very cjeverly robbed, and they liad managed to íind out the men (there were two), and trace thom to Norfolk, two town.s away [rom „s, tbere they Kt the track, and Btoce bben, though they nad been loting all ai-.mud, hadn't been able ,,, ;;n,l ii. anduow tbey'd glven them up, and ,■!■ gota back to thelr ii„. n,-t morodng. i couK i,,.:, wMiing I livni in Nortolk, I tliought if 1 üi. perhaps i ml discover the taleves. Well, tbe detective carne al lost, and wtoat öo y..u Hiink ! Xhey didn't H-t .-i bë wteer wr more Bensible than ,,. Tbe younnvst cu ■ arasnM he sel aofl talJted to NeJJBe all bh ttme. As tlier he argoed about politics with p and pettedJaney, and asked man tor the recipe tor her "delicioua pluta preserves," bia wife. Bat hnnlly a -i. ni lot me, miad yero, though I'd taken so inuch poina u learn about r work. U's b : '""" lying Uuut over to conmysell, Büd sure enough, . bed Urne Üie liane turrad ; and „,y un;., too. Tl way it H:i pp'.Ml.'il. ,.j su,., vv;;] hm bick tomorrow, and ackaowledge yoursell oldv lrni fhi;i ly wm tobe aexi (all. The youuj ■ de u ;:- talking to Nellie. '] can'1 ato it." be broke In. "] Bhouldn'i have ewpposed ;i wcasel could n ,iy Crom u-, xvlth the we've had. We'ye 1 oked i where ; lefi ■" :i:1 he chopp i i' cabfcn ; ' d ervery si p oí the viroodá. It'a nol oiten Pinkerg gel caugbi napping, but ■i omtwltted ttoia I lm ." "Find m.iny a1 I ■"" asked my fa ■Oh., li;Uf a doxea choppera, and iiu-cc or tour oí thriir wives. A erookni oíd woanttn with a squeaky voice, wii:; s:ii'l Bhe war; mistress ol rii&eh, grave m unes and resl(kn-.. Everythtog was abore board." ■We had few expecrt ■ lona oi Ing i otiuerwlse," said the older del;.. "Jim Netean might work as a w.i i' tor a few days without susplcicm, but MllJer i- almo.n :i dwarf, Bh.i lito, and without rtrenjítli wioagli o ïiii an n hiB who!'.' bofly." "Yes, añil that'a what m all the more m.zi i . m'1 thlnk Uow ii' ccmld dtegttl hbnsell bo as . o be suspected "Oh, i know : Know i" i i !■:■ i. springing ap. "He" bhe old wo unes, and the uid. Oh, i know t ! Beoause n hen 1 Ba w I hein [rom the tree Ehe wilK-.'il .-ís strai.1 as anyan i her ■ inded just like .i man'e. 1 wver i b wighi oí ii t ;ll iuiw ; -m-i he said- " "Flora Helen !" cried my father. "Th cJilld ís erazy !" But ü i waa oraay, U detec (■;; iirMily as bad wh.-n I lold tlirni ;iii -ut the littii' oíd woman coming ni n o ad how I -■' v her and m up in i '■ ■ ' ' íey ones tlK-y were boeking tor. Ten chances ■ en ü't. Bul N slli ■ and didn'1 ge mueh more uttenbla i hal niu'in. It !1 turned out jus rlght. The iild woman and her husband were i hJeves, and mily tliink ! They'd , :!■■!;. 'il our house thai Suiul.-vy, and kni'w I av.-i - aU ahume. The praised me a gr sa.1 deaa lor my keen observatlon, and MJe' Perklne, when i, .ai-,! ,,í u , carne ot er and told mai ima she'd alwaye sald Flora Helen was t he sararí eet cklld in the tam"Werem'1 yau afrald, up n I h I I w-u eomJiig?" "Oto, no," i salid. ■Nnt when I saw them coming." But 1 iliiln'i '.iiy I weart up lo the ti ■


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Ann Arbor Courier