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The Dúplex Street Railway Track company. a West Virginia Corporation doinff business in New Vork, failed for $150,000. Bands of Mormona are at work in Virginia proselytinjr. They avow their belief in polyfjamy. In Kansas the Utizens" bank of Kansas City, the Bank of Richmond, the Farmers' and Merchante' bankofOsawatomie and the First national bank and the People's saviogs bank of Port Seott were forced to slop business. Bv special order of the war department all the Indiana enlisted a.s soldiera at Fort Remo, O. T., have been disto issed frora the service. In Ohio county, Ky., Jot Deperster, a gambler, fatally shot a miner witli whom he was playing cards. The inincr thencutüeparster'sthroa-t Both are dead. Ax excursión truin carryinga Sunday school picnic party from Buffalo was wrecked at East Aun ira, N. Y., and twenty ehildren were hurk J. IJ. Carter, a Wichita (Kan.) stockman, drew iUiO out of a bank and put it in ; jar In a strawstack. Lightnin Btrnck i he stack and the money was bnrned. The oóroner's jury investigating the cold-s -i ::_ tire on the world's fair gror.nds in which persons perished held Director of qrks Burnham, Fire Marshal Edward VV. Murphy, .1. , B. Skinner and Charles A. McDonald to the grand jury to answer to the charge of criminal negligence. Ca i ri. k in the Cherokee strip and in Oklahoma were dying by the thousand from Texas fe er. DntiNO the twelve months ended June 80, I 93, the gold exports amounted to $108,080,84-1 and the imporjts t,o 131,81; excess of expor Daring the corre.sponding1 period of the preeeding year the exporta were 50,195,327 and the ünports $49,699,454; excess of fcxports, 1495,673. The silver exports were $40,737,819 and the imports 88,252; excess of exports, 115,544,0U7. Increase of exports over the preceding year, (12,855,473. Theek cational banks. the Union, the Commercial and the National bank of commeree, and fne Mercantile, the Capital and the North Denver banks ■ d their doors in Denver, puiling down with them several large commercial iirms. The Western Union Telegraph company has issue J notiee that messages are now accepted for Brazil if written in plain language. At the congress of boys and girls in Chicago it was voted to raise the fiags. each of his own country, over their schoolhouses on October 21 next, the anniversary of the diseovery of America. The drought which extended over an rea of 40,000 square miles in western Texas was broken by good rains. Chbistian ScHAMnni. of Buflalo, X. Y., attended a meeting of the foresters who had just buried what they supposed to be his body. Lopez Mumatigh, a cigunnaker at Indianapolis, fatally shot Jliss Mary Winsh, sister of his divorced wife, and then killed himself. W. L. Oaki.ey, of Xew Y'ork, walking- from San Francisco to Xew York on a wager, was killed by a Dnion Pacific train a few miles west of Omah. A SERious split has oceurred in the ranks of the 15,000 or more colored Knightsof Pythias of America. .Miss Emma Gaürett, a Philadelphia school teacher, committed suicide ii Chicago by leaping from a fifth-story window at the Briggs house. No cause was known. BONKT Bets and Jacob Takington were killed by the cars near Whitehall, 111. Both men were drunk. It was reported that the Michigat: peach erop would be immense. Ml!S. XaOMI SUTHfüU.AND-I'.AII.F.Y. th first of the famous long-haired si to die, was buried in (ilenwood cetnetery at Lockport, N. Y. Her six sisters were at the funeral. An organization of Germans has been iormed in Salina. Kan., the sole purpose of which is to fight prohibition and equal suffrage. A chanoe has been made by the treasury c'.cpartment in Washington in the classiücation of wool that will lower the duty on some grades of the article nearly 100 per cent. The new directory of Chicago contains about 512,200 names, against 471,530 in the issue of 1892. The estimated population of the city is 1,537,200. lx Colorado the J. B. Wheeler Banking company at Aspen, the Bank of Sterling at Sterling, and the Bank of Loveland at Loveland, have assigned. John Swartout, of Morrison, 111.. inclicted for the murderof liis father, died in jail of consumption. The Milburn wagon works at Toledo, O., employing 1,500 men, the largest institution of its character in the United States, closed ilnwn for six montlis. Mrs. Conrad X'kii.iiam, of Tonawanda, X. Y., has fallen heir to $4.000,000 throuffh the death of an ancle in India. Dukino the twelve months ended Tune 30, 1893, the numberof immigrants arriving in the United States was 4VI7,936, and cl uring the corresponding period of the preceding year 619,320 arrived. A FIBK at Susanville, Cal., resulted in the destruction of sixty buildings and caueed a loss of about f250.000. Col. Benjamín i'. Johnson, one of the leading attorneys of Kansas City, Kan., was shot down in the streets and instantlj' killed by A. W. Little, OBe ot the most prominent citizens of the town. Financial trouble was giyen :s the cause. The National bank at Hutchin Kan., failed with liabilities of $181,000, and the Banh of Parker and the Woodson baak of ■:i'.es l enter, in the sume e, closed their doors. LlGHTNINO killed .lames Witts' two ehildren while they were standing under a tree durlng a shower it Sadlersville, Tenn. Thk pension office in Washington states that the total nuinber of pensioners dropped from the rolls sincc March 4, 1898, was Ü45, and that the total number of pensionen suspended since March 4, pending a further investigation of their cases, was 5,000. OVKH :;u.uuo raen were ítlle in Colorado as a resnlt of the closlog down of silver mines, ar.d it was feared that great Buffering woulcl follón-. In fcerritory near Toledo, O., ■ doned thirty years ago as practically ! worthleas, oil has been Btruck in inmonse quantitii .. Bank failures were reported as follows: First national at Ilarrisonville, Mo. , Oklahoma national at OUlahoma, i First national at Anthony, Kan., Kank of Belleville, Kan., First national at Greeley, Col., National at (ï rand Judction. Col.. First national at Cheyenne, Wyo.. and First national at Canyon City. Col. Thhbe men were burned todeath by :i sudden Itow of ignited oil at wells near Toledo. 0. AdVIOES from Pittsburgh, Pa., gay that the platc glass trust has eollapsed and that the many idle f ai throu'-liout the country will re operations. The Flanders dry poods house a! Denrer failed for $l5,000. The will of the late Anthony J Drexel was probated in Philadelphia. It shows that he lof t a bout (30,000,000. A can of naphtha exploded in the gweat-band f aciory of .!. D. Cam In Brooklyn, N. V., killing J. D. Campbell and hi8 Bon and .John and .' V i '■-. brothere. P. J. Gallaghkr has anothéi confession, this time reiterating the puilt of Dempsey in the Home (Pa. ) poisonin :, townof Ewen, Mich., wasnearly by an incendiary flre and a believed to be responsible wassaid to have been lynched. lx an eifort to drive non-union men out of the mines at Weir City, Kan., scvial persons were injured by strikers. OPEBTY vahied at (800,000 was deBtroyed by fire at Long Island City, L. I.. and hundreds of tamiles were homeLesa as a result of the blaze. The Reynoldsville (l'a.) woolen milis, Sykes, A.His& Moorehouse, proprietors, were destroyed by fire, the loss I 1100,000. James Dowlihg, cashier of the mini in New Orleans, was arrestert on the e of embezzling í r.00J. By a colusión of freigbt trains at Tiskilwa. 111., George Hickey, fireman, and Henry L. Strong, engineer, were killed. Wmi.K going home with his familj from a party Charles Duerr, of Darton, O., was murdercd by thi-ee drunken rowdies. 10. II. Tavloü, Jr. &8ons, one of the oldest whisky firms in the country, I kfort, Ky , for SluO.üOO. At Waupaca, Wis., Sam Stoa:. Prior and Edward Bronson were acquitted by a jury of the murder of Samuel Mead on the nigbt of October 9, 1883. . The building in Xew Vork occupied by the Eighteenth street telephone station was burned, causin a loss ol ?l!!0.000. Mbxico'8 fire brick works, thelarprest enterprise of the kind in Missouri, has diseontinued operations. ExCHANGBS amountinii to 6979,445.284 were reported by dearing-faon the United States during the seven da vs ended on the üst, ag-ainst $1,000,890,677 the preoeding seven days. The deerease, compared with the corresponding time in 18'JJ, was 7.5 per cent. TUBKK young men, sons of Frank Lnndgren, of Gei o, 111., aped respectively 1". 30 and 22, were flrownec in Ureen river by the capsizing of a boat. Business failures to the number oi 407 occurred in the United States in the seven days ended on the 21st. Durinfl the week previous the failures numbered 374, against 10S in the corresponding- time in 1S9-.Í. Duhing a fight in Wise countv, Va., between state troops and outlaws four soldiers were killed and six outlaws were mortallv wounded. M. J. DoWLüre, editor of the Star al Benville, Minn., a man with neithei ieffs nor hands, was arrested by ordei of the village council for not working out his poll tax. The entire business portion of Edgerton. ().. a. small town of 1,200 inhab1 tanta, was destroyed by flre, the loss beiñg Í100.000. 'l'iu': senate oí the National Union in Bession in Detroit, Mich., electedH. T. Brian, of Washington, aspre.sident. The Commercial bank in Mihvaukee closed its doorfi with liabilities of Í1,656.H50. Other banksclosed their doors as follows: The Union at Greeley, Col., .vsted Butte, Col., and Uie Traders' v,l Tacomah Falls, Wash. T!ie ional at San Bernardino, Cal., resumed business, asdid also the Seeond national at Ashland, Ky. By an explosión of dynamite in a slianty in MinneapOÜS (nis Olson was blown it;to fragmenta. MlSSKS ElJZABRTH WAI.TKB8 and Mabel Ballett, of Xew York city, were drowned while bathing in the su;-:' at Shell Bank. Long Island. V. R. Siioic.makeh. oí Metropolis, 111., killed George and Richard Lnkena and then eommitted suicide. A lawsuit caused it. ÍA:co■r defcn í'. t Bal Pointer and Flying Jib at Detroit, pacing five beats in lesa than 2:08 and brcaking the world's record. A neí.ko who assanlted and murdered the 9-year-old daughter of Carr Elliott in La . .- ■. eounty, Fla., was hanged by v. Ri Leavittsburg, O., who was Buffering from poor ais misery ly cutting his throat. William Napikb and famHy, oí Columbus, ()., were badly poisonedbyeat"ï cabbage on which paris green had been spread. DsjrjcvrivK sewerage was causlng a dangerous land.slide in Cincinnati and many houses had airead)' been completely wreeked. A oai:i:i hss eigarette Btnoker started a fire in Little (oose Canon, Wyo., and inuch valuable timber was destroj'ed. Offickus of the revenue cutter Rush report the discovery of an active volcano near Cape St. John, Alaska. Mi:s. VABBBtCHIK, a farmer's wife at Rutledge, Minn., was held up by two masked men and robbed of ÍÍ00. An explosión in a coal mine at Edwardsville, l'a... fatallv injured Wiiliam Jones, Martín Breñnan, li. Wilson and Patrick Malai. The American line steamship Paris made the run from Southampton to New York in G days 9 hoursand SO minutes, breaking all previoua records. PERSONAL AND POUTICAL. Thomas Edwabd president of the univiTsity of Notre Dame at, South Bend, Intl. . died of Bright's disai Si. Mary's hospital in Milwau kee, aged 10 years. Wii.liam M. Stonk, of lowa, late commissioner general of the land office, died at his residence nowr Oklaboma City, 0, 'I'. . aged 6fl years. Mr. Btone camc out of the warascolonel oí the Twenty-second lowa infantry trui was clected governor in ISii;; and a;tin in 1865. Ex-CONGRK8 IMAJf PkKDKBICK A. JOHNsos died of lieart failure at Glens Falls, N. V.. a.e.l C5. Jackson WitioHT (colorod) died :it ue, Wis., aged 10! years. Cha ck diedat Milton, M 95 years. He had been a masón sinee ls;ó, beingtheoldestknown ïneznif the order in the east. CONORKSSMAN W. ( '. !'. BRECKINRrDGE and Mrs. Louise Scott-Kinj united in marriage at Louisvilie, Ky. COLEVE JONES, historian of L He was born in Sast October 38, 1S31. Rear Admiral Mei,akcthon S.Mrrn. r. 8. A.. ttied in Green Bay, Wis., of pneumonía, I years. !'. Wasbbürn, head of the barbi'd wire liini of Washburn & Moen, died at Worcester, Mass., of apoplexy, affcd 68 years. Gen. John (;. Wai.kkr diei in Washngton. He was a distinguished figure i:: the battles of Sharpsburg, Man.: and all Bghte around Richmend. JAMH D. üawlins, a veterano' Blackhawk war of 1833, and fathi ihc distinguishad Gen. John A. RawHns, chief of iïtaft" to Gen. Grant, died at Guilford, 111., aged 92 years. fcí?f.:gn. A torn'ado swept over Vog'hera and ffgio u Italy and hui biiliïins ■ :ked and manv per were kil! Twei.vk meii were drowned iu the lüvcr Danube near Vienna by the upsettingf of a boat. TfiHiTv warehonse buildings in London were burned, cauBing a loss of ;■?,- 500,000. The ïtitish bark I'inmore, Capt. Maxwell, which arrived at Queenstown, was one of tho fonr contestants in the long raee from San Fran and was the first of the racers to irrive. The vessels left San Francisco March %i last. I LKRA is rampant araongthe lower classo in Moscow. It has also appeared in Naples. Av order has been issueti prohibiting1 the exportation of hay, straw or other fodder from Austria-Hungary. St. A.nxi: tr. la Parade, a viilag-e near the city of Quebec, was destro3'ed bv fire and fullj' sixty families were hom; LATER. AlAF.N E. .Ion!:s. aged 40 years, !iving near Texarkana, Ark., beat out the brains of hi.s wife and t'nree children with an tx and then hanged himself. Business reverses liad madehim partially insane. The Oxford Iron & Nail corapany at Belvidere, N. J., failed for $225,000. Gov. Markham, of California, aped ex-Gov. George ('. Perkins, of Sun Francisco, CJnited States senator to su.-, cnl the :iti Leiand Stanford. wy.yi men carried away Mrs. MoDonald and her twó children from a farmhouse near Fort Wayne, Ind. As unknown yacht was capsized east of Deer Island. Mass, and John W. Johnson, Albert T. Sco'.t an;l Joseph Murphy were drówned. Düncan, Bkemeb & Co. 's sawmill at Duluth, Minn., burned, cansing a loss of 1100,0 10. Wai.kkb, a negro wlio assanlted Miss Mollie McCadden white) and four colored ffirls, was lynched by a mob at Memphis, Tenn.. and bis Öody burned. The pates of the world's fair were closed on Sunday. In Milwaukee the Milwaukee national and the Sontii Side savings bank air doors, and the State na mal bank at Knoxville, Tenn.. and l'irst national at Uussell, Kan., were forced to suspend. 'J'iik isignation of William A. Maury, assistani attorney general, was teadered to Attorney General Olney. Chahles W. De Pauw, the millionaire manufacturer at New Albany, Ind., made an assignment with liabilities of .:io,OOO. A FiiiE in Hagerstown, Md., burned Junes a South's store and other buildings, the loss being (135,000. SlNCK the Ist '■■ .lannary nearly 200 national banks throughoni the country j have closed their doors, ttgainst less than flfty during the same pi year. Gen. Wji.i.iam Vakdevbb died at his ín Ventura, Cal., aged Ti. He w -.'■■ ted to congress from lowa i:t nd reelected in 1860, but resigned his seal to enter the army. I'ire burned one wliole bloek at l'aul! din, O., and part of another, causing a loss of .-jou, 000. The percentages ot the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the 22d were as follows: Philadelphia, .649; Boston, .■ burgh, "Tii: Cle .507; ■'. Itimore. .471; Cineinnati. .464; Lotus, .463; New York, .4-N .448; Washington, .4o:,; Louisvilie. .:;i.


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