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How's This? We offer ( ne Eundreil Dollars rewarxl Ei r aiiy casi of Catarrli Uiai caniiit be cured by Hali's Catarrb ('ure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wc, the nnderaigned, liave known 1'. .1. Clieney for the Insl 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trimsactiona sntl financially able to carry out auy obligatioua mode by their Brm. West & Thuax, Wholesale Druggi Toledo, O. Wai.ding, Kinnak & Marvin, Wholegale I 'ruggwtn, Toledo, . Hali's Catarrh ('ure is taken nternaliy, acting directly ui blood and mucoiis surfaci - n I .' system. Tef I imonials Ben! free. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggiste. nmL OIEFFENBACH'8 SVí38Tfe PROTAGOfí CAPSULES ívilfc'vL fure Cure for TVoak Men, ca j kSb A{t provecí by reportsof ieodlngpn' ctiÊn'M v? Picians. State age in urdering, RtíyÁffl %lPr:ce. Oí. Catalogue Free rslS 3b &S% O 6 A safe and specdy XJÊBBOmL W W Strlctureand all - i T MBtf ntinotural discharges. I'riceíi. SÊW fíREEKSPECIFSC TSTi'S ■P Pand91i!nISleaiiei,Scrof. alone Sores indarvkllltla AflTi-clion, witiv rcury. Pnce, isa. Order from THE PERÚ DRÜG & CHEMICAL CO. SL 199 y ; . J iCEEjJW IS. Onlike the Dutch Process ft No Álkalies fimT Other Chemicals flni I 'V f?'c Víie( i1 the 91 In preparation of BlJjW.Bto&M Breakfast Cocoa, ivhich i3 absolutely pure and soluble. It has more Aa?t fcre mes the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and ia far more econoraical, cosiing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester.Mass. INSURANCE AGENTS Opera House Block. - to C. B. Millen.) The oldiiát agencj In tbe b'Ilahed Dvcr a quarter oí a ceutury agp. Representing the íollowing (irst-clas8 eompaaies, with over 0,000,000 Capital and Ascls. Home Ins. Co., of NeT York. CONTININTAI Ins. Co., of New York. XiiiiAin Ing. Co., ol New York. Qib ibd [ns. i o., oí Phlladeiphla. Oriënt Inb. Co., oí Hartford. Commei;:ial Union, of Loudon LrVKBPOOL, I.ONDON undGl.OBK. Raros Low as the Luwest. Losses Liheral I y Afljiístpd and prora ptly Pald. BEAL & POND. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! lf yon contemDlate building, cal] at FERDON'S LUMBBR YARD ! Córner Fourth and Depoc Sts., and get our figures for all kil LUMBER! We manufacture our owu Lamber nnd guaran. ■ VERY LOW PRICES 8b.i;ive us a cali nnd c 111 wake it to your interest, hs our large and well uraded stock fully sustains our assertion. Tt'ltphone Connections with office. T. .7. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT ]Jrop m: & xm xi. t o srs INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policías writteu iu First Class Companle Untes Low. Losses liberally adjusted aud promptly paid. One hundred Lots n Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Hours : From 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5p m. A. W. HAMILTON. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION GURE. The success of t'.iis Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successlully stand. That it may become kr.own, the Proprietors, at an enormous, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the Uniled States and Canada. lf you have a Cough, ëore Thtoat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cute you. Ifyour chilJ has the Croup, 'pi;ig Couh, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ai!: your Druggist fot SHILOll'S CURE, Price lo ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If youi Lun;;s are sore or Back lame, ose 'riüoh's Porour, Piaster, l'rice 25 cis. WORK FOB US a few days, and you will be startled at the unezthat will ■ : ITorts. We , i to offer an apent ((,„( , ; ■ of tliis earth. ■45.00 profit on 8 00 . irUinf bnsinel being 1 ■ .v and patd to hundri d l gtrto in our employ. ïou 'rk for ■ la so fearn, and ins1 pis and plato, that all Bncceed frotn tlu se win liold of the b t'"t arises from 1 ; the in America. proats thatthebiulm All beginners I ; vaore than thelr greateit (-::i 'lio try it Umi exactl) aa vo teil them. There is plenty of room for :i few more workers, and we urge themto begin at onco. If you are alreadv employed, but huve a few spare mopients, and wlsh them to advantage, then writeus nt once (for Uil is your grand opportunlty), and receive full partlculara by return mail. Addi Tllt'IO A CO., lïox Nu. 400, Augusta, Me. Both the method aud results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly 011 the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the s}-stem effectually, dispels colds, lieadaclies aud fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the storaach, prompt i its action aud truly beneficial in its sftéets, jïrepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances. its many cxcelient qualities corametid it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI 'oottles bv all leading deuggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, 10UISVIUE. Kr. NEW VORK. N.Y. W 't a Makes an every-day convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at a!l Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes tvvo large pies. Avoid mitations - and insist on having th NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL,& SOULE, Syracuse. N. Y. IjEï P OESION PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. For informal ion STid "roe Hr.ndbook write to MUNN & Ou.. 801 Bhoadway, nev York. Oldest bnroau for securin pateiiis in Aid:': Every pat .ent taken out by na i" hrnuelit beforo the public by auoticc giveu freo oL clrge in tha f úmtiík mnitu Larpest clrmilntlon of sny scientiflc paper in the world. Si)iunidly ilhistratuil. Ko intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, S3.00 t yeari ÏLüOkIx months. Aiidrcsi MUNN Sc CO tüiiijiUEHS, 301 Broadway, Kew ïorli City. Nerve5 Bíood 't jwlfA LWmmLÊJf desrriptive


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