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A NEW JERSEY MIKACLE. Helpless for Years with Locomotor Ataxia and Rheumatism. His case pronounced Hopeless by the Leading Physicians oi" Sussex County. ence to the '. v Prega 1 The bu -y little vlltage ol Bra v:ir, N. ... i i . i - íi ■■il i ii ■ Bcen ■ oí a modera i i i i" ; 1 1 1 1 . CSnae. i', su-ím i, a well-küown and proeperous [armer, living on id ] arm, in Frankford tnwi! iiip, a few talies irom I'.r.i ii.ii 1 ;!, ba ju.-i bow the chtei gubciiuiil y. Tlic Preae alwaya up bo date in , bol b poUl leal or medical, ■nul luis procurd lili' fOÜOWtng irom Mr. si ruble's own Itpa : ■1 r,:w been trouhled wlth rheuiii.ii ism ofl and uu lor 20 year. I iiavr iricd .-ui fclnds ol medicines and I have taken sulphur a1 Hamburg, N. J., Nev ton, N. .)., and in NW ":"- I ,'■' Wlth :i doctor who cbarged me $Ü.5O n batb each day. Aai Engrllab doctor treated me n Ití) a gfalvanl battet linckaway, Morris i ■■. N. V. [have tried maaiy doctors. None ol tiiem ('.id me amy permaneni good. 1 uaed : i ; 1 klmda ol tinamenta I coultl hai of but without :i v "Aboul two was taken ■niicii v. '!■ said í bad locomotor ataxia ot the spime, acd bhat the chances were agatast me. After treating tor e time, be ttoally gave me up ana ú be had done all lic COUld for "The corda oí my Ltïnbs were drawn as I te corda om a tettle drum, and f !iad sui-li crampa in my limbs i.liat I guftered terrJWje pain. Myleet were coüid aU ttae i me. L liad to use b hot water bag and heated bricka bo mj (et, bul eren toenl couldnot ■et any Pftltef. ■FinaHy 1 licaril oí Dr. WUliame' PJmk Pilte for l'ale People, andlcomnii'iii-i'd baktog them on Feb. l.itli, 1893. I inund in thrrc days time tbat the corda bn my lega began to 'let np." my feet begao to get warm, I beg-an to eat and ''p well, and in oae month I had galned M jionnds. nombnesa in my llmbs a-n bo lea vi' me too, and to-day r teel Mke a new man. and cannot eay too muoli in praisc of l):-. Williams' Pink l'ills. I am able to walk and do Bome work, and all WUB after ustng only ntee boxea al i'ink Pilis. I teel 90 greetfu] lor my recovery tha1 I am glad l li't t public know wliat these pills have done for me." In order to empliasizo. hta story. Mr. StruWe made tlie following alfada vit : Swonn and erubeeribed be ore me thla tliirteenth day of A])ril, A. 1. 1893. IRA COSS, .Tustice of tlie Peace. JvmtSee Ooaa evldeoced his Interest a.nd sood feclint; by the [ollowlng certifícate : I hereby cortiiy that all that Mr. strnU'.i' aaya regardtag nte rheumatlc and otüier troubh-s I belteve to be truc ind correct . IRA COSS. .Tustice oí ttoe Peaee. On tftue farm with Mr. Struble live hle two ,-1111111 sisters. Miss Anale M. Stmbiie naade tí tollowtog tatement : "Dr. Wiaitom' l'ink Puls tor Pato PeopGie have done womderful talngs tor my brótfaer: Hewastam helpless c.iniliiinu when 1 leít liim n Jan. 12th last, anil wheu I returned no Marih 25th I íound trun cured. The remarkable ih'irv abcrat the ■ ■!. "is ttoe curing - L&menese. Oí caarse i wanted to know all aboul the causo of Mich o wooáerfuj etaange, and i learned írimi liim and my sister and others, th.-it niy ah-enre he liad been uatag the l'ink l'üls. and hls rècovery was atiribntcd BOlely to tfifem." M - M.u-y E. StniliU' sail: ''1 8a"W my brottow ün all tiic stages oí thc ddeease. He begem tmprovlng as bood as begam taita tii" l'ink PlUs. Whfii my Bílstec wcnt away n January be was apparentiy ai death'a aoar and oobody seemed to have any hope ii :. tu. He eertata!y liad litble none i"'.' hünselí, and he was vt'i-y deapondeait ;n pite oí all oí- to cheer hiin. He declared tliat he telt better as iudil as he began taktng the Pink I'ills, and to one who, Uke myeelf, was atterading hlm day by ,.i,. bhere coold he no doubt tliat tlièy and they alone were the cause ot' háB niprovenient. Why all Other bhllDgí be liad tried he liad aba ndüiied, toe they Jiiid laüed lo do liim the SlSghitesi gOOd. AVlitu else could have put Mm on hte teel agaln V We donM wonder at höa enthusiasni tor the Pink l'üi George -i . Bowman, tJifi proprietor oí the American Hotel at Branchv:,:ie. aald : ■■AU that Mr. Struble Baya bn reference to the l'ink Pilla I kn'ow to lie. true. lu ïact can't say too iuiicli about them tor they have nndoubledly saved li'.s life." Al 11. e r.r.inchvUle dnis si ore. Chiel clerk Ilenry Beemer, remarked, "1 have jio doubt ihat Dr. "Williains' l'ink l'ills have eured Mr. Btruble." JoBeph il. McDonald, tiie proprietor of the General Store oï Branchvllle, and v-inu.-ter Rnoy. expressed tl!ems'les in similar terms. Pink Pilla lor niany years previous to their general manufacture were uaed as a preserlptlon. At ïirst tiu-% were cir,Miy preecribed tor Impure blood and genera! weaknew. No-w t.hey are ioumd to be a neveriailinvr apectllic (or sucfi dlaeaees as locomotor ataxia, partlaj paralyte, 8t. itusdance, sctotlca, neuralgia, rheuiuatiMU. nervous headache. the ailer efiect of i-a Grlppe, palpltatlon oí the lieart, pale r.nd sallow complexión-, and all diseases oí t H' blood, such OS scroiiila. CÜlTOIllC erysipelas, ote. They are also a speciíic íor troublea lieculiar tu íeniales. BUCh as BUpp simis, Irregularlties, and all lorras of weaknese. They bullid up the blood and restore the ciow oí health to j 1 1 ,- and sallow elieeks. In men th.-.v ; a radical cure in all casos arisIng trom mental worry, overwork, or excessea ol wtwutever nature. Pink PWS are boW in boxee ',never in I form, by 1ho dozen or liundred, and eaul lofaed agalnst namrrous in' ld ia this shape'. .i 50 cents a boc or t:x boxea tor $2.50, and niay be liad oí all drugrby mail from Dr. AVilllems' Medicine Oompany, Sèlionectatly, N. Y., or ItrockvMle. Ont. I


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