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A new fenee endoses the Webster ceiiH'ti'iy. A grocer In Saline Is shlpplng goods 1o California. He la eviúen' !y a hustler, Word te be'jng paí 1o ;ook om for an : t!l1' country. A Btai lie held at Howell 7 to 1 t, inVP. Kobert l'.eiiz, oí WYb-tor. liad hte arm brokru last week wli'.le using a Oarletcm, JubI over ii Monroe co., icor]iur. i:ov. Mr. Andrewa w ..! prc the l'.apti-t people al Lyndon the reir. tiip of hiu-:. i irahes are bayiag a hard time thls year Ín ■ing pieken out al t tu m. Chas. Lawton broke the record for baaket matlog Taeeday. He made 560 in riTe houïB.- Dexter New. The ípple growers are look'ng down .!-aiii iiii year. Bul pea, ii,i i-, be a goodcrop. Morris Vincent baa been appointed oí Milán, Ín piuco of JoBeph Gaumtlett, reslgned to take the P. 0. The tw'.n sons oí Gteorge B. Bowew, of Dakota, are vttúng theiv grandpnronts Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bowers, of Sliaron. Abe Meyer neer BaUne, had a new self binder wrecked by belng run away with last week. Qoly the machine was injuretl. Tlie YpsÜaaiW Commercial Baya tha1 , ity tu to be Tialted by a ome-legged whedman aoon. By the way, how many lega dld ttoal cyckme have? A large party of Aun Arbor and Dexter wíneetenen are lo camp al the Dexter cottage, Portage lake, th . k.- BÜrketi cor. Piackney Dta)atch. Bésale DeJiey la agaln the deputy P. M. at Dexter. Posfcmaster Costello took the reta a week ago, and is nmv un d](1 votfi-.-m at tfte biMÍnoM. A vfi-y pleoaaoi way to go t cago is to go to I5enton Harbor, or Graad Haven, or uome of tbe lake ports, tuul take a boat aeróse l.;ik' Michigan. Tlie Tpattaoti Drivtng Park Asoci.Ttion lia leased tlie fair grounds Ín 1liat city. and wlll ínakc a lnistli' 1" get to tlie front. Dr. Owcn lï the prMAdent. The "Bnragmng" craie bas gtruck Cbetoea, and severa] good looktoggenttemen, by (secrtflclng tüelr mustachea have becotne perteci frlghta. - Ckt&r sea Standard. PrSckly lettiice, a wod that has causcil Ín OWo much trouble, - getttag seeded in som parís . county. It ought to be exteraataated w.bwever i:-Siiicrvi-iir Burtlee says he nol remember when corn looked so wel) on all kinds :' lamí "ii the 14Ui of July as it tliis yc.-iv.- Manrlirstr Rnterprlse. Hiere is a great ery tor help in the hay and harvest Clelds. No man or alzeable boj deed hold :i dry gooda liox down M lic i able to work.- stockluide Sun. Ex-Poetmagter Hai-ris Ball, of Dex1er. aooounoea i lint he Intendc tak up bis restdenoe in Bome other looallty licici-c long. .h:-i where, not yri dectded apon. Mi.-s ('arrie , arrived home a1 ïpaUantt, Crom a twoyears' study (if inns'.c, ,in Miiniih, Germany. shc is id tc.-icii in the Norma] cönserratory nexi year. A civil i-iTvici' examlaation for the poettlotia ui postal carrier and clerk will be beid In ihis. city on Aug. 5, not Aur. 8, as i lic Beattoe] lias it.- Yiislanti ('oiunicrci.-i!. Somc BUck Bwitadlera have been ■'duIng Mp" fai-inci-s and olhcrs aboul Maoctteeter rccentXr lor email ainimnts. Anmnii others swindlcd ivere T. J. Farreül tor $1 1. and Mack & Sc hniW for a bilí of gooda. Notea to 91,000 which wcic atoles (rom Wlripple Bros, sale ai Xii, tsome time ago, have been (ovad aeereted in a lamber pile, -riymouth -Mail. 8uc aluablc notes OD Inmber are nol to be tournd erery day. Accorölng to Uw dhetoee standard ■ of Is Citizen enjoycd a canean utly : "A ebelf, comtainlng ibout [orty caim ol fruit, in ttoe cellar ol Icv. s Eteeinman, oame down Monday ni;!it. breaklng every eau luit eis." Tlie Y))siianti BtocJcholders ol the Swley liistitutc in tbat city have BUd Messrs. Kadford. ''S. McVittie and Clark, of Detroit, for the anicHint ol stiK-k tliey snliscribfd to tbat 'institiiUon, $85,000, alleg■ f&toe repreaentattona. Mr. and Mr. Josepb Burrldge Btartcil Sunday íiiírht íor Mt. Idaho, Idalui, wlicre tlioy cxiH'K't to residu in the ínture. Jo. Ji.-is tlnce brothen and i s.ster in tluit i'ar away state, and lic leavea ïx-iünd pareatt and two sisters and tlie home of liis chiUlhood. - Milan Leader. .],,hn Jaeotnu Ib sefcttag a Uíe Blxed aiq pedaUng ol tule pel dog "Snip" Mrs. BBgWftnd to the artlst. We beihat John thtaks more ol tba1 .Inldren.- So. i . Ttoat doeen'1 apeak well kw tbe clïildrem or John, one or toer. e di Howell $11,,17 tO run i'icr BChoOlB the last year .-ml there Ce a balance in tbe 00. H, aad ño ndebted !,, caty liris three gchooj im;idand pposperoue of. In Norway tiie horst';; alwaya have a bucket ol water piac eaoh antanal's alloy i hay. A : oí hay they take a It is said that thla ■■illn.u' .s beneficia] and to it rlbuted that a windrely seen in Norway. The Aan Arbor au; 'ivo ■ ■.mil on the streeta outBtde the guttera. Jt la Bald thie has been done íot the purpose ol preventtog tlie wi-.mN and graas trom growb.e strect commissioner lan't much oí an agi-lculturlst.- Dèxter Leader.- Wffll tbe editor o! the et bei) why nol ? I !!■.■ ;- a problem for yonthful niatlieinatieians : A lady went ni a store and asked I he prtce oí eggs. She was bold that the duck'a eggs were wortli two centa eaeh, goose egge three cents eaob and hen's egga OHeliaif cent eaeli. She laid uut '2 ö in - and said Fjh w.mld take 22 CggS. Ilnw inainy ol ea.-h (L:1 she reeeive '.' s-i, - ai. ted a tranehtee íor ■ m, ,.;erir:e line ilinni.ili her Streeta, is laimed will OOOOect Ann Arbor with that village and With Maoon, CUaton, Tecunuseti and Adrián. Kepeated lailures bo seiuie pro,i team Bhoea mak. 's Um average lte doubtin] ol the building, but he fe "wBUDg."- Ypsllantl Sentlnel. In the monster newepaper pritatlng preasee of to-day, the roU of paper i-iiuin iO'tir to i miles long: ; and t he daily papers UMlng suoli presses are legioo in jiumiH'r. Wtoen Benjamin l'rankliu propoaed tO start B newspaper Ma mother trtod to dlsenade hini trom tbe unöertefclag, arging that there were already two papers hl America and there was nu room for anotJier.- Ex. At the rereut aunaal school meeikog in i -h.'isea, Frank 1'. Glailer and Win. B. Schenk were re-eleuted trustees. The reeetpta and expendlturea exactly balanred at $8,682.89. It was vuted to i'aise $5,800 direct tax. A motioTi to elimínate all dead languagea Erom eouree oí study was ery "y voteil down. and a motio.n to add to the conrae ol atudy the rudimeiils of vural niusic was carried. 'Jhere was a ve;-y large attendance, niaay womeii belog present. Editor Thompson, oí Ihe Dexter Leader, bet ween times in writing up liiü excellent locáis 'and editorial has ïinured Ot this : "H you wisll to meaeure ouytbiiig and have n. mie or tape line at hand, hut happen t.' liave a sHver quarter, ball dollar or a w h.:e doüar, tbose c-onvenient colns wül ïiii tbe biUto your eatlre satisCactáOn. A lui teil States do; lar i one inch and a halt in diameter, a lialídollar is jusi an ine'.i and one-eightb and a quarter i - just seven-eiidit lis ui' an inch." It aeema gtraage blial gome people will be 90 eareles aa bO drive llieir teams up and hitcli theru to line thriity, ïruwji abade treee and then alluw Ihem to Kta.nd tliere and ruin tlie trees by chewilng oH the bark, and in niaiiy casea kÜl the tree.. These trees were Bet there íor sliade and cost convderable time and money. Shouhl the aame farmers wiio do thua hitch in town l'ind a tea ui lied to their trees in the country, t liey would gay 9 WOrds evei-y time. - Saline Obierver. A farmer who knows whal he íri taUdng aliout, hits the nail on the liead wlien lic says that nut liin paybetter good country roads. It coaa Bometihing to secure them, but thi'V are the ;a-l;rlcs wliich eonneci ige and country, aloog svbich the curreota of business, proeperity, safety and s,;id comfort pel pilually Qow. Bad roads ti il oí cboek holes, alongfa int tomJeae mud, k';ll teams and temper. Be nnv tien bba1 monej LnteUlgently expended is wiaely In e-ied asid mire 10 peaüie int ure satIsfactory revolte. - Cbeleea Herald. A g 1 story ís told oí a yoUOg gLii in a neijihboriiii; town who recently ínuuil a lot ni letters written by her iather to her mother b-iore they rere nuurrled. The daughter read tiiem to her mother préteodltig tbey were oí recent date, and BtibstitutLng lier own tnane for that of her mother's. and the (name of a young man well known to botli of them, for her fnther's. The mother i very muoh diwgusted ajid has ïfnbiddeii her daughter to have anythhig to do with a youag man who would wrrt' mcb iionseiise and Slckenlng stuff.- l"o wier ville Obeerver. Durlag the warm weather reineniber t.hat your boree wants a drink of water oftener than in the winter. B he nol drink umi-h al t lic regular time yon are u tin' babil ot wfttering, t ry ïi : ii in a couple ol houri after. Mtuny bonsee actually suffer Por duritag tl warm wreatlier. e aro ma.ny men taklng can at (!cm"t liiiow and don't care about iiiciii, onSy Ito gel Uirou.nii witii p wurk as i'aiiy a bhey can and ir jiay. A man who Ifl taki torce o! HiTiini-u.ii'i'-. .--lumid never have I he id aai 8. -Ex. ■'li;, :- i,'?-iainly tl!:1 lineal geason many years, tl, ■ Bprlng opened up wlth plenty oi rain, yet nol too mnch, tlie was warm and Beede won BprOiUited and i-anie on teather haa contlnued warm and p'.easant with suHicleni rain Bcattered abcmg to kep iiü1 woil in good conditlon without deiaying mier bnt little, durtag bayifig the game rirar eind warm weather coni'ina-i!. nol Uke many prevJo;ua Bea;ns wa-i títere contínued rains and i o rot and darken the erop, bul rather 11 was gathered ín fine eOiape and was an abundan! ;. Su im lato and tbrOUgh the harvot the weather has conttnued aad I '■■'■ erop haa been gathered wth uu im-s by growtag dampneas. ,i.n ccop i on nlcely and w;:l gi--e a gcxwl yteld, rum is fimpImg every day and promis.s a btg yirld. Wc do oot speak tlatteringof the prtoea howver as they w i


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier