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The Taxes

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Tin' peet week bas not 1 n quite r.p to fctae rek prervlous In the ainoiun oï t asee pald In. i record is as foUowa : Wedneeday, July 26, - $858.86 ■riim-sday. .Jnly 7, - - 284.86 Frickiy, .luly i's, - - 875.62 Snumlay, -Ivily 29, - - 689.05 Mondar, JnJy 81, - - 092.1 1 TiH-vday. A.Tkg. 1 - - 656.81 Uve bottom corner bas at last drop]c(l out oí tlr.' pen-k barrel, aml huniliciN of dealers i hrounhout the land have gaae down with the pork. The prloe feil $6.25 in OOe day. per barrel '. .lust tliimk of it and tlien weep briiiy teare. Pork uill mv take lts place alonii wit.h other productS, and be eliea]) enoni;li BO that ciiliimon people can affopd to buy it if tlwy want it. .lustioo Pond joincd together the iii-s ol ii:is. M. Barwood, of Hillsdale. and Miss I.ouise Antier, of ïpsilanti. luesday. The witncsses were l'aris lianïield and l'.dward Seyler. and altbongtl the bride vas very dsome, Lt is sald thnt the wltneseihI did íiot ki-s her. A loet opportnnil.v.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier