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Judge Long's Pension

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Dader bhe above beadlsg the Adrián Prees recites the case ol Judge Long oí tiiis state, and then adds : We concede bb rlgtot ói the departiiiciH td Ji.-ivc the prooeedings regu1,-u-, arad i" determine wJial la total (ïi-.iiiility. ]'.it by law, Judge Long is Mrtitled i $45 per monfch ror loss of arm. By law, he is entitled 1o :is f er the running sore, as be wouid be ií his arm were not Uien Wie other wouad adda m liis (li-.ilii!üy. Now iï he were to .;_'.-, tor ttoe ui through the body, " iiirii N .-i Ilghi rate, he would i„. , .„i i i, .,1 to $70. Uhen the other (.umi. would ;ilso be ratable. The fudge is deservtog of ITQO per in. mt li. He s as grtevouely wound. s Hen. Black, wiio geta that gum by an an o! ooogrew, iiit whfi has bot arma mul both teel lelt and d $5,000 a year as commteelooer. We believe the attack on Judge Long a mistakc. JtwJge Lochren saiil the (service pension would nOt be loiuiieil. vel lien' a most ileservkog BDBpended, and witimut a .-hadow Of justilication. He is cnUtlcd tO jnst the BOm p.iiM.m as he wmiiil ie. II be could not read or writi. n' woiihi be aatitled to tho siarnt, if be were prertdent of the l.ake ShOW r( ad, at $100.000 per year. II' both feet were 0ÍI he eould sit on the lieuph.' añil jnst as Bonnd legal oplnlane. Ü Judge Long"8 disability total V This is the questkm. Without the ald of Bome ome bo drese tita woujnd twlce a day, he wtmld die in a week. The democratie party eau npi afford to touch the pension roll in nialii-e, and the present managemeni eJiould be guided by a daty bo the pubü and aei f..r public weal. Ttoe demn eratlc partj don't want üie pension rolls purged of BUCh hei-oic, worihy men, as Judge Long. We tm-i thu Judge :.en will promptly ratee the blockade, and direct bla ineruir.agataet iraud. Judge Long'a record glorifies tlie pemBioo rolls, and hs name efaould remain at -''TL' per month. The addren öellvered by Ex-Comptroller Bdward B. I.acy, of ( Mcago, before ttoe receñí meetdag of the Mlchi State 1': Latioo In ( ïiioago win be iotnnl apon bhe ith page of t!n paper, and la a maaterly ex]Ksition of the money queetion. l'.ead it. SniiH' totks h.ivc queer i:!;i ol baakThey i-iTin bo think a bank, ü BOOnd, nlwM.vs roacly n pay back (vciy dollar (f deposite at a moment'8 nuticc. A bank that could do lilis wouldii't le doinií a vcry gOOá Imsiiii'ss. I'.anks don't pay inberesi oo d'ioit8 for ttie nako oí kteklDg up the cash In tnelr vaulte. liriinit Jonntal. (l(iv. Alturlil. tbe iiiarclii-t of 111innis, is not mi Anicrii-aii. 'i'liank the l.nrd (ar tliat nnich. It is Mimet hinji to be grateful for to knnv iliat a man iio woulil use the high office tJiat lic holdti to pardon boimb. ili]-ofis and red lianded imirderers, is iint au American. It WOllld bC 8 damned spot apon the fair name of our country to have. such au one as be bom here. a simt that would not wasli ooit. Tlie Lansini; Journal, alter iuoting from a reputad interview of some newspaper slainlerer vith ICx-l'ri sKten.1 Harrison. says : "The men wtlro, in a crista like the pn-M-nt, will tot' pupely j)artisan purposee, seek to latenfllfy the Hnancial Mi!feriiii;s thrOUgh which the country is passing, by giving irtterance to such VlCiOUi rol as the above is notlikng IBBS t.lian a donble-eyed traitor to t lic public Interest." What is to bc xaid of tlie newspaper man wlio quotes a poraraph trom a írauduieiit interview, and for pnrely partisan parposes seeks to nialifiii B man im BC president of the I'niteil Btatca, a weii as in tbe private walks ol Ufe, has proved liimself, always and vverywliere, to le a pure and noble patriot '.' The D. 8. court ai Detroit has decicii-d in the c;isi' of oiivcr K. Rlsley, pl.-iintüï. vb. Hbe rtllage f Howell, defendant, tbat the bond, uniountkng fco $20,000, In favor of tbe T., A. a. n. m. R. );. (o., broed by the village of Howell, are unlawfnl. It is poeslble the case may be taken to a higber oónrt, bal probably will ot le. Thie declaion win canso i-oii-iil.'raiiir iianisiiip, probably, amaog Uw people wtoo purchaaed the tioinN is au iiivcstincii! . The drcision rf conree effect all bonde Issaed for purpoaee. If any taxea are spread apon Une rofls ot any townBhlp or oorporatiou lor tüe purpose of raJelng money bo pay tacto bonde, and any tax-payw retnaea to pay hta tax tbereon, tie entire voil wlll Imí vltlatel ander bbte decisión, it is preeamabic i'nat tiic rallroad company soid ttoe iiond-, ai once, to ratee money to pay for building the roed, so iUat Une bondB are all in thf liands oí innocent porebamra, largely, no doubt, tlie property of wMowa and of estatee liad money lylng Idle aml book teem bo that the fonda mighi be earninir MMnetolnsr. '1 hr.-r boude Nvrl-e ISSUed soine flfteen Or more car-, agO. It lias laken a greal 1 ol time i ' reaoih the case, it wonld !'. JiMtice ií i lii be Justice- welke altogtei ber too Blow.


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Ann Arbor Courier