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A Story With A Moral

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"We need more money," said J. W. r.lake. o! Texas, a dbfeago correspondent. "I don't mean the money which the oM Georgia (armer wh bn the carly days ent. up to MiHcrsviilc to see General Botoeri rl'ocini)s wanted. Toomt was at the lime a dirertirr i]i bhe state bank. "Bobert," t-ays be, "tibe tolk down aur ivy air in need of moro money." "General Toomba, wlno was olten profane, replied : "Well, how the are tttey gtriag to geH it ?" "Caift yon stam]) it, Uobert." BnggOBted the farmer. "Suppose we do stamp it," argoed (eneral Toomt, "how ale yon íoing to redcetn it V" "Exact ly." aid the (armer, "that was jtist what 1 was CQmiog to. Tlie people down ottv way air .min reiieiiiptioii." st. i.iniis Qiobe-Democrat. In Itfl report of tilu' International Edncatinnal cuinn-. In session at Ohlcago, the Ínter Ooeao of the 26th, had the (ollowlng interi'stinii paraKrapJi : Dr. James B. Amgell occupied the cJik'iir. a.nd disavowed any intetition of makiii'4 a speech. His address was oaie of tihe m(xst approprklte and eloquent uttenancee of the concreet. Ho refern'd m the ureat prOgreH made in educa t i mi in t:he l'nit cd States durLng the lasi thirty cars, wliieh he eharacterized as notliinu' less than a revolución, and emphaaixed the emdurlng ahturacter ol the beacher'a wiii'k uil iiis great reponslblllty. "Be i'iMinl of yonr work ; jiever Ik' aahfuned i it," he said. 'The yrwards indeed in money are small, but the gratitude and 1'iM' oí yonr di-cipics is Im'voihI ihc purchaslng power of gold " Th'ii democratie declaration that the MoKiuilvy tai-iff law Is still in lull fciicc and tiiat praeni 1dv prices are due to it, has been a wretebed pretende trom bhe lK-ginniiig and is huw .-,iiiwn to hv openly falae In Bevi'i-al important respecté. The McKhilry law is stil! part of the law if the 'land, it is truie, but it is belng taterpreted by Bourbon (ree traden win) ;i nixious 10 deetroy it and oare Uttle tor the fcnteation of the st.itntc iï a way ])rrscnts itsclf by which it ettert !■ nullifiiMl. This is the sci-rt ui part if the present lépre.snion n the prjee ( ooi trom whu-h farmers are sufferlng n MTerely. Becent niUnge of ttue treegury depertmeat have cbanged the BtaaBliicatkMi f a number of gradea of wooi by ïiicii the duty is reduced ncarly loo por oeut. By tliis reductlon oertain desirable hlgti cla--s wool.s come in at the rate lormerly iiid for tow gradeo, and the eompetil ion Avith the Amea-icflii pvoUiet is aceoedingly readered all the sharper and more severe. lliis phange in clflaBification is au old tdek of the iumrbon freo traden to destroy the effect of a law wit.hont ai-tnally repeaUng it. aod was trequently reeortr cil to by t in-in ander the tirst adminlatratlon of rri'-iilcnt Cleveland. : inio "private" Ufe- Enllsted


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