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Are You Going West? Solul tratas, vestibuled, with Pullman I'alace Sleepers, timing cars, and reclin'uiK chair cars freo, Chicago to Portland and San Francisco in 81 hours via the Union Pacific, the Wortd's Pictorial Lin. The Summer Tours of the Michigan Central, ''The Niagara FalLs Bonte," are unrivalled in thfir variety, picturesqueness, and comfort, lembracing the best routes to Petoskey, Maekinac Island and Michigan resorts, Niágara Falla, Thousand Islands and tlie St. Lawrenco River, the Adirondacks, Green and White Mnuntains, (anadian Jjiikcs and the New England Sea I u.i-l.. A copy will be sent upon appliOatlon to II. W. Hayes. Ticket Ag't., Ann Arbor. Aug. - 10. THE BAY VIEW SEASON. Half Fare on theYA. & N. M. R. R The advent of hol svather sets everybody thinking about the eool breezee and the good times af Bay View. The Summer Üniversity opens on July 12th, Üie A.ssembly on July 19th, continuing to Atiu'iist löth, and the Toledo, Aun Arbor & North Michigan K'y. will sell half tare round trip tickets there, covering the full season. Tickets will be gold daily trom July lOth to 19th inclusive, with return limit August 17ch. Return tickets from Ann Arhor will be only $8.45. The Assembly Programa are said to l the richest and the rniversity advantages the best ever offered there. The Üniversity Review gives all the programs and coorses of inetruction, tells all about Bay View, expenses, etc. The June number is beautifully illustrated and will interest you. Bend for it to Mr. J. M. Hall, Bay View, Mich. GUCOL.OID CÜREá RHEUrtiATSSm. If ono liottlp (]oi-b you no good, dun't bny anothor, ■"or Nale b.v IrULKitü or sunt postpaid un recfiijt ui prico, il .00. BURDSAL MHDiCINE M'F'C CO., Uaauuiu TnpU. CINCINNAÏI, Ó. E. E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Company, "CLEVELAND TO BUFFALO WHILE YOU SLEEP" Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Magulflcent Bidé Wheel Steel Steamers, "State of Ohio," and "State of New Yo-k." DAILY TIME TABLE. (Suudays Innluded.) L've CPv'laud, 7 :15 p.m. L've Buffalo. 7:4ÖF.K. Ar. Buffalo, 7:80 A.. Ar.Cleveland, s:uoa.m. (Central Standard Time.) Special Saturday Night Excursions to Niágara Falls Take the "C. & B. LINE." And i njoy a pleasaut and refreshiug lake ride irheo enroute íor The Thoüsand Islands, Eastern Summek EI8OBT8, DI! ANV KaSTKIIN. NBW ENGLAND OK (ANADIAN POINT. Wrlte for our tourist pamphlet. H. R. ROGERS, W. F. HERMAN. Gen'] Pau. Agt tíen'l Agt. T. F. NEWMAN. Gen'! Manager. CLEVELAND. O. fláel's Water Back ! A very important inventiun whick will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perienrtí we have lucceeded in pro ducing a simple and perfert WATER BACK It overcomes al) the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoming dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cail and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumhen and SteamfitUr. ANN ARBOK, MICB. Pil I TI M ÜTTv the from the dis" uUli IVlD U covery of America to ■UlllvUM "epreseuttimc. "sjsr % COLUMBIA For special terms applyatouce to PALESTINE PUB'G C0., Elkhart, Ind. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, ! : 00 o MONUMENTAL _; GEMETERY w o BUILDING g Also, Stone Walks. - Estlmates clieerfully furiiished. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts., ANN ARBOR, MICH GarfieldTeasi Cures Constlpation, ReetoreaConiplcxlon.SiTee Doctora1 Bills Bmplé tf. i;AKHi;i,uTiíCo.,31'JM5thSt Y CuresSickHeadache


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