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Earl Dow te ï 11 Petoskej tor b aon. siiiricy Hunter was-ln Monroe ovei Sniiiday. m;-s i.iiiio O mi''ii boa gone to Oli Mlsslan. Mfb. R. !. Baroey has returnec trom ChlCI T. A. Bogle retui ned [rcwn i Mca gfO '■ liin-sd.-iy. .1 iiii Dowdigan hae returned fron UiO WorW's E air. ría. T. Dooaelly and iarnlly art back i-in 'ui' Fair. Dr. Troiiiiinuii.-iin. oí Detroit, wo :,n tibe city Mimil.-iy.Dr. D. A. MeLacliton and tamily ni-e at C.iva.iiíniuh I.akc Mtas I'.ertlia Xcill is vistttng wltl Meuda at Bt. Jobos. Mr. and Mre. Morris are ii i-anip at [cdaod Lake. O. B. I. ('rozicr, Wlfe and son left j osterday tor dhteego. Mr. Go. Apie) bne gooe to Kala raazoo to vi-it frifiid-. Mr. i.nd Mi. Joilm V. Ik'iinrti int yeeterday a. m. tor ttoe fair. Jalm Sohlee rctni'iicU Prlday fron tJie greal show Id Oitoago. All S-pOUOd boy Bit tlic home Ol Al. Frnhanl'f, on tlie Northsidc. Mis May Wlng lias goae to Island I.akc tor a few wcck's stay. Titns Ilntzcl and fainily are spcnilinnr the werk at Znkry Lake. S. Dean and dauii'!it ts are home froni t-lie ('likaifo ICxposil cm. Wm. McCvccry is at Crass Lake, seeking relief trom riheumatlem. l'rof. Clia.-. E. Greene and fainily w 11 leave t o niorrow for the cast. rre.-Uleiiit Ans'ell expectS to lettre tor Uw Bea shore n a lew days. Miss IOinina Haley is spéoding a conplc of weeks at l.akcsidc, ohio. M. Howe, OÍ Woiecster. Mass., is vi-iiting 'hier Bteter Mrs. A. AV. Ames. Car] "Warden has returnt'd from a Avcek's stay at Lonisville, Ky. Mis. Ambroee Kearncy is entertalning Mtb. Martin, oí Des Motaee, ]ov;i. Bishop Gillespie, oí (iraml Rápida, i. at lii.s Klimmer home in ('harlevoix. Mre. Hfiirx ('. Meatb hem been vi iting Detroit friends durinj; Uic weck. Mre. Rebecca Nelson has been visIttalg Detroli Mentís iluring the weck. Mr.4. Dr. Y. D. Gaxwood and bou Culver, oí thi.s city, cure at Hay Vlew. Jalm F. Lawrence is back from n week'e fishiiifr at Strawberry Toint. Miiss Beoete Stevens lias Ix-en visitiiiir IVay dty frieiids a íew days. Prof. Mtootgomery mil fainily llave troné tu íieaiío to visit the great l'air. Mrs. Foote, of Jaokson, i the ífuest of Mts. Jas A. Robiisom, on S. Fifth a-e. E. F. Joilimsoni Avent to Van Wcrt , Ohio, 8nturctoj-, íor a stay of a íew days. Miss Emina Kemper, of the Axgus office, leít Satnnlay íor tile World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. "Warner and (laiifjrhter, oí ibis city, are at l!ay View. C. M. Stevens oí Aun Arbor. spent a íew days at Wliitniorc Lake last week. Miss (leorjiia Ifawcs leít Salurday nioiiiiiifí for Hro)k]T,n, . Y., lo vi-it friendo. Dr. W. II. .Jackson and wiíe retunied Satuiday írom an extended trip east . Mrs. Kos.s (íkiiisit and íainily left Tlnn-sday to join Mr. (iranfíer al l'ctoskey. Miss Bessie 'J'nmcr lea ves to-day for ChtoagO, lo be absent a conple of months. Prof. R. H. Kfinpf and faniily are in camp ai Widenmann's grove, Whitmore Lake. i'iof. i.cvi I). Wluea and Mts. Wines are dow at Mie greal Expoeitlon In Chicago. M';-s Leona rJJlcluaeJ Ief1 Tueeday ;i. m.. toe Xil.-. t-o be absent three or tour weeks. Geo. !l. SHOW, ol the Detroit Eveni 1 1 - New, .- 1 m 1 1 1 Siuiday with Ann Ar1 or ïi-IcükN. iSn, Kai ! Ware taxa famlly are in in in p at Widemmann' .u-i-.ivc, Whltüidrc Jy.-ikc. Eugvne Wagner ei bhe I'. . force, has been epending the week at Whitmore Lake. .Mis. Urn. '. J'.nrt and daughter have mmr In Omaha, Neb., In viit with trlemie. Mis. Kmiiy BoutweU and iíre. N. II. Dratoe lelt Mooday nilit for the Won-id'.s Pair. Mrs. I.ottic Mcdaris and danwhtor ïiavc Imh'd rtalting Detroit frleada durftiL the week. Toni V. Minnay. ..i the Daily Times, exprets to go to I'liat Satnrda.v, to iriui-n Monday. Gllefl 15. Lee and -wiie, and tlicir sons Prote. .1. II. and L. B. Lee, left Tlmrxda.v for (Iliicaso. Prof. J. C. Knowlton left I'riday tot ('iiarlcvoix to Jota lus faniily tliere the nimmer. rhas. w. Wagner expected home to-moiTow trom Wequetonftlng, tor a tew da.s. M. Staebler and íamily and (has. II. Jomes cmd faniily aro in camp nt Whit more Lake. Mi-s Amanda l'.r'ser and Miss lyouise Sililandfrcr ar.' vtedting Miss Minnie Vogel, in Cbelsea. On Mooday Fred G. Slri-licr. sister Sojihie. and Iklece MlSS S.-liuniaclirr. lfil tor liicaso. Kx-Mayor Doty and Mrs. Doty left tliis monüng ior tb WorM'a Pair for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Yandawarker and Miss Hnttie Warner are at Sylvia Lake, near I'ontia ■. Mi-s Eliza and Anna Ladd are at Olrarlevoix wlth thcir aunt, Mrs. 0. S. Qully, of Det.roit. John I'. .lainiiict. i Moaroe, was a pteeusaint callor at the Conrier office last Wednesday p. m. Mr. and Jlrs. W, C. Steveofl havo been enjoyiog Whltmore Lake atmosjiiicrc tor severa] iay.s. Mrs. T. M. Oocier, oi Mt. Cíemeos, vram tbe gaart of lier Bister Mm. J. W. liennott. last -pek. Mrs. Dr. Art.hur Xielnds went to Alpt'iia yestorday. to visit lier parciits. 0r. und Mrs. Howfll. Col. H. K. Deaji, accompaniod by tiis niiece Miss riara Dean. went to Old Missiun yestenlay a. m. XbOS. Taylor and fainily hare as their gucsts Mr. and Mrs. Arthur AVa.-jiliiirn. of ,-stin Joae, ('al. Will Armstromg-, of the P. O. force, accompamied by Mm. Arinstrong, lelt j-estertlay a. m. for C'hdcago. MlBB l'lorcncc Strrrett returned -Mnnday fi-oin a four weck's visit witli her parejits at Decatur. Arehie W. Wilkinsou, of Chelaea, was dmvn to the county capital Monday, lookiiiii alter lus law business. Mrs. ;. h.. Gnay, of Alpes, who is isitini; relativos faere, gocs to DcxIcr l'riday. to remain a .-hort time. Mi-s Mary Sullivau, of the 1'. O. farce, went to Obtoago yeeterday to M-it relativos and aee the Kxpositkm. .lanie-s J. Quarry. of Goodyear c Co., rotiunod from a isit with his parante at Park HUI, Oat., last Frtday. Mr.-. Mar.ííari't Delhi, aceoinpanied by hor dau.uhtors üortha and Kate, havo gome bo the World's J'air at rhica.iio. Adam A. Meutb and danyhter Klla left last Friday ninlit (or a slay of several wo.-ks, in Mihvaukee and Chicago. Win. Parker, of Ann Arbor town, lefi Miinday far Ilucknitiliamshire, l'niil.-uid, t)0 visit his old homo once more. Mi', and Mr=. .T. J. (iondyear loft atnrday a. m., tor ilil home in Xow ïoric state, to bo absent a few weeks. W. K. Childs and family retnrnod Moinday from OhdcagO. Tlu'.v woro very muctl pleased witli the great exïibitian. Mis Anima Muina expoots to leavr tor Klim this week Tliursday, to Bpemd a few weeks vtelting relatlvea und trtakds. rro.-eetitiii}r Attornoy Koarnoy lias wen ontortaininii Ben. Groenman, Of Miinneapoiis. focmerly tA Cbelsea, durmig tfae week, Mrs. D. BtaupMa and daiiiïhtor, Miss Hila, oí l'.riH-kville, (nt., are, visltlng 1h' formor's sister, Mrs. m. Hendry, on E. Ann tst. Oapt. Ty. L. Janes and wife, nee 'lora Oakloy. loit Monday night foa rapan, wfoere the captain goes to take a poeltlom ander the Japanese gorenuaent. I Roberi ( impiicl! and daugihter l'.Uzabeth are takiiog Iri the Chiva;;) tftlr :- week. W. I'. I'hüiip. u 'i; i -) Watertowa, X. V.. l;i-l Sai nrday, íur a weeks vacatiom. Mts. PWllipe will rotura borne witii hlm. Mrs. A. x (raíl. l. i)., ni Cleveland, oiiio. Is the üiu'si o,1 her daughber, Mis. Rev. C. .M. Cobern, at the M. E. paroanage. Daalel sm herían;!, oí Plttsfield, wtoo was injured hy tlic cyclone lasi sprLag, as n bown PrMay Une tbe first 1 un1 .-iiií-i' Unen. Mi.-s üii.M-1], wb i iia Ii.'im chosen bo b i -ilion in tlie Aun Arbor Iiíríi school, : attemdlng the Cbautanqua Aasembly al Bay few, Mr.-. George Cterken, accompaoJed liy .lauuiíier .May. left for 'liica.uo yc.-terday monniDg lo be abíaent siHuo time. Mr-. Hctm'J' DoI'iK' lias Ix'eii cnlerl aiiiin lier COUSiUfl (iaylor AVilncr o( Pontiiae. and Miss NVllio Wilner, of New York, luriuiír the weck.. Fred. v. Job, Eaq., oí Chicago, Ut. 'S5, law '87, was in Aun Arbor Moiuljiy. halr ainl hearty. He i.s cviilcnlly beiiisr tn-ated well. Judge Cióme, h&vtng recovered somrwjiat Irinn indisposition Btarted yesterday for Nantucket Reaoli, Ií. I., for a few weeks stay. Mr. and Mrs. Duke, accompaiiH'd by t.]u 1,-itter's ínother, Mrs. .To.haison. left Salurday for Hancock, Y. I'., íur permanent residener. Mi88 Marión (ray, wlio has leen visiiinir relat hes in Plint for thnv weeks, returned m Aun Arbor Friday, find is now the giiest oí Dexter reía ti ves. MilBB Kate Seynionir. oí pen.sion office, Washington, I). ('.. who has been Vislttng her mother, Mrs. I. C Srymo'ur, leít for the World's l-'air ye-terday. Mr. ].. E. Aller, oí Ihe ( )bservat ory, expeets io go to Sault Ste Mari" n.'X'. week. as a member ol the U. 8. government siu-vey. He ill be absent iintil (Ictolier. Si'tli Kandall has been ent ert aiuini; hlB mot lier. Un. V.. A. I!;i irlall, of lüiin i iiiiiiain. and eister Mrs. 1". Iï. Houghan. of Denver. OolO., during tobe weck. Sheriff Brenner and wife went to Livingston eoanty Monday, to attcni the funeral of Mtb. BV brother, er, I.ccipoiü Hoffmeyer, wbo died Snturday, irviI -I-". years. Mrs. N. ]!. Been, who has been vlsitiiiíí íi'ii'iids in i lie city, lea vea tor Cliicau'i to-diiy. Slu' s ac-companied li.v Mrs. II. A. Üc.-U, who will visit the World'a Fair tor a few weeks. Willis J. Abbot, of tíw Chicago Times, aeoompanied by Mrs. Abbot, ore :n the city a íew days, visitiagr tbelr parents, Clirist ian Maek anil wife. Mr. Abbot i cm his way to Washington, I). ('. Hon. Joseph T. Jacobs retumed (rom San Francisco, (al., last Thursday evening. He did not find that the WorWa Fair was producing the proper amoiunt of excitement among the westero people. Mr. and Mrs." AVin. '. IMiinehardt , oí Seattle, "Vahin;;tfm, are visitinii tbelr old lKHUe. Mi. II. was formeiiy MNs Mattio AValtz, dauliter of Mrs. .In.lin Armbrueter, and Mr. R. graduatied in the law daas of '89.


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Ann Arbor Courier