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Motor Line Time. Taking effi ■■■' Sunday, ..■ '■, (i Leave Aun Arbor. from Conrt House, at 6:85, .:. m., and 1 :IU 8:40, 0:1o, 7:10, and 9:4o n. ni. Leave Ypsilanti i , and 10:80 a. m.. and 1:00, 8:80, 5:00, 7 :00 and 9:80 p. ni. Sl'NUAY TIME. Leave Ann Arbor from Conrt House at 1:25, 2 :55. 4 35, 6 :25, S :lfl anrt 8:40 p. ni. Leave YpBllanti at 1:15, 2:45, 1:15.0:15,8:00 andJ:30p. ni. All cars run on city time. Coupou tickets 15 cents, for sale by conductora. Pleasure ride tickets Ypsllanti to Ann Arbor Junction and return 20 cents. For sale by couductors. J. E.BEAL. Prea. OPENING AflD CLOSIM OF THE MAILS OB'-FICK HOUR8. LOCAL TIMK. General Delivery and I 730 A. K. to 6.00 p M. Stamp Windows (7.15 P. U. to 7.4o p. M. MeÍK".i;;!n(antlKe.gU8.00 A. M. to 6.00 P. M. Carrier Windows 7.15 P. M. to 7.4o p. M. Sundays- General Deliverv. Stamp and Carrier Windows. 900 A. 10.00 A. M. - Mails Ma i is GOING EAST. Ci.osk. D'lfTB" Express Pouch to Detroit 7.45 A. M. Express Pouch from ( hig 00 A M Drt"&"Grand' Rapïds Detroit Chicago R. P. O. 5.25 P. M. 7.15 P. M. Express Poliches írom Kalamazoo, Mlch., Jack?on, Mich , and Detroit, ThreeRivere & Chicago „,.. Detroit ' Chicago R.' P.O. 8.00 P. ;. 7.30 A. M. Express Pouch to Detroit 8.00 P.M GOING WEST. Detroit A Grand RapideR. P O "Paper 1 rain, .. ..u A. w. Detroit & Cliicaso K. P. O. S.15 A. M. 9.00 A. K. Express Ponches to Chla-nIJa'in''lï.lOP.M. M P. . Express Pouch from Detroit .. ♦ ■ o-ü0 P'MDetroit & Grand Rapld. p r Detroit 'Cbicago R. P. O. s.00 r. K. 7.;!0 a. m. GOING NORTH. Frankfort 4 Toledo R. P.O. 7.15 a. m. 8.00 a. m. Express Pouch from To 12.30 p. M. Frankfort ' Toledo K P.O. 4.15 P. M. 5.00 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Frankfort ''Toledo R.P.'o. 11.45 A. M. 12.S0 p. M Frankfort & Toledo R.P.O.I 8.00 M. 7.30 A. M MKSSENGER SERVIl'K: Mail leavesforWeiusburgh.Tuesdays, Thursdays and öaturdays 12.UU M Mail arrivés from Weinsburgh, Tuesdays.Thursdays and Saturdays... .5.4t P.M. Mail airives from Dixboro and (Jeer, Tuesdays.ThursdaysandSaturdays, 11.00 A. M. Hall lea'ves for Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdays.Thursdays and Satsrrdayg, M.00 M ■ EUGl!riiii K" ír.Alj, Ann Arbor. ilirh.. Jn nr JS'JJ. Pontmaftn. WANT COLUMN. Short advertisemeuts not to exceed three lines. or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent, Wauts, etc, inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situations wanted. f ree. FOR SLE- Surrev. nearly new. Natura] wood finish. L.D.Vinea94 S. State st. 7tj AGEKTS WANTED.- Outfit free. Vrom 20 toiiOO weekly regularly earned by our laleimen. P. O. Box 1871 New York, 70 SALESMEX.- Energetic men wanted. Free prepaid outfit. One of our agenta has earned over Í20.000 in ti ve years, P. O. Box 13 1, iew York. i5_ FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. North's farm near couuty farm and Hullock-Everett iarm in Salem towu. Andrew E. Glbson, 30 .laynard street, Aim Arbor. 6m THK ARIZONA KICKER. Copyrighted 1893. Published every Wednesday. 50 ?ents for three months.i'2 per annum. Sample opies 10 cents. Address- Ahizona Kickkk, Tombstone, ArizonaFOR SALE.- The home of Mrs. DayouWashtenaw Ave. The house has 13 rooms and II closets, it is heated by f urnace, has a good ■cellar and plenty of water. There are 20 acres f land, with a good variety of fruit. Inquire at Mr. Fcrdon.s on Washteuaw Ave. Sopt. la


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier