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ÁDIRONDA mi fin TRADB MARK mmmemmm AND ■ VJtA. Nerve r l'ÜSITIVKl.V ( I HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Bteeplesauees and "il derangement of the Nervouí 8ytem. ünexcelled for Infants a Blested Boon for Tired Mothers and litPurely Vegetable, guaranteed fiee from opiates. One-hundred full size doses, 50 cents. K v. U. N. M Iddleton. pastor oí M. E. ehurch edtr Sprlngs, Mlch., says: Sloep and regí rere utrHngera to me after preaching till I usert "Adironda" Now I slffi soundly and awaie reí rcshed, and i can beartly recommend Prepared l.y WHEELER and FCIjLEK MEDICINE CO., Cedar Spring, Mich. Bold ly JOHX MOOEE, - DRUOGIST. A MEDICINE THAT MAKES GOOD BLOOD GILMORES AROMATIC WINE Will completely change the blobd In your system in three months' time, and send new, rich blood coursIng through your veins. I( you feel exhausted and nervous,are getting thin and all rundown,Gilmore s Aromatic Wine, which is a tonic and not a beverage, will restore you to health and strength. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments peculiar to woman. It enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. It is guaranteed to cure Diarrhcea, Dysentery and all Summer Complaints, and keep the bowels regular. Sold by all druggists ior $i per bottle. l-'.si Ai i: O [fi IAC BlSBEB. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol Washtenaw . u, sesslon of the Probate Court ior the I ui Waahtenaw, holdea ut the Probate Office in the city ol Aun Arl.or, mi Frlday.the twenty-eighth day of July ín the year one thousand elght hundred and nlnety-three. Present.J. lllai abate. In the matter i the estáte oí Isaac B On ri"lnif and lilinu the p titlon, duly yerltivd.oi ITrederick ü. Braun praying that aceítalo i n st ruim1 n t n ow on in this Coort, purportinü to be the last will and testament of ail deceased nmy adroitted u probate and that admlnlstration of said estáte muy be granted to himself the execntor in Bald ill MiihM ' ur to Bome oth r BUltable person. Thereupon it ta ordi red, that Monday, the twenty-elghth ds aai next, al 1 1 ■ 1 1 o'clocK in the rorenoon, be aasigned for the hearii etition. and that tlie devisees, ed, and all other persons interefted in said estáte, are requlred o appearal i I satd Court, tlu-ii io be hoiden il the Probato Office In tbe City of Aun ArbOr, and show cause, il' any there lp. liy the prayer oí the petlttoner ii nut granted : And it ■' . that - re notice to the persons luterestedln said estáte, í the pendencyof -lid petltlon, and the hearing tbereof, by caualng a c ■ publlshed in the Aun Courier, a newspaper prlated atlng in said County, three succes i 'ii(t day of hearing. [Atruecopy.] J. v, .:..; i i . Judge of l'robate. W. G. Dotv. Ebt vi i: op Habbibi M. Wihg. OÏ.VIE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteu'a "4-son of the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the ( il y ol Ann Arbor, on Thursdav, the thirteenth day of .lulv in the year one thousand eisht hundred umi nlnety-three. Present, .1. Wlllard Babbltt, Judge oí ProIn the matter of the estáte of Harrlet M. Wing, deceased. On reading and flliiig the ietition. duly renBed.ofMtnifleM.VaiiderweTker.praylngthata certaln iustrmnent now on file in this court, pnrportine tu be the last wlll umi testament of said deceased.may be admltted to probate and thal admlnistratlon of s:id estáte may be granted to Edward D. Klnne, the executor in sald ill named, or to some other suitable person. ilii-reupon it is ordered, that Monday, the fourteenth day of August next, nt ten o'clock In the foronoon, be asslgned for the bearlng of said petition, and that the devlsees, legatees, imd lieirs at law nf sai.l deceased, und all other persons interesad in said estáte, are required to appeara) a sessionof said court, tfien to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in suid County, and show catfse, U any there betwhy tlie prayer of the petltloner shouldnot begranted. And it is further ordered, ilat s.iid petltloner glve notice to the persone Interestedln said estáte, oi the pendency of paid petition. and the hearing thcreof, i.y oanslng a copy of this order to be publiahed in tl' Ann ArborConrler,anew8paperprlnted and clrculatlng In saiil County, three suecesBlve weeki prevlous to said day of hearing. [A true copv.l J. WII.I.AKl) BABBITT, Judgeol Probate. V. (i. DOTY. I'robate P.eeister. ESTATB Ol' Kl.IZAHKTll II. WlXKS STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol Washteuaw, BS. At a Bession of the Probate ('ourt lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at Probate Oftice, i 11 the City oí Aun Arbor.on Tuesday. the thirteenthdayof June, in the vearone thousaud eight hundred and niuety-tliree. Present, J. Wlllard Babbltt, Judge of ProIn tlie matter of the estáte oí Elixabeth H. WInes, deceased, NancyW. Hadley executrix of the last wil) and testament of Bald deceased, comes iuto court and representa that she is now prepared to reader her final account ai such executrix. Thcreupon it is ordered, tlnit Tuesday, the elghteentb day of July next, at ten o doek in the forenoon, be assigned fur examlnlng and allowlog racb account, and that the devisees, légateos and heirs-atlaw of said deseased, and all other persona interested In sühI estáte, are required to appear at b Bession of said Court, tlieu to be holden at the Probate ónice-, in the City oí Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the Bald account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said executrlx ive notice to the persons interested in suid estáte, of the pendency ol s:iil account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy ol tbia order to be publisbed in the Aun Arbor Courier, a newspaper prlnted and circulated In said County, three snoeessivs weesj previous t" said day nf lu-ariiiff. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atruecopy) JDDOBOI PKOBATI, w. (;. Doty. Probate Register. DO ÏOUR Tpi II BI m HÜRT? DO yOÜR 11 II I 1 11 BURN? DO ViUi; II II I I 8WKAT? DO Vi. ri; L U U SCA1 DO YUÜR fl II 11 BLISÏKR? DO VOUR I ' I I I 'I I 8TINK7 DO ÏOÜR I J i J CRACK? DO YOUR -1-■ ■LM ■- AN.NOY Othersand Make Life a Barden to You? If bc tlivn siifTer no loiiK'1!1, t"it seud 25 Cents to E il. PORTEE, War; uw Illinois, whosuffered th torments oí the dainned for iu yeurs, r-jirn uver $60 and finally disoovered a simple remed that he guáranteos to cureor return themonei Willgive instant and permanent relief. Yoi io the World's Fair and your feet ill l the last members to f uil you. Bend postal not [or 23 cents. orl3 cent stampa and receive b return mail a prescription that any druggis wlll flll for 10 cents timt will make you Fei 90 years younger. [State where you Baw tlii advertisemenl wheii you wrlte and you w i] receive n luiinoroiM poem with the pn tlon, entltled "The Man With the Tende I No1 .M'i loei iin' Sandwiches Queei ],iliu(ikal;i ui. sinmiil be Inillcted rot manslaughte -Canutáis. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUK k Arta aviig M t Ann Arbor Michigan, at tlie close of business, July l-J. 1S93. RESOUKl iOnns and dlsoounM... $438.i; tocks, bouds, niortgages, etc 379,579 38 Overdrafts 8,270 5 CASH. iiio from banks in reserve clties $100,676 u Due from other banks and banken 1,4! tanking house is,joo Ou rurniturt', fixtures iind safety deposit vaults... 12. 7i, 29 Other real estáte 4.ÏI97 07 Current expenses and paid 61 94 lilis in transit !hecks and cash items... ( BM 34 Hekels and pennies 80 95 Gold coin 17.1XK) OU her OOlD 3,900 00 I. 8. and National Bank notes 21, -171 150,2 4. : ■:: $1,00837 is UA.BILITIES. !apltal stock paid in $ 50.000 00 Surplus fund l.Mi.000 0O Undivided profits 236] Divldends unpaid ööl cu DEl'OSITS. Individual deposita tl57,ltó 46 Certiflcatesol deposit.... 6795 00 Savinga deposita 5111,284 805.7J i - !fl,008,5:;7 Is STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. ïjMlchael J. Fritz, Assistmit ('tishierof the above Damed bank. do BOlemnl e wear that the above statement irt true to the best of in y kuowledvu and belisf. michaki. J. FKITZ, Assistaut Cashier. Correct- Attent: Chbibtiah Iack, L. Gki V. D. HABBIHAN, Directora. Subscribed and sworu to before me this 15 th duy ol July, 189o. L. GRCNER.Xotarv Public. Estáte op Jbknib X. Bennbtt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnshtenaw, ss. At asessionof the Probate Court for the County of Washteiiaw, hulden at tho Probate Office in the city ui Aun Arbor, OD day. the lst day of July. in tlie year oue thousand.elght hundred and atnety-three. Present. J. Williard Babbitt, .ludge of Probate. In the ïnnttiT of the estáte of Jennle N. Bennett, deceaoed. Krank Benaett, the admtalstrator of estáte, comefi into court and represents that lic is imw prepared to render his final account aa Btich Adxninlstrator. Thereupon Itisordered that Tueaday, the29th day of August ten o'clook in iho fortnoon, b asslgned foi eiamlniug and all, such account, and that the betre ai law ol deceased and all other peroons Interested in sald estáte, are requlred to appeai at ol sald court then to be holden at the Pro m the city 01' Ann Arbor, in Couuty. and show causé, ii' any tin i the sald account should nut beallowed : A Is (urther ordered( that sald Administratoi notice to the persons Interested in said i - o! the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a. newspaper prlnted and oirculatlng in said county, three successlve weeks previous sail day of hearing J. WIU.ARD BABBITT, (A truecopy.) Judok or Pbobí Win. G. 1oty, Probate Refrister. J 11 !-]hv - Cliini:1-. Mueli cry ;ni.l litili' wool" - KI The GiTl I I.fil ürhiiul Me"- Xlll'M'. AlWMVS getB !t U:iu t 'll-lli'll- ïllC Scrcw. ui ec&aatasttcal .statlonry- A cburch choir.


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Ann Arbor Courier