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A Common Money System

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The ideal moaey system is yet to bc brought tato ose. tn cours of time the great commercial oountrlea ol tbc (►rld will hftve to join hands 11 a conunnn can-c, nurce upon in :-suc ui n'oM ami sllver on a common ratio fr currem-y, supplemented by paper money based on the coln. TheiM' is not enöugh Kold to do the v.'i."d"s hiini's. whili' OU tlis' (Ulier hand there Ie too much sllver for tlhjte ciiiint ry t: cany akMie. The bost and mirest vray to brlng mi. Germany, Fraace, Italy and Austria to set' tfce valuc o.' t'.iis is for the T'nitcd States to cense attemptlmg bo carry the )ix süver burdcii. '1 'Im-ii in the fttruggle ior gold wc are in the besi posltloa, ior here ba win-ic so ín n -u oí it is prodaced. Tlic natlons ol the eairth would -i tor wiiat we produce. We nmst stop purcbaalng silver and ii't ou: what allver dolían and bulllom we have stocfced ii[i In tlic vault.s. '1 he uree aUver men argüe [rom pure Beltlshmeee In asking the government bo pay thirty cents more t'or their Bllver t.han it is woi-th. 'lhcy ask the farmers to help them do it. Now why d ilirv nol agree to help the ïarmers to gel a dollar for tlieir wiieat in return? Wïneat and corn are depreesed a.s niuth as sllver. The country is In no niorc dangei from the loaBee oí the mine owner than thoee of the farmer. aUver men are wel! organized amd prepared to speud a considerable money in preventlng the repeal oí pxirchaae clause ol Uu Bhecmao blll. Jïut we beMevé Pres. Cleveland wil! be able, with the help ol the republiean membere cA eoogrew, 6o stop tiiis tribute peylng to tha sllver mine 'Owncis.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier