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Portage Lakr. nortii of Dexter, hae inany campers theoe day. The dry weather la destroyiag the cucumbcr pjckle erop at Dundee. The childivn will have thelr day il Bt. l'aul's churi-h. I helaea, Aug. 13. Farmer's picnic and reunión at AVlutinoic Lake Satürday Ahí. 19. 'l'iicrc ie a rumor bo t he etfed that the Blrkett I'. O. ba Boon to be diseoni tinu'd. Mire. Staffan Ie to open a nrw niillhiery store in the Qatcb and Durand iiiock, Chelees., soon. Qregtjry [armen hare resolved to liold their wool for Ijetter priees. Fmi yeara i a limg time. Tlhe Herald says tliat the íirst load of ncw wiieat raarketcd in Chelsea lirought omly 57 cents per lmshel. The Nlesly iamiiics and Iotiis Storm and íainily oí Saline and vicinity had a picnic ;H i" thenelvB laat Thursday. Iluildhüi is livcly at PlymOUth. Twelve brie stort, a brlck hoase and barn end four frame dWelllngB ave going np. .lolm Murdock, who was accMentally killed at Dexter reeently, liad $1,000 liic iii-Miaiicc In tli' Odd l'i'llow.s Mutual Benefit Ass"n. ccordlng to tiw Observer the Saline base ball dub has at last won a L.:;ni They deteated the Milan oine tlit' ottocr day -'1 to 1". ■ Tlie farm home oí Ilarii-on Phelpe lm Dexter is being remode] id and built ovir and whon eompli'tcd wlll be a farm house bo brag n. Tlie mipremie conrt has dectded that supervisors are ontitlcd to pay only diirtalg authurized geSBiOOO of the board. AVlui said 1licy were '.' Wbat tlie poor i1or-.í of Cheteea are golmg to live on. through the winter, te a pathetic queetion. The p are pretty nearly all used up.- y a Prees. The many friends of George Damon vvill be pleaed to learn tha.1 he la dow employod on the Electrlcal In,'mstr.cs. exoe of ilic teadlng electrieal jotirnals of Chicago.- Ypsilantian. Mr. and Ure. Alvo Freer are movng into paft of Mr. and Mre. Jas. I'. "Wood's house, and Wübur Kempl and famffly will occupy Mr. Freer'a Jefferson rt. property. - CJwïeea Heralil. In Bome localltlee H Is Baiö i lm t the sshoppers .".re uumerous and flesiruciivi- iiis season. It Ia sald that graeehoppers, when nk-ely Med are umi food. Never bried any howerer. en the evwiing o! 9, Mies Julia St&bb!ns e1 city, and Mr. Kdward .T. Jenninge, oi Fargo, . D., wrili be married at t lic home o! Mr. Anna C. Leooard, '.177 Oroae street.- Ypsil.-inlian. Captain Allen was ca lied ;vay on bus:nr.s liiesday and inilrii t-0 the pegret of all present, could nnt get baok to addren the colored peopli om tbe occasion o! thoiv celebration. - Yiisilantian. A woman who goea feo ínarket wêariog a dreaa with a trall afoot ur livu lont;-, has no jusl canse foi oninplaint tl siinic 0OE slep-J on it and BÊe loees part o! harnees.- Dex-ter News. Hrar '. Hear ! is, Lawtotn wears ih" beli at-he (■hanipimi record breaket at the basket (actory. Ou Tliursday lic emaabed all prevkM records t gmithereefta by maklng i.u'ih; berry baskets by hand.- Dcxter News. Tranips who cali 0D Mts. John r.niwn, at Bellevillc. and are gaucy mail.' arquaintcd with her watciidog. A tramp came oeaï bedng chewed up tlH' ütlier day, who atteinptrd Lo torce liis way into the house. Good KotwltlhBtaiidlng the fací tnat there i plenty o! ivurk in all parta Ol MUhiuan in the hay and harvest .'.ld-, ihe tramp OUiBance does not seeiu to abate :i single jut. In fact it seems to !);■ growing vrome every day. - Gheteea Herald. ( hei.-ea reilitors look in vain tor the familiar lacee oí quite a number ..Í llieir de-btore. The debturs have lefi inuii ; but, disgulsed in ■'smugmugged" facee, they are there seeUng new credlts, ander new drian Press. vi:afs th matter with the as tromomers? All the cometa they !-■:■ niv a-days are doublé 7" Thns the Brooklyn Exponent. What is the matter witli the Exponent, that it cannot .-ee wliat s tlie matter with Ktronomers '.' -Adrián Prese. IÍ i pei-Min tells y;i;i the eleetric i ilant has lieeu suld tu a farmer souti of t lie Ulage, don'1 ask hlm What tlie ïainier i.s golng to do with it, for if yim s.honld, your tnformer will reply, "He expecta to use it to glioek ei. in.'" Chelsea standard. The small boy in seatTCh oí tlie "round" square was on the street last weok. He was very accommodatlng but conld not flnd it.- I'inckney Dtepatcb. II must be he didn't ook very shat-p. It is a COmmOD hinir here fnr bnys to round 1hv I (jr, are. Adrtan Prees remarks: "YesenJay, .havinií by a singular Btroke :i mn BuHteJeal oí casto to pay oei age, i b pubUsner erf the Semtlroel maiied statements oí subscrlption accounts" etc. Baus tUe Vp.-imii Sentinel. üurglary in t elty be i ame week, If tbc people who keep doga woold -nut Uiciii Ib the oiliars nlghte they would cdii rr e mi sufferlng hunaniíy, eapeclally sick. A Btranger In town at nlght wowM tiiink there vrtu oothlng but doga her. theteea Standard. Xhe supply hiuld be ciw talled. A Uve in Detroit tb other day destroyed eoveral dweUUngs. In one ol une butUHags $250 was bumed, which the ov.m-r had withdrawn [rom a eavlnge bank for íear the bank niiííht 'TwBt'." Better leave your money lm the banks. It te nunii üaíer than liiding it in your liousc- riymoutli Mail. .T.,1111 Pockllnyton peceived throngh the postoíflce, the other mornlng, a lai-Kt' package, whi-h he oarcinlly earr;'(l witk liim íiUout town Idr a Ldertuble Ume, and on opening it i,,uyd il 1o coiitain h-vítmI sJiecK oí íly peper coyeped wlth captured tliee. As mi name was enoloeed he la ai a Loee to kuow who to thank íor the act oí üeinvo-ity.- Dundee Reporter. Tboae were lUea onJohn, i vldently. WhilJe the engine at the stoTO works sv&8 simt dowa for noon to-day, Ras accnmiilau-d around the ÍK)iler, and wiuem the englneer started up agaln at one o'clock, an explosión took place which shattered the Urick WOrk aroimil 1he boller, and broke nearly every window glaes in tlic building. I'i-ed Clark one Oí t'ne at the works. was near the boiler When the explosión took place and was quite b.Miüy cu about the head by [alling brieks.- ('holsta llera Id. CasMer Newklrk, oï the Dexter Savünga Bank, has a safety, and so has his wife .".nd daughteri lt la aoM that Wiri can Bteer clear oi a ii:ii!i already. ií he cam only be given distanee enough, and the team is ttOt gOdng too toBt. Tliere was no ii'üi h in the nunor tliat he liad barked nearly all the shade treea in Dexiít with his machine'. He may give tjbem ;i elo e ea'.i somel tmes, bu) he WOttld jmnp oif of the eouitrnry Bteed beforo niimiiijï Int inythinji ol the kind. A correspondent from Delhi Informa iis ihai ;i couple oí persona whom Jonas Mar.-h í i ! i a t place took tn be susplcioas dwracters entered his house last Sahbath ;utTiioon. Mr. Mareh'S al vaiuiMl lü' rciaiiis inurh oí liis yniulini! a-iiiiy. and Belzing ol tofcrudew h . ■ r-l liim nmi the bonee. Tin' other was poeeessed oí a little more miisiele and ttte old gentleman only snccc.-dfil In despoüing him ,,i a greater part of lus stoirï, which he can have al any linie by oalling tar lt.- Dexter News. '■James Trim anil wile, whO used to live here, wi-nt to Nlrginia, where 'l'i'iia boiiuin M'inc land. The eou)il; livcii vuahappily, the hUBband (lied and Mis. Trim nioveil away trom Virginia. Tliis week a Wils reeeived from Virginia Btating tliat a Hg fortune awalted Mr. Trim ii Bbe wiiul.l come and elaiin il, as the and ov.nnl by lier lir.sband was very vaiuable. Mrs. Trim has not yct I ii ionml." The abuve cljpplng la the Evening News ol Mie 'd tost., and was s.-n! Iruni I'ort Huron. li-. Trim referred t i is the mother of N. I!. aiul E. E. Trun and Mrs. HcGregor and lives here. 1 i ■ Bons iiave telegraphed the lawyers in Port Hurón to 1 1 1 : 1 1 effect.- YpsUantl Com■i;ll.


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