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Tueaday.Ang.SOth, the Detroit, Lanslng cv. Northern R. K., In connectlon wltb the "Scenlc Line"- Chicago West Micb.:I i'.y.- wlll run their aunual f ft!f J ïow rats excursión to r aW Vy Rate '■" Bouth I.yon will be $5 00 íor round trip, tickets good to return on any regular train flAfflflfl until September 7th, inclusive. IHliliff Speel! train will k-ave Soutli I.yon at 9:1S a. m.. StoppiDg nt ; rancl Rápida for clitmer, and AWIÍÜAT 'J'r.urrsu ( i tv for Supper nnd arÉlilUiiH riTlng at Petoskey at 9:15 p. M. Baggoge h 111 be etaecked tlirough to auy station uorth of BsldwlD. LXCUHS1QN Connection tor Maulsteela made " " " ,u ManUtee Crossing, at Thompsouville for Frankfort, at TraIBfl Mise ( iiy fir adjacent resorte and at Wllllamsborg for Kik Kapida. Tliis will be your best opiiortunity this year to visit WPflrfV tlK' Nortller" Miclli11" i'ouutry ■ ■■UmUMII'11 Vl'r s"1"" uxl'0I1:;c' flni euable you to sec the splendid scenery along tho liue of the West Michigan Ry. CEO. DeHAVEN, G.P.A., Grand Rapids. JAY C. TAYLOR T8H3I Scloist - AND- Teaclier cf tlie "Vclce. Studio, 51 South Mnlii Street, Aun Arbor. SÁFETY DEPOS1T BOXES! TO REM', In the New Vaults of m ui mi mes m. Absolutely Fiie umi Bnrglar Prooi. CALL AND INSPECT THEM. DO rODR fin --i rrt HURT7 ] Yiiri! I II I 1 f I I BUBN? DO YOÜB I I I I I I 8WEAT? DO YOUR LJ LJ IJ 8CALD? DOYÜÜR II II 11 BU8TKR? DO YOUR I I I i STINKT DO YOUR I 1 ! i CEA( K ■ DO YOUB x - x AN.NOV Others and Makc I-ife a IJurden to Yon? Ií so. tlu'ii sulTrr no longer, luit send 25 Cents to E. H. PORTKR, Wanaw Illinois.whosuffered the tormenta of the damued for 10 years, spent over $"u and finally discovered asimple remedy that he guarautees to cure or returu the money. Will KÍV6 Instant nuil permanent relief. Yon can do the World'a Fair and your feet wlll be thi' last members to fiill yon. .Send postal note for 22 cents, orlo 2-ccut stamps and receive by return iiihíI a pretcrlptlon that any druggisY will fill for 10 centa that will make you lee] 20 years younger. [State wherc you saw this advertltement when joi write and you will reoelve a humorous poem with the prescrlption, entitled '-The Man With the Tender Feet."] Estáte of Isaac Bisbbb. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washten;iv, ss. Ai ■ lesalOD of the Trobate Court for the County of Waslltenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tha twenty-eighth day of July. in the year one thousandeight hundred and olnsty-tnree. Preaent.J. willard Babbltt, Judge of l'robatc. In the matter of the estáte oí Isime Bisbee, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly yerifled.of Frederick B. Uraun iirajriug that"a certain instrument now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last will and tMtameni of said deceased may be adxnitted to probate and that iidmiuistratiou of said estáte may ba granted to himself the executor in said 'will named or to gomeother auitable penon. Thereupon it la ordered, that -Monday. tlic twenty-elghtb da; of August neit, al ten o'clock in the foicnoon, be assiened for the hearing of said petition. and that the devlaeea, legatees.and heirs at law of said dpceased.and all other persons Intereeted in sni.l estáte, ure requlred to appearat n aesalon of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office In the City of Ann Albor, and show cause, ií any there be, why the prayer of the pctltioner should not be granted : Ámi U ia furtherordi red, that said petltloner glve notlce to the persona Interestedln aald estáte, oí the pvndcncy of said petition, and the hearing thereof.' by causlng a copy of this order to bepublished iii the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper prlnted and i'irrulaiinu' In said County. three succesalye eeks previoua to snil day of hearing. [A truc copy.] J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of l'robate. W. G. Doty, Probate Résister. Gaiiield tea sss; . ureasick nt;adache.Rïetore8Cnnpll.-iion.3ftves Doctors Billa. Bampleírue. (iAKFiKLDTKt :..3WW. 4óthSt.,N.Y. Cures Qonstipation ADIRÖNIA ■iiiiinim TRADB MARK ■miiiwnw Wfoeeler'sy) y erve ""- rii.-nivi.i.v ( QREfl HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. SJeeplessness and all derangement of the Nervoua System. - ünexcelled for Infants A Blossed Boon for Tlred MoUkts imtl Restlen Bables. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses, 50 cents. Rev. ('. N. Middleton. pastor of M. E. ohnroh ivdij .sjirinss, Mich., says: Sloop and rast rere strenger to me aller preaching till l used "Adlronda." Now i sleep ounaly and awiiko refrcshod, nud Ican heartly reeonimend Prepared bj WHKBLBE and FULLEK MEDICINE CO., Cedar 8prlngs, Mich. So!d by JOHN MOORK, DRUGGIST. A FEARFUL SLftUGHTER mam m i We are greatly overstocked on ChÜdren's Knee Pant Suits ! And have decided to close this overstock at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRIGES Two hundred Children's Suits (n all sizes) will be sold within the next two weeks at a reduction of 25 TO 50 PER GENT. POSITIVE BARGAINS .' MET YOUi FIRST CftOICE. A. L. NOBLE, Clothier and Hatter. Estáte of Jknxik X. Iíexnktt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Siiturday, the lst day of July, in the year oue thousand,eight hundred and niuety-three. Present, J. Wllliard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jennie N. Bennett, deceased. Frank Bennett, the administrator of snid estáte, comes into court and represents thal he is now prepared to reuder his final account as sucta Administrator. Thereopon Itisordered that Tuesday,thc29th day of August ten o'clook In the foreDoon, lic assigned for examlnlng and allowing such account, and that the belrs at luw oí rala 9ed,and all other persons lnterested In said estáte, are required to appeai at a lesslon of said court Uien to bc hulden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor. ia said County, and show cause, if any tliere be, why the said account should uot beallowed' Andit is furt her ordered, that said Admi m istrator give nptlce to the persons interested in said estáte, 01 the pendency ol said account, and the hearing hereof, by causlng a oopy of this order to be published In the Aun Árbor Courier, a aewspaper prlnted and circulntlng in said county, three successlve weeks prevlous to said day of hearlOS. J. WILLAIU) BABI1ITT, (Atruecopy.) Jodgk of Pbobatb in. .. DOIT, Probate Resistor,


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Ann Arbor Courier