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■Vhen Adam, in bllss, Askcd Eve for a kis, she paekeied Iilt lips with a coo; (Jare a look soecstatic. And aogVered emphatlo, " I dou't care Adam, il' I do." - (;hicago Blade. [lot '.' Well, ves, sume. Dusty ? You are riglht, Mr. . Dry ? Otanly ; extra dry. School comrai'iiiTS tivo weeks trom Monday. Tratnpe are getting to be very numcrous, verjr bold amd very bad. The familiar face of Joe Buil is about the streets again, peddllng as of yore. Services will be eowJacted in the Geddea school house by Rev. E. M. Diff on Sundny aJteraoon next. A fkwer soctal is to be given the Bvenlmg at the A. M. E. church, to wiiich everybody is invited. Three candidatos fat mail cavrier's positiojis were exaniined by the local civil service board Frlday. Frank Wood was initiat cd as aldermiui of "de bloody tlmi-d" at the council meeting Monday cvening. Sjnion Scbalrer, oí tliis city, has gone to Dexter to curry on the Jewet ry business oï the l;il' .lolin Murdock. The bci-ry pickei-s on John Sebafter'8 farm, jnst west of tlie city, were a ;i picnic ar Wliitmorc Taki' Saturday. Justjce Pond unlted Elvin Blaisdell, of "Webster, and Miss Anuir GillespU'. oí ilastin.n-s, in mttrrlage, m Monday. ! ■!■ new adilition to Uir first ward (■1 building will not be irady by Sept. Ist. Only the baaement story OW lip. ,!ul:ii Jcttcr. ()í Aun Afbor town, a fine Shropslürt" ram that Btrayed on to his premises a few day's -ii Bicycle riders are not eepeclally fond of tlic ncw gravel on poine of OUT Btneete. Pavemente would certalnly bo better for them. Mts. Fannie Wheeler, widow of the atf. Aneon Wheeler, of Northfield, ücd on the (itli, and funeral terlices were held this a. m. Regular service swill be resmued in tliO rresliyterian church uext Sunlay morning, the pastor Rev. J. M. t'.rlston occupyinii the pulpit. On Friday erealng a lanii social is to be given the membexs of Arbor Hive L. O. T. M.. at the residence of Mr. Cousiiis, No 26 S. University avenue. A Avorkmaii named C. AVicks, while fUing a street car wire on Wasihtemaw ave, neer Forest, last Monday, feil about 20 feet, itnjuring liim.elf quite badly. Henry Waldron, m' Salem, has cn! Beven of his rercheron. horses at the AVorld's Fair, and expects to leave for CSiicago with his crack finiines Qext week. "The ncw gas-holder at the gas uorks, is about completed" sayfl the Argns. Xmv if tliey could get somellnni? that would hold the gas coli- !- Adrián l'ress. Miiry h:il n littte dog So thin it could'n hark: One ilisirial nlght, nfar from home. It nandered in the dark. Koor Mal y mourncd hor little pet. And iniii tears aba biirat; Tor wlicTi it came to heragaln. Itcamu as weiner-wurst. tSlee Fanny Stearna, Ut. '98, has accept cd a poottion in the Adrián ooilege ae teacher ot Bctónce and Mathematica. She U the daughter of Editor Stearns, of the Adrián Pres. There s M-n.ius ccimplaint ivbout the wator SUpply ainonvr taken. Many oï them say give VB river water if there is not sufficient good water to supply the city, but give us water. "Kind worde can never die," saya the good old song. But they do. People's memories are sometlmea treaahoroTi. It is jiot t'avnrs jiasl but favors to come bhey are looking for. A man who lias DO fear of being mobbcd, aays that we will have no more rain untU Sept. lst or thereabout. Would it not be well to m:k1 for tfaOSe rain makers out in Texas .' The weatner clerk fooled na ogaln Saturdwy eveoiug. (louds gathered it tihuadercd, tlie wind moistened its wJiikstle, but no rain descended to cool off the eartli and quiet the dust climds. The inl'ant danbter uï Mr. and Mrs. ]".. M. Wlteom, corner of N. State and Bi Ann si-., (lii-d Monday, and the rema i ns wei-e baken to Di'erfield for ijiterrnirnt in the fannly burying tl ie J il 11(1. John 1'. Lawrence has been retained to defemd A.ttorney Mrs. Mary C. Wliifnifi'. In the snit lirought against her by her brother-ln-law, Ben]. McCraw. of which nientiiin was made last weel;. Martin .T. Cavanaugfa and John V. Slheeham have been appointed lelegatee by the congregaiUoo of St. 'riicmias ■hurch. to the Catholie congreea iiiat meeta In Chicago on the 4 tli oí next monta. Wonder how much lem Ann Arbor people pay for port at thie markets than they did before the price took guoh a tnmble? If you are CUrlOUS to know ask your meat market man the next time you buy steak. At tibe recent meeting of the Board of BegentB, Art.hur N. Cuehny, A. M., M. I)., of Aberdeen, Scotland, at present Instructor in Materia Medica at StraSBbnxg, (erinany, was clected snecessur to Dr. Abel im the chair of Materia. Medica and Therapeut ics. An ezenaage recommeade thai when you buy a ni'W lamp ehiinney, you put it in a vessel of cold water, Bet t OH the itove and boil it. You can never break that chimney uniese yciu tlirciw a flat iron at it and it wuift break even t.hrn if yni miss it. The employés of the Michigan Furnlture tactory were pleaeed to have tlie works start up aiain Monday, after a number of weefca of Idleness. The factory has orders on hand for a large quaaitlty of furniture, pro-bably all that it will be pOMlblé to ni.-ike. The latent incandvseeiice, hanging arounil the l'niversity, even during vacation, recently ignited tlie coal in the bunkers, containing 3,000 tous. and only the prompt application of water amd salt prevented the hotte si time tlie Unlvenity bas had Bince tihe recent Homeopathie unpleasantnese. - Adrián Prese. It is perhape not generajly known the Univcrsity Hospital is open in the summer, but it K .nul Dr. Darling tells us that on AYednrsday teel i hert? wciv ihii-tccn nrw patiënte in the Hospital. It glvee l'ni IMrsity corps of physicians. a sulürirnt amount of work to do during aratiom to drive away ennui. Edwin R. Ourtls, oí ttUs city. eme of tiir oM residente, and a man very nnu-u eeteemed by ble oeighbors and iricnds. died of typhoid fever, at lus farm in Dixboro, on Monday last, agd 64 years. T.he funeral servhses wLll Ihj lield to-day froni the faniily ii ,-idonce No. s:t E. WfUfoingtOD 8t. And now our g-ood people down the Iluroin wiio paae in the world as Vpsilantians, have g-ot to stop prinklini? tbeir fttreeta witii city water. ïhe imcxhaustible supply of pure water in thoir well is belng exliaiistcd. and a water faminc ataree thoin in the face. Thcy Iiavr no pipes leadin.;;- to Mie rivor, it is said. Miscry loves company. At tlie regular county -xainiuation of teaclicr.s field at the court house in this city last Tlmrsday and Friday, tiitM-c were 105 applicanta for the exainuiation. 'Jlio county board are bosy makinii out, the papen and will aamounct; the list probably ncxt Saturday. Tile examimation questioms wore a littlc barder tlian usual so the feacliei's thought. The city mnv has sufficient funds on band to go ahead with the great number of cross-walks needed so much in all parts of the Corporation. It may be a question whore to begin, but if the Bord of Public Works will takt; tiiis matter in hand and begin samewliorc, and koop at it, thry will desorvo and ivccivo the commendation of tin' people. Thci-o ha.s lx'en lüonoy raist'd for tliis purpjMe and it shonld be exDeaded thercfor. The postage stamp puzzle that was ]mi)iiiic(i a few day's since is nnswered i 11 tihis way by a correspondent of t lic Oedar Sprlmga Cllp;:?r : 2 )c= 2 IS 10= o 8 lc= 8 I 30= 8 10 2c X 10 2c=32 30 3c=90 25 8c=75 30 Sc ■" fl SI 1 11 1C=11 14 1C=11 J7 IC 17 22 2c=4i 28 2c=66 :;i 3c 8 15 3c=-J. lu 8c=8U 5 3c=15 1 tl $1 The kM of 8. O. Ilailley. of Lyndoii, for barn and contenta destroyed by fiic .iuly L6tb, was settled by tbe Wa.-htcna w Co. Mulual I'ire Ins. ('o., Tuesday, allowtag $1,876 thcrefor. Ateo tlie los of O. W. Harris, for barn and contenía destroyed July lOth, at $688.82. A locis for horae killed by ligihtning belonglng to Mary Farrell of Dexter, was adfosted at $20, ThciT wciT otber smaller losses adjusted. Misa Julia M. Cotant has returned trom a two year'a atay Ln BonMer, Colorado, very much Lmproved in hialth. She had a very pleasant journey en lier way home, haring Btopped to visit friends at Omaha, Rápida, Mllwankee, Two Rivera and a week at the "World's. Fair. Sinoe her return, he and lier mother have taken a trip tu Niágara falte, Buffalo and Gtoneseo, N. Y. If tlie school board would tear down the little brick dwellinjr south of the lat ward school building, wliich district 0WU9, and )ív' the room to the cliildren for a play ground, whit-li they Deed, they would be do- ing a good thing for the.chUdren, and at the same tim' beauttfy the si reet. Then the Oongregatlonal pcople eould greatly iniprovi' thcir property by reino that Mliall ïranie dwellimg next soul h oí the church. We are reqoeoted to state, and do si) ery filadly, that t hf exi-ursion to Detroit and Belle Isle to-niorrow, Thursday, August 10, given by the Young I'eople's Society of Bethlehem ehureli. promises to draw a large crowd (u account of the low rate of $1 for adulta and 50 cents for cliildren. To-niorrow is the second day of the AVorld's Kegetta on the Detroit River, and Wlll undmilitedly draw quite a of persons from this: citl'. Adrián Press : "A dirty, pusllanlmous little ten-year old George Wasli ington, with his hatchet, had hacked a number of sliade t rves in Ann Arbor so badly that some of them wlll probalily die. The boy was seem at his work, but escaped. To ihis Journal it has always seemed a pity that the tiree-haekinii narrativo oí the father of his eowtfery was not Buppresaed. His ierniciou8 example has eost the lives of untold thou.sands of beautiful trees." The people of Bethel A. tl. E. church will hold a basket meeting at Dixboro, in Campbell's ürove, on Sunday next, Aug. l.'itli. Ampie provi-ion will be made (or all who wisii to ride. ont U) tin' grove, at a smal 1 expense. Meet at the A. M. E. church Sunday morning at 8 'doek, leave at S:30 o'clock. Tir.-t service at the grove, 10:30. I'rai-o meeting at 2 p. m. I'reaeliiivj: at 3 p. m. Itev. A. Coi unan will be assisted by the Rev. steuart. of Adrián, Mie.h. Come one come ali and let us liave a glorious out-Uoor meeting. There have been a grreat niany stork's told B-bOUt big bass and othei- game fieh caaight in tlie lakes np nortli. Whcii M. M. Slel'l'y was down here the other day he told Bome etorlee atoo, whlch of course the reporter t ook for granted were related mi purpow for lii ears - and pencil - so he made DO tm-ther note of them. i'.nt on Thursday í, lien tour large, niee bass eame ui the editor and ola amistante in the Courier ofïice. wc cliangeil our mind in regard l.i Mr. Sieily's fisli sturies and ■will voucli for anything in that line line he says. Tliry were as nlce fisli as ever descended the lamyx of man. The hard ttanea begio to teil on our home industries, more tlian people are a ware of. (! Saturday lasl AHlermaiii A. P. Ferguson, who lias carricd on an extettsive road cart faetory luere for BOme t iine, gave c-lialtel uuirtgages }ii lijs business, aggregiatlang sio.000, to i eonre claims, the bostnunenta running to Jahn R. Miner. u trast. I'revimis to tlie filing ol 1 instrument, mortgages were fileil in favor oí Mr. C. M. Fillmore for $1,258.45, to secure '.!:■ endorseinent oí a note ; to David S. K. Cnderw 1. for l.lie name rcason. $8,158 ; tu Albert W. finiwrr $827.68 for labor : and to tlie American Varnish Cm. $281.00, all Ctoe in ■!( days. Tlie si nek on hand will inventory over $15,000, and the present difficnlt ies are torced apon .Mr. Ferguaon by reason of having largc orders caneeled after caris had been made and were ready for shipment. Sliould the marl cl revive and money become easier, Mr. l'erguson could pull lhroui;h and ha.V6 a. handxiiiie surjilus. He. is a good manager in his laciory. and a good ilcsmiin, and has conduoted a profitable business. He lias given i'm]doyment to a .lyrge niiniUer of men and it will be a detriment to this community sliould he be torced out of business.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier