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The Cleveland (O.) Rolling Mili corapany clnsed its píate, wire and rod milla and steel works, throwing 3, 000 men out of employment. Strikíno lumber-shovers at Ashland, Wis., afatked the men who had taken thcir places and injured thera terribly with clubs. THE president appointed Charles B. Morton, of Maine. íourth auditor of the treasury, vice John K. Lynch, of Mississippi. resigned. Thk Missouri national bank at Kansas City that failed recently has retumed business. Thk (joTernnaent receipta for the j monthofJuly wcre f3n,90.",T7ü. 19 and '■ the expenditiires$:!9,075,8S0.60. In June ] the receipta were $80,983,931.85 and the expenditures 189,206,451.80. At Paris, Tex., a yaang couplenamed Fisk quarreled and thewoman shot and killed her husband. They had been married a week. Five men were killed and four injured, two fatally, by the explosión of a thrashing engine at the farm of Louis Pierson near Ilomer, O. The eoinage executed at the United States mints during July was very light, beinjr only 2,1(55,500 pieces, of the valueof $39 1,900. Three burglars entered the offices of the Newspaper Union in Chicago, bound the watchmen and robbed the afe of $15,000 in notes and $100 in cash. Hf.nry Reyjíoi.ds, a negro, was lynched near Montgomery, Tex., for murdering a man named Marsh, assaulting his wife and mutilating their two children. Thomas CoiXERS and Thomas Stevenson fought in a courtroom at Hope, Ark., the progress of a lawsuit and both received futal wounds. An advance of from 20 to 50 per cent. in insurance rates in the northwest has pone into effect. Schedule risks are excepted. Tuk advocates of free eoinage of silver met in conyention in Chicago with 810 dcli.-ga.tes representing forty-two states and territories. A. W. Thurman, of Ohio, presided. Two CAHiNs occupied by Chinese miner in the Taryall gulch in Colorado were burned by white miners and eight Chinese perished in the flames. The fall of pork from $19.25 to $10.50 per barrel caused the failure in Chicago of six big board of trade firms. They are: John Cudahy, E. W. Bailey & Co., Vrig-ht & Haugliey, A. Uelmholz &Co., J. G. Steever & Co. and the North American Provisión compan}'. The otal liabilities were a bout $4,000,000 The total amount of national bank notes outstanding on the lst was $183,655,920, an increase of $5,041,385 during July. Wii.ham Bedeck, a farmer livingnear Rushville, Mo., paid $4,000 for green paper. He thought he had $15,)00 in counterfeit greenbaeks. The 10-year-old son of Charles Johnson, of Árlinffton, Neb., deliberately murdered his 8-year-old sister by shooting- her. The doors were closed of the Nickel savings bank at Charleston, S. C, the Seven Corners bank at St. l'aul, Minn. , and the Safety Deposit fe Trust company at Denver, Col. The public debt statement issued on the lst showed that the debt increased $4,203,973 during the month of July. The cash in the treasury was $681,750,908. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to $843,233,449. Thirty-five horses perished in a üre at the Kansas City (Mo.) stock yards. Emancipation day was observed at rarious points by the ne;jroes of the United States. At the silver convention in Chicago a platform was adopted which declares that there must be no compromise of the silver question, that all legislation in demonetizing silver and restricting the coinage thereof must be immediately repealed, protests against the financial policy of the United States being made dependent upon the poliey of any foreign government, and asserts that the only remedy for pure metallic financial troubles is to open the mints of the nation to gold and silver on equal terms. For contempt of court in closing the gates of the world's fair on Sunday Judge Stein iined officials as follows: Lyman J. Gage, $1,000; Charles L. Hutchinson, 1,000; Charles Henrotin, $1,000; William D. Kerfoot, $1,000; Andrew McNally, $1,000; Victor F. Lawson, $100; Director General Davis, $250. The Loraine (O.) Manufacturing company, brass goods, made an assignment with liabilities of $105,000. Adam Smith & Co., dealers in wines and liquors in Chicago, failed for $125,000. Sixty tramps captured an east-bound freipht at Tolleston, Ind., the train hands into the caboose, but fled on approaching Valparaíso. By the temporary or indefinite shutdown of twelve New England milis more than 6,000 persons were thrown out of employment. Engineer Perry and hls assistant, Lewis Sargeant, were killed by the explosión of the boilers at the waterworks at Anthony, Kan. James A. Baixard's express barn at St. Cloud, Minn., was burned and twenty-one horses perished. Crocker, Fisk & Co., millersat Minneapolis, filed an assignment with liabilities of $200,000. Bank failures were announced as follows: El Paso national at El Paso, Tex., First national at Birmingham, Ala., Waupacacounty national at Waupaca, AVis., and the Saving-s bank ut Anthony, Kan. V. Frese & Co., a shippin; and importing- firm at San Francisco, failed for $14-2.000. The British steamship Glenagle with 6,000 tons of the new erop of tea arrived in New York f rom Yokohama. In" a jealous rufre Douglas Davis fatally stabbed h'ia ie at tlreenville, 111., and cut hisown throat, dying instantly Thk flre which had burned for a week in liurlinffton coiinty, N. J., exhausted itself. The damaffe to buildings was $150,000; to timbo:-, Í1, 000,000, and to the erop of cranberries, ?".-, 000. Frank Vat Loon was hang-cd at Columbus, O., for the murder of William Vandermark durinjï an attempt to rob a bank at Columbus (rove August 8, 1891. Statistios show that in fifty-sevcn trades in New York city there are 56,000 men out of work. At Elberton, W. Va., two local terrors starled a fight whicfa became so general and serious that the malitia. was called out to stop it. Fki.ix Poolb, a notorions character, was lynched by a mub ncar Owensboro, Ky.. for an assault on Miss York, aged 18. EToirn persona were killed and twentyty-ñve others were Beriously Injured by the fallinji of the second balcony of the yacht elub's hoise at Cheisea, Mass. I.NsniAXCK rales in Iowa havo been raised 10 per cent and merchante have been notiüed that they must meet the increase. Ai.i. the silver dollars in the g-overnment treanury which are accessible have been exhausted, to the demand for money of small denomination. A BOii.KR explosión in a sawmill at Camp Creek, O., Uilled two brothers named Wolfe and John Alexandria. Michaei. Foksha.m left Watertown, N. Y., to walk to Los Angeles, Cal. He expects to aecomplish the feat in 1S5 days. Tuk amount of gold and silver coin and eertiiieates, Lnited States notes and national bank notes in ciroulation August 1 was 11,611,099,11". an increase during the month of July of 117,987.006. The increase during the last twelve months was in round figures ï9.000,000. It was learned in New York that extensive fravuls had been perpetrated on the railroad companies by the issue of bogus world's fair excursión tickets. During the past three months the mines of California have turned out $0,800,000 in fine gold. The faiiures were reported of the Commercial bank ut Stevens Point, Wis., the National (ierman-American bank at St. Paul, Minn., and the banking house of Lazarus Silverman in Chicago. Ar the leadinjf clearing houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 4th aggregated 8973, 88U, 753, against $887,988,500 the previous week. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1892 was 9.7. TheodOBE Thomas has tendered his resignation as director of music of the World's Columbian exposition. There were 43(5 business faiiures reported in the United States during the seven days ended on the 4th. In the week preceding there were 380, and during the corresponding time in 1892 the number was ICO. Bobbv Taylor, under the sobriquet of the "Sailor Kid," was killed in a prize fight at Denver by William Robinson. Sixty persons, including the sherifl and other oflicers, have been indicted at Memphis, Tenn., for lynching and cremating the negro Lee Walker. Pennsylvania iron millers have instruoted their superintendents to employ none but Americana hereafter. Juan Burger, the 13-year-old son oi Edgar Burger, of Soutl. Kokomo, Ind. , died from the direct effects of cigarette smoking. The Equitable Accident Insurance company of Denver was placed in the hands of a receiver. lts capital was 1850,000. At Keshuqua, Pa., a sawinill, boarding-house and several teneinents in a lumber camp were destroyed by fire. Loss, $100,000. Joskph H. IIowki.i-, who murdered Mrs. Nancy Hall and seven children January 19, 1892, was hanged at Treuton, Mo. The steam yacht Rachel sank in the lake at Lake Georg-e, X. Y., with twenty-nine passengers, nine of whom veere drowned. üov. Tir.i.MAN, of South Carolina, is anjrry at the treatment his liquor constables has received and says arms will be resorted to if necessary. The .lames H. Walker company, one of the biggest dry goods concerns in Chicago, au immense wholesale and retail business, failed for $2,400,ÜH0. II. Jonks, till lately the editor of the St. Louis Republic, has been appointed editor in-chief of the New York World. FOB th tirst time since April 20, 1893, when the gold reserve in the United States treasury feil below the 8100,000,000 mark, the reserve has been made intact. In a freight wreek at Kinsman, 111. Maurice Flynn was killed and eighteen cars and thirty head of cattle were burned. Tiiree more firms on the Chicago board of trade- D. Eggleston & Son Co., U. O. l'arker & Co. and Thomas Craig- failed with total liabilities of over $1,000,000. Lkvi P. Morton's immense new barn at Rhinebeck, N. Y., and outbuildings, together with 100 head of Guernsey cattle and all the farm horses, were destroyed by fire. Loss over $100,000. On August 12 Nancy Hanks will be driven against time over the Mystic track in Boston to see if she can beat her record of 2:04, which she made last September. The branch house at Kansas City, Mo., of the Whitman & Uarnes Manufacturing eompany of Akron, O., was destroyed by fire, the loss being $135,000. The first general meeting of women lawyers ever held convened in Chicago with delegates present froin every section of the United States. At the races in ISuffalo, N. Y., Huida went a mile in 2:08%, the fastest ever made by a 5-year-old, and Hal Pointer paced three heats in 2:0734', 2:06} and 2-0(ï. The governor of Arkansas has orderea a special election in order to fill a large number of offices made vacant by death. N. L. Cort fc Co., of New York, importers of tin, tin plate and other metáis, failed for io.r0,0ü0. 1 the vicinity of Sharptown, Ind., a cloudburst did immense damage to crops and farm property. Forest fires spread over fourteen farms in Alpena county, Mich. , consuming houses, barns, and grain and hay and damaging growing crops. ]i.NK failures were announeocí as íolloivs: First national at Hammond, Ir u., (- itiztMis' nationai atMnncie, Ind., First naüonal at I'latteville, Wis.. State bank of Providente, R. I.. Exchange at Col by. Wis., Lebanon (Pa.) Trust aml safe depnsit bank, mid the First national, National citizena and &f ank ato national at Mankato, Minn. Aftkií B Beparatkm of seventy years Robert Duncan, of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Caulkins, of Lafayette, Ind., diacovered that they uore brother and sister. Mrs. ('aulldns is 85 years oíd and Mr. Duncan is 83. PERSONAL AND POLITiCAL. LiUCINDA l'.KI.T. (colored) celebrated hcr 10'Jd birthdav at Fort Dodge, la She washea clothes for a and works every day. Coi.. Wii.i.iam Fbishmuth, ag-ed 70 years, a well-known inventor and an active organizcr of rejfiments duringthe civil war, comiuitted suicide at his home in Philadelphia by shootinff himself. Qkk, Wii.i.iam P. Inxf.s, widely known in masonic and grand army circles, died in Orand Rapids. Mich., aged Ii7 years. President Ayi.esworth of Drake university, prohibition nominee for (fovernor of Iowa, has declined the nomination. o The Virginia populists in convention at Lynchburg nominated Edmund R. Cooke, a farmer of Cumberland county, for jjovernor; J. ]?rad Ueverly, oi Faquier, for lieutenant povernor, and V. S. Gravely, of Henry, for attorney general. Simón O'üoxnei.i,, for thirty years a member of the Chicago pólice forcé, died at the age of 59 years. Sarah T. Boi.ton, the "Hoosier poetess," died at her home in Indianapolis, aged 8'i years. Amonj the most popular of her sonffs was "Paddie Your Own Canoe" and "Union Forever." FOREIGN. Cable dispatches from Valparaíso state that the revolution ia Argentina was spreading and that all the cities and towns along the coast of the province of Buenos Ayres, numbering over forty, were held by the rebels. In Russia there have been 6.üG6deaths from cholera in Mecoa and 2,318 in Jedda since the epidemie broke out two months ago. There have been 601 deaths from the scourge in Marsuilles, France, since the middle of May. Nearly one-third of the town of Port Louis, the capital of the lsland of Mauritius, was destroyed, the loss being over 1,000.000 rupees. At the town of Birsk, in Russia, 180 houses were burned and seven persons were killed and a large number were injured. An explosión on the Germán armorclad tteamer Baden at Kiel killed nine seamen and seventeen persons were wounded. LATER. A la rok crowd of men went to the home of William and Ed Conrarï in Boone township, Ind., for the purpose of lynching the two boys, wlio were suspected of killing their father last winter. The youtig Conrads opened flre on the crowd and killed Edward Houaton, Isaac Howe, John Timberlake and William Wiseman, all farmers. William May, also a farmer, was fatally injured. A tornado at Philadelphia unroofed a score of dwellings and factories, causing a loss of 1100,000. A liio FOTJB freight train fellthrough a bridge over a river a distance of ü3 feet into the water below near Danville, 111., killing Brakeman Stone and damaging property to the extern of $100,000. Knkíht, Leonakd & Co., printers and publisher in Chicago, made an assignment with heavy liabilities. About 700,000 spindles were stopped in Fall River (Mass.) factories for an indefinite period, throwing 7,000 persons out of work. Under the ruling of the first comptroller of the treasury congressmen are not entitled to mileage for attendance on the extra session. A WAfiON was struck by a train at Dellwood, Minn., and Mrs. ,1. P. New5trum, Mrs. E. P. Clonse and E. V. Newstrum were killed. The reservoir of the Portland Water company at Portland, Me., burst, letting loóse its 20,000.000 gallons of water, wreckinfl two housos and drowning the wife and two children of Dennis M. Conley and James Moseley. A tüaix on the Lake Shore road jumped the track near Freraont, O., and four persons were killed and ten others were injured, one fatally. Tuk followinjT bank failures were reported: Bank of St. James at St. James, Minn., State bank at Mapleton, Minn., the Kxchange national at Wheeling, W. Va., and the Farmers' and Traders' bank at Leon, the Garden Grove bank at Garden Grove and the Citizens' bank at David City, all in Iowa and operated by A. B. Stearns and L. P. Sigler. Flames in a lumber yard in Liverpool causee a loss of S9C0.000. The percentages ot the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the 5th were as follows: Boston, .674; Philadelphia, .632; Pittsburgh, .595; Cleveland, .590; New York, .488; Brooklyn, .488; St Louis, .471; Cin'cinnati, .471; Baltimore, .440; Chicago, .417; Washington, .309; Louisville, .351. "■


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