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A Lansingburg Miracle. A RAILWAY MAN TALKS. Literally Half Dead- His Case Pronounced Hopeless'by Promintr.t Physicians - A Story of Surpassing Interest Verified Under Oath. I am the most ci nservative repórter cinhr etalf. I dewpdse the chltnerleal, I eovrt the real. I burrow Ín (acta. I ain trom Lansimgburg. We don't (líti-u get :i good thing fiom tbere, bul here ta ome. F. ('. Klmball last íijjHt (fave ano 1 1 1 ■ (OllOWing : 'I jim a plaia, s! raiüht ;Orv.aril man. Origlnfllly (rom Laniyingburg, whiTi' DOW i'.'sidc my muthi r, brotht and abitar. SeTeral yeara ago I moved lo ücn-hcsi rr. 'Hiere I was in the employ o! tire Brle Eailroad a yard and ire'nht superintendent. .iter ii straiu to my back, caused by lieavy liítin, tliree yeai-s agt, I developed socalled rln-umjitisni. It was au Increaeing QUag (or iwn years- at times wois', tigeJa liet ter. X WOTked iuitermitteutly. Ií I would Baul uiy eyes I would (all down. My feet and legeVjooD lost feellng - wre numb. i lus extended to my utomach juid at times to my ïi.-uids. ixctorw Lee and Bpenoer of .Koelie ster, fiiuilly pronuuni-e-d my case progreSBlVe locomotor ataxia, said it was Incurable, and tili-at tbey cooild omly case my ferinas, añil so 1 lay. l'i t this time 1 liad (iH't'ii si:.-k nearly tivu y, ars. Betere tiiis and for eeveral months I wem confinen ti niy bed Pina stock into niy llmbe tlie íull lengtil k;ivi' me no íeelini; v ha le ver ; niy lega 8eem("1 ooden. To pound tJieni gave oíf a aaiöe like wood. So I say, as 1 lay bhere I waa abaolutely ooe-hall toad dead (rom the watet down. There was ome word wi-itteii in large chnracters, all over tliat alci room - C-L-A-l'. JAe departed trom niy limiis. iiiai woi-ii bes1 expressed rhat was lef!. Yon, oí cours-, have read of Joliu Marshall. The reporter ni desertblng blm, deacribed me eiactly. i - n íor t lie ramedy whlch cured hiin.- íor Dr.'' Phik I'ills. to SciiciMTtaily. X. y., and tirted tbem. 1 took tlioin irrcuularly íor two iiiontiis. lïuey didu't st't'in to help. All oí a suil'.h'u one miornlng une of my lege began to prlckJh - seemed as tlioHnh ruliUrd witli ncttlrs. Thrn pi'ihaps, you thimk I (lid not investí uatrthat iiH'ili-iin'. I lx-gan to rntnil last ; uot lMHDie circula t ion. got control oí tny bowcls and alter a írw ci'ká got out of bed and trted to si a mi. A last I fi'U'lit'd it. Could walk - now can lun. And l'ink Pilis iired me. The doctore said I could not be cured, but I ani. Wliat lam now telling yon is merely a : ion oí what 1 loog agO ivnite to tlie lr. WUllams' Medicine Oompany it Sclinecíady, and my aífidavit to tlw same is now in t lieir hands. Here ilso is a lettor which my motlier WTOte to tiieni and to whieh lie has made afOdavlt, as you sce." 181) Soconil Ave.,!íburg. X. Y. Dear Sins :- My ton Fred lias just writtcn yoai a letter concerning liimseit to wiiirii i deaire to add a few wordK in estire corroboration of all he has tsaid. lio lias told yon oí liis agony and hia cure, lïne reniembranre oí the vrhote tliinu' mnkes me huddcr as I tliiuk of it. It i.s all ton wondei-iul for me, I was realjfned to his tato. Xow as I look at liim walkiiiu: alxnit and teeling well, wifrh lus old health and anibition returned, It dOBB sc-ein tliat he lias Inca boni airaiiii and rescued trom death lot a fait. Could I , thvreíore. say too nmcli to you of thauks in tho fullnese ot" my gnattCade '.' Oaa I wll eeaw liliMllim. you '.' Yet the intensity of my l'i' niakfs my words of tlianksiiiviiig to you seern but eni])ty iiiilcril ; for the lost is foinul, and be tliat was dcad is alivr aLrain. Yimrs. HARRIET J. KIMI'.ALL. Suorn and suUst-ribed before me tliis rt-h day oi April. L898. M. Ij. FANCHEB, Noiary l'ubl'io. Mtb. Kimball sakl : -Wliile I believ1 in answvrs to prayer and prayed earni'stly íor liis recovry, íor I Ban a luist ia u woniiiu, and helifve niy in-aycrs werf aaswcrcd, I do thiiik l'ink Pille weic t hr mrans the Lord itóed to eiföCt aiy sou's cara. 1 want yon to inert niy dongbter, Mrs. (. H. Morrison. witli Avhoni wc are living lieiv, and thr Rev. GeoTge Falrlee, pastor of West minister cliurch, who UtbB with us. and hear what tliey have to say, vet the reporter heard iroan the li]) of the sister and t'heir pastor, corrobora t ive words of all t'iat lias been .-aid. Tile reporter also ran tCKM tlu' sim-in-law. Mr. (f. H. Morrison. cashier of the National l'.ank ot Tro.y, and sj)oke to him of Mr. KimlKlll. He Ifl ,i l)tisy man and fchoujili he could only be detainud for a moment, he said : "I know not.hinii of tlu1 case teclinically. He says lie was cuivd by Dr. ■Williams' Pink mis, and I hink that is almiit trhe llae of Lt." Mr. William H. I'laii'.lerau. drui;Kit at 814 River st., Ti-oy. aald : 'M i-. the mosi wonderful cure from hHomotor ataxia - a RO-called incurable disease. Mr. Kimball telll me lic owes lus recovery to l'iuk Pilis, and I have every reason lo In-lieve him. Pink ruis , restore palé people and aalIOW complexión tu the glOW of health. and are a speclílc fnr all the 11'imliles peculiar tO the female se. while in bhfi case of men they effect a rail iral cure in all cases arleing from mental worry, ovorwork or exm oí natnre." Tliese I'ills are anaimfactureil by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, ScliiuMtady. X. Y., and HrocU ille. (nt.. and are sn]d n bOXEB 'Rever in looso form by the down Or hnndred and the publi' are cautioned nsainst nnmerons iinitations scild in tliis ■bape) at r,i) eenti a box, or x boxea toe fr2.."0, and may )e liad of all dmiíLTists or diriM-t by mail ínun Dr. Williams' Medicine Conipany from eithftr achires. Yon may rest nlghtfi I! yon will take ■■Adironda," Wlieeler's Hcart and Xerve Cure. It oontnius no Oplnm Ot Mnri)lrn,'. 8oW by MmwO. JVighiganC Central " The Niaaara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (KBVISED) JUNE 18. 18B8. ( r.NTUAL STANDARD TIME. 1 IÍ"! J i 1 M ! ! ! I f - :SSS :níS= : :::::::::: aj Í i ! iï !á ; a = : i .. : i d :SSSSS2 ; 3 E L : S S ==::::: = I gases .'asss e :?; j i j ss a ==;;;:; = = = 55 ; i i I a r .é ;. j :o j . "■ '- ; ; ; K-J - - - -r.T. i a Lfi : : :w : :-ïji u ■ ■■-- m ss j éú ja ;;;L 'iiii&Hi!ii . ■"gg ■ ■Hr" g L : : : Me fi L= ■ -; : : : : :a . c 89 i i -9 i is3 S858SR8a m S i i : :- = = m LH ! ; ! ! - ::: . i ij! ►; 85 : iss :S 2 S ;3= j i '?.r. 5 é É ': '■ : : : S S I S É j ! j 6 i. ': ': es J a : : : Sj : : :S S3 8S : :8 : : ;5S h Ê= ; a; k es : ii! á a i di H á : Í i : 6 88ga 8ftgí j -j ss isa : : ;S2 Q i í iH L ï iH iH ' " Q . co oo a -i L= B EH L "-■fí sí -íí .':" i - á ó: ac r. r; c-. - = - l" I ii H Ni s iülijiiji " !ji!!!i!!j I Mil jájl i ! I ijijll! iliss " iiiljUjjjSi sisfSïi? IlIllPsi G. W. R0OGLK8, H. W. HAYES, G. P. T. Axt., Chicago. Agt., Auu Arbor T"toledo n AnnarboK -fe ÁÑF[] J J n"ÓRTH MICHIGAN) C RAILWAY. L-1 '-J - 5fe V - Roacommon It ; - ÍHo-rd V" JIaVOITyI _ South bná 'T OLE DOFT"--, ui9 Ft. Wyne ! : oot.e..CigsSeBi TIME TABLÍ. TAKING EFFECT Traius leave Anu Arbor by Central Standard Ime. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 6:4ó A. M. 1-2:15 r. M. 11:45 A. H. 4:15 r. M. 9:00 P. M. 9:00 a. ii. 0:43 r. m. Trains rúa betweeu Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. V. II. Besnett, G. P. A. R. S. CiREEXWOOP, AGT EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. X A TVrTT'CJ TRY DR. LE DÜC'S " PE.LiAU-LülO RIODICAL" PILLS from París, Franco. Kstablished Ín Europe 1839, Canada in 1N78. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monttlly Deraugements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. . Any drnggiet, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietora Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., Wholesale agents.and all other druggista in Ann Arbor. These pills are waanted to brineou the" chance " GET J TICKET QP W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entitled to a cholee of TheHome Instructor, the Life of General Sharman, or the Life of P. T. Karnurn (free). when cash purchase to the nmount oí $15.00 has been made. THE HOUS INSTRUCTOR. URGE OCTAVO, 478 I'AGES, ILLO3TRATKD. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day Ufe. A complete and perfect gulde to Ufe Ín publlo and private. THE LIFE AND BESDS OF GEN, W, T, mm, CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphlc narrative of hls boyuood and jarly liie, educatlon, career In Florida and california, military achievements, Ufe ns a cltizen, last slckuess and death; wlth rtue Bteel portrait. THE LIFE OF F, I, UlEl Tbs WorldHeso?ned Sboraas. CKOWN OCTAVO, 5J0 PAGES, II.LCSTRATED. Hls early llfe and struggles, bold ventures and brllllant nooM; liis wonderrul career. his wit, genius and eloquence, hls Ufe as a cittxen, etc.- to wlilch Is added hls famuus book, "The Art of Money Oetting." W. F. LODHOLZ i c 6 BKOADWAY. M99


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