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The Late Judge Crane

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The folkrolag arricie relative to the late JtwJge Oane, was written by Mr. Cooley Roevos, and wil] appear in thi.s week's Dexter Leader : D!ed, at his home In Dexter, abowt ■ ::■■ o'clock Monda y mornlng, the' I ' h day of August, 18!t3, ex-Judge Alexa-ncler I). Oane, in the 84tb year ui his age. The Judni' was bom in Mrntz. Oayngfl ominty. New York, iu 1809. His pareets ero Stepten and Ketrurali A. (Topping) Oraoe, nativcs of New Jereey. üwtii the ttge of 10 liis Mie was gpeat on a farm at wbicb time lu' was ajiprcntifcd to a blackhlllit'.l. In 1S2T lic l'ir-t canir t.) Wasntenaw couuty, stopping a time ai Aun ArbOT and Man-h 1, 1880, establishing bimsell at liis chosen (rade !:i De x ter, tooatlng his shop mar where I,. L. James mnv resides. Here a i I tte age oí l'1 years, bis Eorge 1i;íiium1 brlg.hrtJy lor a time, luit his ïovr tor the ppactie of ïaw ('xtin.üiiUhcd them umi he went out trom shop to ifai'ii tor himsell a I standing in t legal proíesslon. Thès hi' SOOtn acconiplislird. and eslabüshcd himsell '.il the ininds of lile people ae e safe coumselor, a capnble attomney and e man o' energx, OorDurling the preparatloo period Eor i n ; ■ practice oí law, be was collector -; ta si's -(ir ,-i numbar of j ears, ateo deputy aberllf. In 1849 be was appototed our villaur ]i;,-i mas! er liy l'n'sidrni Fi'.lniorc. Ia r,: tue as elected proseeutiiiji- attomey ;'";■ Waahtenaw county. To accepi ttüe oifer he reslgned poetnia.tfifsliip. In ls7-" he was appolmted by Gov. Bagtey, Judge of boe -ltli Jnfl iUstrict of .M'nhiuan. embraclng the countii's of Waslitcna w. JaftkBOn and Lngtoam. This posjtlou lic RUed for three ycai.-, and the (ollowlng is a of lus record : Ai a meeting oí ttoe memben of the bar lor Wasfatenaw totinty, held at the coui-t house in the city of Aun ArbOT on the 80th dn y of December, A. D., 1875. alter compliment ary remarks ly a Jos-lin. A. J. Sawyer, E. I). Kiinne and Othew, the fotlowing i i-solufniii-i were unanimously adoptel : Wukkeas. Hon. Alexander I). Crnne i abont ti) retire írom the bench of the r'ourtli Judicial Circuit. 011 account of the explratlOD of term of office as Circuit Judge. und wukkeas, It seeins bunttiug and proper that the merabera of the Washtenaw coimty bar ahould expresa thelr Bentimenta and feellnga toward Judge Craoe upon this occasion, now, tlicrefore be it . '. That diiriiiit the three yeara Oi lus publie service upon the bench, he has provea Dlmseli always competent for the many and oueroua dutles of the office; and ha ihown hlmself au bonest, upright and Impartía! ■luilirr. And it Is (urtker .'■, That whlle we regret the severing of thls relation, bo long aml pleasantly exlst[ogbetween the bencb and bar, we tender to JikUu Crane bur mout Blncere and cordial good H Ishea for his future health, welfare aml happlness.and our thanks for hls uniform courtesy and klndnesa to as. R i eed, That the eecretary Is hereby Instructed to present a coiy ol these resolutions to Judge Crane. Also io furnlsh the county H Itb i copy for publlcatlon; anl that leaveof the Coort be asked for entering the -Mine upoii Ihe Journal after Jndge Crane s successor enters npon the dutlesoi the office. In 1861 ie rateed a compony erf lol men and entered his country'a service aa tiheir captain The iollowImg cniiiiinniication rom the (leid ofncera mí irte regiment glves the reasd:i ol Wb short Ben ;-e : Head.niarters.4tli Reg.. Mlch. Inf'fy Camp Mansfield. .luly 20. lil. Gapt. Ai.kxander I). Crank. .iv Dear Str,- Your realgnatlon has been recelved by us vrith sincere regret.but we are compelled to recognlxe it as a necesslty owlng to the injuiy to your foot being of such a permanent eharactr as to unl'it you for the active and severe duty ;f an orticer. It affords usgreat pleasure toliear testimony to your zeal and activity as an officer, and your personal worth as a gentleman, and we are Batlsfled that among tnose who will be activeiy employed in the service-el thoir country, there are few if any who the welfare of that country more at heart.or who would make greater sacriiices in her behalf than voureelf. ,, , U tii sincere regret that we are eompelled to separnte. and with the most hearty and Blncere wishes for your future succesü and welfare, we remain.Dear Str, Your ohedient servante, D. A. WOODBEKBY, Col. lth M. I. S"m W. in Lt. Col.4th M. I. Jonathan W. Maj. ith M. I. The Julge'ü Ufe aeemti to have been larv-ely aatradated with military display. iliH resolute campaadlng tone ,i p,rnT:illy iifaril at tlic head of tmmejse prooeaBloos oí a military character friim in early (lay. His prompt and rteeteive maaner made hini a valuabh; man 0O snch occasloara, and scu'val governors ol the state in in early day gave him imjiortant pOBltlOOS in tlic state mllitia. Anu.iiu' tais papera is a commiegj 1:1 frota ;iv. Stevens T. Mason, beaang the date ol Mare :i0, 1838, uiviiiii him the colonelcy of tlie Tth Etog. ,.( tlir itii Brigade o the 2d O1viiim. Aimther i-oniiuunication from Gtov. E. Itaiisani, bearlDg date Ol April ju, 1S48. fiiviiiíí him a Brigadier Genera] eosnmlBBlon.. And Jan. 1, 1858, e Major (enwal commission is granted htm liy Gov. Klngley B. J'.iimliam, giving him command of the 2od División State Militia. iiis ueerolmees In the M. E. church was fnlly in keeplog with his iterIhng characicr in his active days, doIng with all lii.s might what his hands fouud to lo. As a wortw in the bemperatme cauBe, he had ivw equals. belped bo organiae the Grand Lodge Ol GOOd Teinplars ol the state Ol Michigan, and was elected lts liisi Crand Ma-ter. Tor a íaithful Ufe as a member ol the Masante traternity, he was uusurjiasseil, attendini; Btrletly to the requireinente í the lnd.u-e. eepectally lts Btated Beasloma U]i to the last w.Tks oí his lile. (Mi l'cliruary (1, 1830, Ín Detroit, Mil :.. Mr. Oaine was inarried to Xancy smith who was bom In i'.rio count, l'a. .1. Martin Oranc. ol (rand Kajiids. is the only BUTVlvlng eliild ol lilis untan. MïB. ( i-ane died S;'pt. i:!. lsL, and in 1848 he mained Mis. Juina A. Topptmg, who WOB boen in (erinany In IT'.Ü'. n June 21, 1862, sli,' v;is buried, and In Peb. 1863, he marrted Hellen I.. Palmer, a n:i! ';'.( of New York, where stoe wis ii,:rn April 15, 1828. Siue Btill BTiir-lves wii'i her three sans, Chas. I'. ratte, ol !OiedO, and GO and Steven Crane. oí Dexter. Martin I.. Crane. a lirothr 82 ears i,í age, of Xovi, Mieli., was nnaiiie tu .-i 1 1 cni the funeral obsequies on acrount ■;' f.-i ■ 1 i nii' health. Thus ome by ome the pioneen oí our county are passing away. I-cnii' years sinre, ihe Judge bielped bo bury the last ol bhose w ho were resfldemts ol tiiN ptace on his arrival in 1880. Tbeee were Hon. s. Y. Dexter, Dr. yrll Ntohqta and Samuel W. Poster. On Tuesday afternoom, from nis late resi'.ienve. was hOTU by fraternal hands, the i'einains of this resolute and sturdy pioneer. Jadge A. I). Crane, io it iast resting place In viltage eenietery. Rfev. F. B. Pearee, of bhe M. E. cliurch. oifieiat inir.


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Ann Arbor Courier