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Mi-s Satia Hyde is at ( 'luengo. Rev ..r. v. CHppen la at Bay View. Mi.-s r;t Oorawell is clolng the Woi-M's Pair. II. .T. Brown lia returned home u-nul (lid Mission. Ewgeme Mutecbel and wlfe are back from the White City. Mr. and Mrs. K I'. Jubnson have returned trom hji. Mr. and Mr. Theo. Grace leït Jlonday tor Kansas City. Miss Jennle Daniels, oí Gregory, WU in town Monday. lin.ïvnr tmd Kobert (eruer bare gome io Chicago. (has. Jacobe haa gooe to Detroit itli .1. L. IIndsim & (O. Ul. Ilufiis Waplvs. ui l'hiladidphia. is visiiin'j .ludije Waples. ESmma and Miss Anna Dnrheim went tO Chicago Saturday. Mi. Jolin Keek, oí Grand Kapids, is vlsitlng Anti Arbor friends. Dr. D. A. Mel.aehlan and famlly Snndayed with Detroit friends. Mi-s Fannie L. (iwinner is paylng WorW'a Fair a two week's visit. Dr. CarrOW brinjrs a sun-browned iacc back Irom tüe Jiurthern woods. Harris jtail. ui Dexter, ezpecte lo make Aim Arbor his future home. .liid-e Uarriman left the city' Moiiday for anotber trip to Ohleago. Mrs. A. W. Ames is ent ert ainintr Mre. M. Carey, of Trovidenee, K. I. MSs Nima Doty has been vUlting iriends at I'inekney diw-ing the week. Dick Kearns, oí Lansing, dropped in on l'.is Ann Arbov irli'üsi-; i'riday. Mrs. A. ]). and daimlitcr .Mi l'.tna. leit yestiTilay for CbicagO. X. 8. Oorbin is rnnalng the Uegistrr ofllce in tiie abeence oí s. a. Moran. Miss Belle Tiirnbuii. oí a. ,. Xoble's is isinnn' lier old home, near Ilainilton, Ont. Mrs. H. I'. Danlortü and fanrily liavi' been rteiting Chicago du ring the week. 1 h ■ Mi sea Emlly aa 1 Anna (jnndert are la Chicago at the Exposition tlr.s week. Patrfek O'Heam is vlsiting frienda in Livingston county, iiis old home, for a daya. Mrs. Miison, of New York, has been the Kiiesit ol Mm. Dr. J. W. Morton dnrlaj( the week. Trof. H. X. Clinh' cuad Mrs. Chute left last Friday for Oravesend, Out., to visit relative. Kev. A. i-!. Carinan retnrned home last I'riilay, and occupied the Baptist pulpit agaJn Sunday. Mrs. (ieo. W. Weeks, of the NorthKide, has been cntcrtaining the Misses Wilkinson, oí Ihindei'. Mr. E. E. Howe, ol Munith, has been M. J. Lehman and fainily the week. Mr. and Un, Wm. A. Bunting left yeeterday tor Ixmdoa, Ont., to visit reía Uves, and tríente. Parte Ba.nïield, W. W. Wadhanis and r.rui'st conk, wit li families, are in ( amp at Portage Lake. Fred and Godlrey Wagner, oí Pleasanton, Kas., have bren visit ing thcir old home for a few days. Geo. W. Milieu and wiie, of Deir.iit. llave Iiitd VlBltlug Dr. J. W. Morton and wiic daring the week. James Snow and sister. Miss Addie Snow, if Kansas City, Mo., are the nncsts of H. Kittridge and fainily Mts. AVillis Abbot, who had been vlsitins '"''■ párente, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mack, ïetui-ncd Monday to Cliicairo. Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton, and Mr. and Mi-s. W'alter Burnett, oí Norlliíirld, left Tnesday for the Wnriii's Pato. Mis. il. Howe and daugiiter Mi.-s Ruth, of Woreester, Mass., who have been vtoiting Mrs. a. W. Ames, have retumned bome. M.iry Sullivan, of the I'. O. ion, rctunicd from Chioajio Monday, delijihted with the fair and the gi-eat city also. Ex-Mayor Doty BMá wife returned trom Chicago Friday, mucta picas ed witli the greal EXposltlon and whai was to be seen there. Prof. H. Etagels, of the Boyal Saxony Ilitrli School of Technology, at Dvmdea, has been visitinir the Dnlversity durin t lic weck. Amomg the Ann Arbor visitors during tbc week has been Peter Woodruif, of Saninaw, who came down to look over Iiis inlcrests here. Dr. John William Keatlng, of The Physiriaii au I Surgeon, has been in New York and the cast for a time, lookinií alter iiis interests there. Bey. C. M. Coberjx is taking a short vacation. Next Sunday his pulpit will lic iillcd by Rev. Soule, and the weck foUowimg by Kcv. C. A. Young. Mr. and Mis. chas. M. Jones, of Wtohata, Kas., Mr. aml Mrs. 0. M. Marl in and Mr. and Mrs. Torn AY. Minuray, were guests of the Keystone Club, Sunilay. I Prof. Kinaiincl Srhmitlt. oí Oolumbus, (.in. accampainled by liis twn daughters, is rleiting rrlatiws in this city. Gbae. M. Jomes and wiiV. of WicUit.i. Cas., are vislttng 1!. I'. Watte and Family, (liarlie looks as young as he diii twi-uiy more years ago. Tlw; gooit OÍ this world ilo not alwavs oom in people in the earUer part ol Uf. Foc lostance, a boy aii-rivud at David Rlosey'S last .Monday i'Vciiint;. Sii]icriiitciiirni .In-. Clark, if tha Vniversity Hospital, lelt Mooday for a business and pleaaure trip to Cleve land. l'liiladflpliia, Baltlmore, W.i.-h tnKt(M), I). ('.. etc. Mr. aawJ Mts. Jo3m E. Travis, and son Di'Hnll, left tliis a. m. for th non li. Tlicy wlll speod some time in Claro COUJtttj tliis wrck, cndcavorvorin.ü' ti catch fish. Amonii ihi' vi-itors to our city during wci'k lias beeo I'rof. TheoSiiicl. who liolds the ohair of Jnrisprudeoce in the Vniversity of Warsiw, l'olani!. He stopped over bere to e' thr t'nivcrsity and make üic acquaintance of Jnége Cooley, Whose fa me had reached the ocean. The abo ve is a portrait of Ex-Comptroller Edwin V. Lftcey, of Chicago, whose excellent paper apon the finances of the country was giyen last week. The ent was ordered in time for last week'a is.-uc, but did not reacli here.


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Ann Arbor Courier