Real Estate Transfers
Keal Estáte Transfers for the week ending August 19, 1898, fimiislu'd weekly by the Wash tenaw Abstract Coxnpany. OfflCG with county Clerk at ('ourt House, Arm Arbor, Mich. Richard H. Waterman to V. L. Armstroug. Iota 1 and 2. bloek 3, north rauge 5 east. Anu Arbor City $12,000 00 V. ,1. Randel to Willard B. Smith, 1M acres on sectiou 22, Aau Arbor 6,000 00 J. V. Sheehan to Sarah J. Toop, lot imd store on State street, Aun Arbor City - oo Charles Fuller to V. II. Ostrauder, part of sectlOD 1, Augusta 100 CO Speucer I). Lennon to James Boyle. s. w. i of lot 31 and u. e. ',4 oí lot :, Traver's Add.. Aun Arbor City 275 00 L. II. Bakei to Leonard Wanty. Iota G and s. bloek 7. Normal i'afk Add., Vpsilanti 220 00 M. ürenner to Henry Wolf, lot l.section 1, Manchester :!00 00 Jalla Gall to J. A, Muehilg, lot 17, block 2. Ormsby A Page'a Add.. Ano Arbor City _"__ 500 00 C'. H. Kempf to F. A A. Menging, lots 29 and 80, (Jhelsea 750 00 John Lawsou to ('hester Schmitt, Augusta 1,640 oO
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Washtenaw Abstract Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Richard B. Waterman
W. L. Armstrong
W. J. Randel
Willard B. Smith
J. V. Sheehan
Sarah J. Toop
Charles Fuller
W. H. Ostrander
Spencer D. Lennon
James Boyle
L. H. Baker
Leonard Wanty
M. Brenner
Henry Wolf
Julia Gall
J. A. Muehlig
Charles H. Kempf
F. Mensing
A. Mensing
John Lawson
Chester Schmitt