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The senate met in er tra session on the Tth, the vire president presiriin?. No business was transacted In the house Georgo F. Crisp, of Georgia, was reelected speaker and the other democratla caucus nomíneos tor varlous posiliuns wei-e chosen. In the senate on the Rth a resolution was introduced to make August -V2 the time for taking the final vote oa the suspension of silver purlut no action was taken. The president' message reoommendtng prompt repeal of the Shermun silver luw wiis read. Several bilis were introduced to recúlate the finances - In the house the messaze of the president w;is read. The Helknap-Richardson contest overa srat in the house froin the Fifth aistrict of Michigan resulted in favor of Kichardson, the democrat EULOGUS upon the life of the Inte Senator Stanford, of California, were pronounced in the Bcnate on the 9th. No business was transacted In the house an adjournment was taken in order to Kive time for a caucus of each faction on the silver question and a general conferencio ir possible. Afteh the reading of the journal on the lUth the senate adjournod until the 14th....In the house the commituv on rules was announced and then an adjournment íor the day was taken. The senate was not 1n session on the llth - In the house Mr. Wllson (W. Va.) introduced a bilí ]roviding for unconditional repeal of the silver purchasing clause of the Sherman law. Mr. Rayner (Md. ) spoke in favor of the bilí and Mr. Bland (Mo. ) flenounted the measure. A joint resolution was adopted providing for the appropriate commemoration of the lOüth anntversary of the laylng of the coruer stoue oí the national capítol. DOMESTIC. Of the vvliite caps who attacked the Conrads near Corydon, Ind., five are dcad and five others vvere missing. The home of the brothers was burned to the ground. Wrt.T.iAM Ploughfiei.d, a farmer, was stabbed to death and his brother John fatally wounded by two tramps at Birdsboro, Pa. FlBE in the hoart of the retail center of Louisville, Kj'., caused a loss of 1150.000. Judge Lochren, pension commissioner, has extended until October 30, 1893, the period within whieh pensioners whose pensions have been suspended may make proof of their right to receive them. At Higbee, Mo., five women horsewhioped James Collins, who insulted one of their number. The Cadwallader flouriDg mili at Fostoria, O., was blown up by a boiler explosión and G. Davis, secretary of the mili, and P. C. Myers, bookkeeper, were killed. Swift & Co., packers at the Chicago stock yards, laid off 500 men and reduced the wages of the remaining employés 10 per cent. Tuf; bank of Wellsbury, l'a., owned by Samuel George, the Madison square bank in New York and the Barron eounty bank at Kice Lake, Wis., closed their doors. T. H. Hotchkiss fc Co., members of the New York stock exchange, failed for ÍS00,O0O. Robert H. Cor.K.MAN', the Lebanon (Pa.) iron king, who was worth $10,000,000 two years ago, made a general assignment, with liabilities of $5,000,000 and assets of $10,000,000. Oitizkns of Glendive, Mont., gave a coat of tar to a white man and a garment of alabastine to his colored bride and ordered them out of town. Mai-i-oby, Son & Zimmerman, one of the oldest and most reliable live-stock commission firms at the Chicago stock yards, placed their affairs in the hands of a receiver. All the stables of the new driving park at Connersville, Ind., were burned and seven valuable horses were cremated. The Port Pitt tanneries and the warehouses of the Consolidated Wire company at Rankin, O., were burned," the loss being $125,000. White caps took Mrs. El'jaii DaHon, of Borden, Ind., from the home of he' husband and whipped her terribly with hickory switches. A. D. Baker, owner of the wagon works at Mishawaka, Ind., failed for $120,000. An explosión destro3red two buildings of the Phoenix Powder company at Pittsburg, 111., and killed Luther Erde, John Elliott, B. llickman and Charles Malley. Visitors at the world's fair are estimated to have spent thus far within the grounds $15,000,000, and of this amount Í3,000,000 has gone into the treasury of the exposition. A trost destro3?ed over 50 per cent. of the cranberry erop in Burnett couuty, Wis. Thousands of Austrians, Italians and Poles were leaving Colorado for their native countries. In a fit of delirium John Finn attempted to kill his four children at St. Louis and then cut his own throat. Three of the little ones were fatally injured. A fire destroyed all but two stores and a few houses at Snow Ilill, Md. , the loss being $300,000. There was said to be great destitution and sufïering among the boomers along the Kansas line of the Cherokee strip. Advices from the pension office say that up to date there have been 6,472 pensions suspended which were granted under the act of June 27, 1890. At Baltic, Conn., seven persons were injured, two fatally, by the horses attached to a coach becoming unmanageable while crossing a railroad track. In a n're at Ada, O., the 4-year-old daughter of David De Witt was cremated and her mother fatally burned. Two deaths fromyellowfevercausi'd a stampede at Pensacola, Fla., and quarantine had been enforced by Mobile and Montgomery. The Sedalia Kvening Bazoo, published by J. West Goodwin, the oldest paper in central Missouri, went to the wall. A cahki.kssi.y thrown cigarette caused the destruetion by lire of much of the business part of Sldell, 111. Incendiakies set Cre to the courthouse at Isabella, Ga., and it was destroyed with its contente. Firk destrovfil almost the ontire businesa part of Barnard. Ma The livery stable of James Jacobs at Goshen, Ind., was burned and twentyfive horses were cremated. Deiti y Shkriff Samuel Erb, of La Grange, Ind. , was ambushed and killed In" B party of tramps suspected of burgl ary . Makt buildings were damaged at Santa Rosa, Cal., by the severest earthqnake feit there since 18BS. Thk Bank of Colfax, Wash., the Sutton county bank of Sonora, Tex., the Commercial bank of Minneapolis, Minn., the L'nion national bank of Rocheater, Minn., and the First national bank of Nashville, Tenn., closed thelr doors. Thk villaje of Derby, Ind., was almt entirely destroyed by tire, the loss being over $100,000. Tm: business portion of South Wayne, Wis., was destroyed by tire. Tuf. Hamilton Loan & Trust company of New York city went into the hands of a reoeiver with liabilities of f880,000. ( AsuiKR Frkd Grotefewd, of the Bank ot Sliasta county at Kedding, Cal., la a li'faulter for over Í 100, 000. Hkxhy A. Haüti.y & Co., carpet dealers at Boston, Mass., failed for $125,000; assets, Í100.000. Thk sealing schooner Helen Blum, of San Francisco, was reported lost with her crew of twentv-five men. Thk August report of the statistician of the department of agricultura at Washington shows that crops throughout the country have suffered severely froiu the drought. LÈE Butlek, cashier of C. M. Wrig-ht & Co. 's bank at Altamont, 111., abscondcd with 41,000, the entire assets of the bank. Dan Lewib, Jim Taylor and Jack Charabers, all colored, charged with an assault on Mrs. George Warren at Hoboken, Ga., last spring, were caupht and lynched within 3 miles of Way Cross. Ga. Troiüi.k at Coal Creek, Tenn., has broken out afresh. A soldier named William Laugherty was murdered by miners and his death was avenged by lynching Dick Drummond. At Chester, Pa., the largest steamboat in the world was launched. She will plv in the Fall Kiver line. Fikf. among warehousesand factories in Milwaukee caused a loss of $150,000. Thk Broadmoore Land & Investment company of Colorado Springs, Col., went into the hands of a receiver with liabilities of $200.000. President Ci.evki.axd was hanged in effigy at Golden, Col., by f ree sil ver enthusiasts. Charles J. Eddy, aged 53, one of the oldest railroad men in the west and until six months ago second vice president of the Reading' system, committed suicide in Washington park, Chicago, by shooting himself. No cause was known. During the first seven months of the present fiscal year the losses by fire in the United States reached $08,101,300, against $7(5,967,250 in 1892 and $79,247,370 in 1891. Vincf.nzo Cagi.iostro, aged 83 years, died at Swinburne Island hospital in New York of Asiatic cholera. The following bank failures were reported: The American national at Nashville, Tenn., the Hamilton county state bank at Webster City, Ia., the Caldwell county exchange bank at Kingston, Mo., the Exchauge bank at Polo, Mo., and Johnston, Uuck & Co. of Ebensburg, Pa., eonducting banks at Ebensbnrg', Carrolltown and Hastings. Tuk New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad eorapany suspended its unmarried employés on the Honeydale (Pa.) división. Tom Rickktts and Robert Miller, residen ts of Parnell, Mo., were run over and killed by a Chicago & Great Western train. Abkivixg from England in search of her husband, Mrs. Edward Douglass found him a convict at the Joliet (111.) prison. WoiTO Dep Ken is the first Chinaman to be deported under the Geary lavv. He was shipped from San Francisco. At the leading clearing houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the llth aggregated f799,905,384, against Í973,8SÜ,753 the pi'evious week. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1SÏI2 was 30.3, II. vu. niined the tobáceo erop in flve counties in Kentucky. Tjif.kk were 894 business failures reported in the United States during the seven days ended on the llth. In the week preeeding there were 430, and during the corresponding time in 18'J:i the number was löO, Tuk National bank at Waxahachie, Tex.. and lieatty's bank at Mansfield, 111., closed their door. FoRKWA-RNKD of ;i v i i t marshals laid in wait at Lehigh, I. T., for Jim Percy and Clem Jones, bandits, and killed them. It was discovered that Jlenrv Brown (oolored), who was hanged for the murder of a peddler in East St. Louis, 111., in December, 1880, while au aceessory was not the principal, the murderer being J. C. Jaokson. another negro, who was acquitted of the charge. Tiiirteen of the Meachim gang were killed in a battle with citizens of Clark county, Ala. The is the outgrowth of a feud of some years' standing. Uostox assessors estiraate tlie population of the "Hub" at 80,0ü0. The last census shows a population of 44U,570. United States Marshal YVhitkm.A.-teh was murdered in the Cherokee strip by Laura Maundas, a female horse thief. WlLL McCarty dead and ]5ob Sparks and John Ritter mortally wonnded is the result of a drunken row at Shelbyville, Ky. Skven cases of cholera have developed among the passengers on the Karainamania, recently arrived at New York. The business portion of Milford Center, O. was destroyed by tire. lx New Orleans Hernsheim's cigar factory, Maginnis' cotton milis and Fisher's sawmills, employing in the aggregate over 2,000 hands, were closed. Henry Uai.l was hanged at Pikeville, Ky., forthemurder of his brother. Edith Flay, Lizzie Pond and Ella Johnson, aged 10, 11 and 17 years, respectively, were drowned in Newark bay while bathing at Bayonne, N. J. Business throughout the country was said to be improving. Br au explosión at the Qirard fur □ ace in Yonnjjstovm, O., six employés werc hurt, fiv. fatally. Five funnel-shaped clouds descended in the vicinity of Larned, Kan., and did a great deal of damage. Bt a surgical operation at Rochester, N. Y., a fingvr has been substituted for a nose upon Kred Darcv. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. G. Ons, of passenger elevator famc died at his residence in Brooklyn, N. Y. Cor.. M. .1. LeamIITO, one of the ablest lawvers in northern Montana, died at lireat Kal s. He was private gecretary for a time to President Johnson. Mus. Aribe öhabpk Robebts, of WatBeka, 111., celebrated her ÏOZA birthday. Kear Ad.miüai. '1'. A. .Iknkins died in Washington, aped 81. He entered the navy as a raidshipman November 1 lü'JS, and had a brilliant record. The Ohio democrats in convention at Cincinnati nominated Lawrence T. Xeal, of Chillicothe, for governnr: V. A. Taylor for lieutenant povernor; ]!. C. Blackburn for treasurcr, and J. V. Sater for supreme judge. The platEorm approves the Chicago platform, especiallv its reference to tariiï and currency legislation; indorses the president's messasre to congress; protests against abuse of the pension la'.vs, and calis npon the democrats in congress to extricate the great commercial interest of this country from their present distressed condition. Patrick Eoan, ex-minister to Chili, arrived in New York from Colon, Panama, with his family. I'uksidknt Cleveland left Washington for Bnzzard'a Bay, Mass., on account of poor health. FOREIGN. In an exeiting game the Shamrocks, of Montreal, lacrosse champions of the world. were beaten by the Torontos. A boat in whieh were twenty-eiffht pleasure seekers was upset in Swansea bay, Wales, and twenty-two were drowned. Amkkicax sealing Tessels report ill success off the Japanese coast The catch wül be 30 per cent. less Ihan was expected. Parxki.i.itk members of the British parliament have elecided that the home rule bilí in its present shape is ■ ceDtable to the lrish people. OFFICIAL statistics from the eighteen provinces aiïected by cholera in European Kussia show that hundreds of persons were dying daily from the disease, Terkihle thunderstorms throughout Great Britain did immense damage in the country districts. NnTKTKKS villages in Austria were inundated and the whole country was devastated by a waterspout. Bt a collision near Marseilles the French steamer Octeville was sunk and the transport Drome damaged. Five lives were lost. Tuk Italian government has ordered that a physieian and a sanitary corps accompany every train runninjr between Naples and Rome to guard against cholera. LATER. Tjiehe was no session of the United States senate on the 12th. In the house the time was oecupied in discussing the silver question. A. W. Dr.MiAM killed his wife at Pensocola, Fla., because she refused to live with Mm and then took his own life. A train ran off the track and rolled over an embankment near Cardiff, Wales, and seventeen persons were killed and forty were injured. ÜP to date the expenditures at the world's fair were 123,101,821 and the receipts í-3,680,4 1T. Tkii INCKXDIAKY fires in Minneapolis destroyed three planiog milis, a sash and door storehouse, bottlinfr and malt house, boiler works, box and ladder factory, ice-house, earriage factory. 113 dwellings and in addition about 40,000,000 feet of cut lumber, the total loss being $1,500.000. The fertilizing works of Nelson Morris & Co. at the stock yards in Chicago were destroyed by fire, causing a loss of S27 1,000. üahhhti Scott, treasil rer of Holt eouuty. Neb., was said to be L60,000 short in his accounts. He had disappeared. Grack McDoxai.d, Fred Roome and brother, of Chicago, and Carrie Hammond, of Wauconda, were drowned by the capsizing of a yacht on liang's lake at MoHenry, 111. L. S. Mf.inijes, of South África, won the 02-mile international championship at the bicycle tournament in Chicago, the time being 2 hours and 40 minutes. The Virginia republican state committee decided not to nomínate a state ticket this year. TWO hundred Chinamen perished at sea by the burning of the steamer Don Juan while en route to Manita from Uong Kong. The strike at the Carnegie milis in Pittsburgh, Pa., inaugurated during the Homestead trouble in 1892, has just been declared off. Mrs. Chaules Rief, Mts. George Rief, Miss Wagner and a child named Weber were drowned by the capsizing of a boat at Chattanooga, Tenn. A WEAi.THV farmer named Fisher, living at Cantón, 111., was relieved of $7,S00 by the gold-brick swindle. The percentages ot the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the l'Jth were as follows: Boston, .U9(; Philadelphia, .607; Pittsburgh, .002; Cleveland, .(J02; New York, .500; Brooklyn, .489; Cincinnati, .472; St Louis, .456; Baltimore, .433; Chicago, .407; Louisrille, .3ü5; Washington, .8S6.


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