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Real Estate Transfers

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Real Estáte Transfers for the week ending VUKU81 1, 189S. f urnlshed weeklyby the Wash. ;(.„aw Abstract Company. Office wlth County Clerk at Court Houae. Aun Arbor, Mlcblgau. Elzabeth Lonrturj to Lueretla M. Soodrich, York. o0 Arthur Brown to LouU P. íocelyn, Ann Arbor City 2'1:) "" Pred Pfluenmayer to Chas. P. li!--., Fretóom 8160 ra J. („vi... to T. & A. A. Uy. lo., VorthBeld .-- - Aln.irn A. II 11 nC .; R. Oesterle, Chelsea 'M m A. W. HamUton to J. L. Rose, Ann Avbor p W. Campbell te J.B. Campbell. Ypllautl ity suu {lí John C. Goodrich to Mag le Walmott, Ypgllanti City UR) 1)( Frank Btaffen to Jacob Bder, Cheltea,- 500 00 Solomon H.Ostrander to Frank Ostran' der, VpBilanti City 1WI Gu