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'I Tueaday, Aug. Uí,thfl Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., Ín connection wlth the "Scenic Line"- Chicago A West Michigan Ry.- will nm their annual i T flüf 'ow rRt (xi'ursin" to IetO:ik-''iUW iiate from South Lyon will be $5 00 for round trip. tlcketi good to return on any regular train flllWfl nntil September 7th, inclusive. Uil -i al trata wlll leave South Lyon nt 9:1S A. M.. stopping at Grand Raplds for dinner, and AWWTT Ai TrMv'M' '"" fr 8"i'per nnd '"■■ tlUlUilU riving at I'etoskcy al M P. M. Baggage wlll be checked througb to auy station uorth of Baldwln. EXCURSIÓN1" '""m'("li"" for Manoteéis mude :a Manlítee Crossing, atThomp■onvllle for Frankfort, at TraMA rena liy fot adjacent reaorta I IJ wd at Willianisburg for Elk Rapids. This will be your liest opportnnlty thli yenr to visit MIRMffflW the Korthern Michigan couutry ■■ ■■!■ llilt ver-v sln"" expense, and enable yo to aee the iplendld scenery along thu line of the Weet -Mii'higan Ry. CEO. DeHAVEN, C.P.A., Grand Rapids. LOST- VIOLIÑ Taken from the storeof the Ann Arbor Organ Company, Tuesduy forenoon, May ;, ao Amati Violin wlth lain'1 on Inalde i ttepalred by Aug Semunder, N. Y.i Has llght oanary color back. darker f aee and black ander bridg strings. two repalred cracks on face, ivnry ke;i, patent Aloert Hard Rubber tail ptece. o repaired Violin is cild ainl sliows hard DBe. A liberal reward fur Information regnrdiug it or ii remin to LEW II. CLEMENT, i;!.!: Btreet. Ano Arbor. jXy c. taylor Tericr Sclcist - A.ND- Teaclier cf tive Voice. Studio, 51 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Bmall l'inii and trees from Ellwanger and r.arry, the oldesl Duraery in the United States. Raapberry and Blackberry sinul, Domestic Wineg, I'lymouth liuck Eggs, and Artichokes. E. BAUR, Ann Arbor Mich. SÏETÏDEPOSITBOXES TO BEHT, In the New Vaulti of tee is m umi mi Absolntely t'ire and Burglar Proof. CALL AND INSPECT Til KM. j3 me LEAD1NG SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORTHAND. Magnlftcent building; nine teachers; large attendance; good discipline; superlorwork; well supplied readlng room; daily lectures haturdity evenlog recept i ons; open the entire year llxccptional faciHttes for plíicinf,' stndent-i ia port tions - shorthaud graduate8guarauttíd them. ï.i Ing expenses $2 to $2.75 per week iu private families. Fur New Catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, Pres. FEftRFUL SLAUGHTER m CHEFS SIS! We are greatly overstocked on Children's Knee Pant Siis ! And have decided to close this overstock at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Two hundred Children's Suits (in all sizes) will be sold within the next two weeks at a reduction of 25 TO 50 PER GENT. POSITIVE BARQAINS I QET YOri: FIRST clinici:. A. L, NOBLE, Clothier and Hatter. doyoub xi II 11 m hi;rt?i DO VOUR 11 11 I 1 [ I 1 BURMJ ix Yorit I II' Ijl' BWEAT? no vori: LJ Li IJ 8UALD? DOYlTlt P P P BLI8TKKJ DO VOUB I I I I I BTINK? IX) VOI U lili CRACK1 DO ÏOUB ■- ■ ■- JANNOY Othtrs and Make Life a Barden to Youf If so, tlifii suffer no lonevr, luit seud 25 Cents to li. H. l'uitTEK. Wanaw [lllnols.whosuflered the torment of the damned for 10 years, spent over $50 and finall y discovered a simple remedy tliat be guaran teee to cnre or return ihemooey. Will uivt' iustHiit and pemuneot relief. Yoo ' can do the World's Fair and yonr foet wil] be ' tbe laat memben to fail yon. Send postal note for 2"2 cents, orl 2-iTiit stanips and receive by return mail a prescrlpUoii that any druggigt will HU for lü cents ihat wlll make you feel ) yeara younger. [State bere you s'hw tbls ad ertisenient w hen you write aiui you will receive a humorous poen with the prcseription. intitled "The Man With the Tender Peet."] ADIRONDA ■■i TRADB MARK - ■■ ■■ n Wheeler'syni Nerve r l'OSITIVKLY ( DKKfl HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. t-dsiiess aud nll derangemeiit of the N'ervou Byitem. Unexcelled for Infants A Blessed Boon for Tlred Mothers and Restlesa líiibieri. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses, 50 cents. - C. tí, Miihllrton. pastor oí M. B cluirch : springs, Mich., san: Sleep and rest were strangers to me afier preacuing till I ust'tl "Adironda" Nov I Bleep sounal; and awake ref rcshed. and Ican htartlv recoiniiHiul it. i.y WIlKKI.KRand FULLEH MEDÍICINE CO., Cedar Sprlngs, Mich. solil I.y JOHN M00RE, - DRUGGIST. Garfield Tea g , Curee Hiok Headacho.IWstorcs Complex i on. Save Doctors1 Rills. Samplü f ree. GAKlfIEIJTlliCo.,31í W. 46thSt.,N.Y. Cures Qonstipation WPRICES (IPowder. MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes.Dr.Price'sCream j Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Price's The only Pure Contains Cream of Tartar No Ammonia, ] Baking Powder. No Alum, its Purity Or any other Has liever been Adulteraiit. Questioned. 40 Years the


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