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A !h",v son at WIB Krapf's. Kdward Bycraft has gorse to fche Worlil's l'air. Miss Helen DeJTries is visiiinjr ïvl.i ti ves in Detroit. Mis Alia l'arker lias returned from ('avaiiauirh I.ake. 8. W. Curtí, oí t lie Ai-rus, Sunilayed n Monroe. Mi-s Charlotte Hntxel is visit iii'-i" rel atlvee In S&ginaw. Miss Auna ( 'onilcni lias K'JHP to Oíd Mi.-simn ínr a shurt stay. Un. c. E. Baxter is entertalning Miss (aniphell. OÍ Detroit . Mis. Ctoorge l'.liss is visitinc; relai i aml [rieada In Olivet. Mise Mary Vogél and niece Lucila, are relatives in Monroe. Miss Xeilie ('arr, oí Vjisilanti, sien; Sunilay with Aun Arbur [rienda. Ti-oí. V. M. Spaiihüng ezpecta to leave iir EklTOpe tile eciminií wi'ek. Mr. W. Treinaine, oí Arkansa.s City, Kas., is visit in.ií Un, .]. 1. liach. N. P. Wood, lit. '90, is in tlie wholesale lunilMT business at Dubuque, Ia. Dr. W. I). Saunders and wiíe llave returneil to their iionie lo. Grand Bapiúa. Albert Marslike and wi;"e went to Chloagci Mi.nday, to visit the WorldN l'air. Ul8. i". A. Howlett went tO Clielsea yesti'i'day to reniain the week. Henry Kyer, ol Seattte, Waab., is 1 1 1 11 1 : isit inii' his párente ïor a weel; (ir su. Rev. Fr. 1). Kelly is entertaining his inother, Mis. M.-iry Kedly, oï ffabei-vleit, Mii-.'.i. Miss Místale üoylan has gone to Howell ti visit with relativas tot a couple oí we i.;s. City Editor l'rneaníí. oi tJie Daily Times, is Milïcriüii íroiii a severe attack ol liay iavcr. W. M. Oshand, ol tïie Ypsilantian, was in thf City ast l'riday. calling iilxju Aan Artxxr frlends. Mr. and Mis. .las. W. Kobisou ait; espected home tociay írom a visit with H-ii'iids in Jaoleson. Mr.s. ( lara. Hawley and son. oí Denver. Cuio.. started lor liome via CliiBagO and Ule J'air .M:niday. Mrs. (i. M. Martin and mother Mrs. l'oMer. left yesterday fof Saline, tO visit, relat ives ïor a íew days. Mrs. J. I'. liu.sliniau, of Buffalo X. Y.. is tlie nest oí her sister, Mrs.. J. D. Boylam, oí N. l'iith ave. Mrs. T. T. Wileox. nee (dra Apthrop at oi' time member ui the iit. clase ;:'., is living at West Superior, Wis. Mrs. Mary Martin, oí Bprlngfieldd Mass.. a ïoriucr resident oí tllis city, is vteltlnjf her sister, Mrs. A. W. Ames. Miss I.onisa 1). (ules has returned home írom a loar week'fl visit with relativee and frleade in Detroit. Mrs. Ida .1. Marsli, of (rand Kapids, made a slmrt buiiu'ss eall ti this city Tuesday. on her way to Detroit. W. K. ( leinent lias aecepted the cliMir oi J.atin in the Iniversity of Idaho, and leaves MoBCOW, Idaho, Friday. Miss Anna o'Jirien is taking a vaeation oi tuo weeks and will probable visit the W..:Id's Fair in tilt' nieanlinie. G0. 1'. Wanty oí (rand llapids, and ilarry Wanty. oí Muskegtm, were in the city over Snnday calling upon old ïrii-nds. Mrs. O. E. .lomes and datihler Miss l'.ciitli Atkins, have removed írom 31 S'. 'i'liayer st., and oecnpy ropins at 10 1-2 S. State ,-t. Mi.-s Kiuina Bower atienda a meeting ni Lady Maccabees al Graas l.ake iii-ilay, and t ü-morroiv motilar at Port liaron. Mpe. : ). Ji. i'oiui lea vee to monow for Noble, Bramen couaty, to visit hcr ]i,i.i-inls and other relativas, for a w eék Or ten days. Dr. J. N. Martin rcturned rom Whitinore L;ike M:mday niorninif, and !im i iu thc evemlng hw anothei vteit to t.hc World's I'air. .ludge Kiiini' reí urncd home Baturday ironi I lie nuil and llivlgoratlng ehorea oí Maeklmac. N. B. - Macklíiac is not on Long feland. Miss A iici; Cranner leavea Frlday [ehpemlng, in the U. I'., where site ni ti'arii n ih' public schools ]iiacc [or tile ccxming year. Mre. W. iv. ( hiiils EeU yeeterday (rom a ebair w which t-lic as standing, and d&tooated lier rlght wrist. le 1 i 1 1 ü' as wfii as could )c exii'ctcd. p l'raiüi-i .1 . Duí-at. ex-chief accountant, oí Detroit, has hem in the city during Uve werk. He Intenda entering blue medical department o! the Dnlvewltj i hie [all. Mary Traebloocl, oí Whlttler, California, arrlved in. this city last Sattirday and u ill end a íew weeks ;t her niother's. siie carne by the way oí ( bicegO and spenl a íew da.vs at tlie World'a Fair. Mts. j;izaltth AVanty, oí Mtwkegon, ai 'cüiiipiinii'il by Un. (Seo. i'. Uanty and childi-eii, ol (Irand líapids, retnriH'd borne Monday aíter a íew day's isit with Mr. and Mrs. Steels l'rix'tor on Geddjs ave.


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Ann Arbor Courier