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8. Dean has gwitê fco New ïork on a business trip. W'heat Is quoted at trom 54 1 66 cents this morning. There is too littlc graas and too uiaiiy graOBhoppers iu this aectlon just mi v. The ii'u tront In ('alkins' iScxtg tore 0(D State, Kt., lias very iniK'h UnjHTOV?il that place oí bueinése. It is unilrrsliHiil tliat A. W. llamilK n lias resiiiiicd the offict' of BUperlnbeandent of the Aun Arbor Water Co. Kev. ('lias. Yonng wlll prcufli at tbe uniou meeting at the l'resbyberlan ctonreb nest Bunday evenlng. A gOQd, long rein storm report cd u Lodi last Thursday. The farmim-b are happy over it, as one may ;magijiie. Geo. B. JU-CU'llan, of Boglnaw, wil net as orgniiKst during the eoming year tot si. Ttunaa' church. First ihoir practico íiexT Friday nlgbt. The tetegraph staten that Senatói Iiill is Blek. J'.rtwcru you and I. hi la nol the only Blek ilomocrat in the country. A large of our Germán citi zciis aro makiiití preparatlona to a1 tnd tlie (Icruian-American Day es erclee at Saltoe to-mori'ow. The ruin last, Wediirsday spoiled the l'armei's I'ieuic liero in Ann ArlK)r, hut the rain was needed so much more tlian was (ien AVeaver's talk. tliat ever.vlHiily had ;i pteasant Sünile iivcr it. ■.Michigan Day" at the Wdi-ld's Pair will be Sept. i:! and 14. President I'alnier 1 to dcliveir an oration, and si i is l!i'. Kili. IOx-tiov. Felcli, of tliis city, is a)M oni tile proramme tor a epeecii. on MuiKlay. Sept. 4th, oeCUM tlio aiinual srliudl inert iu.ii of tliis lisliict. The trustees whn retire lilis year are tliree of the vetera.n memhers oí tille bo'w-(l in joint of service : Iy. Gruñen-, J. T. Jacobs and Dr. W. B. Smith. Wboever was responelbte for the item in a i-cent issue of the Oorarler that school commenced next Monday didnf know nmch alKut it. Scliool coiunuMKTS Monday. Sept. 4th, and titees is no use in trying to go to school before that. The cuttimg off of the sparrow bounty begies to teil nlready m the inCreaBe of tiveee ieathered foreigrners. They are begimning to appear agaln in places whei'e tlicy ha vu beea absent for a long time. The amount paid out for Kparrow heads WBM B good iin vest ment. A denrare oíd eow waa Been the otluer dny, wnndering down WashOgtoo t., with a long branch of a tree attac&ed u her tall. It was ísed to drive away Une peekey [Hes, mil Mil1 up and catoh. the dust in licitrail. somcwiiat libe tlic fasliion of hralltag dreasea oa thc ildewalk. '1 lie rrcsbytcrian Hnnday School will luild a basket pic-nic Ín Ix-nuon's grove on the boulevard, to-morrow, Tliursday. BuMOM and carriaiics will 1h' at 1 lic cliurch to takc all, both old and yoiinií. lo 1 lic ,i;i-oimds. The wliuh: lini-ch is cordially mvited to Bpemd tli' day at tliis dclightful retirea-t . Umder the new election law it looks vi'iy much as if the rejftetration of all votéis, before tlio election oc(iirs, is re)uirel at all school clectiniiis, as well as at all mfuniclpa] clectiouifí. If tlie provisions of this law applics to thè school elections, more tilos onc polling place will Ik1 necefl saiy. The vote will j)i-olably have to 1R polk'd by wanls. Jufft the same as ai an. cltct ion, miless the Hpecial ivr onder which lliis district is orgttmized takes precetlence over tlie BtB.'te l;iw pasaed by the lust ïcüislatUlT. l'i-inn l'rcc Prese we team ilint ( cni.Mi I!. Stickncy A. I!. '89, was adinit t cd in the praetice of law Aug. 12 al Dctvnit, .- 1 f t c ■ r ii'.-s tlian a year'a study in luw. He ti;ok liis last tv, years in tlii' rnivci-sity. elecUvi- in the mechanica! and eléctrica] engineering, and one ycar's work in addition in tibe sanir term and has been engaged mast al tli" time Bince hiniii tlicsi' lincs, and will n;iv niakc a sjicciaity ol eléctrica] eoglneertng Cttsee, a. drpartment in the Is ual profeseion wliieli requlres special training. Mr. .T. (. JenningB has been obligc(l bo itm.í:i Iiís poeltlon as foreman ol thc Demecrat office on account of lic.-iiih. Por tbree weeks he tura been uuabie to woi-k and we have been compedled to gel paper out the lest way we ooukl. Mr, Jwiniims is (Icsirious of obtai'.iIng sume íess conílalng employínciil. 1 1 1 s a l';iilhful and reliable man. and we take píeaatire i;i recomiiicniüim- .liiiu. l'rio.-ki'v Democrat. Mr. .Ifiiniiifi's lui was foi-mcrly one oí tlni' ('ouricr [oree, cao gel good rrcnmmrndatiuiis l'roni iiny place whvrc he lias cvit U'iii. He can always be retted upan. Mi-;-; K.itir EÏÖgere, Ol Aun Arluir, is not (inly ;m arlit oí ilist inrt ion ;iml eapabie wüh olí aad brueh oí deplcttng mi canas, sliaih's inost dellcati' to dn' éye, and sentiment moei ilrar to tho licart. bu-I 8be is a!so an agrlculturaj bnplemeni dealer, and businiw.s woiiiaii of ability. Do you dcsire to vifw wome O'f tÜM mosi quUite diades and beautiful thoughte dome in oil ? Behold the work oí tuer liami: fa a graln-seeder, separator, or traotkn engtoe you wisto n buy V She will sell it. to you. and siuiw u liow io put it togetber ,ui(l run it. Marryï Ah, well, y r man. ycm niuwt l'indtJiat out lOT youreellt.- Adrián l'iv-.s. Oscar Sclnni.l. BOD 0Í l'i'fd Sc-lunid, ui this city, ww u.-idiy burned Batur(lay altemOOO !, by au explosión of chemk-nls at wtn-ks of the Weeks Drog & ('hemiwil Co., Jackstin. Avlicre iie was empioyed. The lire tJwit resulted burned out four firme, cntailinir a loss of over $25,000. Mr. Sabtnid mi tramad by the efploaioa of a b:rrel of alcolml whuh lie u as endeairarlng to get out of the reacli m' llamea whicli had been Btiirted by the oarelewaeSB oí a boy in iKinillins some Chemicals. His hands arma and UmtM are badly burned, bat Idrtunalely liis face escapod the Iliinu's. He will be brought home as BOOD as it. s saie ior him to eoine. Mr. Sc&mld'a many fvivnds liere. wliile retirettinp; tlie Bed accident . re jdice that it ffU DO WOTTO, t as Iku as at lïrst repin-teil. Matt. Blo aer, .' the Manchester Entarprtee, wbm the gueet f Tboa. .r. Kerch last l'riday. Wm. iïldert and J. M. Perkins, of tibe M. C. H. R. torce, have gane to Oouncll Bluffs. Iowa. It is thoujrht coiifiroK will adjourn ly Scpt. 15tli. Well, the country will try uid stond it if ii does. Peter Tyler, aged S) years. rlii-d at liis home in V]silant i Friday algüt. Hi wem mie oí the pioneers of the connty. Dr. A. K. Ha!e, of Adam-, X. V., lias retunied to Ann Arbor, and pro poss to glve sirict at tent ion to the Aun Arbor Water Works plant, and put it ín gooil condition. The Sunilay School of St. Andrew's clinrcli will meet al Marris Hall, on next TiK'sday, at 9 o'clock i. m., sliarp, aml be taken to Ceddes foT a picnic. Iiayard Martin, one of the early day residente oí vpsiianti, died laai Friday evoninj;, aged 87 yeare. He was the fatlier of Jacob Martin, at ome Unie the Champion wrestler of the northwest. It was quiite reniarkable coiisideiiii'4 the closemess of the times wlth respiMi to iiimiey mattere, and the fad tliat this is the initiatory year for the collectkm of city taxes in .luly. tliat threc-fourths if them slionld have been patd in at, the colleet iiin which elosed last week Tuesday. other fact was noted Bteo, that the people didn't ac1 M il' tihoy hard np ;it all. Almoet without exceptiom each ;uid every Ome liad plenty of nmney wit.h them. Th ere were owly tiro or tJiree instamos where the aavinge ol peanlee and small silvcr pii-crs pald the tax. All had billa to clunnge, and it to'ok from $10 to $30 nd $40 of small ehaniic peanies, nickles and dimes, oach day to be abic to meel tin' dementi from 1hi;sc who prcscnted $." and $10 and arjiiT (Icnoininations of bilis in ]ayiiicat ol thcir taxeer. This goes far to provo tfaat the finaneial panic, as far as Ann Arbor is concerned, is only e bujjbear, and does not exist in fact. ïhat this city should be offected to any groat exteat by the finaneial scare - it is notliing else- is preposterou. The majority of our citizeins are as well off and eaxning as much money as they ever did. There are no big manufacturing establteh ments here to stop the ciroulation of moiiey, by cloeimjup, and ta graal meas of the people are tn no way eltected by the foolish scare that i fhasimg the people all over the eouni iy like hot waves on the prarie in iiii(l.-mimicr. Hm Univreity and oui schon'.s bid fajr to llave their usual complement of studente, aml tliis is really the Bource oí income tor the eitisene ol tuis place. Il tbe peo pie whi) heve rtored thelT savings away in old Btockiags will brlng thcin out and pay up tiicir debte is tar as posslble, and set the moaej _ir-nl:i t iiitr. Ami Arlmr will be tlu bappleet city In all the tair eountrj belongiug to Columljia.


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