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Board Of Public Works

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Office of Board of Public Works,; Ans Akbok, August lti, 18!)3. ) Regular meeting. ('allud to ordee by Pre. Ceech. Koll called. Present Messrs Keech. and Mclntyre. Alweait- .Mr. Schuil. Minutes oí the prerknj meeting raad and approved. The City Engineer tmbiuitted the followiing sidewalk grades : Washtenaw avenue, north-east side, froni ij. TJniversity avenue to Hill st. Ollaml st, north, and soutli sides, frorni AYashtenaw ave., to Observatocy et. S. Tliayer st.. east sid innn "Washingtoai t Huron Ntrcn-. S. State ist., west side, from Packaril to Kdwin MrnMs. l'aokard st., nout h-west siile, (rum Hill to Btate street. Mojry t.. cast and west sides, from l'ackard to Kdwiu treets. W. Huron Bt., ■ side, froin Ashlt-y tu Tiiii-d gi rwe1 3. Miller ave., morth gWe, from Fountain to C-M'vent'h .streets. E. Wasliinu'ton Kt . . jiortli side, from Tliayer to Ingatta streets. N. Divi.sion st., cast and west sides, irnni Hurom to Aan streel . X. Flftb ve., w'st side. from Catharine to Detroit streets. Willartl st., Houtli side. fron E. University ave. to Clniffh street . E. 1'uiversity ave., cast side, from Hill to Prostect streets. K. I'niversity ave., etmt side, from College to WiUjard streets. E. Liberty st., north and south sldes, toom Main streel to Pltth ave. E. Ann ut., south alde, (rom ï'ourth to Fiïth aveouee. N. Fourth uve., weal alde, tram Ann to C;tharine Btreetfl. E. Huron st.. smirh Blde, from Divisiini to Thiiycr stivcMs. Mary Kt., center grade oí street, iKiiii Tackard to lidwin strccts. On motion 0 Mr. Kerch t lie gradea were appawved and reeommeñded to the commoa eoaneU (or approvaJ. Mr. Kcecli inovcd that the plat of Cbnbb strert, snlunitted by City l'niiiiieer Key, aice]it ,-il .mil placed on tile. Yens- Messrs. Keech anil Mclntyrc. Mr Keech moved that the street eoanmlSBioner is hereby ordered to look tip the porties that are dumping rubbMi at the east end of Malden Liane, and report to thls Board. Yi-as- Ntossrs. Keech and Mclntyre On motion the lïoard idjourii"il.


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